
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // ------------------------------------------
00002 // File: SingleParticleGun/SingleParticleGun.cpp
00003 // Description:
00004 //   Allows the user to "shoot" Monte Carlo particles and store the result
00005 //   in the Transient Store.
00006 // -------------------------------------------------------------
00008 #include "SingleParticleGun/SingleParticleGun.h"
00009 #include "GeneratorModule/GeneratorName.h"
00011 // Framework Related Headers:-
00012 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
00014 // Other classes used by this class:-
00015 #include <math.h>
00016 #include "CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h"
00018 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"
00019 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGauss.h"
00020 #include "BesKernel/IBesRndmGenSvc.h"
00022 #include "HepPDT/ParticleDataTable.hh"
00023 #include "HepPDT/ParticleData.hh"
00025 typedef double HepDouble;
00026 #endif
00027 using HepMC::GenVertex;
00028 using HepMC::GenParticle;
00030 // File scope declarations:-
00032 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00033 SingleParticleGun::SingleParticleGun(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
00034   : GenModule(name,pSvcLocator)
00035 {
00036 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------  
00037   declareProperty("Mode",m_Emode =  SingleEnergyMode::PtMode);
00038   // in PtMode user specifies Pt theta and phi
00039   // in EMode user specifies E, theta and phi 
00040   // defaults are set so that something is always generated
00042   declareProperty("Pt",m_requestedPt = 5.0); 
00043   declareProperty("E",m_requestedE = 5.0); 
00044   declareProperty("Phi",m_requestedPhi = 0.0);  
00045   declareProperty("Theta",m_requestedTheta = 3.14/4.0);  
00047   declareProperty("VertexX",m_requestedX = 0.0); 
00048   declareProperty("VertexY",m_requestedY = 0.0); 
00049   declareProperty("VertexZ",m_requestedZ = 0.0); 
00050   declareProperty("Time",m_requestedT = 0.0); 
00052   declareProperty("MinPt",m_minPt = 1.); 
00053   declareProperty("MinE",m_minE = 1.); 
00054   declareProperty("MinTheta",m_minTheta = 0.); 
00055   declareProperty("MinPhi",m_minPhi = 0.); 
00057   declareProperty("MaxPt",m_maxPt = 100.); 
00058   declareProperty("MaxE",m_maxE = 100.); 
00059   declareProperty("MaxTheta",m_maxTheta=CLHEP::pi); 
00060   declareProperty("MaxPhi",m_maxPhi = CLHEP::twopi); 
00062   declareProperty("SigmaPt",m_sigmaPt = 0.1); 
00063   declareProperty("SigmaE",m_sigmaE = 0.1); 
00065   declareProperty("SigmaTheta",m_sigmaTheta= 0.1); 
00066   declareProperty("SigmaPhi",m_sigmaPhi = 0.1); 
00068   declareProperty("ModePt",m_PtGenMode = SingleParticleGunGenMode::FixedMode); 
00069   declareProperty("ModeE",m_EGenMode = SingleParticleGunGenMode::FixedMode); 
00070   declareProperty("ModeTheta",m_ThetaGenMode=SingleParticleGunGenMode::FixedMode); 
00072   declareProperty("ModePhi",m_PhiGenMode=SingleParticleGunGenMode::FixedMode);
00073   // specifies type of distribution
00075   declareProperty("PdgCode",m_pdgCode=211);
00076 }
00078 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00079  SingleParticleGun::~SingleParticleGun(){
00080 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00081 //   if(m_pFlatGenerator)  delete m_pFlatGenerator;
00082 //   if(m_pGaussGenerator) delete m_pGaussGenerator;
00083 }
00085 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00086 StatusCode SingleParticleGun::genInitialize() {
00087 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00089  // Create the flat and gaussian generators
00090  //
00092  MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00094  static const bool CREATEIFNOTTHERE(true);
00095  StatusCode RndmStatus = service("BesRndmGenSvc", p_BesRndmGenSvc, CREATEIFNOTTHERE);
00096  if (!RndmStatus.isSuccess() || 0 == p_BesRndmGenSvc)
00097  {
00098    log << MSG::ERROR << " Could not initialize Random Number Service" << endreq;
00099    return RndmStatus;
00100  }      
00102  // Get the mass of the particle to be generated
00103  //
00104  const HepPDT::ParticleData* particle = m_particleTable->particle(HepPDT::ParticleID(abs(m_pdgCode)));
00105  m_mass = particle->mass().value();
00107  // 
00108  // Make sure the parameters are in a sensible range...
