
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "RawDataProviderSvc/RawDataProviderSvc.h"
00002 #include "RawDataProviderSvc/MdcRawDataProvider.h"
00003 #include "GaudiKernel/Kernel.h"
00004 #include "GaudiKernel/IInterface.h"
00005 #include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentSvc.h"
00006 #include "GaudiKernel/Incident.h"
00007 #include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentListener.h"
00008 #include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
00009 #include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
00010 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
00011 #include "GaudiKernel/IDataProviderSvc.h"
00012 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h"
00013 #include "GaudiKernel/DataSvc.h"
00014 #include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcHit.h"
00015 #include "Identifier/MdcID.h"
00016 #include "MdcCalibFunSvc/MdcCalibFunSvc.h"
00017 #include "RawEvent/RawDataUtil.h"
00018 #include "EvTimeEvent/RecEsTime.h"
00020 // tianhl for mt
00021 #include "GaudiKernel/ThreadGaudi.h"
00022 // tianhl for mt
00023 #include <stdint.h>
00024 #include <vector>
00026 using namespace std;
00028 MdcRawDataProvider::MdcRawDataProvider() :
00029   RawDataProviderBase(),
00030   digiRef(0),
00031   m_mdcCalibFunSvc(0) 
00032 {}
00035 MdcRawDataProvider::MdcRawDataProvider( const char* name ) :
00036   RawDataProviderBase( name ),
00037   digiRef(0),
00038   m_mdcCalibFunSvc(0) 
00039 {}
00041 MdcRawDataProvider::~MdcRawDataProvider() {
00042 }
00044 StatusCode MdcRawDataProvider::initialize( ISvcLocator* pSvcLoc, IMessageSvc* pMsg ) {
00045   RawDataProviderBase::initialize( pSvcLoc,pMsg );
00046   return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
00047 }
00049 void MdcRawDataProvider::handle(const Incident& inc){
00050   MsgStream log( m_msgSvc, m_name );
00051   log << MSG::DEBUG << "handle: " << inc.type() << endreq;
00052   if ( inc.type() == "BeginEvent" ){
00053     digiRef.clear();
00054   }
00055   return;
00056 }
00058 MdcDigiVec& MdcRawDataProvider::getMdcDigiVec(uint32_t control){
00059   MsgStream log(m_msgSvc, m_name);
00060   StatusCode sc;
00061   bool unRedo = ((control&b_unRedo)==b_unRedo);
00062   if(!unRedo) digiRef.clear();
00063   else if(digiRef.size()>0) return digiRef;
00064   //---- get event service
00065   IDataProviderSvc* evtSvc;
00066   // tianhl for mt
00067   std::string evtDataSvc_name("EventDataSvc");
00068   if(isGaudiThreaded(m_name)){
00069     evtDataSvc_name += getGaudiThreadIDfromName(m_name);
00070   }
00071   // tianhl for mt
00072   sc = m_svcLocator->service(evtDataSvc_name.c_str(),evtSvc,true);
00073   if (!sc.isSuccess()){
00074     log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not load EventDataSvc" << endreq;
00075     return digiRef;
00076   } 
00078   //---- get max MdcDigi
00079   int maxMdcDigi = control&i_maxMdcDigi;
00081   //---- prepare for drop Bad TDC
00082   bool keepBadTdc = ((control&b_keepBadTdc)!=0x10000);
00083   double t0 = 0.;
00084   if (keepBadTdc){
00085     //get MdcCalibFunSvc
00086     sc = m_svcLocator->service("MdcCalibFunSvc", m_mdcCalibFunSvc);
00087     if ( sc.isFailure() ){
00088       log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not load MdcCalibFunSvc!" << endreq;
00089       return digiRef; 
00090     }
00092     //get event start time t0
00093     SmartDataPtr<RecEsTimeCol> esTimeCol(evtSvc,"/Event/Recon/RecEsTimeCol");
00094     if (!esTimeCol){
00095       log << MSG::INFO<< " Could not retrieve RecEsTimeCol"<< endreq;
00096       keepBadTdc = false;
00097     }else if( (esTimeCol->size()==0)) {
00098       log << MSG::INFO<< " Could not retrieve RecEsTimeCol"<< endreq;
