
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //$id$
00002 //
00003 //$log$
00005 /*
00006  *    2004/03/08   Zhengyun You     Peking University
00007  * 
00008  *    2004/09/12   Zhengyun You     Peking University
00009  *                 transplanted to Gaudi framework
00010  */
00012 using namespace std;
00014 #include <iostream>
00015 #include <vector>
00016 #include <CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h>
00017 #include <CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h>
00019 #include "MucRecEvent/RecMucTrack.h"
00020 #include "MucRecEvent/MucTrackParameter.h"
00021 #include "MucRecEvent/MucRec2DRoad.h"
00022 #include "MucRecEvent/MucRec3DRoad.h"
00023 #include "MucGeomSvc/MucConstant.h"
00025 // Constructor.
00026 RecMucTrack::RecMucTrack()
00027   : //m_trackId(-1),    //--------------->
00028   m_ExtTrackID(-1),
00029   m_MdcPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
00030   m_MdcMomentum(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
00031   m_MucPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
00032   m_MucPosSigma(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
00033   m_MucMomentum(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
00034   m_CurrentPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
00035   m_CurrentDir(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
00036   m_CurrentInsct(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
00037   m_Good3DLine(0),
00038   m_pHits(0),
00039   m_pExpectedHits(0),
00040   m_Intersections(0),
00041   m_Directions(0)
00042 { 
00043   // initialize m_IntersectionInner/Outer.
00044   for(int igap = 0; igap < 9; igap++){
00045     m_IntersectionInner[igap].set(-9999,-9999,-9999);
00046     m_IntersectionOuter[igap].set(-9999,-9999,-9999);    
00047   }
00048   m_id = 0;
00049   m_status = -1;
00050   m_type = -1;
00052   m_numHits = 0;  
00053   m_startPart = -1;
00054   m_endPart = -1;
00055   m_brLastLayer = -1;
00056   m_ecLastLayer = -1;
00057   m_brFirstLayer = -1;
00058   m_ecFirstLayer = -1;
00059   m_ecPart = -1;
00060   m_numLayers = 0;
00061   m_maxHitsInLayer = 0;
00062   m_depth = -99;
00063   m_dof = 0;
00064   m_chi2 = 0.0;
00065   m_rms = 0.0;
00066   m_deltaPhi = 0.0; 
00068   m_xPosSigma = 0.0;
00069   m_yPosSigma = 0.0;
00070   m_zPosSigma = 0.0;
00072   m_changeUnit = false;
00073   m_recmode = 0;
00074   //added by LI Chunhua
00075   m_kalrechi2 =0. ;
00076   m_kaldof =0;
00077   m_kaldepth = -99;
00078   m_kalbrLastLayer = -1;
00079   m_kalecLastLayer = -1;
00080 }
00082 // Assignment constructor.
00083 RecMucTrack&
00084 RecMucTrack::operator=(const RecMucTrack& orig)
00085 {
00086   // Assignment operator.
00087   if ( this != &orig ) {             // Watch out for self-assignment!
00088     //m_trackId         = orig.m_trackId;    //--------------->
00089     m_ExtTrackID    = orig.m_ExtTrackID;
00090     m_MdcPos        = orig.m_MdcPos;
00091     m_MdcMomentum   = orig.m_MdcMomentum;
00092     m_MucPos        = orig.m_MucPos;
00093     m_MucPosSigma   = orig.m_MucPosSigma;
00094     m_MucMomentum   = orig.m_MucMomentum;
00095     m_CurrentPos    = orig.m_CurrentPos;
00096     m_CurrentDir    = orig.m_CurrentDir;
00097     m_CurrentInsct  = orig.m_CurrentInsct;
00098     m_id            = orig.m_id;
00099     m_status        = orig.m_status;
00100     m_type          = orig.m_type;
00101     m_numHits       = orig.m_numHits;    //--------------->
00102     m_startPart     = orig.m_startPart;
00103     m_endPart       = orig.m_endPart;
00104     m_brLastLayer   = orig.m_brLastLayer;
00105     m_ecLastLayer   = orig.m_ecLastLayer;
00106     m_numLayers     = orig.m_numLayers;
00107     m_maxHitsInLayer= orig.m_maxHitsInLayer;
00108     m_depth         = orig.m_depth;
00109     m_dof           = orig.m_dof;
00110     m_chi2          = orig.m_chi2;
00111     m_rms           = orig.m_rms;
00112     m_deltaPhi      = orig.m_deltaPhi;
00113     m_pHits         = orig.m_pHits;
00114     m_pExpectedHits = orig.m_pExpectedHits;
00115     m_Intersections = orig.m_Intersections;
00116     m_Directions    = orig.m_Directions;
00117     m_xPosSigma     = orig.m_xPosSigma;
00118     m_yPosSigma     = orig.m_yPosSigma;
00119     m_zPosSigma     = orig.m_zPosSigma;
00120     m_changeUnit    = orig.m_changeUnit;
00121     m_recmode       = orig.m_recmode;
00122     //*******
00123     m_kalrechi2     = orig.m_kalrechi2;
00124     m_kaldof        = orig.m_kaldof;
00125     m_kaldepth      =orig.m_kaldepth;
00126     m_kalbrLastLayer=orig.m_kalbrLastLayer;
00127     m_kalecLastLayer=orig.m_kalecLastLayer;
00128   }
00130   return *this;
00131 }
00133 // Copy constructor.
00134 RecMucTrack::RecMucTrack(const RecMucTrack& source)
00135   : //m_trackId        (source.m_trackId),    //--------------->
00136     m_ExtTrackID   (source.m_ExtTrackID),
00137     m_MdcPos       (source.m_MdcPos),
00138     m_MdcMomentum  (source.m_MdcMomentum),
00139     m_MucPos       (source.m_MucPos),
00140     m_MucPosSigma  (source.m_MucPosSigma),
00141     m_MucMomentum  (source.m_MucMomentum),
00142     m_CurrentPos   (source.m_CurrentPos),
00143     m_CurrentDir   (source.m_CurrentDir),
00144     m_CurrentInsct (source.m_CurrentInsct),
00145     m_pHits        (source.m_pHits),
00146     m_pExpectedHits(source.m_pExpectedHits),
00147     m_Intersections(source.m_Intersections),
00148     m_Directions   (source.m_Directions)
00149 { 
00150     m_id           = source.m_id;
00151     m_status       = source.m_status;
00152     m_type         = source.m_type;
00153     m_numHits      = source.m_numHits;    //--------------->
00154     m_startPart    = source.m_startPart;
00155     m_endPart      = source.m_endPart;
00156     m_brLastLayer  = source.m_brLastLayer;
00157     m_ecLastLayer  = source.m_ecLastLayer;
00158     m_numLayers    = source.m_numLayers;
00159     m_maxHitsInLayer= source.m_maxHitsInLayer;
00160     m_depth        = source.m_depth;
00161     m_dof          = source.m_dof;
00162     m_chi2         = source.m_chi2;
00163     m_rms          = source.m_rms;
00164     m_deltaPhi     = source.m_deltaPhi;
00165     m_xPosSigma    = source.m_xPosSigma;
00166     m_yPosSigma    = source.m_yPosSigma;
00167     m_zPosSigma    = source.m_zPosSigma;
00168     m_changeUnit   = source.m_changeUnit;
00169     m_recmode      = source.m_recmode;
00170     //******
00171     m_kalrechi2     = source.m_kalrechi2;
00172     m_kaldof        = source.m_kaldof;
00173     m_kaldepth      = source.m_kaldepth;
00174     m_kalbrLastLayer= source.m_kalbrLastLayer;
00175     m_kalecLastLayer= source.m_kalecLastLayer;
00176 }
00178 RecMucTrack::RecMucTrack(const DstMucTrack& dstTrack)
00179   :DstMucTrack(dstTrack)
00180 {
00182   SetDefault();
00184 }
00186 RecMucTrack& RecMucTrack::operator=(const DstMucTrack& dstTrack)
00187 {
00188   SetDefault();
00189   DstMucTrack::operator=(dstTrack);
00190   return *this;
00191 }
00193 void RecMucTrack::SetDefault()
00194 {
00195   m_brFirstLayer = -99;
00196   m_ecFirstLayer = -99;
00197   m_Good3DPart   = -99;
00198 }
00200 // Destructor.
00201 RecMucTrack::~RecMucTrack()
00202 { 
00203 for(int i = 0 ; i < m_pExpectedHits.size(); i++)
00204           delete m_pExpectedHits[i];
00205 }
00207 // Set the index for this track.
