
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: MdcxFittedHel.h,v 1.5 2010/09/26 00:31:13 zhangy Exp $
00004 //
00005 // Description:
00006 //      Class Header for |MdcxFittedHel| - helix fitting class
00007 //
00008 // Environment:
00009 //      Software developed for the BaBar Detector at the SLAC B-Factory.
00010 //
00011 // Author List:
00012 //      S. Wagner
00013 //
00014 // Copyright Information:
00015 //      Copyright (C) 1995      BEPCII
00016 // 
00017 // History:
00018 //      Migration for BESIII MDC
00019 //
00020 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00021 #ifndef _MDCXFITTEDHEL_
00022 #define _MDCXFITTEDHEL_
00024 //MdcxHel & MdcxFittedHel classes ...
00025 #include <iostream>
00026 #include <fstream>
00027 #include "MdcxReco/MdcxHel.h"
00028 #include "CLHEP/Alist/AList.h"
00030 class MdcxHit;
00032 //MdcxFittedHel follows: (fitted helix class) 
00033 class MdcxFittedHel:public MdcxHel{
00034   public:
00035     //constructors
00036     MdcxFittedHel();
00038     //hits+initial guess constructor
00039     MdcxFittedHel(HepAList<MdcxHit> &XHitList, MdcxHel &hel, double Sfac=1.0);
00041     //destructor
00042     virtual ~MdcxFittedHel( );
00044     //accessors
00045     inline float Chisq()const{return chisq;}
00046     inline float Rcs()const{return rcs;}
00047     inline float Prob()const{return prob;} 
00048     inline float Fittime()const{return fittime;} 
00049     inline int Nhits()const {return nhits;}
00050     inline int Itofit()const {return itofit;}
00051     inline int Quality()const {return quality;}
00052     inline int Origin()const {return origin;}
00053     inline double Sfac()const {return sfac;}
00054     inline void SetQuality(const int &q) {quality=q;}
00055     inline void SetUsedOnHel(const int &i) {usedonhel=i;}
00056     inline int  GetUsedOnHel()const {return usedonhel;}
00057     int SuperLayer(int hitno=0)const; // return superlayer of |hitno
00058     int Layer(int hitno=0)const;        // return layer number of |hitno|
00059     inline const HepAList<MdcxHit> &XHitList() const { return xHitList; }
00061     //workers
00062     float Residual(int i);
00063     float Pull(int i);
00064     int Fail(float Probmin=0.0)const;
00065     int ReFit();
00066     int FitPrint();
00067     int FitPrint(MdcxHel &hel, std::ostream &o);
00068     void VaryRes();
00070     //operators
00071     MdcxFittedHel& operator=(const MdcxHel&);// copy helix to fitted helix
00072     MdcxFittedHel& operator=(const MdcxFittedHel&); // copy fitted helix to fitted helix
00073     MdcxFittedHel& Grow(const MdcxFittedHel&, const HepAList<MdcxHit> &);
00075     //workers
00077   protected:
00079     //data
00080     int fail;                   //fit failure codes
00081     float chisq;                        //chisq of hit
00082     float rcs;                  //chisq per dof
00083     float prob;                 //chisq prob of hit
00084     float fittime;              //fit time in clock time (machine dep)
00085     int nhits;                  //number of hits
00086     int itofit;                 //number of iterations to convergence
00087     int quality;                        // bigger quality=>great purity
00088     int origin;                 // origin "hit", -1 if none
00089     HepAList<MdcxHit> xHitList; // list-of-hits making this |MdcxFittedHel|
00090     double sfac;                  // error scale factor for fit
00091     int usedonhel;
00093     //functions
00094     //fitting routine
00095     int DoFit();
00096     int IterateFit();
00098   private:
00100     //data
00102     //control
00103     void basics();
00104     void basics(const HepAList<MdcxHit> &);
00106     //check for included origin, if there move to end of |xHitList|
00107     //-1=>no origin; >=0 is hit number of origin
00108     int OriginIncluded();               // origin included
00110     //static control parameters
00111     int bailout;                // bailout if chisq/ndof too big?
00112     float chidofbail;   // bailout cutoff
00113     int niter;          // max number of iterations
00114     //static control sets
00115   public:
00116     static int debug;
00117     inline void SetBailOut(int i) {bailout=i;}
00118     inline void SetChiDofBail(float r) {chidofbail=r;}
00119     inline void SetNiter(int i) {niter=i;}
00121 };// endof MdcxFittedHel
00123 #endif

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