
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "GaudiKernel/AlgFactory.h"
00002 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h" 
00003 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h"
00004 //#include "GaudiKernel/IMagneticFieldSvc.h"
00005 #include "GaudiKernel/NTuple.h"
00006 #include "GaudiKernel/INTuple.h"
00007 #include "GaudiKernel/INTupleSvc.h"
00008 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h"
00010 #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Vector3D.h"
00011 #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
00012 #include "CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h"
00014 #include "MagneticField/IMagneticFieldSvc.h"
00015 #include "MagneticField/MagFieldReader.h"
00016 #include <fstream>
00017 #include <iostream>
00018 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"
00019 using namespace std;
00020 //Test with root
00021 #include <TGraph.h>
00022 #include <TFile.h>
00023 #include <TCanvas.h>
00024 #include <TGraph2D.h>
00025 #include <TStyle.h>
00026 #include "TAxis.h"
00029 //  backwards compatibility will be enabled ONLY in CLHEP 1.9
00030 typedef HepGeom::Point3D<double> HepPoint3D;
00031 #endif
00033 typedef HepGeom::Vector3D<double> HepVector3D;
00034 #endif
00035 using namespace CLHEP;
00036 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00037 // Implementation file for class : MagFieldReader
00038 //
00039 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00040 // Declaration of the Algorithm Factory
00041 //static const  AlgFactory<MagFieldReader>          s_factory ;
00042 //const        IAlgFactory& MagFieldReaderFactory = s_factory ;
00044 //=============================================================================
00045 // Standard constructor, initializes variables
00046 //=============================================================================
00047 MagFieldReader::MagFieldReader( const std::string& name,
00048                     ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
00049   : Algorithm ( name , pSvcLocator )
00050   , m_pIMF(0) 
00051 {
00052   declareProperty("Zmin", m_zMin =  -1200.0*mm);
00053   declareProperty("Zmax", m_zMax = 1200.0*mm);  
00054   declareProperty("Step", m_step =   50.0*mm);  
00055   declareProperty("Xmin", m_xMin =  -900.0*mm);  
00056   declareProperty("Xmax", m_xMax =  900.0*mm);
00057   declareProperty("Ymin", m_yMin =  -900.0*mm);  
00058   declareProperty("Ymax", m_yMax =  900.0*mm);
00059   declareProperty("filename", m_filename ="rawmode3_out.dat");
00060 }
00062 //=============================================================================
00063 // Initialisation. Check parameters
00064 //=============================================================================
00065 StatusCode MagFieldReader::initialize() {
00067   MsgStream msg(msgSvc(), name());
00069   msg << MSG::INFO << "FieldReader intialize() has been called" << endreq;
00070   StatusCode status = service("MagneticFieldSvc", m_pIMF, true);
00071   if( !status.isSuccess() ) {
00072     msg << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to open Magnetic field service" 
00073         << endreq;
00074     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00075   }
00077   msg << MSG::DEBUG << " Book ntuple" << endreq;
00079   NTuplePtr nt1(ntupleSvc(), "FILE1/n1");
00080   if(nt1) m_tuple1 = nt1;
00081   else {
00082     m_tuple1 = ntupleSvc()->book("FILE1/n1",CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,"Field");
00083     if( m_tuple1 ) {
00084       status = m_tuple1->addItem("x",  m_x );
00085       status = m_tuple1->addItem("y",  m_y );
00086       status = m_tuple1->addItem("z",  m_z );
00087       status = m_tuple1->addItem("r",  m_r );
00088       status = m_tuple1->addItem("Bx",  m_Bx );
00089       status = m_tuple1->addItem("By",  m_By );
00090       status = m_tuple1->addItem("Bz",  m_Bz );
00091       status = m_tuple1->addItem("SigmaBx", m_sigma_bx );
00092       status = m_tuple1->addItem("SigmaBy", m_sigma_by );
00093       status = m_tuple1->addItem("SigmaBz", m_sigma_bz );
00094     }
00095     else {  
00096       msg << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot book N-tuple:" <<long(m_tuple1)<< endreq;
00097       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00098     }
00099   }   
00101   NTuplePtr nt2(ntupleSvc(), "FILE1/n2");
00102   if(nt2) m_tuple2 = nt2;
00103   else {
