
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: MdcxHits.cxx,v 1.8 2009/12/16 08:59:13 zhangy Exp $
00004 //
00005 // Description: 
00006 //      Class |MdcxHits| - container for |MdcxHit|s
00007 //
00008 // Environment:
00009 //      Software developed for the BaBar Detector at the SLAC B-Factory.
00010 //
00011 // Author List:
00012 //      A. Snyder
00013 //      S. Wagner
00014 //      Zhang Yao(zhangyao@ihep.ac.cn)  Migrate to BESIII
00015 //
00016 // Copyright Information:
00017 //      Copyright (C) 1994      BEPCII
00018 // 
00019 // History:
00020 //      Migration for BESIII MDC
00021 //
00022 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00023 #include "MdcxReco/MdcxHits.h"
00024 #include "CLHEP/Alist/AIterator.h"
00025 #include "MdcData/MdcHit.h"
00026 #include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
00027 #include "Identifier/MdcID.h"
00029 using std::cout;
00030 using std::endl;
00031 using std::ostream;
00033 double MdcxHits::timecut = -50.0;
00035 MdcxHits::MdcxHits() : m_debug(0) { }
00036 /*
00037 MdcxHits::MdcxHits(MdcDigiCol* mdcDigiCol, float c0,  float cresol)
00038   : m_debug(0) {
00040   int ij = mdcDigiCol->size(); 
00041   if (ij <= 0) return;
00042   MdcDigi* theDigi;
00043   MdcDigiCol::iterator iter = mdcDigiCol->begin();
00044   for (; iter != mdcDigiCol->end(); iter++ ) {
00045     theDigi = (*iter);
00046     MdcxHit* temp = new MdcxHit(theDigi, c0, cresol);
00047     mdcxHitList.append(temp);
00048   }
00049   return;
00050 }
00051 */
00053 MdcxHits::~MdcxHits() { KillList(); }
00055 void MdcxHits::reset() {
00056   HepAListDeleteAll(mdcxHitList);
00057 }
00059 void MdcxHits::create(MdcDigiVec mdcDigiVec, float c0, float cresol) {
00060   MdcDigiVec::iterator iter = mdcDigiVec.begin();
00061   for (; iter != mdcDigiVec.end(); iter++ ) {
00062     const MdcDigi* aDigi = *iter;
00063     MdcxHit* temp = new MdcxHit(aDigi, c0, cresol);
00064     //const Identifier id= aDigi->identify();
00065     //int layer = MdcID::layer(id);
00066     //int wire = MdcID::wire(id);
00067     //std::cout<< " ("<<layer<<","<<wire<<") "<<aDigi->getTimeChannel()<<" "<<aDigi->getChargeChannel() << std::endl;//yzhang debug
00068     mdcxHitList.append(temp);
00069   }    
00070 }
00072 void MdcxHits::print(ostream &o, int pmax) const {
00073   int mcheck = pmax;
00074   if (mdcxHitList.length() < pmax) mcheck = mdcxHitList.length();
00075   o << " First " << mcheck << " Main Drift Chamber Hits:" << endl;
00076   for(int i = 0; i < mcheck; i++) {
00077     mdcxHitList[i]->print(o, i);
00078   }
00079 }

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