00208 void
00209 RecMucTrack::setTrackId(const int trackId)
00210 {
00211   if(trackId >= 0) {
00212     m_trackId = trackId;
00213   }
00214 }
00216 //now, what we get is cm, so it' multiplied by 10 to convert to mm
00217 //and GeV -> MeV
00218 void
00219 RecMucTrack::SetMdcPos(const float x,
00220                     const float y,
00221                     const float z)
00222 {
00223   m_MdcPos.set(x*10, y*10, z*10);
00224 }
00226 void
00227 RecMucTrack::SetMdcMomentum(const float px,
00228                          const float py,
00229                          const float pz)
00230 {
00231   m_MdcMomentum.set(px*1000, py*1000, pz*1000);
00232 }
00234 void
00235 RecMucTrack::SetMucPos(const float x,
00236                     const float y,
00237                     const float z)
00238 {
00239   m_MucPos.set(x*10, y*10, z*10);
00240   m_xPos = x*10;
00241   m_yPos = y*10;
00242   m_zPos = z*10;
00243 }
00245 void
00246 RecMucTrack::SetMucPosSigma(const float x,
00247         const float y,
00248         const float z)
00249 {
00250   m_MucPosSigma.set(x*10, y*10, z*10);
00251   m_xPosSigma = x*10;
00252   m_yPosSigma = y*10;
00253   m_zPosSigma = z*10;
00254 }
00256 void
00257 RecMucTrack::SetMucMomentum(const float px,
00258                          const float py,
00259                          const float pz)
00260 {
00261   m_MucMomentum.set(px*1000, py*1000, pz*1000);
00262   m_px = px*1000;
00263   m_py = py*1000;
00264   m_pz = pz*1000;
00265 }
00267 void
00268 RecMucTrack::SetExtMucPos(const float x,
00269                        const float y,
00270                        const float z)
00271 {
00272   m_ExtMucPos.set(x*10, y*10, z*10);
00273 }
00275 void
00276 RecMucTrack::SetExtMucMomentum(const float px,
00277                             const float py,
00278                             const float pz)
00279 {
00280   m_ExtMucMomentum.set(px*1000, py*1000, pz*1000);
00281 }
00283 void
00284 RecMucTrack::SetCurrentPos(const float x,
00285                         const float y,
00286                         const float z)
00287 {
00288   m_CurrentPos.set(x*10, y*10, z*10);
00289 }
00291 void
00292 RecMucTrack::SetCurrentDir(const float x,
00293                         const float y,
00294                         const float z)
00295 {
00296   m_CurrentDir.set(x*1000, y*1000, z*1000);  //unnecessary, because it's dir, not mom
00297 }
00299 void 
00300 RecMucTrack::SetCurrentInsct(const float x,
00301                           const float y,
00302                           const float z)
00303 {
00304   m_CurrentInsct.set(x, y, z);  
00305 }
00307 // set corresponding monte carlo track pointer.
00308 //RecMucTrack::SetMCTrack(const BesPersTrack* mcTrack);
00309 //{
00310 //  m_MCTrack = mcTrack;
00311 //}
00313 void
00314 RecMucTrack::SetExtTrack(RecExtTrack *extTrack)
00315 {
00316   m_ExtTrack = extTrack;
00317   if (m_ExtTrack) m_ExtTrackID = extTrack->GetTrackId(); 
00318 }
00320 //reload setVecHits
00322 void
00323 RecMucTrack::setVecHits(vector<MucRecHit*>& pHits)
00324 {
00325   for(int i = 0 ; i < pHits.size(); i++)
00326     m_vecHits.push_back((pHits[i]->GetID()).get_value());
00327 }
00329 void
00330 RecMucTrack::setExpHits(vector<MucRecHit*>& pHits)
00331 { 
00332     for(int i = 0 ; i < pHits.size(); i++)
00333           m_expHits.push_back((pHits[i]->GetID()).get_value());
00334 }
00336 void
00337 RecMucTrack::GetMdcExtTrack(Hep3Vector  mdcStartPos, Hep3Vector  mdcStartMomentum, int charge,
00338                          Hep3Vector &mucStartPos, Hep3Vector &mucStartMomentum)
00339 {
00341   //cm->mm; GeV->MeV//
00342   mdcStartPos*=10;
00343   mdcStartMomentum*=1000;
00347   Hep3Vector pt = mdcStartMomentum;
00348   pt.setZ(0);
00349   //cout << "pt " << pt.mag() << endl;
00350   double radius = (pt.mag() * 1e6 / kvC * 1e3) / (fabs(charge * kMagnetField)) ;
00351   //double startPhi = startP.phi();
00352   double deltaPhi = -1.0 * (charge / abs(charge)) * kDeltaPhi;
00353   double deltaZ = (mdcStartMomentum.z() * 1e6 / kvC * 1e3) * kDeltaPhi / (abs(charge) * kMagnetField);
00355   //cout << "r = " << radius << endl;
00356   mucStartPos = mdcStartPos;
00357   mucStartMomentum = mdcStartMomentum;
00358   double phi;
00359   int    iter = 0;
00360   do {
00361     phi = mucStartMomentum.getPhi() + deltaPhi;
00362     mucStartPos.setX(mucStartPos.x() + radius * kDeltaPhi * cos(phi));
00363     mucStartPos.setY(mucStartPos.y() + radius * kDeltaPhi * sin(phi));
00364     mucStartPos.setZ(mucStartPos.z() + deltaZ);
00366     mucStartMomentum.setPhi(mucStartMomentum.phi() + deltaPhi);
00367     iter++;
00368     //cout << endP << "  " << mucStartPos << endl;
00369   }
00370   while(IsInsideSuperConductor(mucStartPos) && iter < kMdcExtIterMax);
00372   //mm->cm; MeV->GeV//
00373   mucStartPos/=10;
00374   mucStartMomentum/=1000;
00376 }
00378 bool 
00379 RecMucTrack::IsInsideSuperConductor(Hep3Vector pos)
00380 {
00381   if(pos.mag() < kSuperConductorR && fabs(pos.z()) < kSuperConductorZ) {
00382     return true;
00383   }
00384   else {
00385     return false;
00386   }
00387 }
00389 // Attach the given hit to this track.
00390 // Assume that this hit has been verified to be consistent with the road.
00391 void
00392 RecMucTrack::AttachHit(MucRecHit* hit)
00393 {
00394   //  cout << "Muc2DRoad::AttachHit-I0  hit = " << hit << endl;
00396   if (!hit) {
00397     cout << "RecMucTrack::AttachHit-E1  null hit pointer!" << endl;
00398     return ;
00399   }
00401   int part = hit->Part();
00402   int gap  = hit->Gap();
00403   if ( (gap < 0) || (gap >= (int)MucID::getGapNum(part)) ) {
00404     // The gap number of the hit is out of range.
00405     cout << "Muc2DRoad::AttachHit(MucRecHit*), bad gap number = " << gap
00406          << endl;
00407     return;
00408   }
00410   // Attach the hit to the road.
00411   m_pHits.push_back(hit);
00413   //  m_HitDistance[gap] = dX;
00415   // Now recalculate the total number of hits and the max. number of
00416   // hits per gap.
00417   //CountHits();
00418 }
00420 // Where does the trajectory of this track intersect a specific gap?
00421 void
00422 RecMucTrack::Project(const int& part, const int& gap, 
00423                   float& x, float& y, float& z,
00424                   int& seg)
00425 {
00426   seg = -1;
00427   x = 0.0; y = 0.0; z = 0.0;
00429   if ( (gap < 0) || (gap >= (int)MucID::getGapNum(part)) ) {
00430     cout << "Muc2DRoad::Project(), invalid gap = " << gap << endl;
00431     return;
00432   }
00434   HepPoint3D pos = m_CurrentPos;
00435   Hep3Vector dir = m_CurrentDir;
00437   vector<HepPoint3D> insctCon = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->FindIntersections(part, gap, pos, dir);
00438   if( insctCon.size() == 0 ) {
00439     return;
00440   }
00442   HepPoint3D intersection = insctCon[0];
00444   x = intersection.x();
00445   y = intersection.y();
00446   z = intersection.z();
00448   //cout << " x " << x << " y " << y << " z " << z << endl;
00450   float phi;
00451   if( (x*x+y*y+z*z) < kMinor) {
00452     return;
00453   }
00454   else {
00455     if(part == 1) {
00456       phi = acos(x/sqrt(x*x+y*y));
00457       if(y < 0) phi = 2.0*kPi - phi;
00458       phi = fmod((phi + kPi/8.0), 2.0*kPi);
00459       seg = int(phi/(kPi/4.0)); 
00460     }
00461     else {
00462       if(x >= 0.0) {
00463         if(y >= 0.0) {
00464           seg = 0;
00465         } 
00466         else {
