
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: MdcTrack.cxx,v 1.18 2012/08/13 00:09:19 zhangy Exp $
00004 //
00005 // Description:
00006 //     
00007 //
00008 // Environment:
00009 //      Software developed for the BaBar Detector at the SLAC B-Factory.
00010 //
00011 // Author(s): 
00012 //      Steve Schaffner
00013 //      Zhang Yao(zhangyao@ihep.ac.cn)  Migrate to BESIII
00014 //
00015 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00016 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcTrack.h"
00017 #include <math.h>
00018 #include <stdlib.h>
00019 #include <assert.h>
00020 #include "MdcGeom/MdcLayer.h"
00021 #include "MdcData/MdcHitOnTrack.h"
00022 #include "MdcGeom/BesAngle.h"
00023 #include "MdcGeom/Constants.h"
00024 #include "CLHEP/Alist/AList.h"
00025 #include "TrkBase/TrkRep.h"
00026 #include "TrkFitter/TrkHelixRep.h"
00027 #include "TrkBase/TrkExchangePar.h"
00028 #include "TrkBase/TrkRecoTrk.h"
00029 #include "TrkFitter/TrkCircleMaker.h"
00030 #include "TrkBase/TrkContext.h"
00032 #include "MdcData/MdcRecoHitOnTrack.h"
00033 #include "BField/BField.h"
00034 #include "MdcData/MdcHit.h"
00035 #include "MdcData/MdcHitOnTrack.h"
00036 #include "MdcRawEvent/MdcDigi.h"
00037 #include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
00038 #include "Identifier/MdcID.h"
00039 //************************************************************************/
00040 MdcTrack::MdcTrack(TrkRecoTrk* aTrack){
00041 //************************************************************************/
00042   _theTrack = aTrack;
00043   _firstLayer = _lastLayer = 0;
00044   _haveCurled = 0;
00045 }
00047 //************************************************************************/
00048 MdcTrack::MdcTrack(int nsupers, const TrkExchangePar& par, double chisq, 
00049                      TrkContext& context, double trackT0) {
00050 //************************************************************************/
00051     TrkCircleMaker maker;
00052     _theTrack = maker.makeTrack(par, chisq, context, trackT0);
00053     _firstLayer = _lastLayer = 0;
00054     _haveCurled = 0;
00055 }
00057 //************************************************************************/
00058 MdcTrack::~MdcTrack() {
00059 //************************************************************************/
00060   delete _theTrack;
00061 }
00062 //************************************************************************/
00063 int MdcTrack::projectToR(double radius, BesAngle &phiIntersect, int lCurl) 
00064   const {
00065 //************************************************************************/
00066   // note that these are currently circle-only routines
00068   //return -1 if no intersection
00070   const TrkFit* tkFit = track().fitResult();
00071   if (tkFit == 0) return -1;
00072   TrkExchangePar par = tkFit->helix(0.0);
00073   double d0 = par.d0();
00074   double omega = par.omega();
00075   double phi0 = par.phi0();
00076   double r2d2 = radius * radius - d0 * d0;
00077   if (r2d2 < 0) return -1;
00078   double rinv = 1./radius;
00079   double k2dinv = 1./(1 + omega * d0);
00080   if (!lCurl) {
00081     double arg = d0 * rinv + 0.5*omega * rinv * r2d2 * k2dinv;
00082     if (fabs(arg) > 1.0) return -1;
00083     phiIntersect.setRad( phi0 + asin(arg) );
00084   }
00085   else {
00086     double arg = -d0 * rinv - 0.5*omega * rinv * r2d2 * k2dinv;
00087     if (fabs(arg) > 1.0) return -1;
00088     phiIntersect.setRad( phi0 + Constants::pi + asin(arg) );
00089   }
00091   return 0;
00092 }
00094 //************************************************************************/
00095 int MdcTrack::projectToR(double radius, BesAngle &phiIntersect, 
