
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // MdcSeg.cxx
00003 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcSeg.h"
00004 #include <stdlib.h>
00005 #include <math.h>
00006 #include "MdcGeom/BesAngle.h"
00007 #include "MdcTrkRecon/mdcWrapAng.h"
00008 #include "MdcTrkRecon/mdcWrapWire.h"
00009 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcLine.h"
00010 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcSegParams.h"
00011 #include "MdcData/MdcHit.h"
00012 #include "MdcGeom/MdcSuperLayer.h"
00013 #include "MdcGeom/MdcLayer.h"
00014 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcSegInfoSterO.h"
00015 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcSegUsage.h"
00016 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcMap.h"
00017 #include "MdcData/MdcHitUse.h"
00018 #include "MdcData/MdcHitMap.h"
00020 //yzhang hist cut
00021 #include "AIDA/IHistogram1D.h"
00022 extern AIDA::IHistogram1D*  g_nSigAdd;
00023 //zhangy hist cut
00026 extern int haveDigiTk[43][288];
00027 extern double haveDigiPt[43][288];
00028 extern double haveDigiTheta[43][288];
00029 extern double haveDigiPhi[43][288];
00030 extern int haveDigiAmbig[43][288];
00031 //Initialize static pointer
00032 MdcSegParams* MdcSeg::segParam = 0;
00033 const double twoPi = Constants::twoPi;
00034 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00035 MdcSeg::MdcSeg(double bt) {
00036 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00037   _info = 0;
00038   _bunchTime = bt;
00039 }
00041 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00042 MdcSeg::~MdcSeg() {
00043 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00044   if (_info != 0) delete _info;
00045   reset();  // delete Hots
00046 }
00048 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00049 MdcSeg::MdcSeg(const MdcSeg& other):
00050   GmsListLink(), _slayer(other._slayer), _phi(other._phi), _slope(other._slope),  _chisq(other._chisq), _qual(other._qual), _pattern(other._pattern), _info(other._info), _bunchTime(other._bunchTime)
00051  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00052 {  
00053   HepAListDeleteAll(_theList);
00054   for(int i=0; i<other.nHit(); i++){
00055     _theList.append(other.hit(i));
00056   }
00057   for(int j=0; j<3; j++){
00058     _errmat[0] = other._errmat[0];
00059     _errmat[1] = other._errmat[1];
00060     _errmat[2] = other._errmat[2];
00061   }
00062   segParam = other.segParam; 
00063 }
00065 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00066 MdcSeg&
00067 MdcSeg::operator = (const MdcSeg& other) {
00068   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00069   if(&other != this){
00071     HepAListDeleteAll(_theList);
00072     for(int i=0; i<other.nHit(); i++){
00073       _theList.append(other.hit(i));
00074     }
00075     _slayer = other._slayer;
00076     _phi = other._phi;
00077     _slope= other._slope;
00078     _errmat[0] = other._errmat[0];
00079     _errmat[1] = other._errmat[1]; 
00080     _errmat[2] = other._errmat[2];
00081     _chisq = other._chisq;
00082     _qual = other._qual;
00083     _pattern = other._pattern;
00084     _info = other._info;
00085     _bunchTime = other._bunchTime;
00086     segParam = other.segParam; 
00087   }
00089   return *this;
00090 }
00094 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00095 void
00096 MdcSeg::setInfo(MdcSegInfo *newInfo) {
00097   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00098   delete _info;  // if any
00099   _info = newInfo;
00100 }
00102 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00103 void
00104 MdcSeg::setValues(int nInPatt, int nhit, MdcHit *hits[],
00105     MdcLine *span, const MdcSuperLayer *slay, int ambig[]) {
00106   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00107   _qual = 0;
00108   if (nInPatt == 4) _qual |= segFullFlag;
00109   _phi = BesAngle(span->intercept);
00110   _slope = span->slope;
00111   _chisq = span->chisq;
00112   _errmat[0] = span->errmat[0];
00113   _errmat[1] = span->errmat[1];
00114   _errmat[2] = span->errmat[2];
00115   reset();
00116   _slayer = slay;
00117   for (int i = 0; i < nhit; i++) {
00118     MdcHitUse *alink = new MdcHitUse(*(hits[i]), superlayer()->rad0(),
00119         ambig[i]);
00120     append(alink);
00121   }
00123   return;
00124 }
00126 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00127 void
00128 MdcSeg::setValues(int nInPatt, double inPhi, double inSlope,
00129     double chi2, double inError[3], const MdcSuperLayer *slay) {
00130   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00131   // Sets segment values with no associated hits
