
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "RawFile/RawFileUtil.h"
00002 #include "RawFile/raw_ifstream.h"
00003 #include "RawFile/raw_ofstream.h"
00004 #include "IRawFile/RawFileExceptions.h"
00005 #include <cstring>
00007 raw_ifstream& operator>>(raw_ifstream& is, FileStartRecord& record) {
00008   // read data block
00009   if (is.read((char*)(&record.m_record), sizeof(file_start_record)).fail()) {
00010     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while reading files" << std::endl;
00011     throw BadInputStream("FileStartRecord");
00012   }
00014   // data validation checks
00015   if (record.m_record.marker != 0x1234aaaa) {
00016     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an invalid record marker" << std::endl;
00017     throw WrongMarker(0x1234aaaa, record.m_record.marker);
00018   }
00020   if (record.m_record.record_size != 8) {
00021     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an unexpected record size" << std::endl;
00022     throw UnexpectedRecordSize("FileStartRecord", 8, record.m_record.record_size);
00023   }
00025   return is;
00026 }
00028 raw_ifstream& operator>>(raw_ifstream& is, FileNameStrings& record) {
00029   // read marker
00030   if (is.read((char*)(&record.m_record.marker), sizeof(uint32_t)).fail()) {
00031     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while reading files" << std::endl;
00032     throw BadInputStream("FileNameStrings::marker");
00033   }
00035   // marker validation
00036   if (record.m_record.marker != 0x1234aabb) {
00037     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an invalid record marker" << std::endl;
00038     throw WrongMarker(0x1234aabb, record.m_record.marker);
00039   }
00041   // read length and strings
00042   if (is.read((char*)(&record.m_record.length1), sizeof(uint32_t)).fail()) {
00043     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while reading files" << std::endl;
00044     throw BadInputStream("FileNameStrings::length1");
00045   }
00047   uint32_t length1_word = (record.m_record.length1 + 3) / 4;
00048   char* appName = new char[length1_word * 4 + 1];
00049   if (is.read(appName, length1_word*4).fail()) {
00050     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while reading files" << std::endl;
00051     throw BadInputStream("FileNameStrings::appName");
00052   }
00053   appName[record.m_record.length1] = '\0';
00054   record.m_appName = appName;
00055   delete[] appName;
00057   if (is.read((char*)(&record.m_record.length2), sizeof(uint32_t)).fail()) {
00058     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while reading files" << std::endl;
00059     throw BadInputStream("FileNameStrings::length2");
00060   }
00062   uint32_t length2_word = (record.m_record.length2 + 3) / 4;
00063   char* usrTag = new char[length2_word * 4 + 1];
00064   if (is.read(usrTag, length2_word*4).fail()) {
00065     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while reading files" << std::endl;
00066     throw BadInputStream("FileNameStrings::usrTag");
00067   }
00068   usrTag[record.m_record.length2] = '\0';
00069   record.m_usrTag = usrTag;
00070   delete[] usrTag;
00072   return is;
00073 }
00075 raw_ifstream& operator>>(raw_ifstream&is, RunParametersRecord& record) {
00076   // read data block
00077   if (is.read((char*)(&record.m_record), sizeof(run_parameters_record)).fail()) {
00078     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while reading files" << std::endl;
00079     throw BadInputStream("RunParametersRecord");
00080   }
00082   // data validation checks
00083   if (record.m_record.marker != 0x1234bbbb) {
00084     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an invalid record marker" << std::endl;
00085     throw WrongMarker(0x1234bbbb, record.m_record.marker);
00086   }
00088   if (record.m_record.record_size != 9) {
00089     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an unexpected record size" << std::endl;
