
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 *
00002 *//                                                                                   //
00003 *//          Pseudoclass FoamA                                                        //
00004 *//                                                                                   //
00005 *
00006 *
00007 *
00008       INTEGER        m_nBinMax
00009       PARAMETER  (   m_nBinMax =256 )
00010       INTEGER        m_NdiMax
00011       PARAMETER  (   m_NdiMax  = 5 )    ! maximum dimension for siplices
00012       INTEGER        m_KdiMax
00013       PARAMETER  (   m_KdiMax  = 15 )   ! maximum dimension for hypercubics
00014       INTEGER        m_DimMax
00015       PARAMETER  (   m_DimMax  = m_NdiMax+ m_KdiMax )   !  maximum total dimension
00016       INTEGER        m_nBufMax
00017       PARAMETER  (   m_nBufMax = 10000 )  ! maximum buffer length for all cells
00018       INTEGER        m_vMax
00019       PARAMETER  (   m_vMax    = 10000  ) ! maximum number of vertices
00020       INTEGER        m_cMax
00021       PARAMETER  (   m_cMax    = 10000 )  ! maximum number of (active) Cells
00022       INTEGER        m_sMax
00023       PARAMETER  (   m_sMax    = 5 )     ! statistics of the weight
00024       INTEGER        m_NpairMax
00025       PARAMETER  (   m_NpairMax  = m_NdiMax*(m_NdiMax+1)/2 ) ! no. of pairs of vertices
00026       INTEGER        m_NdiviMax
00027       PARAMETER  (   m_NdiviMax  = m_NpairMax+m_KdiMax ) ! Total no. of division samplings
00028 *
00029       INTEGER            m_CeStat,   m_CePare,   m_CeDau1,  m_CeDau2,  m_CeSamp, m_CeVert, m_CeBest !
00030       DOUBLE PRECISION   m_CeIntg,   m_CeSum,    m_CeDriv,  m_CePrim,  m_CePrCu, m_CeXave, m_CeVolu !
00031       INTEGER            m_LastCe,   m_LastAc,   m_nBuf,    m_nBin,    m_LastVe !
00032       INTEGER            m_ActC
00033       DOUBLE PRECISION   m_VerX,     m_VolTot   !
00034       INTEGER            m_Ndim,     m_Kdim,     m_Dimen
00035       INTEGER            m_Chat,     m_Out,      m_nSampl,  m_Ncalls !
00036       INTEGER            m_OptPeek,  m_OptDrive, m_OptEdge, m_OptOrd,  m_EvPerBin, m_OptRanIni, m_OptRanLux!
00037       DOUBLE PRECISION   m_Drive,    m_SumWt,    m_SumWt2,  m_NevGen,    m_WtMax,   m_WtMin !
00038       DOUBLE PRECISION   m_MCresult, m_MCerror,  m_MCwt,    m_MCvector !
00039       DOUBLE PRECISION   m_CeVer1,   m_CeVer2
00040       INTEGER            m_Ltx,      m_MagicInit
00041 *
00042       COMMON /c_FoamA/   
00043      $ m_CeStat(m_nBufMax),           ! Cell member: status=0 inactive, =1 active
00044      $ m_CePare(m_nBufMax),           ! Cell member: parent cell pointer
00045      $ m_CeDau1(m_nBufMax),           ! Cell member: daughter1 cell pointer
00046      $ m_CeDau2(m_nBufMax),           ! Cell member: daughter2 cell pointer
00047      $ m_CeSamp(m_nBufMax),           ! Cell member: No of MC events in exploration
00048      $ m_CeVert(m_nBufMax,m_NdiMax+1),! Cell member: simplex vertex pointers
00049      $ m_CeVer1(m_nBufMax,m_KdiMax),  ! Cell member: hypercubic vertex position
00050      $ m_CeVer2(m_nBufMax,m_KdiMax),  ! Cell member: hypercubic vertex size
00051      $ m_CeIntg(m_nBufMax),           ! