
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <iostream>
00002 #include <sstream>
00003 #include <cstdio>
00004 #include <vector>
00005 #include <cmath>
00006 #include <cstdlib>
00008 #include "TFile.h"
00009 #include "TTree.h"
00011 #include "include/MdcCalibConst.h"
00012 #include "include/fun.h"
00014 using namespace std;
00016 vector<double> XMEAS;
00017 vector<double> TBINCEN;
00018 vector<double> ERR;
00019 double Tmax;
00020 double Dmax;
00021 vector<double> XMEASED;
00022 vector<double> TBINCENED;
00023 vector<double> ERRED;
00025 int gNEntr[43];
00027 /* from calib config file */
00028 double gTimeShift = 0.0;        /* if T<0 after subtracting Tes, use this */
00029 double gTesMin = 0.0;           /* minimun Tes for calibration */
00030 double gTesMax = 9999.0;        /* maximun Tes for calibration */
00031 int    gFgIniCalConst = 2;      /* effective for IniMdcCalib */
00032 bool   gPreT0SetTm = true;      /* flag for updating Tm in PreT0Calib */
00033 double gInitT0 = 50.0;          /* initial value of T0 fit */
00034 double gT0Shift = 0.0;          /* t0 shift based on leading edge fitting */
00035 double gTminFitChindf = 20.0;   /* chisquare cut for Tmin fit */
00036 double gTmaxFitChindf = 20.0;   /* chisquare cut for Tmax fit */
00037 int    gResiType = 0;           /* 0: including measurement point; 1: excluding */
00038 int    gCalSigma = 1;           /* flag for update sigma */
00039 int    gFixXtC0 = 0;            /* 1: fix c0 at 0 */
00040 int    gFgCalib[NLAYER];
00041 double gTminFitRange[NLAYER][2];
00042 double gTmaxFitRange[NLAYER][2];
00043 double gInitTm[NLAYER]; /* initial value of Tm fit */
00044 double gQmin[NLAYER];           /* QT fit range */
00045 double gQmax[NLAYER];           /* QT fit range */
00047 double xtFun(double t, double xtpar[]){
00048      int ord;
00049      double dist = 0.0;
00050      double tm = xtpar[6];
00052      if(t < tm ){
00053           for(ord=0; ord<=5; ord++){
00054                dist += xtpar[ord] * pow(t, ord);
00055           }
00056      }else{
00057           for(ord=0; ord<=5; ord++){
00058                dist += xtpar[ord] * pow(tm, ord);
00059           }
00060           dist += xtpar[7] * (t - tm);
00061      }
00063      return dist;
00064 }
00066 void fcnXT(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t iflag){
00067      unsigned int i;
00068      int ord;
00069      Double_t deta;
00070      Double_t chisq = 0.0;
00071      Double_t dfit;
00073      for(i=0; i<TBINCEN.size(); i++){
00074           dfit = 0;
00075           for(ord=0; ord<=5; ord++){
00076                dfit += par[ord] * pow(TBINCEN[i], ord);
00077           }
00078           deta = (dfit - XMEAS[i]) / ERR[i];
00079           chisq += deta * deta;
00080      }
00082      f = chisq;
00083 }
00085 void fcnXtEdge(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t iflag){
00086      unsigned int i;
00087      Double_t deta;
00088      Double_t chisq = 0.0;
00089      Double_t dfit;
00091      for(i=0; i<TBINCENED.size(); i++){
00092           dfit = par[0] * (TBINCENED[i] - Tmax) + Dmax;
00093           deta = (dfit - XMEASED[i]) / ERRED[i];
00094           chisq += deta * deta;
00095      }
00097      f = chisq;
00098 }
00100 Double_t xtFitFun(Double_t *x, Double_t par[]){
00101      Double_t val = 0.0;
00102      for(Int_t ord=0; ord<6; ord++){
00103           val += par[ord] * pow(x[0], ord);
00104      }
00105      return val;
00106 }
00108 Double_t xtFitEdge(Double_t *x, Double_t par[]){
00109      double val = Dmax + (x[0] - Tmax) * par[0];
00110      return val;
00111 }
00113 void writeConst(MdcCalibConst* calconst, TObjArray* newXtList, TObjArray* r2tList){
00114      TFile fout("MdcCalibConst_new.root", "recreate");
00116      int key;
00117      double xtpar;
00118      TTree *xttree = new TTree("XtTree", "XtTree");
00119      xttree -> Branch("xtkey", &key, "key/I");
00120      xttree -> Branch("xtpar", &xtpar, "xtpar/D");
00121      for(int lay=0; lay<43; lay++){
00122           for(int entr=0; entr<18; entr++){
00123                for(int lr=0; lr<3; lr++){
00124                     for(int ord=0; ord<8; ord++){
00125                          key = calconst->getXtKey(lay, entr, lr, ord);