00132   _qual = 0;
00133   if (nInPatt == 4) _qual |= segFullFlag;
00134   _phi = inPhi;
00135   _slope = inSlope;
00136   _chisq = chi2;
00137   _errmat[0] = inError[0];
00138   _errmat[1] = inError[1];
00139   _errmat[2] = inError[2];
00140   _slayer = slay;
00141   reset();  // clears hit list
00143   return;
00144 }
00146 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00147 void
00148 MdcSeg::markHits(const MdcMap<const MdcHit*,MdcSegUsage*>& usedHits) const {
00149   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00150   for (int i = 0; i < nHit(); i++) {
00151     MdcHitUse *alink = _theList[i];
00152     MdcSegUsage *x ;
00153     if ( usedHits.get( alink->mdcHit() , x) ) x->setUsedAmbig( alink->ambig() );
00154   }
00155 }
00157 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00158 void
00159 MdcSeg::plotSegAll() const {
00160   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00161   //print hit
00162   //if(superlayer()!=NULL) std::cout<<"sl"<<superlayer()->slayNum()<<" p"<<segPattern()<<" st"<<quality();
00163   for (int ihit=0 ; ihit< nHit() ; ihit++){
00164     hit(ihit)->mdcHit()->print(std::cout);
00165     std::cout << setw(2)<<hit(ihit)->ambig()<<" ";
00166   }
00168   cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed);
00169   if (info()!=NULL){
00170     std::cout<< " phi " << setprecision(2) << phi()
00171       << " slope " <<std::setw(2)<< setprecision(2) <<slope()<<" ";
00172     if(superlayer()->whichView()==0){
00173       std::cout <<setprecision (2) <<"phi0="<<info()->par(0);
00174       cout<<setprecision(5)<<" cpa="<<info()->par(1);
00175     }else{
00176       std::cout <<setprecision(2)<<"z0="<<info()->par(0)
00177         <<setprecision(2)<<" ct="<<info()->par(1);
00178     }
00179     if(fabs(info()->arc())>0.0001){
00180       std::cout<<setprecision(2)<<" arc="<<info()->arc();
00181     }
00182     std::cout<<setprecision(3)<<" chi2="<<_chisq;
00183   }else{
00184     std::cout<< " phi " << setprecision(2) << phi()
00185       << " slope " <<std::setw(2)<< setprecision(2) <<slope()
00186       << " chi2 "<<setprecision(3) <<chisq();
00187   }
00189   cout<<setprecision(6);
00190   cout<<setiosflags(ios::scientific);
00191 }
00192 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00193 void
00194 MdcSeg::plotSeg() const {
00195   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00196   std::cout<<superlayer()->slayNum()<<" pat"<<segPattern()<<" ";
00197   for (int ihit=0 ; ihit< nHit() ; ihit++){
00198     hit(ihit)->mdcHit()->print(std::cout);//print hit
00199     std::cout <<hit(ihit)->ambig()<<" ";
00200   }
00201   if (info()!=NULL){
00202     cout<< " . "; 
00203   }
00204   //std::cout << std::endl;
00205 }
00207 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00208 //void
00209 //MdcSeg::plotZ(int openIt, int color) const {
00210 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00211 /*
00212 // Plot line to indicate segment
00213 double start[2], finish[2];
00215 const double length = 0.018 * display->width(windowZ);
00216 double ct = ((MdcSegInfoSterO *) info())->ct();   // !!! this cast stinks
00217 double z0 = ((MdcSegInfoSterO *) info())->z0();
00218 double arc = ((MdcSegInfoSterO *) info())->arc();
00219 double dels = length / sqrt(1. + ct*ct);
00220 double z = z0 + ((MdcSegInfoSterO *) info())->arc() * ct;
00221 start[0] = arc - dels;
00222 start[1] = z - ct * dels;
00223 finish[0] = arc + dels;
00224 finish[1] = z + ct * dels;
00225 */
00226 //}
00228 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00229 int
00230 MdcSeg::addHits(MdcLine *span, MdcHit** /* hits[]*/, const MdcHitMap* map,
00231     double corr) {
00232   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00234   /* Pick up hits adjacent to an existing segment.  Output final number of
00235      hits.  Note: input hits are not refound.  It picks up hits
00236      in cells that the segment should pass through, checking that they
00237      have a plausible drift distance.  In event of a wraparound (i.e. track that
00238      passes through 2pi), all angles are relative to phiseg (i.e. if phiseg is
00239      just above 0, some phi's may be negative).  */
00240   //****
00242   int cell[2], ambig[2]; //wire # and ambig for cells in current layer
00243   double phiwire[2];
00244   int cellused[4] = {0}; // list of wire #'s of existing hits in span
00245   int lAdded = 0;
00246   int nhits = nHit();
00247   int m_debug = 0;
00249   // Note the hits already in the fit, so we don't pick them up again.