00467           seg = 3;
00468         }
00469       }
00470       else {
00471         if(y >= 0.0) {
00472           seg = 1;
00473         }
00474         else {
00475           seg = 2;
00476         }
00477       }
00478     }
00479   }
00480 }
00482 float 
00483 RecMucTrack::GetHitDistance(const MucRecHit* hit)
00484 {
00485   if (!hit) {
00486     cout << "RecMucTrack:GetHitDistance-E1  null hit pointer!" << endl;
00487     return kInfinity;
00488   }
00490   int part = hit->Part();
00491   int gap  = hit->Gap();
00492   if ( (gap < 0) || (gap >= (int)MucID::getGapNum(part)) ) {
00493     cout << "RecMucTrack::GetHitDistance()  bad gap number = " << gap << endl;
00494     return kInfinity;
00495   }
00497   HepPoint3D posHit        = hit->GetCenterPos();
00498   HepPoint3D posHitLocal   = hit->GetGap()->TransformToGap(posHit);
00499   HepPoint3D posInsctLocal = hit->GetGap()->TransformToGap(m_CurrentInsct);
00500   int orient = hit->GetGap()->Orient();
00502   float distance = -9990;
00503   if(orient == 1) distance = fabs(posInsctLocal.x() - posHitLocal.x());
00504   if(orient == 0) distance = fabs(posInsctLocal.y() - posHitLocal.y());
00506   return distance;
00507 }
00509 //not abs value
00510 float
00511 RecMucTrack::GetHitDistance2(const MucRecHit* hit)
00512 {
00513   if (!hit) {
00514     cout << "RecMucTrack:GetHitDistance-E1  null hit pointer!" << endl;
00515     return kInfinity;
00516   } 
00518   int part = hit->Part();
00519   int gap  = hit->Gap();
00520   if ( (gap < 0) || (gap >= (int)MucID::getGapNum(part)) ) {
00521     cout << "RecMucTrack::GetHitDistance()  bad gap number = " << gap << endl;
00522     return kInfinity;
00523   }
00525   HepPoint3D posHit        = hit->GetCenterPos();
00526   HepPoint3D posHitLocal   = hit->GetGap()->TransformToGap(posHit);
00527   HepPoint3D posInsctLocal = hit->GetGap()->TransformToGap(m_CurrentInsct);
00528   int orient = hit->GetGap()->Orient();
00530   float distance = -9990;
00531   if(orient == 1) distance = (posInsctLocal.x() - posHitLocal.x());
00532   if(orient == 0) distance = (posInsctLocal.y() - posHitLocal.y());
00534   //cout<<"========in RecMucTrack: line insct: "<<posInsctLocal.x()<<" "<<posInsctLocal.y()<<"   ->  "<<posHitLocal.x()<<" "<<posHitLocal.y()<<endl;
00536   return distance;
00537 } 
00540 Hep3Vector 
00541 RecMucTrack::CalculateInsct(const int part,
00542                          const int seg,
00543                          const int gap)
00544 {
00545   MucGeoGap *gapPtr = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(part, seg, gap);
00546   vector<int> hitSeq;
00547   for(int i = 0; i < (int)m_pHits.size(); i++) {
00548     MucRecHit *aHit = m_pHits[i];
00549     if(aHit->Part() == part &&
00550        aHit->Seg()  == seg  &&
00551        aHit->Gap()  == gap) {
00552       hitSeq.push_back(i);
00553     }  
00554   }    
00555   int nHitInGap = hitSeq.size();
00556   //cout << "nHitInGap " << nHitInGap << endl;
00558   HepPoint3D insctLocal = gapPtr->TransformToGap(m_CurrentInsct);
00559   //HepPoint3D newInsct(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
00560   HepPoint3D newInsctLocal = insctLocal;
00562   vector<float> x;
00563   for(int i = 0; i < nHitInGap; i++) x.push_back(0);
00564   float xInsct = 0, xNewInsct = 0;
00567   int orient = gapPtr->Orient();
00568   if(orient == 1) xInsct = insctLocal.x();
00569   if(orient == 0) xInsct = insctLocal.y();
00571   for(int i = 0; i < nHitInGap; i++) {
00572     float xStrip, yStrip, zStrip;
00573     (m_pHits[hitSeq[i]])->GetStrip()->GetCenterPos(xStrip, yStrip, zStrip);
00574     if(orient == 1) x[i] = xStrip;
00575     if(orient == 0) x[i] = yStrip;
00576   }
00577   //cout << "local Old" << insctLocal << endl;
00579   //if == 0, no direction change;
00580   if(nHitInGap > 0) {
00581     xNewInsct = xInsct * kInsctWeight;
00583     //float minDist = kInfinity;
00584     for(int i = 0; i < nHitInGap; i++) {
00585       //if(fabs(x[i] - xInsct) < minDist) {
00586       //xNewInsct = x[i];    //}
00587       xNewInsct += x[i] * ((1.0 - kInsctWeight) / nHitInGap);
00588     }
00590     if(orient == 1) {
00591       newInsctLocal.setX(xNewInsct);
00592       newInsctLocal.setY(insctLocal.y());
00593     }
00594     if(orient == 0) {
00595       newInsctLocal.setX(insctLocal.x());
00596       newInsctLocal.setY(xNewInsct);
00597     }
00598   }
00600   m_CurrentInsct = gapPtr->TransformToGlobal(newInsctLocal);
00601   //cout << "local  New" << newInsctLocal << endl;
00602   //cout << "global New" << m_CurrentInsct << endl;
00604   return m_CurrentInsct;
00605 }
00607 void 
00608 RecMucTrack::AttachInsct(Hep3Vector insct)
00609 {
00610   m_Intersections.push_back(insct);
00611 }
00613 void 
00614 RecMucTrack::AttachDirection(Hep3Vector dir)
00615 {
00616   m_Directions.push_back(dir);
00617 }
00619 void 
00620 RecMucTrack::CorrectDir()
00621 {
00622   //cout << "Before CorrectDir(), fCurrentDir " << m_CurrentDir << endl;
00623   m_CurrentDir = m_CurrentInsct - m_CurrentPos;
00624   m_CurrentDir.setMag(1.0);
00625   //cout << "After CorrectDir(), fCurrentDir " << m_CurrentDir << endl;
00626 }
00628 void 
00629 RecMucTrack::CorrectPos()
00630 {
00631   m_CurrentPos = m_CurrentInsct;
00632 }
00634 void
00635 RecMucTrack::ComputeLastGap() 
00636 {
00637   int lastGap1, lastGap2;
00638   int firstGap1, firstGap2;
00639   lastGap1 = lastGap2 = -1;
00640   firstGap1 = firstGap2 = 99;
00641   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
00642   iHit = m_pHits.begin();
00643   for( ;iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) 
00644   {
00645     if(*iHit) 
00646     {  // Check for a null pointer.
00647       int part = (*iHit)->Part();
00648       int gap  = (*iHit)->Gap();
00650       if(part == 1) {
00651         if(gap > lastGap1)  lastGap1 = gap;      
00652         if(gap < firstGap1) firstGap1 = gap;
00653       }
00654       else {
00655         if(gap > lastGap2)  { m_ecPart = part; m_endPart = part; lastGap2 = gap; }
00656         if(gap < firstGap2) firstGap2 = gap;
00657       }
00658     }
00659   }
00661   m_brLastLayer = lastGap1;
00662   if(firstGap1 == 99) m_brFirstLayer = -1;
00663   else if(firstGap1>=0&&firstGap1<9) m_brFirstLayer = firstGap1;
00665   m_ecLastLayer = lastGap2;
00666   if(firstGap2 == 99) m_ecFirstLayer = -1;
00667   else if(firstGap2>=0&&firstGap2<8) m_ecFirstLayer = firstGap2;
00669   //cout<<"MucTrack, br: "<<m_brFirstLayer<<", "<<m_brLastLayer<<"\tec: "<<m_ecFirstLayer<<", "<<m_ecLastLayer<<endl;
00670 }
00672 int
00673 RecMucTrack::ComputeDepth(int method)
00674 {
00675   if( m_numLayers == 0 ) {
00676     m_depth = m_depth_3 = -99; return 0; 
00677   } 
00678   else if( m_numLayers == 1 && (m_brLastLayer == 0 || m_ecLastLayer == 0) ) {
00679     m_depth = m_depth_3 = 0; return 0;
00680   }
00682   m_depth_3 = 0.0;
00684   float brThickness = 0.0;  float ecThickness = 0.0;  float deltaPhi = 0.0;
00685   int betweenSeg = 0;
00687   float phi = m_MucMomentum.phi();
00688   float theta = m_MucMomentum.theta();
00690   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
00691   int ngap = MucID::getGapMax();
00692   //cout<<"ngap:\t"<<ngap<<endl;
00694   int Seg[9]; int part, seg, gap, strip;
00695   for(int gap = 0; gap < ngap; gap++){Seg[gap] = -1;}
00696   for(iHit = m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
00697     if(*iHit) {  // Check for a null pointer.
