
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <assert.h>
00002 #include <math.h>
00004 #include "MdcGeom/Constants.h"
00005 #include "MdcGeom/BesAngle.h"
00006 #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
00007 #include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"
00008 #include "CLHEP/Matrix/SymMatrix.h"
00009 #include "TrkBase/NeutTraj.h"
00010 #include "TrkBase/TrkVisitor.h"
00011 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifNumber.h"
00012 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifPoint.h"
00013 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifVector.h"
00016 NeutTraj::NeutTraj(const NeutParams& np, double lowlim,double hilim,
00017                    const HepPoint3D& refpoint) : 
00018   TrkSimpTraj(np.parameter(), np.covariance(), lowlim,hilim)
00019 {
00020 }
00022 NeutTraj::NeutTraj( const NeutTraj& n )
00023   : TrkSimpTraj(n.parameters()->parameter(), n.parameters()->covariance(),
00024                 n.lowRange(),n.hiRange())
00025 {
00026 }
00028 //  Simple cloning function
00029 NeutTraj*
00030 NeutTraj::clone() const
00031 {
00032   return new NeutTraj(*this);
00033 }
00035 NeutTraj&
00036 NeutTraj::operator=(const NeutTraj& n)
00037 {
00038   if( &n != this ){
00039     for(int iend=0;iend<2;iend++)
00040       flightrange[iend] = n.flightrange[iend];
00041     _dtparams = *n._np();
00042   }
00043   return *this;
00044 }
00046 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00047 NeutTraj::~NeutTraj() {
00048 }
00050 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00051 double 
00052 NeutTraj::x( const double& f ) const {
00053 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00054   return cosDip()*f*cos(phi0()) - d0()*sin(phi0());
00055 }
00057 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00058 double 
00059 NeutTraj::y( const double& f ) const {
00060 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00061   return cosDip()*f*sin(phi0()) + d0()*cos(phi0());
00062 }
00064 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00065 double 
00066 NeutTraj::z(const double& f) const {
00067 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00068   return (z0() + f*sinDip());
00069 }
00071 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00072 HepPoint3D 
00073 NeutTraj::position( double f) const {
00074 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00075   double cdip = cosDip();
00076   double sphi0 = sin(phi0());
00077   double cphi0 = cos(phi0());
00079   return HepPoint3D(cdip * f * cphi0 - d0()*sphi0, 
00080                   cdip * f * sphi0 + d0()*cphi0, 
00081                   z0() + f * tanDip() * cdip);
00082 }
00084 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00085 Hep3Vector   
00086 NeutTraj::direction( double f) const {
00087 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00088   return Hep3Vector ( cos(phi0())*cosDip(), sin(phi0())*cosDip(),
00089                                sinDip() );
00090 }
00091 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00092 Hep3Vector 
00093 NeutTraj::delDirect( double fltLen ) const{
00094 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00095   return Hep3Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
00096 }
00098 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00099 double 
00100 NeutTraj::distTo1stError(double , double tol, int) const {
00101 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00102   return 9999.;
00103 }
00105 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00106 double
00107 NeutTraj::distTo2ndError(double , double tol, int) const {
00108 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00109   return 9999.;
00110 }
00112 void
00113 NeutTraj::getInfo(double fltLen, HepPoint3D& pos, Hep3Vector& dir,
00114                   Hep3Vector& delDir) const
00115 {
00116   // This could be made much more efficient!!!!!!
00117   pos = position(fltLen);
00118   dir = direction(fltLen);
00119   delDir = delDirect(fltLen);
00120 }
00122 void
00123 NeutTraj::getInfo( double fltLen, HepPoint3D& pos, Hep3Vector& dir ) const
00124 {
00125   //  This could be made much more efficient!!!!!
00126   pos = position(fltLen);
00127   dir = direction(fltLen);
00128   return;
00129 }
00131 void
00132 NeutTraj::getDFInfo(double flt, DifPoint& pos, DifVector& dir,
00133                     DifVector& delDir) const
00134 {
00135   //Provides difNum version of information for calculation of derivatives.
00136   //  Some of this duplicate code could be reduced if we had member 
00137   //  function templates.  Maybe.