00250   int firstnum = superlayer()->firstLayer()->layNum();
00251   for (int i = 0; i < nHit(); i++) {
00252     const MdcHit* dHit = hit(i)->mdcHit();
00253     int laynum = dHit->layernumber();
00254     cellused[laynum - firstnum ] = dHit->wirenumber();
00255   }
00257   // Loop through the layers, predicting cells that could be hit.
00258   //  for (int layIndex = 0; layIndex < 4; layIndex++) {
00259   for (int layIndex = 0; layIndex < superlayer()->nLayers(); layIndex++) {
00260     const MdcLayer *layer = superlayer()->layer(layIndex);
00261     int laynum = layer->layNum();
00263     // Calc. projected phi of hit
00264     double rinv = 1. / layer->rMid();
00265     double ncellinv = 1. / (double) layer->nWires();
00266     double phiproj = phi() + (layer->rMid() - superlayer()->rad0()) * slope();
00267     // Calc. nearest wire.
00268     BesAngle tmp(phiproj - layer->phiOffset());
00269     cell[0] = (int) floor(layer->nWires() *
00270         tmp.rad() / twoPi + 0.5);
00271     cell[0] = mdcWrapWire( cell[0], layer->nWires() );
00272     phiwire[0] = mdcWrapAng( phi(), cell[0] * twoPi * ncellinv +
00273         layer->phiOffset() );
00274     // Which ambiguity? +1 if phi(wire) < phi(projected).
00275     ambig[0] = (phiwire[0] < phiproj) ? 1 : -1;
00277     // Now next nearest wire.
00278     ambig[1] = -ambig[0];
00279     cell[1] = mdcWrapWire( cell[0] + ambig[0], layer->nWires() );
00280     phiwire[1] = mdcWrapAng( phi(), cell[1] * twoPi * ncellinv +
00281         layer->phiOffset() );
00283     if(m_debug) std::cout<< " loop over the two possible wires  " << std::endl;
00284     //*** Loop over the two possible wires.
00285     for (int iroad = 0; iroad < 2; iroad++) {
00286       if (cellused[laynum - firstnum] == cell[iroad]) continue;
00287       if(m_debug) std::cout<<  "possible wires  "<<laynum<<" "<<cell[iroad]<<std::endl;
00288       if (map->hitWire(laynum, cell[iroad]) != 0) {
00289         MdcHit *ahit = map->hitWire(laynum, cell[iroad]);
00290         // if hit is already used, skip it!
00291         if (ahit->usedHit()) {
00292           if(m_debug) std::cout<< "hit used continue   " <<std::endl;
00293           continue;
00294         }
00295         // drift as delphi
00296         // FIXME: flip ambiguity for incoming tracks
00297         double phidrift = ahit->driftDist(bunchTime(), ambig[iroad]) * corr * rinv;
00298         double phihit = mdcWrapAng( phi(), phidrift * ambig[iroad] + ahit->phi());
00300         // Check the drift distance.
00301         double sigphi = corr * ahit->sigma(bunchTime(), 0) * rinv;
00302         // Skip hit if more than n sigma away from track.
00303         if ( g_nSigAdd && fabs(sigphi)>0.0001 ) { g_nSigAdd->fill(fabs(phihit - phiproj) / sigphi); }//yzhang hist cut
00304         if ( fabs(phihit - phiproj) > sigphi * segParam->nsigAddHit ) {
00305           if(m_debug) std::cout<< fabs(phihit-phiproj) <<"> add hit sigma   " 
00306             << sigphi<< "*"<< segParam->nsigAddHit <<"="<<sigphi*segParam->nsigAddHit<<std::endl;
00307           continue;
00308         }
00310         // Load hit for refitting
00311         lAdded = 1;
00312         span->sigma[nhits] = sigphi;
00313         span->x[nhits] = layer->rMid() - superlayer()->rad0();
00314         span->y[nhits] = mdcWrapAng(span->y[0], phihit);
00316         // Add this hit to segment
00317         MdcHitUse *alink = new MdcHitUse(*ahit, superlayer()->rad0(),
00318             ambig[iroad]);
00319         append(alink);
00320         //std::cout<< __FILE__ << "   " << __LINE__ << " addhit  "<<std::endl;
00322         nhits++;
00323       }  // end if hit wire
00325     } // end loop over 2 cells
00327   } // end layer loop
00329   if (lAdded) {
00330     span->fit(nhits);
00331     BesAngle tmpAngle(span->intercept);
00332     span->intercept = tmpAngle;
00333     _phi = span->intercept;
00334     _slope = span->slope;
00335     _chisq = span->chisq;
00336     _errmat[0] = span->errmat[0];
00337     _errmat[1] = span->errmat[1];
00338     _errmat[2] = span->errmat[2];
00339   }
00341   return nhits;
00342 }
00344 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00345 void
00346 MdcSeg::reset() {
00347   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00348   HepAListDeleteAll( _theList );
00349 }
00351 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00352 void