00109  //
00110  switch (m_Emode){
00111  case SingleEnergyMode::PtMode:
00112  if(!m_PtGenMode && (m_minPt > m_requestedPt || m_maxPt < m_requestedPt)
00113       || m_maxPt < m_minPt ) {
00114    log << MSG:: ERROR << " Pt min and max out of range.  \n" <<
00115        "     Will set Pt mode to Fixed!!!" << endreq;
00116    m_PtGenMode = SingleParticleGunGenMode::FixedMode;
00117  }
00118  if(!m_ThetaGenMode && (m_minTheta > m_requestedTheta || m_maxTheta < m_requestedTheta) 
00119       || m_maxTheta < m_minTheta ) {
00120    log << MSG:: ERROR << " Theta min and max out of range. \n" <<
00121        "     Will set Theta mode to Fixed!!!" << endreq;
00122    m_ThetaGenMode = SingleParticleGunGenMode::FixedMode;
00123  }
00124  if(!m_PhiGenMode && (m_minPhi > m_requestedPhi || m_maxPhi < m_requestedPhi)
00125       || m_maxPhi < m_minPhi ) {
00126    log << MSG:: ERROR << " Phi min and max out of range.  \n" <<
00127        "     Will set Phi mode to Fixed!!!" << endreq;
00128    m_PhiGenMode = SingleParticleGunGenMode::FixedMode;
00129  }
00130  break;
00131  case SingleEnergyMode::EMode:
00132  if(!m_EGenMode && (m_minE > m_requestedE || m_maxE < m_requestedE)
00133       || m_maxE < m_minE ) {
00134    log << MSG:: ERROR << " E min and max out of range.  \n" <<
00135        "     Will set E mode to Fixed!!!" << endreq;
00136    m_EGenMode = SingleParticleGunGenMode::FixedMode;
00137  }
00138  if(!m_ThetaGenMode && (m_minTheta > m_requestedTheta || m_maxTheta < m_requestedTheta) 
00139       || m_maxTheta < m_minTheta ) {
00140    log << MSG:: ERROR << " Theta min and max out of range. \n" <<
00141        "     Will set Theta mode to Fixed!!!" << endreq;
00142    m_ThetaGenMode = SingleParticleGunGenMode::FixedMode;
00143  }
00144  if(!m_PhiGenMode && (m_minPhi > m_requestedPhi || m_maxPhi < m_requestedPhi)
00145       || m_maxPhi < m_minPhi ) {
00146    log << MSG:: ERROR << " Phi min and max out of range.  \n" <<
00147        "     Will set Phi mode to Fixed!!!" << endreq;
00148    m_PhiGenMode = SingleParticleGunGenMode::FixedMode;
00149  }break;
00150  }
00151   m_events = 0;
00152  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00153 }
00155 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00156 StatusCode SingleParticleGun::callGenerator() {
00157 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00159   ++m_events;
00160   // Save the random number seeds in the event
00161   CLHEP::HepRandomEngine*       engine  =       p_BesRndmGenSvc->GetEngine("SINGLE");
00162   const long*           s       =       engine->getSeeds();
00163   m_seeds.clear();
00164   m_seeds.push_back(s[0]);
00165   m_seeds.push_back(s[1]);
00167  // Generate values for pt, theta and phi
00168  //
00169   double pt,phi,theta,E,px,py,pz,p;
00170   switch(m_Emode){
00172   case SingleEnergyMode::PtMode:
00173  pt = generateValue(m_PtGenMode,m_requestedPt, m_sigmaPt, 
00174                            m_minPt, m_maxPt);
00175  theta = generateValue(m_ThetaGenMode,m_requestedTheta, m_sigmaTheta, 
00176                            m_minTheta, m_maxTheta);
00177  phi = generateValue(m_PhiGenMode,m_requestedPhi, m_sigmaPhi, 
00178                            m_minPhi, m_maxPhi);
00180  // Transform to x,y,z coordinates
00181  //
00182  px = pt*cos(phi);
00183  py = pt*sin(phi);
00184  pz = pt/tan(theta);
00185  m_fourMom.setVectM(CLHEP::Hep3Vector(px,py,pz),m_mass);
00186  m_fourPos.set(m_requestedX,m_requestedY,m_requestedZ,m_requestedT);
00187  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00189  case SingleEnergyMode::EMode:
00190  E = generateValue(m_EGenMode,m_requestedE, m_sigmaE, 
00191                            m_minE, m_maxE);
00192  theta = generateValue(m_ThetaGenMode,m_requestedTheta, m_sigmaTheta, 
00193                            m_minTheta, m_maxTheta);
00194  phi = generateValue(m_PhiGenMode,m_requestedPhi, m_sigmaPhi, 
00195                            m_minPhi, m_maxPhi);
00197  // Transform to x,y,z coordinates
00198  //
00199  if(E*E-m_mass*m_mass < 0.){