00104     m_tuple2 = ntupleSvc()->book("FILE1/n2",CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,"Field");
00105     if( m_tuple2 ) {
00106       status = m_tuple2->addItem("x",  m_x2 );
00107       status = m_tuple2->addItem("y",  m_y2 );
00108       status = m_tuple2->addItem("z",  m_z2 );
00109       status = m_tuple2->addItem("r",  m_r2 );
00110       status = m_tuple2->addItem("Bx",  m_Bx2 );
00111       status = m_tuple2->addItem("By",  m_By2 );
00112       status = m_tuple2->addItem("Bz",  m_Bz2 );
00113     }
00114     else {
00115       msg << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot book N-tuple:" <<long(m_tuple2)<< endreq;
00116       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00117     }
00118   }
00120   NTuplePtr nt3(ntupleSvc(), "FILE1/n3");
00121   if(nt3) m_tuple3 = nt3;
00122   else {
00123     m_tuple3 = ntupleSvc()->book("FILE1/n3",CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,"Field");
00124     if( m_tuple3 ) {
00125       status = m_tuple3->addItem("x",  m_x3 );
00126       status = m_tuple3->addItem("y",  m_y3 );
00127       status = m_tuple3->addItem("z",  m_z3 );
00128       status = m_tuple3->addItem("r",  m_r3 );
00129       status = m_tuple3->addItem("phi",  m_phi3 );
00130       status = m_tuple3->addItem("Bx",  m_Bx3 );
00131       status = m_tuple3->addItem("By",  m_By3 );
00132       status = m_tuple3->addItem("Bz",  m_Bz3 );
00133     }   
00134     else { 
00135       msg << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot book N-tuple:" <<long(m_tuple3)<< endreq;
00136       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00137     }
00138   }
00140   NTuplePtr nt4(ntupleSvc(), "FILE1/n4");
00141   if(nt4) m_tuple4 = nt4;
00142   else {
00143     m_tuple4 = ntupleSvc()->book("FILE1/n4",CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,"Field");
00144     if( m_tuple4 ) {
00145       status = m_tuple4->addItem("time",  m_time );
00146     }
00147     else {
00148       msg << MSG::ERROR << " Cannot book N-tuple:" <<long(m_tuple4)<< endreq;
00149       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00150     }
00151   }
00153   status = service("BesTimerSvc", m_timersvc);
00154   if (status.isFailure()) {
00155     msg << MSG::ERROR << name() << ": Unable to locate BesTimer Service" << endreq;
00156     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00157   }
00158   m_timer = m_timersvc->addItem("Read field Time");
00160   msg << MSG::INFO << "MagFieldReader initialized" << endreq;
00161   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00162 }
00164 //=============================================================================
00165 // Main execution
00166 //=============================================================================
00167 StatusCode MagFieldReader::execute() {
00169   MsgStream  msg( msgSvc(), name() );
00171   msg << MSG::DEBUG << "==> Execute MagFieldReader" << endreq;
00172 /*
00173   //calculate the error of Bfield
00174   std::ifstream infile( m_filename.c_str() );
00175   if(!infile.good()) msg << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to read the file: " << m_filename << endreq;
00176   int nLine = 0;
00177   char line[ 255 ];
00178   while( infile ) {
00179     // parse each line of the file, 
00180     // comment lines begin with '#' in the cdf file
00181     infile.getline( line, 255 );
00182     if ( line[0] == '#' ) continue;
00183     std::string  gridx, gridy, gridz, sFx, sFy, sFz;
00184     char* token = strtok( line, " " );
00185     if ( token ) { gridx = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
00186     if ( token ) { gridy = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
00187     if ( token ) { gridz = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
00188     if ( token ) { sFx = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
00189     if ( token ) { sFy = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
00190     if ( token ) { sFz = token; token = strtok( NULL, " " );} else continue;
00191     if ( token != NULL ) continue;
00192     nLine++;
00193     double x,y,z,bx,by,bz;
00194     //Grid position
00195     x = atof( gridx.c_str() );
00196     y = atof( gridy.c_str() );
00197     z = atof( gridz.c_str() );
00198     // Field values are given in tesla in CDF file. Convert to CLHEP units
00199     bx = atof( sFx.c_str() );
00200     by = atof( sFy.c_str() );
00201     bz = atof( sFz.c_str() );
