
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: MdcxHit.cxx,v 1.20 2012/07/20 05:48:16 zhangy Exp $
00004 //
00005 // Description:
00006 //      Class Implementation for |MdcxHit|: drift chamber hit that can compute
00007 //      derivatives and plot itself.
00008 //
00009 // Environment:
00010 //      Software developed for the BaBar Detector at the SLAC B-Factory.
00011 //
00012 // Author List:
00013 //      A. Snyder
00014 //
00015 // Copyright Information:
00016 //      Copyright (C) 1995      BEPCII
00017 // 
00018 // History:
00019 //      Migration for BESIII MDC
00020 //
00021 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00022 #include "MdcxReco/MdcxHits.h"
00023 #include "CLHEP/Alist/AIterator.h"
00024 #include "MdcData/MdcHit.h"
00025 #include "GaudiKernel/Bootstrap.h"
00026 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h"
00027 #include "GaudiKernel/IService.h"
00028 #include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
00029 #include "GaudiKernel/IDataProviderSvc.h"
00030 #include "EventModel/Event.h"
00031 #include "Identifier/MdcID.h"
00032 #include "MdcRawEvent/MdcDigi.h"
00033 #include "MdcxReco/MdcxHel.h"
00034 #include "RawEvent/RawDataUtil.h"
00035 #include "MdcGeom/Constants.h"
00036 #include "MdcGeom/EntranceAngle.h"
00037 #include <iomanip>
00039 using std::endl;
00040 using std::ostream;
00042 extern int g_resLayer;
00043 #endif
00044 const MdcCalibFunSvc* MdcxHit::m_mdcCalibFunSvc = 0;
00045 bool MdcxHit::m_countPropTime = true;
00046 const MdcDetector* MdcxHit::m_gm= 0;
00048 MdcxHit::MdcxHit(const MdcDigi *pdcdatum, float c0, float cresol)
00049     :_mdcHit(0), _mdcDigi(pdcdatum), _c0(c0), _cresol(cresol)
00050 {
00051   process();
00052 }
00054 MdcxHit::MdcxHit(const MdcHit *pdchhit, float c0, float cresol)
00055     :_mdcHit(pdchhit),_mdcDigi(pdchhit->digi()), _c0(c0), _cresol(cresol)
00056 {
00057   process();
00058 }
00060 void MdcxHit::setMdcCalibFunSvc(const MdcCalibFunSvc* calibSvc) {
00061   m_mdcCalibFunSvc = calibSvc;
00062 }
00064 void MdcxHit::setCountPropTime(bool countPropTime) {
00065   m_countPropTime = countPropTime;
00066 }
00068 void MdcxHit::setMdcDetector(const MdcDetector* gm) {
00069   m_gm = gm;
00070 }
00072 void MdcxHit::process() {
00073   assert(m_gm);
00074   assert(m_mdcCalibFunSvc);
00075   Identifier _id = (*_mdcDigi).identify();
00076   _layernumber=MdcID::layer(_id);
00077   _wirenumber=MdcID::wire(_id);
00078   _superlayer=(_layernumber)/4;
00079   _iTdc = _mdcDigi->getTimeChannel();
00080   _iAdc = _mdcDigi->getChargeChannel();
00081   _t = RawDataUtil::MdcTime(_iTdc);
00082   _q = RawDataUtil::MdcCharge(_iAdc);
00083   _T0Walk = m_mdcCalibFunSvc->getT0(_layernumber,_wirenumber)
00084     + m_mdcCalibFunSvc->getTimeWalk(_layernumber,_iAdc);
00085   // pointer to layer
00086   const MdcLayer* layerPtr= m_gm->Layer(_layernumber);
00087   _L = layerPtr->zLength(); 
00088   _x = layerPtr->xWire(_wirenumber);  
00089   _y = layerPtr->yWire(_wirenumber); 
00090   _r = sqrt(_x*_x + _y*_y);
00091   _s = layerPtr->stereo(); 
00092   _p = layerPtr->phiOffset() + _wirenumber*layerPtr->dPhi();
00093   //double deltaz = m_gm->zOffSet(); //yzhang to BESIII
00094   //double deltaz = 0.0;
00095   double tst = _s;
00096   double pw = atan2(_y, _x);
00097   _pw = pw; 
00098   _wx = -tst*sin(pw);
00099   _wy =  tst*cos(pw); 
00100   _wz = (tst*tst < 1.0) ? sqrt(1.0-tst*tst) : 0.0;
00101   _sp = sin(_p);
00102   _cp = cos(_p);
00103   _consterr = 0;  //zoujh FIXME
00104   _e = _cresol;
00105   _d = d();
00106   // note _v is a total cludge
00107   _v = (_t-_c0 > 0.0) ? _d/(_t-_c0) : 0.0013;//yzhang 2009-11-03 
00108   _xneg = _x + _d*_sp;
00109   _yneg = _y - _d*_cp;
00110   _xpos = _x - _d*_sp;
00111   _ypos = _y + _d*_cp;
00112   usedonhel = 0;
00113   _type = Constants::viewOfsLayer[_superlayer];
00114 }
00116 float MdcxHit::tcor(float z, float tof, float tzero)const {
00117   //drift time 
00118   double tprop = 0.;
00119   if (m_countPropTime){ tprop = m_mdcCalibFunSvc->getTprop(_layernumber,z*10); }
00120   double dt = (_t - _T0Walk -_c0 - tprop - tof - tzero);
00121 /*
00122   std::cout<<"("<<_layernumber<<","<<_wirenumber<<") dt "<<dt
00123     <<" rt "<<_t
00124     <<" t0walk "<< _T0Walk
00125     <<" z "<<z
00126     <<" _c0 "<<_c0