00353 MdcSeg::append(MdcHitUse* theHitUse) {
00354   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00355   _theList.append(theHitUse);
00356 }
00358 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00359 void
00360 MdcSeg::remove(MdcHitUse* theHitUse) {
00361   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00362   _theList.remove(theHitUse);
00363   delete theHitUse;
00364 }
00366 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00367 int
00368 MdcSeg::nHit() const {
00369   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00370   return _theList.length();
00371 }
00374 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00375 double 
00376 MdcSeg::testCombSeg(const MdcSeg* testSeg)const{
00377   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00378   int tkId= -1;
00379   for (int i=0; i<nHit(); i++){
00380     const MdcHit* h = hit(i)->mdcHit();
00381     unsigned int l = h->layernumber();
00382     unsigned int w = h->wirenumber();
00383     //std::cout<< __FILE__ << " ref  " << i << " haveDigiTk("<<l<<","<<w<<")"<<haveDigiTk[l][w]<<std::endl;
00384     if ( haveDigiTk[l][w]<0 || haveDigiTk[l][w]>100 ) continue;
00385     if (tkId<0){
00386       tkId = haveDigiTk[l][w];
00387     }else if (haveDigiTk[l][w] != tkId){
00388       return -1;//hits in this seg not in same mc track
00389     }
00390   }//end for
00392   double nSame = 0.;
00393   for (int i=0; i<testSeg->nHit(); i++){
00394     const MdcHit* h = testSeg->hit(i)->mdcHit();
00395     unsigned int l = h->layernumber();
00396     unsigned int w = h->wirenumber();
00397     if (haveDigiTk[l][w] == tkId){
00398       ++nSame;
00399     }
00400   }
00402   return nSame/testSeg->nHit();
00403 }
00405 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00406 double 
00407 MdcSeg::testCombSegPt()const{
00408   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00409   double truthPt = -1.;
00410   for (int i=0; i<nHit(); i++){
00411     const MdcHit* h = hit(i)->mdcHit();
00412     unsigned int l = h->layernumber();
00413     unsigned int w = h->wirenumber();
00414     if ( haveDigiPt[l][w]<0 ) continue;
00415     //std::cout<< __FILE__ << "   " << __LINE__ << "   haveDigiPt("<<l<<","<<w<<")"<<haveDigiPt[l][w]<<std::endl;
00416     if (truthPt<0){ truthPt = haveDigiPt[l][w]; }
00417   }//end for
00419   return truthPt;
00420 }
00422 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00423 double 
00424 MdcSeg::testCombSegTheta()const{
00425   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00426   double truthTheta = -999.;
00427   for (int i=0; i<nHit(); i++){
00428     const MdcHit* h = hit(i)->mdcHit();
00429     unsigned int l = h->layernumber();
00430     unsigned int w = h->wirenumber();
00431     if ( haveDigiTheta[l][w]<-998. ) continue;
00432     //std::cout<< __FILE__ << "   " << __LINE__ << "   haveDigiTheta("<<l<<","<<w<<")"<<haveDigiTheta[l][w]<<std::endl;
00433     if (truthTheta<-998.){ truthTheta = haveDigiTheta[l][w]; }
00434   }//end for
00436   return truthTheta;
00437 }
00439 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00440 double 
00441 MdcSeg::testCombSegPhi()const{
00442   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00443   double truthPhi = -999.;
00444   for (int i=0; i<nHit(); i++){
00445     const MdcHit* h = hit(i)->mdcHit();
00446     unsigned int l = h->layernumber();
00447     unsigned int w = h->wirenumber();
00448     if ( haveDigiPhi[l][w]<-998. ) continue;
00449     //std::cout<< __FILE__ << "   " << __LINE__ << "   haveDigiPhi("<<l<<","<<w<<")"<<haveDigiPhi[l][w]<<std::endl;
00450     if (truthPhi<-998.){ truthPhi = haveDigiPhi[l][w]; }
00451   }//end for
00453   return truthPhi;
00454 }
00456 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00457 double 
00458 MdcSeg::testCombSegAmbig()const{
00459   //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00460   double ambigOk = 0.;
00461   for (int i=0; i<nHit(); i++){
00462     const MdcHit* h = hit(i)->mdcHit();
00463     unsigned int l = h->layernumber();
00464     unsigned int w = h->wirenumber();
00465     if( hit(i)->ambig() == haveDigiAmbig[l][w] ) ambigOk++;
00466   }//end for
00468   return ambigOk/nHit();
00469 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:13:34 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7