00090     throw UnexpectedRecordSize("RunParametersRecord", 9, record.m_record.record_size);
00091   }
00093   return is;
00094 }
00096 raw_ifstream& operator>>(raw_ifstream& is, DataSeparatorRecord& record) {
00097   // read data block
00098   if (is.read((char*)(&record.m_record), sizeof(data_separator_record)).fail()) {
00099     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while reading file" << std::endl;
00100     throw BadInputStream("DataSeparatorRecord");
00101     //throw ReachEndOfFile();
00102   }
00104   // data validation checks
00105   if (record.m_record.marker != 0x1234cccc) {
00106     if (record.m_record.marker == 0x1234dddd) {
00107       throw ReachEndOfFile(is.currentFile().c_str());
00108     }
00109     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an invalid record marker" << std::endl;
00110     throw WrongMarker(0x1234cccc, record.m_record.marker);
00111   }
00113   if (record.m_record.record_size != 4) {
00114     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an unexpected record size" << std::endl;
00115     throw UnexpectedRecordSize("DataSeparatorRecord", 4, record.m_record.record_size);
00116   }
00118   return is;
00119 }
00121 raw_ifstream& operator>>(raw_ifstream& is, FileEndRecord& record) {
00122   // read data block
00123   if (is.read((char*)(&record.m_record), sizeof(file_end_record)).fail()) {
00124     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while reading files" << std::endl;
00125     throw BadInputStream("FileEndRecord");
00126   }
00128   // data validation checks
00129   if (record.m_record.marker != 0x1234dddd) {
00130     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an invalid record marker" << std::endl;
00131     throw WrongMarker(0x1234dddd, record.m_record.marker);
00132   }
00133   if (record.m_record.end_marker != 0x1234eeee) {
00134     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an invalid record marker" << std::endl;
00135     throw WrongMarker(0x1234eeee, record.m_record.end_marker);
00136   }
00138   if (record.m_record.record_size != 10) {
00139     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an unexpected record size" << std::endl;
00140     throw UnexpectedRecordSize("FileEndRecord", 10, record.m_record.record_size);
00141   }
00143   return is;
00144 }
00146 raw_ifstream& makeEndRecord(DataSeparatorRecord& sep, raw_ifstream& is, FileEndRecord& record) {
00147   // copy file_end_record data that already read by data_separator_record
00148   memcpy((void*)&record.m_record, (const void*)&(sep.getRecord()), sizeof(data_separator_record));
00149   // read data block
00150   if (is.read((char*)(&record.m_record.events_in_file), (
00151           sizeof(file_end_record) - sizeof(data_separator_record)
00152           )).fail()) {
00153     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while reading files" << std::endl;
00154     throw BadInputStream("FileEndRecord");
00155   }
00157   // data validation checks
00158   if (record.m_record.marker != 0x1234dddd) {
00159     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an invalid record marker" << std::endl;
00160     throw WrongMarker(0x1234dddd, record.m_record.marker);
00161   }
00162   if (record.m_record.end_marker != 0x1234eeee) {
00163     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an invalid record marker" << std::endl;
00164     throw WrongMarker(0x1234eeee, record.m_record.end_marker);
00165   }
00167   if (record.m_record.record_size != 10) {
00168     //std::cerr << "[RawFile] Get an unexpected record size" << std::endl;
00169     throw UnexpectedRecordSize("FileEndRecord", 10, record.m_record.record_size);
00170   }
00172   return is;
00173 }
00175 raw_ofstream& operator<<(raw_ofstream& os, FileStartRecord& record) {
00176   // write data block
00177   if (os.write((char*)(&record.m_record), sizeof(file_start_record)).fail()) {
00178     std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while writing file" << std::endl;
00179     throw FailedToWrite("FileStartRecord");