00126                          xtpar = calconst->getXtpar(lay, entr, lr, ord);
00127                          xttree -> Fill();
00128                     }
00129                }
00130           }
00131      }
00133      double t0;
00134      double delt0;
00135      TTree *t0tree = new TTree("T0Tree", "T0Tree");
00136      t0tree -> Branch("t0", &t0, "t0/D");
00137      t0tree -> Branch("delt0", &delt0, "delt0/D");
00138      for(int wid=0; wid<6796; wid++){
00139           t0 = calconst->getT0(wid);
00140           delt0 = calconst->getDelT0(wid);
00141           t0tree -> Fill();
00142      }
00144      double qtval[2];
00145      TTree *qttree = new TTree("QtTree", "QtTree");
00146      qttree -> Branch("qtpar0", &(qtval[0]), "qtpar0/D");
00147      qttree -> Branch("qtpar1", &(qtval[1]), "qtpar1/D");
00148      for(int lay=0; lay<43; lay++){
00149           qtval[0] = calconst->getQtpar0(lay);
00150           qtval[1] = calconst->getQtpar1(lay);
00151           qttree -> Fill();
00152      }
00154      double sdpar;
00155      TTree *sdtree = new TTree("SdTree", "SdTree");
00156      sdtree -> Branch("sdkey", &key, "key/I");
00157      sdtree -> Branch("sdpar", &sdpar, "sdpar/D");
00158      for(int lay=0; lay<43; lay++){
00159           for(int entr=0; entr<6; entr++){
00160                for(int lr=0; lr<2; lr++){
00161                     for(int bin=0; bin<24; bin++){
00162                          key = calconst->getSdKey(lay, entr, lr, bin);
00163                          sdpar = calconst->getSdpar(lay, entr, lr, bin);
00164                          sdtree -> Fill();
00165                     }
00166                }
00167           }
00168      }
00170      fout.cd();
00171      xttree -> Write();
00172      t0tree -> Write();
00173      qttree -> Write();
00174      sdtree -> Write();
00175      if((newXtList->GetEntries()) > 0) newXtList -> Write();
00176      if((r2tList->GetEntries()) > 0) r2tList -> Write();
00177      fout.Close();
00178 }
00180 vector<string> getHistList()
00181 {
00182    vector<string> fnames;
00184    string command(
00185          "JobOutputDir=`/bin/ls -dt1 joboutput-* 2>/dev/null | head -1`\n"
00186          "if [ -d \"${JobOutputDir}\" ]; then\n"
00187          "  find ${JobOutputDir} -name hist.root\n"
00188          "fi\n"
00189          );
00191    stringstream fnstream;
00193    char* fnbuf   = new char[1024];
00194    FILE* fstream = popen(command.c_str(), "r");
00196    while ( fgets(fnbuf, 1024, fstream) != NULL ) {
00197       fnstream << fnbuf;
00198    }
00200    string fname;
00201    while ( ! (fnstream>>fname).eof() ) {
00202       fnames.push_back(fname);
00203    }
00205    pclose(fstream);
00206    delete [] fnbuf;
00208    if ( fnames.empty() ) {
00209       cout << "WARNING: Failed to retrieve hist files in the current directory!" << endl;
00210 //       exit(1);
00211    }
00212    return fnames;
00213 }
00215 vector<string> getHistList(string path)
00216 {
00217    vector<string> fnames;
00218    string newpath = path;
00219    string::size_type strl = newpath.length();
00220    if((strl>1) && ('/'==newpath[strl-1])) newpath.erase(strl-1);
00222    char com1[500];
00223    sprintf(com1, "JobOutputDir=`/bin/ls -dt1 %s/joboutput-* 2>/dev/null | head -1`\n", newpath.c_str());
00224    string command1(com1);
00225    string command2(
00226          "if [ -d \"${JobOutputDir}\" ]; then\n"
00227          "  find ${JobOutputDir} -name hist.root\n"
00228          "fi\n"
00229          );
00230    string command = command1 + command2;
00231    stringstream fnstream;
00233    char* fnbuf   = new char[1024];
00234    FILE* fstream = popen(command.c_str(), "r");
00236    while ( fgets(fnbuf, 1024, fstream) != NULL ) {
00237       fnstream << fnbuf;
00238    }
00240    string fname;
00241    while ( ! (fnstream>>fname).eof() ) {
00242       fnames.push_back(fname);
00243    }
00245    pclose(fstream);
00246    delete [] fnbuf;
00248    if ( fnames.empty() ) {
00249       cout << "ERROR: Failed to retrieve hist files!" << endl;
00250       exit(1);
00251    }
00252    return fnames;
00253 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:12:47 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7