
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef RootEventData_TEmcTrack_H
00002 #define RootEventData_TEmcTrack_H 1
00004 #include "TObject.h"
00005 #include <cmath>
00007 class TEmcTrack : public TObject {
00009   public:
00011     TEmcTrack();
00012     ~TEmcTrack();
00015     //   void Clear(Option_t *option ="");
00017     //   void PrInt_t(Option_t *option="") const;
00018     //Get
00019     Int_t trackId()const { return    m_trackId; }   
00020     Int_t numHits()const { return    m_numHits; }  
00021     Int_t status() const { return    m_status; }
00022     Int_t cellId() const { return    m_cellId; }
00023     Int_t module() const { return    m_module; }
00024     Double_t x() const { return    m_x;      }
00025     Double_t y() const { return    m_y;      }
00026     Double_t z() const { return    m_z;      }
00027     Double_t theta() const { 
00028         return (m_x == 0.0 && m_y == 0.0 && m_z == 0.0) ? 0.0 : 
00029                 std::atan2(std::sqrt(m_x*m_x+m_y*m_y),m_z); }
00030     Double_t phi() const { 
00031         return (m_x == 0.0 && m_y == 0.0) ? 0.0 : std::atan2(m_y,m_x);}
00032     Double_t dx() const;
00033     Double_t dy() const;
00034     Double_t dz() const;
00035     Double_t dtheta() const {  return  m_dTheta; }
00036     Double_t dphi()   const {  return  m_dPhi;   }
00037     Double_t energy() const {  return  m_energy;      }
00038     Double_t dE()     const {  return  m_dE;     }
00039     Double_t eSeed()  const {return m_eSeed;}
00040     Double_t e3x3()  const {return m_e3x3;}
00041     Double_t e5x5()  const {return m_e5x5;}
00042     Double_t time()  const {return m_time;}
00043     Double_t secondMoment() const {return m_secondMoment;}
00044     Double_t latMoment() const {return m_latMoment;}
00045     Double_t a20Moment() const {return m_a20Moment;}
00046     Double_t a42Moment() const {return m_a42Moment;}
00047     Double_t err(Int_t i) const { return m_err[i]; }
00049     //Set
00050     void setTrackId(const Int_t trackId ) { m_trackId = trackId; }
00051     void setNumHits(const Int_t hit )  { m_numHits   = hit;     }
00052     void setStatus(const Int_t st )  { m_status = st;      }
00053     void setCellId(const Int_t id )  { m_cellId = id;      }
00054     void setModule(const Int_t mod)  { m_module = mod;     }
00055     void setX(const Double_t x    )  { m_x  = x ;          } 
00056     void setY(const Double_t y    )  { m_y  = y ;          }
00057     void setZ(const Double_t z    )  { m_z  = z ;          }
00058     void setEnergy(const Double_t e    )  { m_energy  = e ;     }
00059     void setDE(const Double_t de  )  { m_dE = de;          }
00060     void setDtheta(const Double_t dt    )  { m_dTheta = dt;    } 
00061     void setDphi(const Double_t dpi     )  { m_dPhi    = dpi ;  }
00062     void setESeed(const Double_t eSeed     )  { m_eSeed   = eSeed ;  }
00063     void setE3x3(const Double_t e3x3     )  { m_e3x3   = e3x3 ;  }
00064     void setE5x5(const Double_t e5x5     )  { m_e5x5   = e5x5 ;  }
00065     void setTime(const Double_t time     )  { m_time   = time ;  }
00066     void setSecondMoment(const Double_t secondMoment) { m_secondMoment = secondMoment; }
00067     void setLatMoment(const Double_t latMoment) { m_latMoment = latMoment; }
00068     void setA20Moment(const Double_t a20Moment) { m_a20Moment = a20Moment; }
00069     void setA42Moment(const Double_t a42Moment) { m_a42Moment = a42Moment; }
00070     void setErr(const Double_t err[6] );
00072   private:
00073     Int_t m_trackId;       //Track Id wensp Add 2005-10-19  
00074     Int_t m_numHits;    // Total number of hits
00075     Int_t m_status;     // Status
00076     Int_t m_cellId;     // Cell ID
00077     Int_t m_module;     // Module
00078     Double_t m_x;       //  Shower coordinates and errors
00079     Double_t m_y;
00080     Double_t m_z;
00081     Double_t m_dTheta;
00082     Double_t m_dPhi;
00083     Double_t m_energy;  // Total energy observed in Emc
00084     Double_t m_dE;      
00085     Double_t m_eSeed; 
00086     Double_t m_e3x3; //Energy of 3x3 crystals, totally 9 ones
00087     Double_t m_e5x5; //Energy of 5x5 crystals, totally 25 ones
00088     Double_t m_time; //Time measurement
00089     Double_t m_secondMoment; //add 2006-07-03
00090     Double_t m_latMoment; //Lateral moment
00091     Double_t m_a20Moment; //Zernike moment
00092     Double_t m_a42Moment; 
00093     Double_t m_err[6]; // Error Matrix: 0:dxx, 1:dyy, 2:dzz
00094                        //               3:dxy, 4:dxz, 5:dyz
00096     ClassDef(TEmcTrack,2)
00097 };
00100 #endif //TrackRootData_TEmcTrack_H

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