00180   }
00182   return os;
00183 }
00185 raw_ofstream& operator<<(raw_ofstream& os, FileNameStrings& record) {
00186   // write data block
00187   os.write((char*)(&record.m_record), sizeof(uint32_t)*2);
00188   uint32_t sizebyte = record.m_record.length1;
00189   uint32_t sizeword = (sizebyte+3)/4;
00190   os.write(record.m_appName.c_str(), sizeword*4);
00191   os.write((char*)(&record.m_record.length2), sizeof(uint32_t));
00192   sizebyte = record.m_record.length2;
00193   sizeword = (sizebyte+3)/4;
00194   os.write(record.m_usrTag.c_str(), sizeword*4);
00195   if ( os.fail() ) {
00196     std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while writing file" << std::endl;
00197     throw FailedToWrite("FileNameStrings");
00198   }
00199   return os;
00200 }
00202 raw_ofstream& operator<<(raw_ofstream& os, RunParametersRecord& record) {
00203   // write data block
00204   if (os.write((char*)(&record.m_record), sizeof(run_parameters_record)).fail()) {
00205     std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while writing file" << std::endl;
00206     throw FailedToWrite("RunParametersRecord");
00207   }
00209   return os;
00210 }
00212 raw_ofstream& operator<<(raw_ofstream& os, DataSeparatorRecord& record) {
00213   // write data block
00214   if (os.write((char*)(&record.m_record), sizeof(data_separator_record)).fail()) {
00215     std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while writing file" << std::endl;
00216     throw FailedToWrite("DataSeparatorRecord");
00217   }
00219   return os;
00220 }
00222 raw_ofstream& operator<<(raw_ofstream& os, FileEndRecord& record) {
00223   // write data block
00224   if (os.write((char*)(&record.m_record), sizeof(file_end_record)).fail()) {
00225     std::cerr << "[RawFile] Error occurred while writing file" << std::endl;
00226     throw FailedToWrite("FileEndRecord");
00227   }
00229   return os;
00230 }
00232 FileStartRecord::FileStartRecord()
00233 {
00234    m_record.marker               = 0x1234aaaa;
00235    m_record.record_size          = 8;
00236    // following members are not meaningful @ offline
00237    m_record.version              = 0;
00238    m_record.file_number          = 0;
00239    m_record.date                 = 0;
00240    m_record.time                 = 0;
00241    m_record.sizeLimit_dataBlocks = 0;
00242    m_record.sizeLimit_MB         = 0;
00243 }
00245 FileNameStrings::FileNameStrings()
00246 {
00247    m_record.marker   = 0x1234aabb;
00248    m_record.length1  = 4;
00249    m_record.length2  = 7;
00250    m_appName         = "BOSS";
00251    m_usrTag          = "offline";
00252 }
00254 RunParametersRecord::RunParametersRecord()
00255 {
00256    m_record.marker        = 0x1234bbbb;
00257    m_record.record_size   = 9;
00258    // following members are not meaningful @ offline
00259    m_record.run_number    = 0;
00260    m_record.max_events    = 0;
00261    m_record.rec_enable    = 0;
00262    m_record.trigger_type  = 0;
00263    m_record.detector_mask = 0;
00264    m_record.beam_type     = 0;
00265    m_record.beam_energy   = 0;
00266 }
00268 DataSeparatorRecord::DataSeparatorRecord()
00269 {
00270    m_record.marker        = 0x1234cccc;
00271    m_record.record_size   = 4;
00272    //m_record.data_block_number;  //set manually
00273    //m_record.data_block_size;    //set manually
00274 }
00276 FileEndRecord::FileEndRecord()
00277 {
00278    m_record.marker          = 0x1234dddd;
00279    m_record.record_size     = 10;
00280    // following members are not meaningful @ offline
00281    m_record.date            = 0;
00282    m_record.time            = 0;
00283    //m_record.events_in_file;     //set manually
00284    m_record.data_in_file    = 0;
00285    m_record.events_in_run   = 0;
00286    m_record.data_in_run     = 0;
00287    m_record.status          = 1;
00288    m_record.end_marker      = 0x1234eeee;
00289 }
00291 void FileStartRecord::dump(std::ostream& os) const {
00292   os << "[RawFile] FileStartRecord:" << std::endl << std::hex