00099       keepBadTdc = false;
00100     }else{
00101       RecEsTimeCol::iterator iter= esTimeCol->begin();
00102       for(; iter!=esTimeCol->end(); iter++){
00103         t0 = (*iter)->getTest();
00104       }
00105     }//end esTimeCol
00106   }
00108   //----- mark hit on track
00109   bool m_hitInUse[43][288];
00110   for (int i=0; i<43; i++){
00111     for (int j=0; j<288; j++) m_hitInUse[i][j]=false;
00112   }
00113   bool dropHot = ((control&b_dropHot)==0x4000);
00114   if (dropHot){
00115     SmartDataPtr<RecMdcHitCol> recHitCol(evtSvc, "/Event/Recon/RecMdcHitCol");
00116     if (!recHitCol) {
00117       log << MSG::INFO << "Could not retrieve RecMdcHitCol" << endreq;
00118       dropHot = false;
00119     }else{
00120       RecMdcHitCol::iterator iter = recHitCol->begin();
00121       for ( ; iter != recHitCol->end(); iter++) {
00122         Identifier id = (*iter)->getMdcId();
00123         m_hitInUse[MdcID::layer(id)][MdcID::wire(id)] = true;
00124       }
00125     }
00126   }
00128   //----- mark skipped layers 
00129   bool isSkipLayers = ((control&b_keepSkipped)!=0x8000) && (m_skipLayers.size()>0);
00131   bool skipLayer[43];
00132   for (int i=0; i<43; i++){skipLayer[i]= false;}
00133   for(unsigned iSkip =0; iSkip < m_skipLayers.size(); iSkip++){
00134     skipLayer[m_skipLayers[iSkip]]=true;
00135   }
00137   //----- loop MdcDigiCol to select------------------
00138   int iDigi=0;
00139   int nMatchedDigi=0;
00141   SmartDataPtr<MdcDigiCol> mdcDigiCol(evtSvc,"/Event/Digi/MdcDigiCol");
00142   if (sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
00143     log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find MdcDigiCol!" << endreq;
00144     return digiRef;
00145   }
00146   MdcDigiCol::iterator iter = mdcDigiCol->begin();
00147   for (;iter != mdcDigiCol->end(); iter++,iDigi++ ) {
00148     MdcDigi *aDigi = (*iter);
00149     Identifier id = aDigi->identify();
00150     int layer = MdcID::layer(id);
00151     int wire  = MdcID::wire(id);
00152     unsigned tdc = aDigi->getTimeChannel();
00153     unsigned adc = aDigi->getChargeChannel();
00154     unsigned overflow = aDigi->getOverflow();
00156     //--0. skip dead channel 
00157     if ( ((control&b_keepAllChannel)!=0x40000) && m_mdcCalibFunSvc 
00158         && m_mdcCalibFunSvc->getWireEff(layer,wire) < m_effThreshold) continue;
00160     //--1. drop Mdc layer hits
00161     if ( isSkipLayers && skipLayer[layer] ) continue;
00163     //--2. drop hit on track
00164     if ( dropHot && m_hitInUse[layer][wire]) continue;
00166     //--3. drop unmatched, overflow and multi TDC
00167     //overflow :
00168     // 1, T overflow
00169     // 2, Q overflow
00170     // 4, multi TDC
00171     // 8, multi TDC, earliest
00172     if ( ((control&b_keepUnmatch)!=0x2000) &&
00173         (((overflow & 1)>0) ||
00174          (((overflow&12)!=12)&&((overflow&12)!=0)) ||
00175          (tdc==0x7FFFFFFF) || (adc== 0x7FFFFFFF) ) ) { continue; }
00179     //--4. drop bad hit(Tdc - t0 < -10 ns)
00180     if (keepBadTdc) {
00181       // Get T0
00182       double T0Walk = 0.;
00183       if (m_mdcCalibFunSvc) { T0Walk = m_mdcCalibFunSvc->getT0(layer,wire)
00184         + m_mdcCalibFunSvc->getTimeWalk(layer,adc); }
00185       if((RawDataUtil::MdcTime(tdc) - T0Walk - t0)<-10.) continue;
00186     }
00188     //--5. skip by max limit of digi number
00189     nMatchedDigi++;
00190     if ((maxMdcDigi>0) && (nMatchedDigi > maxMdcDigi)){
00191       digiRef.clear();
00192       return digiRef;
00193     }
00195     digiRef.push_back(aDigi);
00196   }//end loop of MdcDigiCol
00197   return digiRef;
00198 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 22:58:35 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7