
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: MdcSegGrouperAx.cxx,v 1.13 2011/09/26 01:06:37 zhangy Exp $
00004 //
00005 // Description:
00006 //     
00007 //
00008 // Environment:
00009 //      Software developed for the BaBar Detector at the SLAC B-Factory.
00010 //
00011 // Authors:
00012 //       Zhang Yao(zhangyao@ihep.ac.cn)  Migrate to BESIII
00013 //
00014 // Copyright (C)  1996  The Board of Trustees of  
00015 // The Leland Stanford Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.
00016 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00017 #include "MdcGeom/BesAngle.h"
00018 #include "CLHEP/Alist/AList.h" 
00019 #include "MdcData/MdcHit.h"
00020 #include "MdcGeom/MdcDetector.h"
00021 #include "MdcGeom/MdcSuperLayer.h"
00022 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcSegGrouperAx.h"
00023 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcSegList.h"
00024 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcSegInfoAxialO.h"
00025 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcSegUsage.h"
00026 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcTrack.h"
00027 #include "MdcTrkRecon/mdcWrapAng.h"
00028 #include "MdcTrkRecon/MdcSeg.h"
00029 #include "MdcTrkRecon/GmsList.h"
00030 #include "TrkBase/TrkExchangePar.h"
00031 extern double MdcTrkReconCut_combAxPhi0;
00032 extern double MdcTrkReconCut_combAxCurv;
00033 extern double MdcTrkReconCut_combAxPhi0Cut;
00034 extern double MdcTrkReconCut_combAxCurvCut;
00036 //tuple item of combine ax segs
00037 #include "GaudiKernel/NTuple.h"
00038 extern NTuple::Tuple*  g_tupleCombAx;
00039 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxdPhi0;
00040 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxdCurv;
00041 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxSigPhi0;
00042 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxSigCurv;
00043 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxSlSeed;
00044 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxSlTest;
00045 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxQualitySeed;
00046 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxQualityTest;
00047 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxPatSeed;
00048 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxPatTest;
00049 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxNhitSeed;
00050 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxNhitTest;
00051 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxMc;
00052 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxMcPt;
00053 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxMcTheta;
00054 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxMcPhi;
00055 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxMcAmbigSeed;
00056 extern NTuple::Item<double>               g_combAxMcAmbigTest;
00058 //Constructor
00059 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00060 MdcSegGrouperAx::MdcSegGrouperAx(const MdcDetector *gm, int debug) : 
00061   MdcSegGrouper(gm, gm->nAxialSuper() - 1, debug) {
00062 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00063   lTestGroup = false;
00064   lTestSingle = true;
00066   isValid = new bool * [nPly()];
00067   for (int j = 0; j < nPly(); j++) {
00068     isValid[j] = 0;
00069   } 
00070 }
00072 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00073 void MdcSegGrouperAx::fillWithSegs( const MdcSegList *inSegs) {
00074 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00075   if(3==_debug) std::cout<<std::endl<< "=====MdcSegGrouperAx::fillWithSegs====="<<std::endl;
00076   // Prepare for axial finding
00077   // Store the segments (pointers, actually), sorting by phi0 
00078   for (int isuper = 0; isuper < _gm->nSuper(); isuper++) {
00079     const GmsList *inList = inSegs->oneList(isuper);
00080     if (inList->count() == 0) continue;
00081     MdcSeg *inSeg = (MdcSeg *) inList->first();