00096                             double &arcLength, int lCurl) const {
00097 //************************************************************************/
00099   //return -1 if no intersection
00100   // Only valid for projecting track outwards from point of closest approach
00101   // Returns arclength from POCA
00103   const TrkFit* tkFit = track().fitResult();
00104   if (tkFit == 0) return -1;
00105   TrkExchangePar par = tkFit->helix(0.0);
00106   double d0 = par.d0();
00107   double omega = par.omega();
00108   double phi0 = par.phi0();
00109   double r2d2 = radius * radius - d0 * d0;
00110   if (r2d2 < 0) return -1;
00111   double rinv = 1./radius;
00112   double k2dinv = 1./(1 + omega * d0);
00113   if (k2dinv < 0.0) return -1;
00114   double arg;
00116   if (!lCurl) {
00117     arg = d0 * rinv + 0.5*omega * rinv * r2d2 * k2dinv;
00118     if (fabs(arg) > 1.0) return -1;
00119     phiIntersect.setRad( phi0 + asin(arg) );
00120   }
00121   else {
00122     arg = -d0 * rinv - 0.5*omega * rinv * r2d2 * k2dinv;
00123     if (fabs(arg) > 1.0) return -1;
00124     phiIntersect.setRad( phi0 + Constants::pi + asin(arg));
00125   }
00127   arg = 0.5*omega * sqrt(r2d2 * k2dinv);
00128   arcLength = 2. * asin(arg) / omega;
00130   return 0;
00131 }
00133 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00134 bool 
00135 MdcTrack::operator==(const MdcTrack& tk) const {
00136 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00138   return (track() == tk.track());
00139 }
00141 //yzhang for store to TDS
00142 void
00143 MdcTrack::storeTrack(int trackId, RecMdcTrackCol* trackList, RecMdcHitCol* hitList,int tkStat){
00144     //check the fit succeeded
00145    // if (status().failure()) { return; }
00147     //get the results of the fit to this track
00148     const TrkFit* fitresult = track().fitResult();
00149     //check the fit worked
00150     if (fitresult == 0) return;
00152     //new a Rec. Track MdcTrack 
00153     RecMdcTrack* recMdcTrack = new RecMdcTrack();
00154     const TrkHitList* aList = track().hits();
00155     //some track info
00156     const BField& theField = track().bField();
00157     double Bz = theField.bFieldZ();
00158     //Fit info
00159     int hitId = 0;
00160     int nHits=0;
00161     int nSt=0;
00162     //int nAct=0; int nSeg=0; 
00163     //int maxlay = 0; int minlay = 43; int seg[11];/* 11 slayer */ int segme;
00164     //****************************
00165     //* active flag open this
00166     //****************************
00167     //* if (allHit>0){
00168     //*   nHits = aList->nHit();//add inActive hit also
00169     //* }else{
00170     //*   nHits = fitresult->nMdc();// = nActive()
00171     //* }
00172     //****************************
00173     //for 5.1.0 use all hits
00174     nHits = aList->nHit();
00175     //****************************
00176     // use active only
00177     // nHits = fitresult->nMdc();// = nActive()
00178     //****************************
00180     int    q        = fitresult->charge();
00181     double chisq    = fitresult->chisq();
00182     int    nDof     = fitresult->nDof();
00183     //track parameters at closest approach to beamline
00184     double fltLenPoca = 0.0;
00185     TrkExchangePar helix = fitresult->helix(fltLenPoca);
00186     //std::cout<< __FILE__ << " phi0  " << helix.phi0() << " omega  " <<helix.omega()<<std::endl;
00187     double phi0 = helix.phi0();
00188     double tanDip = helix.tanDip();
00189     //double z0 = helix.z0();
00190     double d0 = helix.d0();
00191     //momenta and position
00192     //CLHEP::Hep3Vector mom = fitresult->momentum(fltLenPoca);
00193     HepPoint3D poca = fitresult->position(fltLenPoca);
00195     double helixPar[5];
00196     //dro =-d0