00139   // Create difNumber versions of parameters
00140   //enum index (phi0(), etc) is from HelixParams.hh
00141   DifNumber phi0Df(phi0(), NeutParams::_phi0+1, NeutParams::_nneutprm);
00142   DifNumber d0Df(d0(), NeutParams::_d0+1, NeutParams::_nneutprm);
00143   DifNumber z0Df(z0(), NeutParams::_z0+1, NeutParams::_nneutprm);
00144   DifNumber tanDipDf(tanDip(), NeutParams::_tanDip+1, NeutParams::_nneutprm);
00145   DifNumber pDf(p(), NeutParams::_p+1, NeutParams::_nneutprm);
00146   // RF 03/25/99
00147   // the flight lenght has an error, which is the error along the trajectory 
00148   // in the creation point
00149   DifNumber s0Df(flt, NeutParams::_s0+1, NeutParams::_nneutprm);
00150   phi0Df.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00151   d0Df.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00152   z0Df.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00153   tanDipDf.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00154   pDf.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00155   s0Df.setIndepPar( parameters() );
00156   DifNumber dipDf = atan(tanDipDf);
00158   DifNumber sDip, cDip;
00159   dipDf.cosAndSin(cDip, sDip);
00160   DifNumber sinPhi0, cosPhi0;
00161   phi0Df.cosAndSin(cosPhi0, sinPhi0);
00163   DifNumber x =  cDip*s0Df*cosPhi0 - d0Df*sinPhi0;
00164   DifNumber y =  cDip*s0Df*sinPhi0 + d0Df*cosPhi0;
00165   DifNumber z =  z0Df + s0Df*sDip ;
00166   pos =  DifPoint(x, y, z);
00167   dir = DifVector( cosPhi0*cDip, sinPhi0*cDip, sDip );
00168   delDir = DifVector(0., 0., 0.);
00169 }
00171 HepMatrix
00172 NeutTraj::derivDeflect(double fltlen,deflectDirection idirect) const
00173 {
00174 //
00175 //  This function computes the column matrix of derivatives for the change
00176 //  in parameters for a change in the direction of a track at a point along
00177 //  its flight, holding the momentum and position constant.  The effects for
00178 //  changes in 2 perpendicular directions (theta1 = dip and 
00179 //  theta2 = phi*cos(dip)) can sometimes be added, as scattering in these
00180 //  are uncorrelated.
00181 //
00182   HepMatrix ddflct(NeutParams::_nneutprm,1); 
00183 //
00184 //  Compute some common things
00185 //
00186   double tand = tanDip();
00187   double cosd = cosDip();
00188 //
00189 //  Go through the parameters
00190 //
00191   switch (idirect) {
00192   case theta1:
00193     ddflct[NeutParams::_p][0] = 0.;
00194     ddflct[NeutParams::_tanDip][0] = 1.0/(cosd*cosd);
00195     ddflct[NeutParams::_d0][0] = 0.;
00196     ddflct[NeutParams::_phi0][0] =  0.;
00197     ddflct[NeutParams::_s0][0] =  0.;
00198     ddflct[NeutParams::_z0][0] = translen(fltlen) * (-1. - (tand*tand));
00199     break;
00200   case theta2:
00201     ddflct[NeutParams::_p][0] = 0;
00202     ddflct[NeutParams::_tanDip][0] = 0;
00203     ddflct[NeutParams::_d0][0] = -translen(fltlen)/cosd;
00204     ddflct[NeutParams::_phi0][0] = 1./cosd;
00205     ddflct[NeutParams::_z0][0] = 0.;
00206     ddflct[NeutParams::_s0][0] =  0.;
00207     break;
00208   }
00209   return ddflct;
00210 }
00212 HepMatrix
00213 NeutTraj::derivDisplace(double fltlen,deflectDirection idirect) const
00214 {
00215 //
00216 //  This function computes the column matrix of derivatives for the change
00217 //  in parameters for a change in the transvers position of a track at a point along
00218 //  its flight, holding the momentum and direction constant.  The effects for
00219 //  changes in 2 perpendicular directions (theta1 = dip and 
00220 //  theta2 = phi*cos(dip)) are uncorrelated.  The sign convention has been
00221 //  chosen so that correlated scattering and displacement effects may be added
00222 //
00223   HepMatrix ddflct(NeutParams::_nneutprm,1); 
00224 //
00225 //  Compute some common things
00226 //
00227   double cosd = cosDip();
00228 //
00229 //  Go through the parameters
00230 //
00231   switch (idirect) {
00232   case theta1:
00233     ddflct[NeutParams::_p][0] = 0.;
00234     ddflct[NeutParams::_tanDip][0] = 0.0;
00235     ddflct[NeutParams::_d0][0] = 0.;
00236     ddflct[NeutParams::_phi0][0] =  0.;
00237     ddflct[NeutParams::_s0][0] =  0.;
00238     ddflct[NeutParams::_z0][0] = 1.0/cosd;
00239     break;
00240   case theta2:
00241     ddflct[NeutParams::_p][0] = 0;
00242     ddflct[NeutParams::_tanDip][0] = 0;
00243     ddflct[NeutParams::_d0][0] = 1.0;
00244     ddflct[NeutParams::_phi0][0] = 0.0;
00245     ddflct[NeutParams::_z0][0] = 0.;
00246     ddflct[NeutParams::_s0][0] =  0.;
00247     break;
00248   }
00249   return ddflct;
00250 }
00252 HepMatrix
00253 NeutTraj::derivPFract(double fltlen) const
00254 {
00255 //  This function computes the column matrix of derivatives for the change
00256 //  in parameters from a (fractional) change in the track momentum,
00257 //  holding the direction and position constant.  The momentum change can
00258 //  come from energy loss or bfield inhomogeneities.
