
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //<wulj@ihep.ac.cn> 2015.11.28 Modified
00002 #include "MeasuredEcmsSvc/MeasuredEcmsSvc.h"
00003 using namespace std;
00004 MeasuredEcmsSvc::MeasuredEcmsSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc):Service(name, svcLoc){
00005         declareProperty("RunParamsMin", RunParamsMin=11414);
00006         declareProperty("RunParamsMax", RunParamsMax=23454);
00007         declareProperty("MeasuredEcmsMin", MeasuredEcmsMin=23463);
00008         declareProperty("MeasuredEcmsMax", MeasuredEcmsMax=38140);
00009         declareProperty("TableName", table="RunParams");
00010         declareProperty("ColumnName", column="beam_energy");
00011 }
00013 MeasuredEcmsSvc::~MeasuredEcmsSvc(){}
00015 StatusCode MeasuredEcmsSvc::initialize(){
00016   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00017   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc initialize begin here"<<endreq;
00018   StatusCode status=Service::initialize();
00019   if(!status.isSuccess()){
00020     log<<MSG::ERROR<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc Can not initialize"<<endreq;
00021     return status;
00022   }
00023   IIncidentSvc* incsvc;
00024   status=service("IncidentSvc", incsvc);
00025   int priority = 100;
00026   if(status.isSuccess()) incsvc->addListener(this, "NewRun", priority);
00027   status=serviceLocator()->service("DatabaseSvc", m_dbSvc, true);
00028   if(!status.isSuccess()){
00029     log<<MSG::ERROR<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc Unable to find DatabaseSvc"<<endreq;
00030     return status;
00031   }
00032   status=serviceLocator()->service("EventDataSvc", m_eventSvc, true);
00033   if(!status.isSuccess()){
00034     log<<MSG::ERROR<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc Unable to find EventDataSvc "<<endreq;
00035     return status;
00036   }
00037   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc initialized successfully"<<endreq;
00038   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00039 }
00041 StatusCode MeasuredEcmsSvc::finalize(){
00042   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00043   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc finalize begin here"<<endreq;
00044   StatusCode status= Service::finalize();
00045   if(!status.isSuccess()){
00046     log<<MSG::ERROR<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc Can not finalize"<<endreq;
00047     return status;
00048   }
00049   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc finalized successfully"<<endreq;
00050   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00051 }
00053 StatusCode MeasuredEcmsSvc::queryInterface(const InterfaceID& riid, void** ppvIF){
00054   if(IMeasuredEcmsSvc::interfaceID().versionMatch(riid)) *ppvIF = dynamic_cast<IMeasuredEcmsSvc*>(this);
00055   else return Service::queryInterface(riid, ppvIF);
00056   addRef();
00057   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00058 }
00060 void MeasuredEcmsSvc::handle(const Incident& inc){
00061   MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
00062   log<<MSG::DEBUG<<"handle: "<<inc.type()<<endreq;
00063         m_callRead=false; m_recallRead=true;
00064   if(inc.type()=="NewRun"){
00065     log<<MSG::INFO<<"RunNo is new, call the readMeasuredEcms again"<<endreq;
00066     m_callRead=true;
00067                 m_sampleName=0; m_ecms=0; m_ecmsErr=0;
00068                 m_aveEcms=0; m_aveEcmsErr=0; m_runFrom=0;
00069                 m_runTo=0; m_runNoValid=false;
00070                 m_px=0; m_py=0; m_pz=0;
00071                 m_info=0;
00072   }
00073 }
00075 void MeasuredEcmsSvc::readMeasuredEcms(int runNo){
00076   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00077   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc begin read database MeasuredEcmsSvc"<<endreq;
00078   int runNum=std::abs(runNo);
00079   if(runNo<0) log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc for MC events"<<endreq;
00080   else log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc for DT events"<<endreq;
00081   char stmt[400];
00082   snprintf(stmt, 1024, "select sample, RunFrom, RunTo, Ecms, Ecms_err, Ave_Ecms, Ave_Ecms_err from MeasuredEcms2 where RunFrom <= %d and RunTo >= %d", runNum, runNum);
00083   DatabaseRecordVector res;
00084   int rowNo=m_dbSvc->query("offlinedb", stmt, res);
00085   if(rowNo==0){ log<<MSG::ERROR<<"RowNo can not be 0 for MeasuredEcmsSvc, failed to read DB"<<endreq; }
00086   else{
00087     DatabaseRecord* records=res[0];
00088     log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc first read the runNo, read the MeasuredEcms database"<<runNo<<endreq;
00089     m_runFrom=records->GetDouble("RunFrom");
00090     m_runTo=records->GetDouble("RunTo");
00091     m_sampleName=records->GetDouble("sample");
00092     m_ecms=records->GetDouble("Ecms");
00093     m_ecmsErr=records->GetDouble("Ecms_err");