00197     helixPar[0] = -d0;
00198     //phi0 = phi0 - pi/2   [0,2pi)
00199     double tphi0 = phi0 - Constants::pi/2.;
00200     if (tphi0 < 0. ) tphi0 += Constants::pi * 2.;
00201     helixPar[1] = tphi0;
00202     //kappa = q/pxy
00203     double pxy = fitresult->pt();
00204     if (pxy == 0.)  helixPar[2] = 9999.;
00205     else helixPar[2] = q/fabs(pxy);
00206     if(pxy>9999.) helixPar[2] = 0.00001;
00207     //dz = z0
00208     helixPar[3] = helix.z0();
00209     //tanl 
00210     helixPar[4] = tanDip;
00211     //error
00212     //V(Y)=S * V(X) * ST , mS = S , mVy = V(Y) , helix.covariance() = V(X)
00213     HepSymMatrix mS(helix.params().num_row(),0);
00214     mS[0][0]=-1.;//dr0=-d0
00215     mS[1][1]=1.;
00216     mS[2][2]=-333.567/Bz;//pxy -> cpa
00217     mS[3][3]=1.;
00218     mS[4][4]=1.;
00219     HepSymMatrix mVy = helix.covariance().similarity(mS);
00220     double errorMat[15];
00221     int k = 0;
00222     for (int ie = 0 ; ie < 5 ; ie ++){
00223       for (int je = ie ; je < 5 ; je ++) {
00224         errorMat[k] = mVy[ie][je];
00225         k++;
00226       }
00227     }
00228     double p,px,py,pz;
00229     px = pxy * (-sin(helixPar[1]));
00230     py = pxy * cos(helixPar[1]);
00231     pz = pxy * helixPar[4];
00232     p = sqrt(pxy*pxy + pz*pz);
00233     //theta, phi
00234     double theta = acos(pz/p);
00235     double phi = atan2(py,px);
00236     recMdcTrack->setTrackId(trackId);
00237     recMdcTrack->setHelix(helixPar); 
00238     recMdcTrack->setCharge(q);
00239     recMdcTrack->setPxy(pxy);
00240     recMdcTrack->setPx(px);
00241     recMdcTrack->setPy(py);
00242     recMdcTrack->setPz(pz);
00243     recMdcTrack->setP(p);
00244     recMdcTrack->setTheta(theta);
00245     recMdcTrack->setPhi(phi);
00246     recMdcTrack->setPoca(poca);
00247     recMdcTrack->setX(poca.x());//poca
00248     recMdcTrack->setY(poca.y());
00249     recMdcTrack->setZ(poca.z());
00250     recMdcTrack->setR(sqrt(poca.x()*poca.x() + poca.y()*poca.y()));
00251     HepPoint3D pivot(0.,0.,0.);
00252     recMdcTrack->setPivot(pivot);
00253     recMdcTrack->setVX0(0.);//pivot 
00254     recMdcTrack->setVY0(0.);
00255     recMdcTrack->setVZ0(0.);
00256     recMdcTrack->setError(errorMat);
00257     recMdcTrack->setError(mVy);
00258     recMdcTrack->setChi2(chisq);
00259     recMdcTrack->setNdof(nDof);
00260     recMdcTrack->setStat(tkStat);
00261     recMdcTrack->setNhits(nHits);
00262     //-----------hit list-------------
00263     HitRefVec  hitRefVec;
00264     vector<int> vecHits;
00265     //for fiterm
00266     int maxLayerId = -1;
00267     int minLayerId = 43;
00268     double fiTerm = 999.;
00269     const MdcRecoHitOnTrack* fiTermHot = NULL;
00270     TrkHitList::hot_iterator hot = aList->begin();
00271     for (;hot!=aList->end();hot++){
00272       const MdcRecoHitOnTrack* recoHot;                   
00273       recoHot = dynamic_cast<const MdcRecoHitOnTrack*> (&(*hot));
00274       //if (!recoHot->mdcHit()) return;
00275       RecMdcHit* recMdcHit = new RecMdcHit;
00276       //id
00277       recMdcHit->setId(hitId);
00278       //---------BESIII----------
00279       //phiWire - phiHit <0 flagLR=0 left driftleft<0 ;
00280       //phiWire - phiHit >0 flagLR=1 right driftright>0;
00281       //flag = 2 ambig;
00282       //-----Babar wireAmbig----
00283       //-1 -> right, 0 -> don't know, +1 -> left
00284       //+1 phiWire-phiHit<0 Left,
00285       //-1 phiWire-phiHit>0 Right, 
00286       //0  don't know   
00287       //ambig() w.r.t track direction
00288       //wireAmbig() w.r.t. wire location 
00289       double hotWireAmbig = recoHot->wireAmbig();
00290       double driftDist = fabs(recoHot->drift());