00082     // Only load axial segments
00083     if (inSeg->superlayer()->whichView() != 0) continue;
00085     while (inSeg != 0) {
00086       // Create an info object within the seg to store info
00087       MdcSegInfoAxialO *info = new MdcSegInfoAxialO;
00088       inSeg->setInfo(info);
00089       info->calcFromOrigin(inSeg);  // calc. origin-dependent info
00091       // Loop over the segs already stored, looking for the right place 
00092       //   to stick the new one
00093       int isInserted = 0;
00094       for (int iseg = 0; iseg < (int) segList[isuper].length(); iseg++) {
00095         MdcSeg *aSeg = segList[isuper][iseg];
00096         if ( ((MdcSegInfoAxialO *)aSeg->info())->phi0() < info->phi0()) {
00097           continue;  }
00098         segList[isuper].insert(inSeg, iseg);
00099         isInserted = 1;
00100         break;
00101       }  // end of loop over existing segs
00102       if (isInserted == 0) segList[isuper].append(inSeg);
00103       inSeg = (MdcSeg *) inSeg->next();
00104     }  // end loop over new segs
00105 //   cout<<"segList["<<isuper<<"].length"<< segList[isuper].length()<<endl;//yzhang debug
00106   }  //  end loop over superlayers
00109 /*  for(int isuper = 0; isuper < _gm->nSuper(); isuper++) {
00110     std::cout<<"-------super layer "<<isuper<<std::endl;
00111       for (int iseg = 0; iseg < (int) segList[isuper].length(); iseg++) {
00112         MdcSeg *aSeg = segList[isuper][iseg];
00113         std::cout << "    seg phi "<<iseg<< " "<<((MdcSegInfoAxialO*)aSeg->info())->phi0()<<std::endl;
00114       }  // end of loop over existing segs
00115   }
00117 */
00119 }
00121 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00122 int MdcSegGrouperAx::incompWithSeg(const MdcSeg *refSeg, 
00123                                    const MdcSeg *testSeg) {
00124 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00126   // Returns 0 if valid, -1 if invalid, +1 if invalid and no more valid 
00127   //   ones possible in this slayer (assumes they're ordered)
00128   if (testSeg == 0) return 0;
00129   if(3 == _debug) {
00130     //std::cout<< "test seg:"; 
00131     testSeg->plotSegAll(); 
00132   }
00133   // Test phi0 match
00134   MdcSegInfoAxialO *refInfo = (MdcSegInfoAxialO *) refSeg->info();
00135   MdcSegInfoAxialO *testInfo = (MdcSegInfoAxialO *) testSeg->info();
00138   double sigPhi0 = (refInfo->sigPhi0() > testInfo->sigPhi0() ? 
00139       refInfo->sigPhi0() : testInfo->sigPhi0());
00140   double refPhi0 = refInfo->phi0();
00141   double testPhi0 =  testInfo->phi0();
00142   double corrPhi0 = mdcWrapAng(refPhi0, testPhi0);
00144   double sigCurv = (refInfo->sigCurv() > testInfo->sigCurv() ? 
00145       refInfo->sigCurv() : testInfo->sigCurv());
00146   double refCurv = refInfo->curv();
00147   double testCurv = testInfo->curv();
00148   //double nSigmaPhi0 = MdcTrkReconCut_combAxPhi0;//4. for default
00149   //double nSigmaCurv = MdcTrkReconCut_combAxCurv;//4. for default
00150   double phi0Cut = MdcTrkReconCut_combAxPhi0Cut;
00151   double curvCut = MdcTrkReconCut_combAxCurvCut;
00152   //std::cout << "test phi0 "<<corrPhi0<<" ref "<<refPhi0<<" sig "<< nSigmaPhi0 * sigPhi0 << std::endl;
00153   //std::cout << "test Curv "<<testCurv<<" ref "<<refCurv<<" sig "<< nSigmaCurv * sigCurv << std::endl;
00155   if (g_tupleCombAx) {
00156     g_combAxdPhi0 = refPhi0 - corrPhi0; 
00157     g_combAxdCurv = refCurv - testCurv; 
00158     g_combAxQualitySeed = refSeg->quality()+refSeg->nHit()*10+refSeg->superlayer()->slayNum()*1000;
00159     g_combAxQualityTest = testSeg->quality()+testSeg->nHit()*10+testSeg->superlayer()->slayNum()*1000;
00160     g_combAxMcAmbigSeed = refSeg->testCombSegAmbig();
00161     g_combAxMcAmbigTest = testSeg->testCombSegAmbig();
00162     g_combAxMc = refSeg->testCombSeg(testSeg);
00163     g_combAxMcPt = refSeg->testCombSegPt();