00094     m_aveEcms=records->GetDouble("Ave_Ecms");
00095     m_aveEcmsErr=records->GetDouble("Ave_Ecms_err");
00096     m_runNoValid=true;
00097   }
00098 }
00100 void MeasuredEcmsSvc::readRunParams(int runNo){
00101         MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00102   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc begin read database RunParams"<<endreq;
00103         int runNum=std::abs(runNo);
00104   if(runNo<0) log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc for MC events"<<endreq;
00105   else log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc for DT events"<<endreq;
00106         char stmt1[400];
00107   snprintf(stmt1, 1024, "select beam_energy, px, py, pz from RunParams where run_number = %d", runNum);
00108   DatabaseRecordVector res;
00109   int row_no = m_dbSvc->query("offlinedb", stmt1, res);
00110   if(row_no==0){log<<MSG::ERROR<<"RowNo can not be 0 for RunParams, failed to read DB"<<endreq;}
00111   else{
00112                 DatabaseRecord* records = res[0];
00113                 log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc first read the runNo, read the  RunParams database"<<runNo<<endreq;
00114     double bE=0;
00115     bE=records->GetDouble("beam_energy");
00116     m_px=records->GetDouble("px");
00117     m_py=records->GetDouble("py");
00118     m_pz=records->GetDouble("pz");
00119     m_ecms=bE*2.00;
00120                 m_runNoValid=true;
00121         }
00122 }
00124 void MeasuredEcmsSvc::readInfo(int runNo, char *tab, char *col){
00125         MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00126   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc begin read database "<<tab<<"-"<<col<<endreq;
00127         int runNum=std::abs(runNo);
00128         if(runNo<0) log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc for MC events"<<endreq;
00129   else log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc for DT events"<<endreq;
00130         char stmt1[400];
00131   snprintf(stmt1, 1024, "select %s from %s where run_number = %d", col, tab, runNum);
00132   DatabaseRecordVector res;
00133         int row_no = m_dbSvc->query("offlinedb", stmt1, res);
00134   if(row_no==0){log<<MSG::ERROR<<"RowNo can not be 0 for "<<tab<<", failed to read DB"<<endreq;}
00135         else{
00136     DatabaseRecord* records = res[0];
00137     log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc first read the runNo, read the "<<tab<<" database "<<runNo<<endreq;
00138     m_info=records->GetDouble(col);
00139                 m_runNoValid=true;
00140   }
00141 }
00143 void MeasuredEcmsSvc::readInfo(int runNo){
00144         char tab[100];
00145         char col[100];
00146         strcpy(tab, table.c_str());
00147         strcpy(col, column.c_str());
00148   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00149   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc begin read database "<<tab<<"-"<<col<<endreq;
00150   int runNum=std::abs(runNo);
00151   if(runNo<0) log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc for MC events"<<endreq;
00152   else log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc for DT events"<<endreq;
00153   char stmt1[500];
00154   snprintf(stmt1, 1024, "select %s from %s where run_number = %d", col, tab, runNum);
00155   DatabaseRecordVector res;
00156   int row_no = m_dbSvc->query("offlinedb", stmt1, res);
00157   if(row_no==0){log<<MSG::ERROR<<"RowNo can not be 0 for "<<tab<<", failed to read DB"<<endreq;}
00158   else{
00159     DatabaseRecord* records = res[0];
00160     log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc first read the runNo, read the "<<tab<<" database "<<runNo<<endreq;
00161     m_info=records->GetDouble(col);
00162     m_runNoValid=true;
00163   }
00164 }
00166 void MeasuredEcmsSvc::readDB(int runNo){
00167         if(std::abs(runNo)>=RunParamsMin&&std::abs(runNo)<=RunParamsMax) readRunParams(runNo);
00168         if(std::abs(runNo)>=MeasuredEcmsMin&&std::abs(runNo)<=MeasuredEcmsMax) readMeasuredEcms(runNo);
00169 }
00171 double MeasuredEcmsSvc::getInfo(int runNo, char *tab, char *col){
00172         MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00173   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the "<<tab<<"-"<<col<<endreq;
00174         if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00175                 readInfo(runNo, tab, col);
00176         }
00177         return m_info;
00178 }
00180 double MeasuredEcmsSvc::getInfo(int runNo){
00181         char tab[100];
00182   char col[100];
00183   strcpy(tab, table.c_str());
00184   strcpy(col, column.c_str());
00185   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00186   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the "<<tab<<"-"<<col<<endreq;
00187   if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00188     readInfo(runNo);
00189   }
00190   return m_info;
