
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef MDCTUNNINGSVC_H_
00002 #define MDCTUNNINGSVC_H_
00004 #include "GaudiKernel/IInterface.h"
00005 #include "GaudiKernel/Kernel.h"
00006 #include "GaudiKernel/Service.h"
00007 #include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentListener.h"
00008 #include "GaudiKernel/IDataProviderSvc.h"
00009 #include "BesMdcRes.hh"
00010 #include "MdcTunningSvc/IMdcTunningSvc.h"
00011 //#include <mysql.h>
00012 #include "DatabaseSvc/IDatabaseSvc.h"
00013 #include <map>
00014 #include <vector>
00016 class MdcTunningSvc: public Service, virtual public IMdcTunningSvc, 
00017   virtual public IIncidentListener{
00018  public:
00019   MdcTunningSvc( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcloc );
00020   ~MdcTunningSvc();
00022   virtual StatusCode queryInterface(const InterfaceID& riid, void** ppvUnknown);
00023   virtual StatusCode initialize();
00024   virtual StatusCode finalize();
00026   // Incident handler
00027   void handle(const Incident&);
00028   bool initTuningConst();
00029   //huangb add 
00030   bool setMcEff(std::string eff_con);
00031   bool setMcRes();
00032   //bool setMcRes2();
00033   bool setMcRes2(std::string res_con);
00034   bool setMcRes3(std::string res_con);
00035   StatusCode getMdcTuningTableInfo();
00037   BesMdcRes* getMdcRes();
00038   void setMdcRes(std::string path);
00039   double NewSig(int layerId, double driftD);
00040   double DeldriftD(int layerId,double driftD);
00041   double Delcostta(int layerId,double costta);
00042   double GetEff(int layerId,int cellId,double driftD,double cosTheta,int posFlag);
00043   double GetRes(int layerId,int cellId,double driftD,double cosTheta,int posFlag,double entranceAngle,double& mean,double& sigma);
00044   double GetRes2(int layerId,int cellId,double driftD,double cosTheta,int posFlag,double entranceAngle,double& f,double& mean1,double& sigma1,double& mean2,double& sigma2);
00045   double GetRes3(int layerId,int cellId,double driftD,double cosTheta,int posFlag,double entranceAngle,double& f,double& mean1,double& sigma1,double& mean2,double& sigma2,double& ResLargest,double& ResSmallest,double& ResRatio);
00046   double ResvEntr(int layerId,double enterA,int ilr,double driftD); 
00047   double DelEtr_Sig(int lay,double enterA,int ilr,double driftD);
00049   double get_docaEff(int i,int j){ return docaEff[i][j];};
00050   double get_thetaEff(int i,int j){ return thetaEff[i][j];}; 
00051   double get_cellEff(int i,int j){return cellEff[i][j];}
00053  private:
00055   static const int docaNo=60;
00056   static const int thetaNo=40;
00057   int cellNo[43];
00058   double docaEff[43][docaNo];
00059   double thetaEff[43][thetaNo];
00060   double cellEff[43][288];
00061   double docaRes[43][docaNo][2][2];
00062   double docaF[43][docaNo][2];
00063   double docaMean1[43][docaNo][2];
00064   double docaSigma1[43][docaNo][2];
00065   double docaMean2[43][docaNo][2];
00066   double docaSigma2[43][docaNo][2];
00067   //added by liukai 2012-6-4
00068   //residual range  in every residual distribution for hitOnTrk
00069   double resLargest[43][docaNo][2];
00070   double resSmallest[43][docaNo][2];
00071   double resRatio[43][docaNo][2];
00072   double resLargest_2[43][docaNo][2];
00073   double resSmallest_2[43][docaNo][2];
00074   double resRatio_2[43][docaNo][2];
00076   double docaEff_2[43][docaNo];
00077   double thetaEff_2[43][thetaNo];
00078   double cellEff_2[43][288];
00079   double docaRes_2[43][docaNo][2][2];
00080   double docaF_2[43][docaNo][2];
00081   double docaMean1_2[43][docaNo][2];
00082   double docaSigma1_2[43][docaNo][2];
00083   double docaMean2_2[43][docaNo][2];
00084   double docaSigma2_2[43][docaNo][2];
00086   std::string m_ParBossVer;//added by liukai
00087   double dD[18];
00088   int  m_EndcapTuning;
00089   bool m_dbFlag;
00090   std::string m_effFile;
00091   std::string m_resFile;
00092   std::string m_effFile_endcap;
00093   std::string m_resFile_endcap;
00094   std::string m_path;
00095   BesMdcRes* m_BesMdcRes;
00096   //huangb add 
00097   bool m_fromDB;
00098   IDataProviderSvc* m_eventSvc;
00099   //                     MYSQL *conn;
00100   std::string host;
00101   std::string dbName;
00102   std::string table;
00103   std::string userName;
00104   std::string password;
00105   unsigned int serialNo;
00107   IDatabaseSvc* m_dbsvc; 
00108 };
00110 #endif 

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:14:27 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7