00202     //std::cout<<"x,y,z: "<<x<<" "<<y<<" "<<z<<" "<<"bx,by,bz: "<<bx<<" "<<by<<" "<<bz<<std::endl;
00203     x = -x*m;
00204     y = y*m;
00205     z = -z*m;
00207     HepPoint3D r(x,y,z);
00208     HepVector3D b;
00209     m_pIMF->fieldVector(r,b);
00210     m_Bx = b.x()/tesla;
00211     m_By = b.y()/tesla;
00212     m_Bz = b.z()/tesla;
00213     m_sigma_bx = (b.x()/tesla + bx)*10000.;
00214     m_sigma_by = (b.y()/tesla - by)*10000.;
00215     m_sigma_bz = (b.z()/tesla + bz)*10000.;
00216     m_r = std::sqrt(x/m*x/m+y/m*y/m);
00217     m_x = x/m;
00218     m_y = y/m;
00219     m_z = z/m;
00220     m_tuple1->write();
00221   }
00222   infile.close();
00223   std::cout<<"Totally "<<nLine<<" in file "<<m_filename<<std::endl;
00225   for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
00226     double rr;
00227     if(k==0) rr = 0;
00228     if(k==1) rr = 200;
00229     if(k==2) rr = 400;
00230     if(k==3) rr = 600;
00231     if(k==4) rr = 800;
00232     for(int zz = -1195; zz <1200; zz+=50) {
00233       double bxt = 0.,byt= 0.,bzt = 0.;
00234       for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {  
00235         double phi = CLHEP::twopi*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot();
00236         double xx = rr*std::cos(phi); 
00237         double yy = rr*std::sin(phi);
00238         HepPoint3D r(xx,yy,double(zz));
00239         HepVector3D b;
00240         m_pIMF->fieldVector(r,b);
00241         bxt+=b.x()/tesla;
00242         byt+=b.y()/tesla;
00243         bzt+=b.z()/tesla;
00244       }
00245       m_z2 = zz;
00246       m_r2 = rr;
00247       m_Bx2 = bxt/100000;
00248       m_By2 = byt/100000;
00249       m_Bz2 = bzt/100000;
00250       m_tuple2->write();
00251     }
00252   }
00254   for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
00255     double zz;
00256     if(k==0) zz = 0;
00257     if(k==1) zz = -800;
00258     if(k==2) zz = 800;
00259     for(int rr = 200; rr <=600; rr+=400) {
00260       for(double phi = 0; phi <= 2*3.14159; phi+=0.1745) {
00261         //double phi = CLHEP::twopi*CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot();
00262         double xx = rr*std::cos(phi);
00263         double yy = rr*std::sin(phi);
00264         HepPoint3D r(xx,yy,double(zz));
00265         HepVector3D b;
00266         m_pIMF->fieldVector(r,b);
00267         m_Bx3 = b.x()/tesla;
00268         m_By3 = b.y()/tesla;
00269         m_Bz3 = b.z()/tesla;
00270         m_phi3 = phi*180/CLHEP::pi;
00271         m_x3 = xx;
00272         m_y3 = yy;
00273         m_z3 = zz;
00274         m_r3 = rr;
00275         m_tuple3->write();
00276       }
00277     }
00278   } 
00279 */
00280   m_timer->start();
00281   for(int i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
00282   {
00283     double px,py,pz,bx,by,bz;
00284     double max_x = 1.8*m, min_x = -1.8*m, max_y = 1.8*m, min_y = -1.8*m, max_z = 2.1*m, min_z = -2.1*m;
00285     px = min_x + (max_x - min_x)*RandFlat::shoot();
00286     py = min_y + (max_y - min_y)*RandFlat::shoot();
00287     pz = min_z + (max_z - min_z)*RandFlat::shoot();
00288     HepPoint3D r(px,py,pz);
00289     HepVector3D b;
00290     m_pIMF->fieldVector(r,b);
00291     bx = b.x()/tesla;
00292     by = b.y()/tesla;
00293     bz = b.z()/tesla;
00294   }
00295   m_timer->stop();
00296   m_time = m_timer->elapsed();  
00297   m_tuple4->write();
00298 /*  
00299   StatusCode sc = this->readField();
00300   if( sc.isFailure() ) {
00301     msg << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to execute MagFieldReader" 
00302         << endreq;
00303     return sc;
00304   }
00305 */
00306   msg << MSG::INFO << "MagFieldReader executed" << endreq;
00307   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00308 }
00310 //=============================================================================
00311 //  Finalize
00312 //=============================================================================
00313 StatusCode MagFieldReader::finalize() {
00315   MsgStream msg(msgSvc(), name());
00316   msg << MSG::DEBUG << "==> Finalize MagFieldReader" << endreq;
00318   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00319 }
00321 //=============================================================================
00322 //=============================================================================
00323 // The MagFieldReader print out info messages 
00324 // with the field value at different locations.