00259 //
00260 //  For a helix, dp/P = -domega/omega,
00261 //  dParam/d(domega/omega) = -omega*dParam/ddomega
00262 //
00263   HepMatrix dmomfrac(NeutParams::_nneutprm,1);
00265 //  Go through the parameters
00266   dmomfrac[NeutParams::_p][0] = p(); // momentum
00267   dmomfrac[NeutParams::_tanDip][0] = 0.0; // tanDip
00268   dmomfrac[NeutParams::_d0][0] = 0.0; // d0
00269   dmomfrac[NeutParams::_phi0][0] = 0.0; // phi0
00270   dmomfrac[NeutParams::_z0][0] = 0.0; // z0
00271   dmomfrac[NeutParams::_s0][0] = 0.0; // s0
00272   return dmomfrac;
00273 }
00276 double
00277 NeutTraj::phi0() const
00278 {
00279   return BesAngle(_np()->phi0()).rad();
00280 }
00282 void
00283 NeutTraj::paramFunc(const HepPoint3D& oldpoint,const HepPoint3D& newpoint,
00284                     const HepVector& oldvec,const HepSymMatrix& oldcov,
00285                     HepVector& newvec,HepSymMatrix& newcov,
00286                     double fltlen)
00287 {
00289 // copy the input parameter vector, in case the input and output are the same
00290   HepVector parvec(oldvec);
00291 // start with the input: momentum and tandip don't change
00292   newvec = parvec;
00293 //
00294   double delx = newpoint.x()-oldpoint.x();
00295   double dely = newpoint.y()-oldpoint.y();
00296   double delz = newpoint.z()-oldpoint.z();
00297 //  
00298   double cos0 = cos(parvec[NeutParams::_phi0]);
00299   double sin0 = sin(parvec[NeutParams::_phi0]);
00300   double perp = delx*sin0-dely*cos0;
00301   double para = delx*cos0+dely*sin0;
00302   double tand = parvec[NeutParams::_tanDip];
00303 // delta
00304 // assume delta, newdelta have the same sign
00305 // d0
00306   newvec[NeutParams::_d0] = parvec[NeutParams::_d0] + perp;
00307 // phi0; check that we don't get the wrong wrapping
00308   newvec[NeutParams::_phi0] = parvec[NeutParams::_phi0];
00309 //z0   
00310   newvec[NeutParams::_z0] += 
00311     parvec[NeutParams::_tanDip]*(delx/cos0)*(1.+(sin0/cos0)) - delz;
00312 // now covariance: first, compute the rotation matrix
00313   HepMatrix covrot(NeutParams::_nneutprm,NeutParams::_nneutprm,0); // start with 0: lots of terms are zero
00314 //
00315 // momentum is diagonal
00316   covrot[NeutParams::_p][NeutParams::_p] = 1.0;
00317 // tandip is diagonal
00318   covrot[NeutParams::_tanDip][NeutParams::_tanDip] = 1.0;
00319 // d0
00320   covrot[ NeutParams::_d0][ NeutParams::_d0] = 1.;
00321   covrot[ NeutParams::_d0][ NeutParams::_phi0] = para;
00322 // phi0
00323   covrot[ NeutParams::_phi0][ NeutParams::_p] = para;
00324   covrot[ NeutParams::_phi0][ NeutParams::_phi0] = 1.;
00325 // z0
00326   covrot[ NeutParams::_z0][ NeutParams::_phi0] = tand*-2.*perp;
00327   covrot[ NeutParams::_z0][ NeutParams::_tanDip] = 
00328                                       (delx/cos0)*(1.+(sin0/cos0));
00329   covrot[ NeutParams::_z0][ NeutParams::_z0] = 1.0;  
00330   covrot[ NeutParams::_s0][ NeutParams::_s0] = 1.0;  
00331 //  
00332 //  Apply the rotation
00333   newcov = oldcov.similarity(covrot);
00334 // done
00335 }
00337 void
00338 NeutTraj::invertParams(TrkParams* newparams, std::vector<bool>& flags) const
00339 {
00340   assert(1==0);
00342 //  // Inverts parameters and returns true if the parameter inversion
00343 //  // requires a change in sign of elements in the covariance matrix
00344 //
00345 //  for (unsigned iparam = 0; iparam < NeutParams::_nneutprm; iparam++) {
00346 //    switch ( iparam ) {
00347 //    case NeutParams::_d0:  // changes sign
00348 //    case NeutParams::_tanDip:  // changes sign
00349 //      newparams->parameter()[iparam] *= -1.0;
00350 //      flags[iparam] = true;
00351 //      break;
00352 //    case NeutParams::_phi0:  // changes by pi, but covariance
00353 //                             // matrix shouldn't changed
00354 //      newparams->parameter()[iparam] =
00355 //      BesAngle(newparams->parameter()[iparam] + Constants::pi);
00356 //      flags[iparam] = false;
00357 //      break;
00358 //    case NeutParams::_p:  // no change sign
00359 //    case NeutParams::_z0:  // no change
00360 //      flags[iparam] = false;
00361 //    }
00362 //  }
00363 //  return;
00364 }
00366 void
00367 NeutTraj::visitAccept(TrkVisitor* vis) const
00368 {
00369 // Visitor access--just use the Visitor class member function
00370   vis->trkVisitNeutTraj(this);
00371 }

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