00698       part   = (*iHit)->Part();
00699       seg    = (*iHit)->Seg();
00700       gap    = (*iHit)->Gap();
00701       strip  = (*iHit)->Strip();
00702       if(part==1) Seg[gap] = seg;
00703     }
00704   }
00706   int segTrackBr = -1;
00707   for(int gap = 0; gap <= brLastLayer(); gap++){
00708     if(Seg[gap] != -1) segTrackBr = Seg[gap];
00709   }
00710   // BR, the innermost layer is RPC module
00711   for(int gap = 0; gap <= brLastLayer(); gap++){
00712     float thickness = 0.0;
00713     if(Seg[gap] != -1 && Seg[brLastLayer()-1] != -1 && Seg[gap] != Seg[brLastLayer()-1]) betweenSeg = 1; 
00714     thickness = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(1, 0, gap)->GetIronThickness();
00715     //cout<<"RecMucTrack  gap="<<gap<<" brlastgap="<<brLastLayer()<<" "<<thickness<<endl;
00716     if(sin(m_MucMomentum.theta()) != 0 ) thickness /= sin(m_MucMomentum.theta());
00717     else ;//cout<<"RecMucTrack::ComputeDepth, In Barrel,theta=0?"<<endl;
00718     deltaPhi = m_MucMomentum.phi() - segTrackBr*kPi/4;
00719     if(Seg[gap] == -1 && betweenSeg == 1) {
00720       thickness += 40;  // gap width
00721     }
00722     if(cos(deltaPhi) != 0 ) thickness /= cos(deltaPhi);
00723     else ;//cout<<"RecMucTrack::ComputeDepth, In Barrel,Cos(phi)=0?"<<endl;
00724     if(deltaPhi == 0 && Seg[brLastLayer()-1]==2 ) thickness = 0;
00725     //cout<<"in muctrack "<<thickness<<" "<<brThickness<<" theta "<<m_MucMomentum.theta()<<" phi="<<deltaPhi<<" "<<m_MucMomentum.phi()<<endl;
00727     if(brFirstLayer()<brLastLayer())  brThickness += thickness; 
00728     else if(brFirstLayer()==brLastLayer()) {  //only one gap
00729       if(m_MucMomentum.mag()>1000 || brFirstLayer()<2)  brThickness += thickness;  //high momentum or only one or two gap
00730       //cout<<"mom="<<m_MucMomentum.mag()<<" "<<brFirstLayer()<<" "<<brThickness<<" "<<thickness<<endl;
00731     }
00732     else cout<<"in RecMucTrack: Wrong Gap Info"<<endl;
00734     //cout<<brThickness<<endl;
00735   }
00737   //cout<<"eclastgap= "<<ecLastLayer()<<"  ecfirstgap= "<<ecFirstLayer()<<endl;
00739   // EC, the innermost layer is Iron
00740   //for (int gap = ecFirstLayer(); gap!=-1&&gap <= ecLastLayer(); gap++) {
00741   for (int gap = 0; gap!=-1&&gap <= ecLastLayer(); gap++) {
00742     ecThickness += MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(0, 0, gap)->GetIronThickness();
00743   }
00745   if (cos(theta) != 0.0) ecThickness /= cos(theta);
00746   else ;//cout << "RecMucTrack::ComputeDepth, In EndCap, Track theta = 90.0 ? " << endl;
00747   ecThickness  = fabs(ecThickness);
00749   //cout<<"eclastgap= "<<ecLastLayer()<<" ecthickness="<<ecThickness<<endl;
00751   if(method == 2){
00752     //barrel first
00753     if((m_Good3DLine == 1) &&(m_Good3DPart == 1)){
00754       if(m_IntersectionInner[0].x()!=-9999){
00755         for(int gap = 1;gap <= brLastLayer(); gap++)//Inner[gap1]-Outer[gap0] ...
00756           {
00757           if(m_IntersectionInner[gap].x() != -9999 && m_IntersectionInner[gap-1].x() != -9999)
00758             m_depth_3 += (m_IntersectionInner[gap] - m_IntersectionOuter[gap-1]).mag();
00759           }
00760         //may be pass some gap in endcap!
00761         m_depth_3 += ecThickness;
00762       }
00763       else m_depth_3 = brThickness + ecThickness;
00764     }
00765     if((m_Good3DLine == 1) &&(m_Good3DPart != 1)){
00766       for(int gap = 1;gap <= ecLastLayer(); gap++)//Inner[gap1]-Outer[gap0] ...
00767       {
00768         if(m_IntersectionInner[gap].x() != -9999 && m_IntersectionInner[gap-1].x() != -9999)
00769           m_depth_3 += (m_IntersectionInner[gap] - m_IntersectionOuter[gap-1]).mag();
00770       }
00771       //may be pass some gap in barrel!
00772       m_depth_3 += brThickness;
00773       if (cos(theta) != 0.0) m_depth_3 += 40/cos(theta); //there is 1 absorber before first gap in endcap!
00774     }
00775     if(m_Good3DLine == 0) m_depth_3 = brThickness + ecThickness;
00776     if(m_depth_3>2000) m_depth_3 = brThickness + ecThickness;  //unreasonable depth! so use previous method!
00777   }
00778   else  //method == 1 linefit
00779     {
00780       m_depth_3 = brThickness + ecThickness;
00782     }
00784   double offset = 50.0;
00785   //if(GetTotalHits() > 0) m_depth_3 += offset;
00787   m_depth = m_depth_3; 
00789   //if(m_depth<0||m_depth>2000) m_depth = 0;
00790   if(m_depth>2000) m_depth = -99;
00791   //cout<<"depth= "<<m_depth<<endl;
00793 }
00795 void 
00796 RecMucTrack::ComputeDepth()
00797 {
00798   m_depth = -99.0;
00799   // Part 1 first.
00800   float brThickness = 0.0;
00801   for (int gap = 0; gap <= brLastLayer(); gap++) {
00802     brThickness += MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(1, 0, gap)->GetIronThickness();
00803   }
00805   // second alg
00806   float brThickness_2 = 0.0;
00807   for (int gap = 0; gap <= brLastLayer(); gap++) {
00808     if(HasHitInGap(1,gap)){
00809       brThickness_2 += MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(1, 0, gap)->GetIronThickness();
00810     }
00811   }
00812   // third alg
00813   float brThickness_3 = 0.0;
00814   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
00815   int ngap = MucID::getGapMax();
00816   int Seg[9]; int part, seg, gap, strip;
00817   for(int gap = 0; gap < ngap; gap++){Seg[gap] = -1;}
00818   for(iHit = m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
00819     if(*iHit) {  // Check for a null pointer.
00820       part   = (*iHit)->Part();
00821       seg    = (*iHit)->Seg();
00822       gap    = (*iHit)->Gap();
00823       strip  = (*iHit)->Strip();
00824       if(part==1) Seg[gap] = seg;
00825     }
00826   }
00828   float deltaPhi_3 = 0.0;
00829   int betweenSeg = 0;
00831   int segTrackBr = -1;
00832   for(int gap = 0; gap <= brLastLayer(); gap++){
00833     if(Seg[gap] != -1) segTrackBr = Seg[gap];
00834   }
00836   for(int gap = 0; gap <= brLastLayer(); gap++){
00837     float thickness = 0.0;
00838     if(Seg[gap] != -1 && Seg[brLastLayer()-1] != -1 && Seg[gap] != Seg[brLastLayer()-1]) betweenSeg = 1; 
00839     thickness = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(1, 0, gap)->GetIronThickness();
00840     if(sin(m_MucMomentum.theta()) != 0 ) thickness /= sin(m_MucMomentum.theta());
00841     else cout<<"RecMucTrack::ComputeDepth, In Barrel,theta=0?"<<endl;
00842     //if(Seg[gap] != -1) deltaPhi_3 = m_MucMomentum.phi() - Seg[gap]*kPi/4;
00843     deltaPhi_3 = m_MucMomentum.phi() - segTrackBr*kPi/4;   //some times, no hits in a gap, but a good track exist!
00844     if(Seg[gap] == -1 && betweenSeg == 1) {
00845       cout<<"between segment"<<endl;
00846       thickness += 40;  // gap width
00847     }
00849     if(cos(deltaPhi_3) != 0 ) thickness /= cos(deltaPhi_3);
00850     else cout<<"RecMucTrack::ComputeDepth, In Barrel,Cos(phi)=0?"<<endl;
00852     if(deltaPhi_3 == 0 && Seg[brLastLayer()-1]==2 ) thickness = 0;
00853     //cout<<"in muctrack "<<thickness<<" "<<brThickness_3<<" theta "<<m_MucMomentum.theta()<<" phi="<<deltaPhi_3<<" "<<m_MucMomentum.phi()<<endl;
00854     brThickness_3 += thickness;
00856   }
00858   //cout<<"in RecMucTrack: compare thickness "<<brThickness<<" "<<brThickness_2<<" "<<brThickness_3<<endl;
00860   float phi = m_MucMomentum.phi();
00861   float deltaPhi = phi - kPi/4*(int)(phi/(kPi/4));
00862   if (deltaPhi > kPi/8) deltaPhi = kPi/4 - deltaPhi;
00863   float theta = m_MucMomentum.theta();
00864 //   cout << "br LastGap " << brLastLayer() << " Thick " << brThickness 
00865 //     << " 1/sin(theta) " << 1/sin(theta) << " 1/cos(deltaPhi) " << 1/cos(deltaPhi) << endl;
00867   if (sin(theta) != 0.0) brThickness /= sin(theta);
00868   else cout << "RecMucTrack::ComputeDepth, In Barrel, Track theta = 0.0 ? " << endl; 
00870   brThickness /= cos(deltaPhi);
00871   brThickness  = fabs(brThickness);
00872   //cout << "br Depth " << brThickness << endl;
00874   // EC, then
00875   float ecThickness = 0.0;
00876   for (int gap = 0; gap <= ecLastLayer(); gap++) {
00877     ecThickness += MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(0, 0, gap)->GetIronThickness();
00878   }
00879   //cout << "ec LastGap " << ecLastLayer() << " Thick " << ecThickness
00880   //   << " 1/cos(theta) " << 1/cos(theta) << endl;
00882   if (cos(theta) != 0.0) ecThickness /= cos(theta);
00883   else ; //cout << "RecMucTrack::ComputeDepth, In EndCap, Track theta = 90.0 ? " << endl;
00884   ecThickness  = fabs(ecThickness);
00885   //cout << "ec Depth " << ecThickness << endl;
00887   m_depth = brThickness + ecThickness;
00888   m_depth_3 = brThickness_3 + ecThickness;
00889   cout << "Depth " << m_depth << " Depth3 = "<<m_depth_3<<endl;
00890   m_depth = m_depth_3;
00891   double offset = 50.0;
00892   if(GetTotalHits() > 0) m_depth += offset; // since brThickness on gap 0 is zero, give an offset for track arriving muc.