00325 //=============================================================================
00326 StatusCode MagFieldReader::readField() {
00328   MsgStream msg( msgSvc(), name() );
00329   msg << MSG::DEBUG << "m_pIMF = " << m_pIMF << endreq;
00331   double referfield = m_pIMF->getReferField()/tesla;
00332   msg << MSG::DEBUG << "The reference field is " << referfield << " tesla" <<endreq;
00333   bool ifrealfield = m_pIMF->ifRealField();
00334   if(ifrealfield) msg << MSG::DEBUG << "Use the real field"<<endreq;
00335   else msg << MSG::DEBUG << "Use the fake field"<<endreq;
00337   HepVector3D B(0.0,0.0,0.0);
00338 /*  for ( double z = m_zMin; z <= m_zMax; z += m_step ) {
00339     for( double y = m_yMin; y <= m_yMax; y += m_step ) {
00340       for( double x = m_xMin; x <= m_xMax; x += m_step ) {
00341         HepPoint3D P( x, y, z );
00342         // get field at point P
00343         m_pIMF->fieldVector( P, B );
00344         // fill ntuple
00345         m_x = P.x()/cm;
00346         m_y = P.y()/cm;
00347         m_z = P.z()/cm;
00348         m_Bx = B.x()/tesla;
00349         m_By = B.y()/tesla;
00350         m_Bz = B.z()/tesla;
00351         m_ntuple->write();
00352       }
00353     }
00354     HepPoint3D P0( 0.0, 0.0, z );
00355     m_pIMF->fieldVector( P0, B );
00356     msg << MSG::DEBUG << "Magnetic Field at ("
00357         << P0.x() << ", " << P0.y() << ", " << P0.z() << " ) = "
00358         << (B.x())/tesla << ", "
00359         << (B.y())/tesla << ", "
00360         << (B.z())/tesla << " Tesla " 
00361         << endreq;
00362   }*/
00363 //magnetic field check bz vs z(m_zMin,m_zMax), x=0,200,400,600,800mm, y=0
00364   const int n1=241;
00365   double x[n1],y[n1],y1[n1],y2[n1],y3[n1],y4[n1];
00366 //magnetic field check bz,br,bendp,bphi vs z(0,m_zMax), x=50,100,200,400,600,800mm, y=0
00367   const int n2=121;
00368   double x1[n2],bz1[n2],bz2[n2],bz3[n2],bz4[n2],bz5[n2],bz6[n2];
00369   double br1[n2],br2[n2],br3[n2],br4[n2],br5[n2],br6[n2];
00370   double bp1[n2],bp2[n2],bp3[n2],bp4[n2],bp5[n2],bp6[n2];
00371   double bphi1[n2],bphi2[n2],bphi3[n2],bphi4[n2],bphi5[n2],bphi6[n2];
00372 //magnetic field check bx,by vs y(m_yMin,m_yMax)
00373   const int n3=161;
00374   double x2[n3],bx1[n3],bx2[n3],bx3[n3],bx4[n3],bx5[n3],bx6[n3];
00375   double by1[n3],by2[n3],by3[n3],by4[n3],by5[n3],by6[n3];
00376 //check globle field value bz vs x (-2.6m,2.6m),y=0,z=0.
