
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* 
00002  * Class : RecETofCalHit
00003  * This class is a Event data model for Reconstrcted input for Endcap Tof calibration
00004  * Created  by  Lin li Jiang (USTC)     2005/12/12  17:42:22 
00005  * 
00006  */
00007 #ifndef RECETOFCALHIT_H
00008 #define RECETOFCALHIT_H
00010 #include "GaudiKernel/ContainedObject.h"
00011 #include "GaudiKernel/ObjectVector.h"
00012 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartRef.h"
00013 #include "EventModel/EventModel.h"
00014 #include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
00016 extern const  CLID &CLID_RecETofCalHit;
00019 class RecETofCalHit : virtual public ContainedObject {
00021 public:
00022   RecETofCalHit();//{} 
00023   virtual ~RecETofCalHit(){} 
00025   virtual const CLID& clID()  const { return  RecETofCalHit::classID();}
00026   static  const CLID& classID() { return CLID_RecETofCalHit; }
00028 public:
00029   int         run()      const {  return  m_run;   }
00030   int         event()    const {  return  m_event; }
00031   int         mod()      const {  return  m_imod;  }
00032   int         qual()     const {  return  m_qual;  }
00033   double      tpred()    const {  return  m_tpred; }
00034   double      tdc()      const {  return  m_tdc;   }
00035   double      adc()      const {  return  m_adc;   }
00036   double      rHit()     const {  return  m_rHit;  }
00037   double      drHit()    const {  return  m_drHit; }  
00038   double      deltaPhi() const {  return  m_deltaPhi; }
00039   double      cosTheta() const {  return  m_costheta; }
00040   double      p()        const {  return  m_p;     }
00041   double      Q()        const {  return  m_Q;     }
00042   double      path()     const {  return  m_path;  }
00043 //add 9/23/06
00044 public:
00045   double  tpred(int idx) const { if(idx<0||idx>5) idx=0;return m_texp[idx];}  
00046   void    setTpred(int idx,double t) { if(idx<0||idx>5) idx=0;m_texp[idx]=t;}
00047 private:
00048   double m_texp[5];
00049 //end add
00050 public: 
00051   void  setRun(int run )             { m_run      = run;      }
00052   void  setEvent(int event )         { m_event    = event;    }
00053   void  setMod(int  imod )           { m_imod     = imod;     }
00054   void  setQual(int qual)            { m_qual     = qual;     }
00055   void  setTpred(double tpred)       { m_tpred    = tpred;    }
00056   void  setTdc(double tdc)           { m_tdc      = tdc;      }
00057   void  setAdc(double adc)           { m_adc      = adc;      }
00058   void  setRHit(double rHit)         { m_rHit     = rHit;     }
00059   void  setdRHit(double drHit)       { m_drHit    = drHit;    } 
00060   void  setDeltaPhi(double deltaPhi) { m_deltaPhi = deltaPhi; } 
00061   void  setcosTheta(double cost)     { m_costheta = cost;     }
00062   void  setP(double p)               { m_p        = p;        }
00063   void  setQ(double q)               { m_Q        = q;        }
00064   void  setPath(double l)            { m_path     = l;        }
00065 private:
00066   int    m_run;
00067   int    m_event;
00068   int    m_imod;   
00069   int    m_qual;
00070   double m_tpred;
00071   double m_tdc;
00072   double m_adc;
00073   double m_rHit;
00074   double m_drHit;
00075   double m_deltaPhi;
00076   double m_costheta;
00077   double m_p;
00078   double m_Q;
00079   double m_path;
00080 };
00082 typedef ObjectVector<RecETofCalHit> RecETofCalHitCol;
00084 #endif //RECETOFCalHit_H

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