00291       double sigma = recoHot->hitRms();     
00292       double doca = fabs(recoHot->dcaToWire());
00293       int flagLR=2;
00294       if ( hotWireAmbig == 1){
00295         flagLR = 0; //left driftDist <0
00296         doca *= -1.;//2012-07-19 
00297       }else if( hotWireAmbig == -1){
00298         flagLR = 1; //right driftDist >0
00299       }else if( hotWireAmbig == 0){
00300         flagLR = 2; //don't know 
00301       }
00302       recMdcHit->setFlagLR(flagLR);
00303       recMdcHit->setDriftDistLeft((-1)*driftDist);
00304       recMdcHit->setErrDriftDistLeft(sigma);
00305       recMdcHit->setDriftDistRight(driftDist);
00306       recMdcHit->setErrDriftDistRight(sigma);
00307       //Mdc Id
00308       Identifier mdcId = recoHot->mdcHit()->digi()->identify();
00309       recMdcHit->setMdcId(mdcId);
00310       //corrected ADC
00312       //contribution to chisquare
00313       //fill chisq
00314       double res=999.,rese=999.;
00315       if (recoHot->resid(res,rese,false)){
00316       }else{}
00317       double deltaChi=0;
00318       recoHot->getFitStuff(deltaChi);//yzhang open 2010-09-20 
00319       recMdcHit->setChisqAdd( deltaChi * deltaChi );
00320       //set tracks containing this hit
00321       recMdcHit->setTrkId(trackId);
00322       //doca
00323       recMdcHit->setDoca(doca);//doca sign left<0
00324       //entrance angle
00326       recMdcHit->setEntra(recoHot->entranceAngle());
00327       //z of hit 
00328       HepPoint3D pos; Hep3Vector dir;
00329       double fltLen = recoHot->fltLen(); 
00330       recMdcHit->setFltLen(fltLen);
00331       recoHot->getParentRep()->traj().getInfo(fltLen,pos,dir);
00332       recMdcHit->setZhit(pos.z());
00333       double tof = recoHot->getParentRep()->arrivalTime(fltLen);
00334       recMdcHit->setTdc(recoHot->mdcHit()->tdcIndex());
00335       recMdcHit->setAdc(recoHot->mdcHit()->adcIndex()); 
00336       //drift time      
00337       recMdcHit->setDriftT(recoHot->mdcHit()->driftTime(tof,pos.z()));
00338       //for fiterm
00339       int layerId = recoHot->mdcHit()->layernumber();
00340       int wireId = recoHot->mdcHit()->wirenumber();
00341       //std::cout<<" MdcTrack::store() ("<<layerId<<","<<wireId<<") fltLen "<<fltLen<<" wireAmbig  "<<hotWireAmbig<<"    y "<<pos.y()<<std::endl;
00342         //<<recoHot->entranceAngle()<<std::endl;
00343       if (layerId >= maxLayerId){
00344         maxLayerId = layerId;
00345         fiTermHot = recoHot;
00346       } 
00347       if (layerId < minLayerId){
00348         minLayerId = layerId;
00349       }
00350       // status flag
00351       if (recoHot->isActive()) {
00352         recMdcHit->setStat(1);
00353       }else{
00354         recMdcHit->setStat(0);    
00355       }
00356       // for 5.1.0 use all hits
00357       if (recoHot->layer()->view()) {
00358         ++nSt;
00359       }
00360       hitList->push_back(recMdcHit);
00361       SmartRef<RecMdcHit> refHit(recMdcHit);
00362       hitRefVec.push_back(refHit);          
00363       vecHits.push_back(mdcId.get_value());
00364       ++hitId;        
00365     }
00366     //fi terminal angle
00367     if (fiTermHot!=NULL){
00368       fiTerm=(1./sqrt(1.+tanDip*tanDip))*fiTermHot->fltLen()*helix.omega();
00369     }
00370     recMdcTrack->setFiTerm(fiTerm);
00371     // number of  stereo hits contained
00372     recMdcTrack->setNster(nSt);  
00373     recMdcTrack->setFirstLayer(maxLayerId);  
00374     recMdcTrack->setLastLayer(minLayerId);  
00375     recMdcTrack->setVecHits(hitRefVec);
00376     trackList->push_back(recMdcTrack);
00377 }//end of storeTrack

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:13:34 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7