00377   const int n4=521;
00378   double globle_x[n4],globle_bz[n4];
00379   int i=0;
00380   double px,py,pz;
00381   HepPoint3D pos(px,py,pz);
00382   for( px = -2600; px <= 2600; px += 10 ) {
00383     pos[0] = px;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = 0;
00384     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00385     globle_x[i]=px/m;
00386     globle_bz[i]=B.z()/tesla;
00387     i++;
00388   }
00389   i=0;
00390   for ( pz = m_zMin; pz <= m_zMax; pz += 10 ) {
00391     pos[0] = 0;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = pz;
00392     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00393     x[i]=pz/m;
00394     y[i]=B.z()/tesla;
00396     pos[0] = 200;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = pz;
00397     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00398     y1[i]=B.z()/tesla;
00400     pos[0] = 400;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = pz;
00401     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00402     y2[i]=B.z()/tesla;
00404     pos[0] = 600;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = pz;
00405     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00406     y3[i]=B.z()/tesla;
00408     pos[0] = 800;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = pz;
00409     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00410     y4[i]=B.z()/tesla;
00411     i++;
00412   }
00413   int j = 0;
00414   double tbx,tby,tbz,tbr,tbp,tbphi;
00415   for ( pz = 0; pz <= m_zMax; pz += 10 ) { 
00416     pos[0] = 50;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = pz;
00417     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00418     x1[j]=pz/m;
00419     tbx=B.x()/tesla;
00420     tby=B.y()/tesla;
00421     tbz=B.z()/tesla;
00422     tbr=tbx*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00423     tbphi=tbx*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00424     tbp=tbz-tbr*pz/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00425     bz1[j] = tbz;
00426     br1[j] = tbr*10000;
00427     bp1[j] = tbp;
00428     bphi1[j] = tbphi*10000;
00430     pos[0] = 100;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = pz;
00431     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00432     tbx=B.x()/tesla;
00433     tby=B.y()/tesla;
00434     tbz=B.z()/tesla;
00435     tbr=tbx*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00436     tbphi=tbx*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00437     tbp=tbz-tbr*pz/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00438     bz2[j] = tbz;
00439     br2[j] = tbr*10000;
00440     bp2[j] = tbp;
00441     bphi2[j] = tbphi*10000;
00443     pos[0] = 200;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = pz;
00444     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00445     tbx=B.x()/tesla;
00446     tby=B.y()/tesla;
00447     tbz=B.z()/tesla;
00448     tbr=tbx*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00449     tbphi=tbx*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00450     tbp=tbz-tbr*pz/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00451     bz3[j] = tbz;
00452     br3[j] = tbr*10000;
00453     bp3[j] = tbp;
00454     bphi3[j] = tbphi*10000;
00456     pos[0] = 400;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = pz;
00457     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00458     tbx=B.x()/tesla;
00459     tby=B.y()/tesla;
00460     tbz=B.z()/tesla;
00461     tbr=tbx*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00462     tbphi=tbx*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00463     tbp=tbz-tbr*pz/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00464     bz4[j] = tbz;
00465     br4[j] = tbr*10000;
00466     bp4[j] = tbp;
00467     bphi4[j]  = tbphi*10000;
00469     pos[0] = 600;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = pz;
00470     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00471     tbx=B.x()/tesla;
00472     tby=B.y()/tesla;
00473     tbz=B.z()/tesla;