00127     <<" tzero "<<tzero
00128     <<" tof "<<tof
00129     <<" tprop "<<tprop
00130     <<std::endl;
00131    */ 
00132   return dt;
00133 }
00135 float MdcxHit::d(float z, float tof, float tzero, int wamb, float entranceAngle)const {
00137   //std::cout<<__FILE__<<" "<<__LINE__<<" call entrance "<< entranceAngle<< std::endl;
00138   //tof = hel.Doca_Tof();//yzhang delete for csmc temp FIXME
00139   float t_corr = tcor(z,tof,tzero);
00140   double eAngle = EntranceAngle(entranceAngle);
00142   //yzhang add for 64-bit
00143   if (fabs(z)>150. || fabs(t_corr)>1500. || fabs(eAngle)>999){
00144     return 9999.;
00145   }
00146   //zhangy
00148   int lrCalib = 2;
00149   if (wamb==1)lrCalib = 0;
00150   else if (wamb==-1) lrCalib = 1;
00152   double driftD = 0.1 * m_mdcCalibFunSvc->driftTimeToDist(t_corr,_layernumber,_wirenumber,lrCalib,eAngle);//to cm
00153   //std::cout<<"MdcxHit ("<<_layernumber<<","<<_wirenumber<<" dd "<<driftD<<" dt "<<t_corr<<" lr "<<lrCalib<<" eAngle "<<eAngle<<std::endl;
00156   if (fabs(driftD)<=0.0001) driftD = 0.001;
00157   return driftD;
00158 } 
00160 float MdcxHit::d(MdcxHel &hel) const {
00161   float doca=hel.Doca(*this); // changes hel's internal state...
00162   return d(hel.Doca_Zh(),hel.Doca_Tof(),hel.T0(),
00163       hel.Doca_Wamb(),hel.Doca_Eang());
00164 }//endof d
00166 float MdcxHit::e(float dd) const{
00167   //if (0!=_consterr) return _cresol;//yzhang delete 2009-11-03 
00168   float errTemp = fabs(getSigma(dd));
00169   //  protect against resolution = 0; set min resol to 1 nm
00170   float errMin = 1.0e-7;
00171   return errTemp<errMin?errMin:errTemp;
00172 }
00174 float MdcxHit::pull(MdcxHel &hel) const {
00175   // compute pulls for |hel|
00176   float doca=hel.Doca(*this); if(hel.Mode() == 0)doca=fabs(doca);
00177   return (d(hel.Doca_Zh(),hel.Doca_Tof(),hel.T0(),
00178         hel.Doca_Wamb(),hel.Doca_Eang())-doca)/e(doca);
00179   //return residual(hel)/e();
00180 }
00182 float MdcxHit::residual(MdcxHel &hel) const {
00183   // compute residuals for |hel|
00184   float doca = hel.Doca(_wx, _wy, _wz, _x, _y);
00185   if(hel.Mode() == 0) doca = fabs(doca);
00186   doca += v()*hel.T0();
00187   return d(hel.Doca_Zh(),hel.Doca_Tof(),hel.T0(),
00188       hel.Doca_Wamb(),hel.Doca_Eang())-doca;
00189   //return d(hel) - doca;
00190 }
00192 std::vector<float> MdcxHit::derivatives(MdcxHel &hel) const {
00193   // compute derivatives for |hel|
00194   std::vector<float> deriv = hel.derivatives(*this);
00195   float dtemp = d(hel.Doca_Zh(), hel.Doca_Tof(), hel.T0(),
00196       hel.Doca_Wamb(), hel.Doca_Eang());
00197   //float dtemp = d(hel);
00198   deriv[0] = dtemp - deriv[0];
00199   //  deriv[0] -= v()*hel.T0();
00200   float ewire = e(dtemp);
00201   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < deriv.size(); i++) deriv[i] /= ewire;
00202   return deriv;
00203 }//endof derivatives
00205 void MdcxHit::print(ostream &o, int i) const {
00206   o << "(" << Layer() << "," << WireNo() << ",id "<< getDigi()->getTrackIndex()<<") " ;
00207 }
00209 void MdcxHit::printAll(ostream &o, int i) const {
00210   o << " hit" << i << " (" << Layer() << "," << WireNo() << ")  ";
00211   if (getMdcHit()) o << " phi "<< getMdcHit()->phi();
00212   o << "dd " << d() << " dde "
00213     << e() << " rt " << t() << endl;
00214 }
00216 double MdcxHit::getSigma(float driftDist, int ambig, double entranceAngle,
00217     double dipAngle, double z) const {
00218   int lrCalib = 2;
00219   if (ambig != 0) lrCalib = (ambig == 1) ? 0 : 1;
00220   double eAngle = EntranceAngle(entranceAngle); 
00221   //std::cout<<_layernumber<<" "<<lrCalib<<" dd "<<driftDist<<" "<<eAngle<<" "<<dipAngle<<" "<<z<<"   "<<_iAdc<<std::endl;
00222   double sig = 0.1 * m_mdcCalibFunSvc->getSigma(_layernumber, lrCalib,
00223       driftDist*10., eAngle, tan(dipAngle), z*10., _iAdc);
00224   //double sig = 0.1 * m_mdcCalibFunSvc->getSigma(_layernumber, _wirenumber, lrCalib,
00225   //driftDist*10., eAngle, tan(dipAngle), z*10., _iAdc);
00227   if (Layer() == g_resLayer) {
00228     //give a huge sigma to skip this layer when fit track
00229     return 9999.;
00230   }
00231 #endif 
00232   return sig;
00233 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:13:37 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7