00894 }
00896 void 
00897 RecMucTrack::ComputeDistanceMatch()
00898 {
00899   bool firstHitFound = false;
00900   MucGeoGap *firstGap = 0; 
00901   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
00902   vector<MucRecHit*> hitsGap0;
00903   float stripLocal[3]={0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
00904   float stripGlobal[3]={0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
00905   int nStrip = 0;
00907   int part, seg, gap, strip;
00908   int barrel_gap0_exist = 0;
00910   for(iHit = m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
00911     if(*iHit) {  // Check for a null pointer.
00912       part   = (*iHit)->Part();
00913       seg    = (*iHit)->Seg();
00914       gap    = (*iHit)->Gap();
00915       strip  = (*iHit)->Strip();
00916       if(!firstHitFound && gap == 0) {
00917         firstGap = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(part, seg, gap);
00918         firstHitFound = true;
00919       }
00920       if(firstGap && part == firstGap->Part() && seg == firstGap->Seg() && gap == firstGap->Gap()) {
00921         //cout<<"in RecMucTrack "<<part<<" "<<seg<<" "<<gap<<" "<<strip<<endl;
00922         HepPoint3D posHit        = (*iHit)->GetCenterPos();
00923         HepPoint3D posHitLocal   = (*iHit)->GetGap()->TransformToGap(posHit);
00924         if(part==1&&gap==0) barrel_gap0_exist = 1;  //exist
00926         stripLocal[0] += posHitLocal.x();
00927         stripLocal[1] += posHitLocal.y();
00928         stripLocal[2] += posHitLocal.z(); 
00930         stripGlobal[0] += posHit.x();   //to calc phi of this strip 
00931         stripGlobal[1] += posHit.y();
00932         stripGlobal[2] += posHit.z();
00934         nStrip++;
00935       }
00936     }
00937   }
00939   //cout<<"in RecMucTrack: extpos "<<m_ExtMucPos<<" mucpos "<< m_MucPos<<endl;
00941   int apart = -1, aseg = -1;
00942   int nHits = FindSegWithMaxHits(apart, aseg);
00943   MucGeoGap *fakefirstGap = 0;   // maybe not exist!
00944   if(apart == -1 && aseg== -1)
00945     {m_Dist_muc_ext.set(0,0,0);}
00946   else {
00947     fakefirstGap = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(apart, aseg, 0);
00948     HepPoint3D fextLocal = fakefirstGap->TransformToGap(m_ExtMucPos);
00949     HepPoint3D fmucLocal = fakefirstGap->TransformToGap(m_MucPos);
00950     float dist_x = fextLocal.x() - fmucLocal.x();
00951     float dist_y = fextLocal.y() - fmucLocal.y();
00952     float dist_z = fextLocal.z() - fmucLocal.z();
00953     m_Dist_muc_ext.set(dist_x,dist_y,dist_z);
00954     //cout<<"in RecMucTrack dist = "<<dist_x<<" "<<dist_y<<" "<<dist_z<<endl;
00955     if (fakefirstGap->Orient() == 0) { // part 0,2
00956       //cout<<"in RecMucTrack "<< extLocal.y()<<" "<<stripLocal[1]<<endl;
00957     }
00958     else {
00959       //cout<<"in RecMucTrack1 "<< extLocal.x()<<" "<<stripLocal[0]<<endl;
00960     }
00961   }
00963   float distance = -9990;
00965   if (nStrip == 0 || !firstGap) {
00966     distance = -9990;
00967     //cout << "no hits on first gap" << endl;
00968   }  
00969   else{
00970     for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) stripLocal[k] /= nStrip;
00971     for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) stripGlobal[k] /= nStrip;
00973     m_StripPhi.set(stripGlobal[0],stripGlobal[1],stripGlobal[2]);
00975     HepPoint3D extLocal = firstGap->TransformToGap(m_ExtMucPos);
00976     // extmucpos may be can be used to identify mu/pion
00978 //     cout<<"in RecMucTrack mom "<<m_MucMomentum.x()<<" "<<m_MucMomentum.y()<<" "<<m_MucMomentum.z()<<endl;
00979 //     cout<<"in RecMucTrack extpos "<<m_ExtMucPos.x()<<" "<<m_ExtMucPos.y()<<" "<<m_ExtMucPos.z()<<endl;
00980 //     cout<<"in RecMucTrack extpos2 "<<ExtMucPos_2.x()<<" "<<ExtMucPos_2.y()<<" "<<ExtMucPos_2.z()<<endl;
00981 //     cout<<"in RecMucTrack extloc "<<extLocal.x()<<" "<<extLocal.y()<<" "<<extLocal.z()<<endl;
00982     if (firstGap->Orient() == 0) { // part 0,2
00983       distance = extLocal.y() - stripLocal[1];
00984       //cout<<"in RecMucTrack "<< extLocal.y()<<" "<<stripLocal[1]<<endl;
00985     }
00986     else {
00987       distance = extLocal.x() - stripLocal[0];
00988       //cout<<"in RecMucTrack1 "<< extLocal.x()<<" "<<stripLocal[0]<<endl;
00989     }
00990   }
00992   m_distance = distance;
00994   //use m_chi2 temporary 
00995   //m_chi2 = distance;
00996   // cout<<"in RecMucTrack  distance= "<<m_distance<<" n= "<<nStrip<<endl;
00997 }
00999 void 
01000 RecMucTrack::Extend()
01001 {
01002   float x = m_ExtMucPos.x(), y = m_ExtMucPos.y(), z = m_ExtMucPos.z();
01003   //cout<<"in MucTrac, MucPos= "<<x<<" "<<y<<" "<<z<<endl;
01004   float step = 0.005;
01005   float myMucR = 1720.0;
01006   float myMucZ = 2110.0;
01007    int count_=0; //added by LI Chunhua to avoid loop infinitely
01008    while ( ( (fabs(x)<=myMucR) && (fabs(y)<=myMucR) && ((fabs(x-y)/sqrt(2.))<=myMucR) && ((fabs(x+y)/sqrt(2.))<=myMucR) && (fabs(z)<=myMucZ) )&&count_<1000 ) {
01009     x += step * m_MucMomentum.x();
01010     y += step * m_MucMomentum.y();
01011     z += step * m_MucMomentum.z();
01012     count_++;
01013     //cout << "in RecMucTrack+ x " << x << " y " << y << " z " << z <<" mom "<< m_MucMomentum.x()<< " "<<m_MucMomentum.y()<<" "<<m_MucMomentum.z()<<endl;
01014   }
01016    int count = 0; 
01017   while( !( (fabs(x)<=myMucR) && (fabs(y)<=myMucR) && ((fabs(x-y)/sqrt(2.))<=myMucR) && ((fabs(x+y)/sqrt(2.))<=myMucR) && (fabs(z)<=myMucZ) )&&count<1000 ) {
01018     x -= step * m_MucMomentum.x();
01019     y -= step * m_MucMomentum.y();
01020     z -= step * m_MucMomentum.z();
01021     count++;
01022     //cout << "in RecMucTrack- x " << x << " y " << y << " z " << z <<" mom "<< m_MucMomentum.x()<< " "<<m_MucMomentum.y()<<" "<<m_MucMomentum.z()<<endl;
01023   } 
01025   if(count<1000&&count_<1000){
01026     if(fabs(x)<2600&&fabs(y)<2600&&fabs(z)<2800){
01027       m_ExtMucPos.set(x, y, z);
01028       m_MucPos.set(x,y,z);
01029       m_xPos = x;
01030       m_yPos = y;
01031       m_zPos = z;
01032     }
01033   }
01035 }
01037 void 
01038 RecMucTrack::LineFit(int fittingMethod)
01039 {
01040   Extend();
01042   int part = -1, seg = -1;
01043   int nHits = FindSegWithMaxHits(part, seg);
01044 //   cout << "RecMucTrack::ComputeDepth(), part " << part << " seg " << seg 
01045 //     << " contains most hits " << nHits << endl;
01046   if (part < 0 || seg < 0) {
01047     m_depth = 0;
01048     //cout << "No hit in this track" << endl;
01049     return;
01050   }
01052   float startPos[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
01053   MucRec2DRoad road2D[2];
01054   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
01055   for (int orient = 0; orient <= 1; orient++) {
01056     road2D[orient] = MucRec2DRoad(part, seg, orient, startPos[0], startPos[1], startPos[2],fittingMethod );
01057     for(iHit = m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
01058       if(*iHit) {  // Check for a null pointer.
01059         int hitPart   = (*iHit)->Part();
01060         int hitSeg    = (*iHit)->Seg();
01061         int hitOrient = (*iHit)->GetGap()->Orient();
01062         if (hitPart == part && hitSeg == seg && hitOrient == orient) {
01063           road2D[orient].AttachHit(*iHit);
01064         }
01065       }
01066     }
01067     //cout << "Orient " << orient
01068     // << " Slope " << road2D[orient].GetSlope()
01069     // << " Intercept " << road2D[orient].GetIntercept()
01070     // << " LastGap " << road2D[orient].GetLastGap()
01071     // << endl;
01073   }
01074   MucRec3DRoad road3D(&road2D[0], &road2D[1]);
01075   float vx, vy, x0, y0;
01076   if ( road3D.GetPart() == 1 ){
01077     road3D.TransformPhiRToXY( road2D[1].GetSlope(),     road2D[0].GetSlope(),     
01078         road2D[1].GetIntercept(), road2D[0].GetIntercept(),
01079         vx, vy, x0, y0);
01080   }
01081   else {
01082     vx = road2D[1].GetSlope();
01083     x0 = road2D[1].GetIntercept();
01084     vy = road2D[0].GetSlope();
01085     y0 = road2D[0].GetIntercept();
01086   }
01088   //cout << "road3D Last Gap " << road3D.GetLastGap() << endl;
01089   //cout << "vx " << vx << " x0 " << x0 << " vy " << vy << " y0 " << y0 << endl;
01091   // if number of gaps with hits >= 2 on both orient, change muc pos and momentum
01092   if (road2D[0].GetNGapsWithHits() >= 2 && road2D[1].GetNGapsWithHits() >= 2) {
01094     //good 3d road!!!