00164     g_combAxMcTheta = refSeg->testCombSegTheta();
00165     //g_combAxSigPhi0 = sigPhi0;
00166     //g_combAxSigCurv = sigCurv;
00167     //g_combAxSlSeed = refSeg->superlayer()->slayNum();
00168     //g_combAxSlTest = testSeg->superlayer()->slayNum();
00169     //g_combAxPatSeed = refSeg->segPattern();
00170     //g_combAxPatTest = testSeg->segPattern();
00171     //g_combAxNhitSeed = refSeg->nHit();
00172     //g_combAxNhitTest = testSeg->nHit();
00173     //test if the combined segments in the same track
00174     // return -1:seed false
00175     // return value = n hits on the seed track/ n hits of test seg
00176     //g_combAxMcPhi = refSeg->testCombSegPhi();
00177     //std::cout<< "mc seg   "<< refSeg->testCombSeg(testSeg) << std::endl;//yzhang debug
00178     g_tupleCombAx->write();  
00179   }
00181   //yzhang add 2009-10-16
00182   //if (refPhi0 - corrPhi0 > nSigmaPhi0 * sigPhi0)
00183   //if(3 == _debug){
00184   //  std::cout << " phi0 ref"<<refPhi0
00185   //    <<" corr "<<corrPhi0
00186   //    << " diff "<<fabs(corrPhi0-refPhi0)
00187   //    <<" >? "<<phi0Cut<<std::endl;
00188   //  std::cout <<  " curv ref"<<refCurv
00189   //    <<" test "<<testCurv<< " diff "<<refCurv-testCurv
00190   //    <<" >? "<<curvCut<< std::endl;
00191   //}
00192   if(refSeg->testCombSegPt()>0.4 && fabs(corrPhi0 - refPhi0)>0.4 &&(refSeg->testCombSeg(testSeg)>0.5)){
00193     if(3==_debug){
00194       std::cout<< endl<<" test " << std::endl;
00195       std::cout<<"seed seg: "; refSeg->plotSegAll(); std::cout<< std::endl;
00196       std::cout<<"test seg: "; testSeg->plotSegAll(); std::cout<< std::endl;
00197       std::cout<< " dPhi0 abnormal "<<corrPhi0 - refPhi0<<std::endl;
00198     }
00199   }else{
00200     if(3== _debug){
00201       std::cout<< endl<<" test " << std::endl;
00202       std::cout<<"seed seg: "; refSeg->plotSegAll(); std::cout<< std::endl;
00203       std::cout<<"test seg: "; testSeg->plotSegAll(); std::cout<< std::endl;
00204       std::cout<< " dPhi0 ok " <<setprecision(3)<< corrPhi0 - refPhi0<<std::endl; 
00205     }
00206   }
00208   //std::cout<< __FILE__ << "   " << __LINE__ << " dphi0=  "<<fabs(corrPhi0 - refPhi0)<<" mc "<<refSeg->testCombSeg(testSeg)<<std::endl;
00210   cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed);
00211   //FIXME 2011-05-31 yzhang cut vs pt
00212   if (fabs(corrPhi0 - refPhi0) > phi0Cut) { 
00213     if(3 == _debug) std::cout <<  " SKIP by dPhi0 "
00214       <<fabs(corrPhi0-refPhi0)<<">"<<phi0Cut<<std::endl; 
00215     //yzhang delete 
00216     //if (testPhi0 > refPhi0) return  1;  
00217     //else 
00218     return -1; // => testPhi0>2pi & refPhi0<2pi
00219   }else{
00220     if(3 == _debug)std::cout<< " dphi " <<setprecision(3)<< fabs(corrPhi0 - refPhi0); 
00221   }
00223   // Test curvature match
00224   // use larger error of the two
00225   //if (fabs(refCurv - testCurv) > nSigmaCurv * sigCurv) 
00226   if (fabs(refCurv - testCurv) > curvCut){
00227     if(3 == _debug) std::cout <<  " SKIP by dCurv"
00228       <<fabs(refCurv-testCurv)<<">"<<curvCut<<std::endl; 
00229     return -2;
00230   }else{
00231     if(3 == _debug)std::cout<< " dCurv " <<setprecision(3)<< fabs(refCurv - testCurv);
00232   }
00233   if(3 == _debug) std::cout <<  " KEEP "<<std::endl; 
00235   cout<<setprecision(6);
00236   cout<<setiosflags(ios::scientific);
00237   //std::cout<< "ok!   " << std::endl;//yzhang debug
00238   return 0;
00239 }
00241 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00242 int MdcSegGrouperAx::incompWithGroup(MdcSeg **segGroup, const MdcSeg *testSeg, 
00243     int iply) {
00244   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00246   return 0;
00247 }
00249 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00250 void MdcSegGrouperAx::resetComb(const MdcSeg *seed) {
00251   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00253   // Delete existing list of valid/invalid segs