00200  MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00201  log << MSG::ERROR  << "You have Generated a Tachyon!! Increase energy or change particle ID" << endreq;   
00202 return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00203  }
00204  p=sqrt(E*E-m_mass*m_mass);
00205  px = p*sin(theta)*cos(phi);
00206  py = p*sin(theta)*sin(phi);
00207  pz = p*cos(theta);
00209  m_fourMom.setVectM(CLHEP::Hep3Vector(px,py,pz),m_mass);
00210  m_fourPos.set(m_requestedX,m_requestedY,m_requestedZ,m_requestedT);
00211  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00212 }  
00213  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00214 }
00216 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00217 StatusCode SingleParticleGun::genFinalize() {
00218 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00219  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00220 }
00222 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00223 StatusCode SingleParticleGun::fillEvt(GenEvent* evt) {
00224 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00225   // Note:  The vertex is owned by the event so the event is responsible
00226   // for deleting its memory
00227   evt->set_event_number(m_events); // Set the event number
00228   GenVertex* v1 = new GenVertex(m_fourPos);
00230   std::cout << " SingleParticleGun::fillEvt --> " <<std::endl;
00231   std::cout << " Event number:: " << m_events << std::endl; 
00232   std::cout << " vertex.x = " << m_fourPos.x() 
00233             << " vertex.y = " << m_fourPos.y() 
00234             << " vertex.z = " << m_fourPos.z() 
00235             << " vertex.t = " << m_fourPos.t() <<  std::endl;
00237   std::cout << " momentum.x = " << m_fourMom.x() 
00238             << " momentum.y = " << m_fourMom.y() 
00239             << " momentum.z = " << m_fourMom.z() 
00240             << " momentum.t = " << m_fourMom.t() <<  std::endl;
00242   evt->add_vertex( v1 );
00245   v1->add_particle_out( new GenParticle( m_fourMom, m_pdgCode,1) );
00247   std::cout << " particles_size = " << evt->particles_size() 
00248             << " vertices_size = " << evt->vertices_size()
00249             << std::endl;
00251   evt->set_signal_process_id(SINGLE);
00252   evt->set_random_states(m_seeds);
00254  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00255 }
00257 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00258 double SingleParticleGun::generateValue(int mode, double val, double sigma,
00259                  double min, double max) {
00260 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00261   double tmp;
00262   int i = 0;
00263   CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine = p_BesRndmGenSvc->GetEngine("SINGLE");
00264   const int maxtries = 100;
00265   switch (mode) {
00266   case SingleParticleGunGenMode::FixedMode:
00267     return val;
00268   case SingleParticleGunGenMode::GaussMode:
00269     tmp = max+1.0;
00270     i = 0;
00271     do{
00272 //        tmp = m_pGaussGenerator->fire((HepDouble) val,(HepDouble) sigma);
00273        tmp = CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(engine, (HepDouble) val,(HepDouble) sigma);
00274        i++;
00275     } while ( (tmp<min) || (tmp > max) && (i < maxtries));
00276     if(i>maxtries) {
00277        MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00278        log << MSG::ERROR << "Cant generate value in range (min, max) "
00279            << val << "\t" << min << "\t" << max << endreq;
00280     }
00281     return tmp;
00282   case SingleParticleGunGenMode::FlatMode:
00283 //     tmp = m_pFlatGenerator->fire((HepDouble) min,(HepDouble) max);
00284     tmp = CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine, (HepDouble) min,(HepDouble) max);
00285     return tmp;
00286   default:
00287     MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00288     log << MSG::ERROR  << "Unknown Generation Mode" << endreq;
00289     return 0.;
00290   }
00291 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:12:43 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7