01095     m_Good3DLine = 1;
01096     m_status     = 1;
01098     m_Good3DPart = road3D.GetPart();
01099     road3D.SetSimpleFitParams(vx, x0, vy, y0);
01100     //road3D.PrintHitsInfo();
01102     float startx = 0.0, starty = 0.0, startz = 0.0;
01103     float startxSigma = 0.0, startySigma = 0.0, startzSigma = 0.0;
01104     float x1 = 0.0, y1 = 0.0, z1 = 0.0, x2 = 0.0, y2 = 0.0, z2 = 0.0;
01105     int gap = 0;
01107     if(fittingMethod==2){    //if choose quadratic fitting method!
01108       for(int igap=0; igap<9;igap++){
01109         road3D.Project(igap, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2);
01110         m_IntersectionInner[igap].set(x1,y1,z1);
01111         m_IntersectionOuter[igap].set(x2,y2,z2);
01112         //cout<<"3dproject sur "<<x1<<" "<<y1<<" "<<z1<<" "<<x2<<" "<<y2<<" "<<z2<<endl;      
01113       }
01114     }
01116     do {
01117       //road3D.Project(gap, startx, starty, startz);
01118       road3D.ProjectWithSigma(gap, startx, starty, startz, startxSigma, startySigma, startzSigma);
01119       gap++;
01120     }
01121     while ( (startx*startx + starty*starty + startz*startz) < kMinor &&
01122               gap < (int)MucID::getGapNum(part) );
01124     if(fabs(startx)<2600&&fabs(starty)<2600&&fabs(startz)<2800){
01125       Hep3Vector MucPos_self;
01126       MucPos_self.set(startx, starty, startz);
01127       float dist = (MucPos_self - m_MucPos).mag();
01129       if(dist < 1000 ){  // (mm) maybe the fit is bad, if the dist is too big.
01130         m_MucPos.set(startx, starty, startz);
01131         m_xPos = startx;
01132         m_yPos = starty;
01133         m_zPos = startz;
01134       }
01135     }
01136     m_MucPosSigma.set(startxSigma, startySigma, startzSigma);
01137     m_xPosSigma = startxSigma;
01138     m_yPosSigma = startySigma;
01139     m_zPosSigma = startzSigma;
01141     //cout<<"in RecMucTrack gap= "<<gap<<" start= "<<startx<<" "<<starty<<" "<<startz<<" "<<endl;
01142     float momentum = m_MucMomentum.mag();
01143     float zDir = 1.0;
01144     if (m_MucMomentum.z() != 0.0) zDir  = m_MucMomentum.z() / fabs(m_MucMomentum.z());
01146     float px = road3D.GetSlopeZX()*zDir;
01147     float py = road3D.GetSlopeZY()*zDir;
01148     float pz = zDir;
01149     float segPhi = 0.25*kPi*seg;
01150     // if vr is opposite to original, but both are very small, e.x. -0.01 -> + 0.01, or you can say, pt~p, change it to guarantee vx, vy is correct.
01151     if (part == 1 && px*cos(segPhi)+py*sin(segPhi) < 0.0) { // when in barrel, pt dot segPhi < 0, angle between them > 90deg
01152       px *= -1.0;
01153       py *= -1.0;
01154       pz *= -1.0;
01155     }
01157     //if(sqrt(px*px+py*py)>0.01)m_MucMomentum.set(px, py, pz);
01158     m_MucMomentum.set(px, py, pz);
01159     m_MucMomentum.setMag(momentum);
01161     m_px = px; m_py = py; m_pz = pz;
01162     Hep3Vector phi_mdc, phi_muc;
01163     phi_mdc.set(m_MdcMomentum.x(),m_MdcMomentum.y(),0);
01164     phi_muc.set(px,py,0);
01165     double deltaPhi = phi_mdc.angle(phi_muc);
01167     m_deltaPhi = deltaPhi;
01168     m_dof  = road3D.GetDegreesOfFreedom();
01169     m_chi2 = road3D.GetReducedChiSquare();
01170     if(m_chi2<0||m_chi2>1000)  m_chi2 = 0;
01171     m_rms  = 0.0; // road3D.GetReducedChiSquare(); // ??? in MucRecRoad3D
01174    if(road2D[0].GetNGapsWithHits() >= 3 && road2D[1].GetNGapsWithHits() >= 3){ //need 3+ gap to do refit
01175       //calc distance between each hit with this track.
01176       //use GetHitDistance(), so we should provide m_CurrentInsct. 
01177       float xInsct = 0.0, yInsct = 0.0, zInsct = 0.0, sigmax = 0.0, sigmay = 0.0, sigmaz = 0.0;
01178       float quad_x1 = 0.0, quad_y1 = 0.0, quad_z1 = 0.0, quad_x2 = 0.0, quad_y2 = 0.0, quad_z2 = 0.0;
01179       for(int ihit = 0; ihit < m_pHits.size(); ihit++){
01180         int igap = (m_pHits[ihit])->Gap();
01181         road3D.ProjectNoCurrentGap(igap, xInsct, yInsct, zInsct, sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz, 
01182                                    quad_x1, quad_y1, quad_z1, quad_x2, quad_y2, quad_z2);
01184         SetCurrentInsct(xInsct, yInsct, zInsct);
01186         float dist_hit_track = GetHitDistance2(m_pHits[ihit]);
01187         m_distHits.push_back(dist_hit_track);
01189         //cout<<"===========in RecMucTrack: line dist: "<<dist_hit_track<<endl;
01191         if(fittingMethod==2) // ------calc local insct in a gap with quad line.
01192           {
01194             Hep3Vector center = m_pHits[ihit]->GetCenterPos();
01195             int iPart = m_pHits[ihit]->Part();
01196             int iSeg  = m_pHits[ihit]->Seg();
01197             int iGap  = m_pHits[ihit]->Gap();
01198             float xHit, yHit, zHit = 0.;
01199             if (iPart == 1) {
01200                     if ( iGap %2  == 1) {
01201                             xHit = center.z();
01202                             yHit = sqrt(center.x()*center.x()
01203                                             + center.y()*center.y());
01204                             if(iSeg==2) yHit = center.y();  //deal with seg2 seperately! because there is a hole here. 2006.11.9
01205                     } 
01206                     else {
01207                             xHit = center.x();
01208                             yHit = center.y();
01209                     }
01210             }
01211             else {
01212                     if ( iGap %2 == 0) {
01213                             xHit = center.z();
01214                             yHit = center.y();
01215                     }
01216                     else {
01217                             xHit = center.z();
01218                             yHit = center.x();
01219                     }
01220             }
01222             float distance1 = fabs(xHit - quad_x1)/(xHit - quad_x1) * sqrt((xHit - quad_x1)*(xHit - quad_x1) + (yHit - quad_y1)*(yHit - quad_y1));
01223             float distance2 = fabs(xHit - quad_x2)/(xHit - quad_x2) * sqrt((xHit - quad_x2)*(xHit - quad_x2) + (yHit - quad_y2)*(yHit - quad_y2));
01225             float dist_quad = distance1;
01226             if(fabs(distance1) > fabs(distance2)) dist_quad = distance2;
01228       //cout<<"============in RecMucTrack: quad xyz: "<<quad_x1<<" "<<quad_y1<<" "<<quad_z1<<" "<<quad_x2<<" "<<quad_y2<<endl;
01229             //cout<<"============in RecMucTrack: hit pos: "<<xHit<<" "<<yHit<<" "<<zHit<<endl;
01230             //cout<<"============in RecMucTrack: dist1 = "<<distance1<<" dist2 = "<<distance2<<" dist ="<<dist_quad<<endl; 
01232             if(quad_x1 == -9999) m_distHits_quad.push_back(-99);
01233             else m_distHits_quad.push_back(dist_quad);
01235           }
01236       }
01237     }
01238     else{
01239         for(int ihit = 0; ihit < m_pHits.size(); ihit++){
01240             m_distHits.push_back(-99);
01241             m_distHits_quad.push_back(-99);
01242         }
01243     }
01247     ComputeLastGap();
01248     //HepPoint3D initPos(startx, starty,startz);
01249     HepPoint3D initPos(startx-m_MucMomentum.x()/momentum, starty-m_MucMomentum.y()/momentum,startz-m_MucMomentum.z()/momentum);
01251     //for(int igap = 0; igap <= m_brLastLayer; igap++){
01252     for(int igap = 0; igap < 9 ; igap++){
01253       vector<int> padID;
01254       vector<float> intersect_x;
01255       vector<float> intersect_y;
01256       vector<float> intersect_z;
01258       //refit---------------------------------
01259       float zx, zy, x0, y0;
01260       int status = road3D.RefitNoCurrentGap(igap,zx,x0,zy,y0);
01261       Hep3Vector mom_refit;
01262       if(status == 0){ //refit succeed
01263               float zDir = 1.0;
01264               if (m_MucMomentum.z() != 0.0) zDir  = m_MucMomentum.z() / fabs(m_MucMomentum.z());
01265               float px_refit = zx * zDir;  
01266               float py_refit = zy * zDir;       
01267               float pz_refit = zDir;
01268               float segPhi = 0.25*kPi*seg;
01269               // if vr is opposite to original, but both are very small, e.x. -0.01 -> + 0.01, or you can say, pt~p, change it to guarantee vx, vy is correct.