00254   if (isValid != 0) {
00255     int i;
00256     for (i = 0; i < nDeep; i++) {
00257       delete [] isValid[i];
00258       isValid[i] = 0;
00259     }
00260   }
00262   _seed = seed;
00263   //Grab the seglist for each non-seed slayer
00264   int islay = 0;
00265   int iply = 0;
00266   nPlyFilled = 0;
00267   nNull = 0;
00268   const MdcSuperLayer *seedSlay = 0;
00269   if (seed != 0) seedSlay = seed->superlayer();
00272   // Set up all sorts of stuff for fast grouping of segs in nextGroup()
00273   for (const MdcSuperLayer *thisSlay = _gm->firstSlay(); thisSlay != 0;
00274       thisSlay = thisSlay->next()) {
00275     bool noGoodYet = true;
00276     islay++;
00278     if (thisSlay == seedSlay) continue;
00279     if (thisSlay->whichView() != 0) continue;//Axial slayer
00280     firstGood[iply] = 0;
00282     // Loop over the segs, marking start & end of valid region for this seed
00283     firstBad[iply] = 0;
00284     if (segList[islay-1].length() != 0) {
00285       isValid[iply] = new bool[segList[islay-1].length()];
00286     }
00288     if(3 == _debug && segList[islay-1].length()>0) {
00289       std::cout<<std::endl<< "--match axial seg by phi in slayer "
00290         <<thisSlay->slayNum()<<"--"<<std::endl;
00291       //std::cout<< "reference seg: "; seed->plotSeg();
00292       //std::cout<< std::endl;
00293     }
00295     for (int i = 0; i < (int) segList[islay-1].length(); i++) {
00296       MdcSeg *aSeg = segList[islay-1][i];
00297       int invalid = incompWithSeg(seed, aSeg);
00298       isValid[iply][i] = true;
00299       if (invalid < 0) {
00300         firstBad[iply] = i;
00301         isValid[iply][i] = false;
00302         if (noGoodYet) firstGood[iply] = i+1;
00303       } else if (invalid > 0) {
00304         // No more valid segs in this slayer
00305         firstBad[iply] = i;
00306         for (int j = i; j < (int) segList[islay-1].length(); j++) 
00307           isValid[iply][j] = false;
00308         break;
00309       } else {
00310         firstBad[iply] = i+1;
00311         noGoodYet = false;
00312       }
00313     }
00315     //if(3 == _debug) std::cout<<iply<<" islay "<<islay<<" firstGood "<<firstGood[iply]<<" "<<firstBad[iply]<< std::endl;
00316     if (firstGood[iply] > firstBad[iply]) firstGood[iply] = firstBad[iply];
00317     if (firstGood[iply] == firstBad[iply]) {
00318       // If there are no valid segs for this ply, drop it
00319       delete [] isValid[iply];
00320       isValid[iply] = 0;
00321       continue;
00322     }
00323     // Associate correct seglist with this ply
00324     combList[iply] = &segList[islay-1];
00325     leaveGap[iply] = false;
00326     iply++;
00327   }
00328   nPlyFilled = iply;
00329   resetSegCounters();
00330   maxNull = nPlyFilled - 2;
00331   maxNull++;
00332 }
00333 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
00334 MdcTrack* MdcSegGrouperAx::storePar(MdcTrack* trk, double parms[2], 
00335     double chisq, TrkContext& context, 
00336     double t0) {
00337   //---------------------------------------------------------------------
00338   // cout << "storePar in MdcSegGrouperAx" <<endl;//yzhang debug
00339   assert(trk == 0);
00340   BesAngle foundPhi0(parms[0]);
00341   // factor of two to convert to BaBar def of curvature (omega)
00342   //std::cout<< "stored par   " << parms[0]<< "   "<<parms[1]
00343     //<<" store: "<<foundPhi0.rad()<<" "<<2.*parms[1]<<std::endl;
00344   TrkExchangePar par(0.0, foundPhi0.rad(), 2.*parms[1], 0.0, 0.0);
00345   return new MdcTrack(_gm->nSuper(), par, chisq, context, t0);
00346 }
00348 /*
00349    double MdcSegGrouperAx::calcParByHits(MdcSeg **segGroup, int nToUse, const TrkExchangePar &par,  double param[2]) {
00350    return 0.;
00351    }
00352    */

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:13:34 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7