00474     tbr=tbx*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00475     tbphi=tbx*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00476     tbp=tbz-tbr*pz/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00477     bz5[j] = tbz;
00478     br5[j] = tbr*10000;
00479     bp5[j] = tbp;
00480     bphi5[j] = tbphi*10000;
00482     pos[0] = 800;  pos[1] = 0;  pos[2] = pz;
00483     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00484     tbx=B.x()/tesla;
00485     tby=B.y()/tesla;
00486     tbz=B.z()/tesla;
00487     tbr=tbx*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00488     tbphi=tbx*pos[1]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1])+tby*pos[0]/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00489     tbp=tbz-tbr*pz/sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0]+pos[1]*pos[1]);
00490     bz6[j] = tbz;
00491     br6[j] = tbr*10000;
00492     bp6[j] = tbp;
00493     bphi6[j] = tbphi*10000;
00494     j++;
00495   }
00496   int l = 0;
00497   for(py = m_yMin; py<= m_yMax; py +=10){
00498     pos[0] = 0;  pos[1] = py;  pos[2] = 0;
00499     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00500     tbx=B.x()/tesla*10000;
00501     tby=B.y()/tesla*10000;
00502     tbz=B.z()/tesla*10000;
00503     x2[l] = py/m;
00504     bx1[l] = tbx;
00505     by1[l] = tby;
00507     pos[0] = 100;  pos[1] = py;  pos[2] = 100;
00508     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00509     tbx=B.x()/tesla*10000;
00510     tby=B.y()/tesla*10000;
00511     tbz=B.z()/tesla*10000;
00512     bx2[l] = tbx;
00513     by2[l] = tby;
00515     pos[0] = 400;  pos[1] = py;  pos[2] = 400;
00516     m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00517     tbx=B.x()/tesla*10000;
00518     tby=B.y()/tesla*10000;
00519     tbz=B.z()/tesla*10000;
00520     bx3[l] = tbx;
00521     by3[l] = tby;
00522     l++;
00523   }
00525   TGraph2D *dt = new TGraph2D();
00526   int k = 0;
00527   for ( pz = -3000; pz <= 3000; pz += 50 ) {
00528      for( py = -2700; py <= 2700; py += 50){
00529        pos[0] = 0;  pos[1] = py;  pos[2] = pz;
00530        m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00531        tbx=B.x()/tesla;
00532        tby=B.y()/tesla;
00533        tbz=B.z()/tesla;
00534        dt->SetPoint(k,pz/m,py/m,tbz);
00535        k++; 
00536     }
00537   }
00538   TGraph2D *dt1 = new TGraph2D();
00539   k = 0;
00540   for ( pz = -3000; pz <= 3000; pz += 50 ) {
00541      for( py = -3000; py <= 3000; py += 50){
00542        pos[0] = 0;  pos[1] = py;  pos[2] = pz;
00543        m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00544        tbx=B.x()/tesla;
00545        tby=B.y()/tesla;
00546        tbz=B.z()/tesla;
00547        double btot = sqrt(tbx*tbx+tby*tby+tbz*tbz);
00548        dt1->SetPoint(k,pz/m,py/m,btot);
00549        k++;
00550     }
00551   }
00552   TGraph2D *dt2 = new TGraph2D();
00553   k = 0;
00554   for ( pz = m_zMin; pz <= m_zMax; pz += 50 ) {
00555      for( py = m_yMin; py <= m_yMax; py += 50){
00556        pos[0] = 0;  pos[1] = py;  pos[2] = pz;
00557        m_pIMF->fieldVector( pos, B );
00558        tbx=B.x()/tesla;
00559        tby=B.y()/tesla;
00560        tbz=B.z()/tesla;
00561        //double btot = sqrt(tbx*tbx+tby*tby+tbz*tbz);
00562        dt2->SetPoint(k,pz/m,py/m,tbz);
00563        k++;
00564     }
00565   }
00566   gStyle->SetPalette(1);
00567   gStyle->SetOptTitle(1);
00568   gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
00570   TFile* f1=new TFile("graph.root","RECREATE");
00571   TGraph *gr1 = new TGraph(n1,x,y);
00572   TGraph *gr2 = new TGraph(n1,x,y1);
00573   TGraph *gr3 = new TGraph(n1,x,y2);
00574   TGraph *gr4 = new TGraph(n1,x,y3);
00575   TGraph *gr5 = new TGraph(n1,x,y4);
00577   TGraph *g1 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bz1);
00578   TGraph *g2 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bz2);
00579   TGraph *g3 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bz3);
00580   TGraph *g4 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bz4);
00581   TGraph *g5 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bz5);
00582   TGraph *g6 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bz6);