01270               if (part == 1 && px_refit*cos(segPhi)+py_refit*sin(segPhi) < 0.0) { // when in barrel, pt dot segPhi < 0, angle between them > 90deg
01271                       px_refit *= -1.0;
01272                       py_refit *= -1.0;
01273                       pz_refit *= -1.0;
01274               }
01276               mom_refit.setX(px_refit);
01277               mom_refit.setY(py_refit);
01278               mom_refit.setZ(pz_refit);
01279               mom_refit.setMag(momentum);
01280       }
01281       else mom_refit = m_MucMomentum;  //use the former momentum
01283       HepPoint3D initPos_refit;
01284       if(status == 0){
01285               float initPosx_refit, initPosy_refit, initPosz_refit;
01286               float sigmax_refit, sigmay_refit, sigmaz_refit;
01287               road3D.Project(0, zx, x0, zy, y0, initPosx_refit, initPosy_refit, initPosz_refit);
01288               initPos_refit.setX(initPosx_refit-mom_refit.x()/momentum);
01289               initPos_refit.setY(initPosy_refit-mom_refit.y()/momentum);
01290               initPos_refit.setZ(initPosz_refit-mom_refit.z()/momentum);
01291       }
01292       else initPos_refit = initPos;
01294       //cout<<"initPos: "<<initPos<<"  "<<initPos_refit<<endl;
01295       //if((initPos - initPos_refit).mag()>100) cout<<"--------=====------to far"<<endl;
01296       //refit---------------------------------
01297       //cout<<"no gap: "<<igap<<"  mom: "<<m_MucMomentum<<"  refit: "<<mom_refit<<endl; 
01299       //vector<Identifier> MuId = road3D.ProjectToStrip(1,igap,initPos,m_MucMomentum,padID,intersect_x,intersect_y,intersect_z);
01300       vector<Identifier> MuId = road3D.ProjectToStrip(1,igap,initPos_refit,mom_refit,padID,intersect_x,intersect_y,intersect_z);
01302       //vector<Identifier> MuId = road3D.ProjectToStrip(1,igap,initPos,mom_refit,padID,intersect_x,intersect_y,intersect_z);
01304       vector<Identifier>::const_iterator mucid;
01305       int i = 0;
01306       for(mucid = MuId.begin(); mucid != MuId.end(); mucid++,i++)
01307       {
01308         MucRecHit *pHit = new MucRecHit(MucID::part(*mucid),MucID::seg(*mucid),MucID::gap(*mucid),MucID::strip(*mucid));
01309         pHit->SetPadID(padID[i]);
01310         pHit->SetIntersectX(intersect_x[i]);
01311         pHit->SetIntersectY(intersect_y[i]);
01312         pHit->SetIntersectZ(intersect_z[i]);
01314         m_pExpectedHits.push_back(pHit);
01315       }
01316     }
01318     if(m_endPart!=-1&&m_ecLastLayer!=-1)
01319     {
01320       //for(int igap = 0; igap <= m_ecLastLayer; igap++){
01321       for(int igap = 0; igap < 8; igap++){
01322         vector<int> padID;
01323         vector<float> intersect_x;
01324         vector<float> intersect_y;
01325         vector<float> intersect_z;
01327         //refit---------------------------------
01328         float zx, zy, x0, y0;
01329         //int status = road3D.RefitNoCurrentGap(igap,zy,y0,zx,x0);  //!!!!!different sequence
01330         int status = road3D.RefitNoCurrentGap(igap,zx,x0,zy,y0); 
01331         Hep3Vector mom_refit;
01332         if(status == 0){ //refit succeed
01333                 float zDir = 1.0;
01334                 if (m_MucMomentum.z() != 0.0) zDir  = m_MucMomentum.z() / fabs(m_MucMomentum.z());
01335                 float px_refit = zx * zDir;
01336                 float py_refit = zy * zDir;
01337                 float pz_refit = zDir;
01338                 float segPhi = 0.25*kPi*seg;
01339                 // if vr is opposite to original, but both are very small, e.x. -0.01 -> + 0.01, or you can say, pt~p, change it to guarantee vx, vy is correct.
01340                 if (part == 1 && px_refit*cos(segPhi)+py_refit*sin(segPhi) < 0.0) { // when in barrel, pt dot segPhi < 0, angle between them > 90deg
01341                         px_refit *= -1.0;
01342                         py_refit *= -1.0;
01343                         pz_refit *= -1.0;
01344                 }
01346                 mom_refit.setX(px_refit);
01347                 mom_refit.setY(py_refit);
01348                 mom_refit.setZ(pz_refit);
01349                 mom_refit.setMag(momentum);
01350         }
01351         else mom_refit = m_MucMomentum;  //use the former momentum
01353         HepPoint3D initPos_refit;
01354         if(status == 0){
01355                 float initPosx_refit, initPosy_refit, initPosz_refit;
01356                 float sigmax_refit, sigmay_refit, sigmaz_refit;
01357                 road3D.Project(0, zx, x0, zy, y0, initPosx_refit, initPosy_refit, initPosz_refit);
01358                 initPos_refit.setX(initPosx_refit-mom_refit.x()/momentum);
01359                 initPos_refit.setY(initPosy_refit-mom_refit.y()/momentum);
01360                 initPos_refit.setZ(initPosz_refit-mom_refit.z()/momentum);
01361         }
01362         else initPos_refit = initPos;
01363         //refit---------------------------------
01364         //cout<<"mom: "<<m_MucMomentum<<" "<<mom_refit<<" pos: "<<initPos<<"  "<<initPos_refit<<endl;  
01365         //vector<Identifier> MuId = road3D.ProjectToStrip(m_endPart,igap,initPos,m_MucMomentum,padID,intersect_x,intersect_y,intersect_z);
01367         vector<Identifier> MuId = road3D.ProjectToStrip(m_endPart,igap,initPos_refit,mom_refit,padID,intersect_x,intersect_y,intersect_z);
01369         vector<Identifier>::const_iterator mucid;
01370         int i = 0;
01371         for(mucid = MuId.begin(); mucid != MuId.end(); mucid++,i++)
01372         {
01373           MucRecHit *pHit = new MucRecHit(MucID::part(*mucid),MucID::seg(*mucid),MucID::gap(*mucid),MucID::strip(*mucid));
01374           pHit->SetPadID(padID[i]);
01375           pHit->SetIntersectX(intersect_x[i]);
01376           pHit->SetIntersectY(intersect_y[i]);
01377           pHit->SetIntersectZ(intersect_z[i]);
01379           m_pExpectedHits.push_back(pHit);
01380         }
01381       }
01382     }
01384     //cout<<"in RecMucTrack push back expected hits  size= "<<m_pExpectedHits.size()<<" ? "<<m_pHits.size()<<endl;
01385     for(int i=0; i< m_pExpectedHits.size(); i++)
01386     {
01387       MucRecHit *ihit = m_pExpectedHits[i];
01388       //cout<<"expected Hits: "<<ihit->Part()<<"  "<<ihit->Seg()<<"  "<<ihit->Gap()<<"  "<<ihit->Strip()<<endl;
01389       //cout<<"pad: "<<ihit->GetPadID()<<"  pos: "<<ihit->GetIntersectX()<<" "<<ihit->GetIntersectY()<<" "<<ihit->GetIntersectZ()<<" "<<endl;
01390     }
01392     for(int i=0; i< m_pHits.size(); i++)
01393     {
01394       MucRecHit *ihit = m_pHits[i];
01395       //cout<<"attachedd Hits: "<<ihit->Part()<<"  "<<ihit->Seg()<<"  "<<ihit->Gap()<<"  "<<ihit->Strip()<<" isseed: "<<ihit->HitIsSeed()<<endl;
01396     }
01397     //cout<<"1st: "<<brFirstLayer()<<"  "<<ecFirstLayer()<<"  last: "<<brLastLayer()<<"  "<<ecLastLayer()<<endl;
01399   }
01400   else {
01401     //calc distance between each hit with this track.
01402     //initialize distHits
01403     for(int ihit = 0; ihit < m_pHits.size(); ihit++){
01404       m_distHits.push_back(-99);
01405       m_distHits_quad.push_back(-99);
01406     }
01407   }
01408   //cout << "Muc Pos: x " << m_MucPos.x() << " y " << m_MucPos.y() << " z " << m_MucPos.z() << endl;
01409 }
01411 void
01412 RecMucTrack::ComputeNGapsWithHits() 
01413 {
01414   int ngap = MucID::getGapMax();
01415   int gap, count = 0;
01416   vector<int> firedGap;
01417   for(gap = 0; gap < ngap; gap++) firedGap.push_back(0);
01419   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
01420   for (iHit=m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
01421     if (*iHit) {  // Check for a null pointer.