00191 }
00193 int MeasuredEcmsSvc::getSampleName(int runNo){
00194   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00195   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the sample name"<<endreq;
00196         if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00197     readDB(runNo);
00198     m_recallRead=false;
00199   }
00200   return m_sampleName;
00201 }
00203 int MeasuredEcmsSvc::getRunFrom(int runNo){
00204   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00205   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the RunFrom"<<endreq;
00206         if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00207     readDB(runNo);
00208     m_recallRead=false;
00209   }
00210   return m_runFrom;
00211 }
00213 int MeasuredEcmsSvc::getRunTo(int runNo){
00214   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00215   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the RunTo"<<endreq;
00216         if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00217     readDB(runNo);
00218     m_recallRead=false;
00219   }
00220   return m_runTo;
00221 }
00223 double MeasuredEcmsSvc::getEcms(int runNo){
00224   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00225   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the ecms"<<endreq;
00226         if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00227     readDB(runNo);
00228     m_recallRead=false;
00229   }
00230   return m_ecms;
00231 }
00233 double MeasuredEcmsSvc::getPx(int runNo){
00234         MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00235   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the ecms"<<endreq;
00236         if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00237     readDB(runNo);
00238     m_recallRead=false;
00239   }
00240   return m_px;
00241 }
00244 double MeasuredEcmsSvc::getPy(int runNo){
00245   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00246   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the ecms"<<endreq;
00247   if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00248     readDB(runNo);
00249     m_recallRead=false;
00250   }
00251   return m_py;
00252 }
00254 double MeasuredEcmsSvc::getPz(int runNo){
00255   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00256   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the ecms"<<endreq;
00257   if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00258     readDB(runNo);
00259     m_recallRead=false;
00260   }
00261   return m_pz;
00262 }
00264 double MeasuredEcmsSvc::getEcmsErr(int runNo){
00265   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00266   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the error of ecms"<<endreq;
00267         if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00268     readDB(runNo);
00269     m_recallRead=false;
00270   }
00271   return m_ecmsErr;
00272 }
00274 double MeasuredEcmsSvc::getAveEcms(int runNo){
00275   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00276   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the average ecms"<<endreq;
00277         if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00278     readDB(runNo);
00279     m_recallRead=false;
00280   }
00281   return m_aveEcms;
00282 }
00284 double MeasuredEcmsSvc::getAveEcmsErr(int runNo){
00285   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00286   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc read the error of the average ecms"<<endreq;
00287   if(m_recallRead&&m_callRead){
00288                 readDB(runNo);
00289                 m_recallRead=false;
00290         }
00291   return m_aveEcmsErr;
00292 }
00294 bool MeasuredEcmsSvc::isReadDBValid(int runNo, char *tab, char *col){
00295   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00296   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc judge the valid of "<<tab<<"-"<<col<<endreq;
00297   if(m_callRead){
00298     readInfo(runNo, tab, col);
00299     m_recallRead=false;
00300   }
00301   return m_runNoValid;
00302 }
00304 bool MeasuredEcmsSvc::isReadDBValid(int runNo){
00305         char tab[100];
00306   char col[100];
00307   strcpy(tab, table.c_str());
00308   strcpy(col, column.c_str());
00309         MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00310   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc judge the valid of "<<tab<<"-"<<col<<endreq;
00311   if(m_callRead){
00312     readInfo(runNo);
00313     m_recallRead=false;
00314   }
00315   return m_runNoValid;
00316 }
00318 bool MeasuredEcmsSvc::isRunNoValid(int runNo){
00319   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00320   log<<MSG::INFO<<"MeasuredEcmsSvc judge the valid of runNo"<<endreq;
00321   if(m_callRead){
00322                 readDB(runNo);
00323                 m_recallRead=false;
00324         }
00325   return m_runNoValid;
00326 }

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