00584   TGraph *g7 = new TGraph(n2,x1,br1);
00585   TGraph *g8 = new TGraph(n2,x1,br2);
00586   TGraph *g9 = new TGraph(n2,x1,br3);
00587   TGraph *g10 = new TGraph(n2,x1,br4);
00588   TGraph *g11 = new TGraph(n2,x1,br5);
00589   TGraph *g12 = new TGraph(n2,x1,br6);
00591   TGraph *g13 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bp1);
00592   TGraph *g14 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bp2);
00593   TGraph *g15 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bp3);
00594   TGraph *g16 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bp4);
00595   TGraph *g17 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bp5);
00596   TGraph *g18 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bp6);
00598   TGraph *g19 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bphi1);
00599   TGraph *g20 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bphi2);
00600   TGraph *g21 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bphi3);
00601   TGraph *g22 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bphi4);
00602   TGraph *g23 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bphi5);
00603   TGraph *g24 = new TGraph(n2,x1,bphi6);
00605   TGraph *g25 = new TGraph(n3,x2,bx1);
00606   TGraph *g26 = new TGraph(n3,x2,bx2);
00607   TGraph *g27 = new TGraph(n3,x2,bx3);
00609   TGraph *g28 = new TGraph(n3,x2,by1);
00610   TGraph *g29 = new TGraph(n3,x2,by2);
00611   TGraph *g30 = new TGraph(n3,x2,by3);
00613   TGraph *g31 = new TGraph(n4,globle_x,globle_bz);
00615   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Two Graphs",200,10,600,400);
00616   TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Two Graphs",200,10,600,400);
00617   c1->Divide(2,2);
00618   c2->Divide(2,2);
00619   c1->cd(1);
00620   gr1->SetLineColor(2);
00621   gr1->SetLineWidth(2);
00622   gr1->Draw("ALP");
00623   gr1->SetTitle("bz vs z (y=0,x=0,200,400,600,800mm)");
00624   gr1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m");
00625   gr1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("tesla");
00626   gr2->SetLineWidth(2);
00627   gr2->SetLineColor(3);
00628   gr2->Draw("LP");
00629   gr3->SetLineWidth(2);
00630   gr3->SetLineColor(4);
00631   gr3->Draw("LP");
00632   gr4->SetLineWidth(2);
00633   gr4->SetLineColor(5);
00634   gr4->Draw("LP");
00635   gr5->SetLineWidth(2);
00636   gr5->SetLineColor(6);
00637   gr5->Draw("LP");
00639   c1->cd(2);
00640   g1->SetLineColor(2);
00641   g1->SetLineWidth(2);
00642   g1->Draw("ALP");
00643   g1->SetTitle("bz(red),bendp vs z (y=0,x=50,100,200,400,600,800mm)");
00644   g1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m");
00645   g1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("tesla");
00646   g1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.2,2);
00647   g2->SetLineWidth(2);
00648   g2->SetLineColor(2);
00649   g2->Draw("LP");
00650   g3->SetLineWidth(2);
00651   g3->SetLineColor(2);
00652   g3->Draw("LP");
00653   g4->SetLineWidth(2);
00654   g4->SetLineColor(2);
00655   g4->Draw("LP");
00656   g5->SetLineWidth(2);
00657   g5->SetLineColor(2);
00658   g5->Draw("LP");
00659   g6->SetLineColor(2);
00660   g6->SetLineWidth(2);
00661   g6->Draw("LP");
00663   g13->SetLineWidth(2);
00664   g13->SetLineColor(4);
00665   g13->Draw("LP");
00666   g14->SetLineWidth(2);
00667   g14->SetLineColor(4);
00668   g14->Draw("LP");
00669   g15->SetLineWidth(2);
00670   g15->SetLineColor(4);
00671   g15->Draw("LP");
00672   g16->SetLineWidth(2);
00673   g16->SetLineColor(4);
00674   g16->Draw("LP");
00675   g17->SetLineWidth(2);
00676   g17->SetLineColor(4);
00677   g17->Draw("LP");
00678   g18->SetLineWidth(2);
00679   g18->SetLineColor(4);
00680   g18->Draw("LP");
00682   c1->cd(3);
00683   g7->SetLineWidth(2);
00684   g7->SetLineColor(2);
00685   g7->Draw("ALP");
00686   g7->SetTitle("br vs z (y=0,x=50,100,200,400,600,800mm)");
00687   g7->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m");
00688   g7->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("gauss");
00689   g7->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1100,1000);