00293      << "[RawFile] \tmarker               : 0x" << m_record.marker << std::endl
00294      << "[RawFile] \trecord_size          : 0x" << m_record.record_size << std::endl
00295      << "[RawFile] \tversion              : 0x" << m_record.version << std::endl
00296      << "[RawFile] \tfile_number          : 0x" << m_record.file_number << std::endl
00297      << "[RawFile] \tdate                 : 0x" << m_record.date << std::endl
00298      << "[RawFile] \ttime                 : 0x" << m_record.time << std::endl
00299      << "[RawFile] \tsizeLimit_dataBlocks : 0x" << m_record.sizeLimit_dataBlocks << std::endl
00300      << "[RawFile] \tsizeLimit_MB         : 0x" << m_record.sizeLimit_MB
00301      << std::dec << std::endl;
00302 }
00304 void FileNameStrings::dump(std::ostream& os) const {
00305   os << "[RawFile] FileNameStrings:" << std::endl << std::hex
00306      << "[RawFile] \tmarker               : 0x" << m_record.marker << std::endl
00307      << "[RawFile] \tAppName length       : 0x" << m_record.length1 << std::endl
00308      << "[RawFile] \tAppName              : " << m_appName << std::endl
00309      << "[RawFile] \tUsrTag  length       : 0x" << m_record.length2 << std::endl
00310      << "[RawFile] \tUsrTag               : " << m_usrTag
00311      << std::dec << std::endl;
00312 }
00314 void RunParametersRecord::dump(std::ostream& os) const {
00315   os << "[RawFile] RunParametersRecord:" << std::endl << std::hex
00316      << "[RawFile] \tmarker               : 0x" << m_record.marker << std::endl
00317      << "[RawFile] \trecord_size          : 0x" << m_record.record_size << std::endl
00318      << "[RawFile] \trun_number           : 0x" << m_record.run_number << std::endl
00319      << "[RawFile] \tmax_events           : 0x" << m_record.max_events << std::endl
00320      << "[RawFile] \trec_enable           : 0x" << m_record.rec_enable << std::endl
00321      << "[RawFile] \ttrigger_type         : 0x" << m_record.trigger_type << std::endl
00322      << "[RawFile] \tdetector_mask        : 0x" << m_record.detector_mask << std::endl
00323      << "[RawFile] \tbeam_type            : 0x" << m_record.beam_type << std::endl
00324      << "[RawFile] \tbeam_energy          : 0x" << m_record.beam_energy
00325      << std::dec << std::endl;
00326 }
00328 void DataSeparatorRecord::dump(std::ostream& os) const {
00329   os << "[RawFile] DataSeparatorRecord:" << std::endl << std::hex
00330      << "[RawFile] \tmarker               : 0x" << m_record.marker << std::endl
00331      << "[RawFile] \trecord_size          : 0x" << m_record.record_size << std::endl
00332      << "[RawFile] \tdata_block_number    : 0x" << m_record.data_block_number << std::endl
00333      << "[RawFile] \tdata_block_size      : 0x" << m_record.data_block_size
00334      << std::dec << std::endl;
00335 }
00337 void FileEndRecord::dump(std::ostream& os) const {
00338   os << "[RawFile] FileEndRecord:" << std::endl << std::hex
00339      << "[RawFile] \tmarker               : 0x" << m_record.marker << std::endl
00340      << "[RawFile] \trecord_size          : 0x" << m_record.record_size << std::endl
00341      << "[RawFile] \tdate                 : 0x" << m_record.date << std::endl
00342      << "[RawFile] \ttime                 : 0x" << m_record.time << std::endl
00343      << "[RawFile] \tevents_in_file       : 0x" << m_record.events_in_file << std::endl
00344      << "[RawFile] \tdata_in_file         : 0x" << m_record.data_in_file << std::endl
00345      << "[RawFile] \tevents_in_run        : 0x" << m_record.events_in_run << std::endl
00346      << "[RawFile] \tdata_in_run          : 0x" << m_record.data_in_run << std::endl
00347      << "[RawFile] \tstatus               : 0x" << m_record.status << std::endl
00348      << "[RawFile] \tend_marker           : 0x" << m_record.end_marker
00349      << std::dec << std::endl;
00350 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 22:58:36 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7