01422       gap = (*iHit)->Gap();
01423       firedGap[gap] = 1;
01424     }
01425   }
01427   for ( gap = 0; gap < ngap; gap++) {
01428     count += firedGap[gap];
01429   }
01431   m_numHits   = m_pHits.size();
01432   m_numLayers = count;
01433   //cout<<"nLayer:\t"<<m_numLayers<<endl;
01434 }
01436 int
01437 RecMucTrack::GetTotalHits() const
01438 { 
01439   return m_pHits.size();
01440 }
01442 int
01443 RecMucTrack::GetHitInGap(const int part, const int gap) const
01444 {
01445   if ( part < 0 || part > 2 ) {
01446     cout << "RecMucTrack::GetHitInGap(), invalid part " << part << endl;
01447     return 0;
01448   }
01449   if ( (gap < 0) || (gap >= (int)MucID::getGapNum(part)) ) {
01450     cout << "RecMucTrack::GetHitInGap(), invalid gap " << gap << endl;
01451     return 0;
01452   } 
01454   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
01455   int hitsInGap = 0;
01457   for (iHit = m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
01459     if ( !(*iHit) ) {
01460       cout << "RecMucTrack::GetHitInGap() null hit pointer !"  << endl;
01461       return 0;
01462     }
01463     else {
01464       if( part == (*iHit)->Part() && gap  == (*iHit)->Gap() ) hitsInGap++;
01465     }
01466   }
01468   return hitsInGap;
01469 }
01471 int
01472 RecMucTrack::GetHitInSeg(const int part, const int seg) const
01473 {
01474   int num = GetHitInSegOrient(part, seg, 0) + GetHitInSegOrient(part, seg, 1);
01475   return num;
01476 }
01478 int
01479 RecMucTrack::GetHitInSegOrient(const int part, const int seg, const int orient) const
01480 {
01481   if ( part < 0 || part > 2 ) {
01482     cout << "RecMucTrack::GetHitInSeg(), invalid part " << part << endl;
01483     return 0;
01484   }
01485   if ( (seg < 0) || (seg >= (int)MucID::getSegNum(part)) ) {
01486     cout << "RecMucTrack::GetHitInSeg(), invalid seg = " << seg << endl;
01487     return 0;
01488   } 
01490   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
01491   int hitsInSeg = 0;
01493   for (iHit = m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
01495     if ( !(*iHit) ) {
01496       cout << "RecMucTrack::GetHitInSeg(), null hit pointer !"  << endl;
01497       return 0;
01498     }
01499     else {
01500       if( part == (*iHit)->Part() && seg == (*iHit)->Seg() && 
01501           orient == (*iHit)->GetGap()->Orient() ) hitsInSeg++;
01502     }
01503   }
01505   return hitsInSeg;
01506 }
01508 int
01509 RecMucTrack::FindSegWithMaxHits(int &findPart, int &findSeg)
01510 {
01511   int maxHits = 0;
01512   int hits = 0;
01513   for(int part = 0; part < (int)MucID::getPartNum(); part++) {
01514     for(int seg = 0; seg < (int)MucID::getSegNum(part); seg++) {
01515       hits = GetHitInSeg(part, seg);
01516       if (hits > maxHits) {
01517         maxHits  = hits;
01518         findPart = part;
01519         findSeg  = seg;
01520       }
01521     }
01522   }
01524   return maxHits;
01525 }
01527 void
01528 RecMucTrack::ComputeMaxHitsInGap() 
01529 {
01530   int maxHits = 0;
01531   int hits = 0;
01532   for(int part = 0; part < (int)MucID::getPartNum(); part++) {
01533     for(int gap = 0; gap < (int)MucID::getGapNum(part); gap++) {
01534       hits = GetHitInGap(part, gap);
01535       if(hits > maxHits) maxHits = hits;
01536     }
01537   }
01539   m_maxHitsInLayer = maxHits;
01540 }
01542 bool 
01543 RecMucTrack::HasHit(const int part, const int seg, const int gap, const int strip) const
01544 {
01545   bool found = false;
01546   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
01548   for (iHit = m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
01549     if (*iHit) {  // Check for a null pointer.
01550       if ( (*iHit)->Part()  == part &&
01551            (*iHit)->Seg()   == seg &&
01552            (*iHit)->Gap()   == gap &&
01553            (*iHit)->Strip() == strip ) {
01554         found = true;
01555       }
01556     }
01557   }
01559   return found;
01560 }
01562 bool
01563 RecMucTrack::HasHitInGap(const int part, const int gap) const
01564 {
01565   if ( (gap < 0) || (gap >= (int)MucID::getGapNum(part)) ) {
01566     cout << "RecMucTrack::HasHitInGap-E2  invalid gap = " << gap << endl;
01567     return false;
01568   }
01570   bool found = false;
01571   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
01573   for (iHit = m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
01574     if (*iHit) {  // Check for a null pointer.
01575       if ( (*iHit)->Part() == part &&
01576            (*iHit)->Gap() == gap ) {
01577         found = true;
01578       }
01579     }
01580   }
01582   return found;
01583 }
01585 int
01586 RecMucTrack::GetNSharedHits(const RecMucTrack* track2) const
01587 {
01588   if (!track2) {
01589     return 0;
01590   }
01592   int count = 0;
01593   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit1;
01594   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit2;
01595   MucRecHit *hit1, *hit2;
01597   for( iHit1 = m_pHits.begin(); iHit1 != m_pHits.end(); iHit1++){
01598     for( iHit2 = track2->m_pHits.begin(); 
01599          iHit2 != track2->m_pHits.end(); iHit2++){
01600       hit1 = (*iHit1);
01601       hit2 = (*iHit2);
01603       if ( (hit1 != 0) && (hit2 != 0) ) {
01604         if (hit1->GetID() == hit2->GetID()) {
01605           count++;
01606         }
01607       }
01608     }
01609   }
01611   return count;
01612 }
01614 MucRecHit*
01615 RecMucTrack::GetHit(const int part, const int gap) const
01616 {
01617   if ( (gap < 0) || (gap >= (int)MucID::getGapNum(part)) ) {
01618     cout << "RecMucTrack::Hit-E1  invalid gap = " << gap << endl;
01619     return 0;
01620   }
01622   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
01624   for (iHit = m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
01625     if (*iHit) {  // Check for a null pointer.
01626       if ( (*iHit)->Part() == part &&
01627            (*iHit)->Gap()  == gap) { 
01628         return (*iHit);
01629       }
01630     }
01631   }
01633   return 0L;
01634 }
01636 vector<MucRecHit*>
01637 RecMucTrack::GetHits() const
01638 {
01639   return m_pHits;
01640 }
01642 vector<MucRecHit*>
01643 RecMucTrack::GetExpectedHits() const
01644 {
01645     return m_pExpectedHits;
01646 }
01648 vector<long> 
01649 RecMucTrack::GetHitIndices() const
01650 {
01651   vector<long> v;
01653   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
01654   for ( iHit = m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
01655     if (*iHit) {  // Check for a null pointer.
01656       long index = (*iHit)->GetID();
01657       v.push_back(index);
01658       /*
01659       cout << " Muc2DRoad::HitIndices  gap  orientation  twopack= "
01660            <<  (*iHit)->ChannelID().Plane() << "   "
01661            <<  (*iHit)->ChannelID().Orient()  << "   "
01662            <<  (*iHit)->ChannelID().TwoPack() << endl; 
01663       */
01664     }
01665   }
01666   return v;
01667 }
01669 void 
01670 RecMucTrack::ComputeTrackInfo(int fittingmethod)
01671 {
01672   setVecHits(m_pHits);
01673   setExpHits(m_pExpectedHits);
01674   ComputeLastGap();
01675   ComputeNGapsWithHits(); 
01676   ComputeMaxHitsInGap();
01677   //ComputeDepth();
01678   ComputeDepth(fittingmethod);
01679   ComputeDistanceMatch();
01680   OutputUnitChange();
01681 }
01683 void
01684 RecMucTrack::PrintHitsInfo() const
01685 {
01686   vector<MucRecHit*>::const_iterator iHit;
01687   for ( iHit = m_pHits.begin(); iHit != m_pHits.end(); iHit++) {
01688     if (*iHit) {  // Check for a null pointer.
01689       float xl, yl, zl;
01690       (*iHit)->GetStrip()->GetCenterPos(xl, yl, zl);
01691       HepPoint3D vl(xl, yl, zl);
01692       HepPoint3D vg = (*iHit)->GetGap()->TransformToGlobal(vl);
01694       cout << " part "   << (*iHit)->Part() 
01695            << " seg  "   << (*iHit)->Seg()
01696            << " gap  "   << (*iHit)->Gap()
01697            << " strip "  << (*iHit)->Strip()
01698            << " pos ("   << vg.x() << ", " << vg.y() << ", " << vg.z() << ")"  
01699            << endl;
01700     }
01701   }
01703 }
01705 void
01706 RecMucTrack::OutputUnitChange()
01707 {
01708   if(m_changeUnit == false){
01709     m_depth/=10;
01711     m_xPos /=10;
01712     m_yPos /=10;
01713     m_zPos /=10; 
01715     m_xPosSigma/=10;
01716     m_yPosSigma/=10;
01717     m_zPosSigma/=10;
01719     m_px /= 1000;
01720     m_py /= 1000;
01721     m_pz /= 1000;
01723     m_distance /= 10;
01724   }
01726   m_changeUnit = true;
01728 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:12:58 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7