00690   g8->SetLineWidth(2);
00691   g8->SetLineColor(3);
00692   g8->Draw("LP");
00693   g9->SetLineWidth(2);
00694   g9->SetLineColor(4);
00695   g9->Draw("LP");
00696   g10->SetLineWidth(2);
00697   g10->SetLineColor(5);
00698   g10->Draw("LP");
00699   g11->SetLineWidth(2);
00700   g11->SetLineColor(6);
00701   g11->Draw("LP");
00702   g12->SetLineWidth(2);
00703   g12->SetLineColor(7);
00704   g12->Draw("LP");
00706   c1->cd(4);
00707   g19->SetLineWidth(2);
00708   g19->SetLineColor(2);
00709   g19->Draw("ALP");
00710   g19->SetTitle("bphi vs z (y=0,x=50,100,200,400,600,800mm)");
00711   g19->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m");
00712   g19->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("gauss");
00713   g19->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1000,200);
00714   g20->SetLineWidth(2);
00715   g20->SetLineColor(3);
00716   g20->Draw("LP");
00717   g21->SetLineWidth(2);
00718   g21->SetLineColor(4);
00719   g21->Draw("LP");
00720   g22->SetLineWidth(2);
00721   g22->SetLineColor(5);
00722   g22->Draw("LP");
00723   g23->SetLineWidth(2);
00724   g23->SetLineColor(6);
00725   g23->Draw("LP");
00726   g24->SetLineWidth(2);
00727   g24->SetLineColor(7);
00728   g24->Draw("LP");
00730   TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","Two Graphs",200,10,600,400);
00731   c3->cd(1);
00732   //dt->Draw("surf2");
00733   //dt->Draw("tril p3");
00734   //dt->Draw("surf1z");
00735   dt->Draw("z sinusoidal");
00736   dt->SetTitle("bz vs y,z (x=0)");
00738   TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("c4","Two Graphs",200,10,600,400);
00739   c4->cd(1);
00740   dt1->Draw("z sinusoidal");
00741   dt1->SetTitle("btot vs y,z (x=0)");
00743   TCanvas *c5 = new TCanvas("c5","Two Graphs",200,10,600,400);
00744   c5->cd(1);
00745   dt2->Draw("z sinusoidal");
00746   dt2->SetTitle("bz vs y,z (x=0)");
00748   c2->cd(2);
00749   g25->SetLineWidth(2);
00750   g25->SetLineColor(2);
00751   g25->Draw("ALP");
00752   g25->SetTitle("bx(red),by vs y (x,z=0,100,400mm)");
00753   g25->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m");
00754   g25->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("gauss");
00755   g25->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-200,300);
00756   g26->SetLineWidth(2);
00757   g26->SetLineColor(2);
00758   g26->Draw("LP");
00759   g27->SetLineWidth(2);
00760   g27->SetLineColor(2);
00761   g27->Draw("LP");
00763   g28->SetLineWidth(2);
00764   g28->SetLineColor(3);
00765   g28->Draw("LP");
00766   g29->SetLineWidth(2);
00767   g29->SetLineColor(3);
00768   g29->Draw("LP");
00769   g30->SetLineWidth(2);
00770   g30->SetLineColor(3);
00771   g30->Draw("LP");
00773   c2->cd(3);
00774   g31->SetLineWidth(2);
00775   g31->SetLineColor(2);
00776   g31->Draw("ALP");
00777   g31->SetTitle("bz vs x (y,z=0)");
00778   g31->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m");
00779   g31->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("tesla");
00781   c1->Write();
00782   c2->Write();
00783   c3->Write();
00784   c4->Write();
00785   c5->Write();
00786 /*   HepVector3D B1(0.0,0.0,0.0);
00787    int ii=0;
00788    double posx,posy,posz;
00789    ofstream outfile("tmp.txt",ios_base::app);
00790    for ( double posz = -2800;posz <= 2800; posz += 10 ) {
00791      for(double posy = -2650; posy <= 2650; posy += 10){
00792        posx=1500; posy = 0;
00793        HepPoint3D p1(posx,posy,posz);
00794        m_pIMF->fieldVector( p1, B1 );
00795        tbx=B1.x()/tesla;
00796        tby=B1.y()/tesla;
00797        tbz=B1.z()/tesla;
00798        tbr=tbx*posx/sqrt(posx*posx+posy*posy)+tby*posy/sqrt(posx*posx+posy*posy);
00799        tbp=tbz-tbr*posz/sqrt(posx*posx+posy*posy);
00800        outfile<<posz/m<<" "<<tby<<endl;
00801        ii++;
00802     }
00803   }
00804    outfile.close();
00805 */
00806   // Return status code.
00807   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00808 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:12:44 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7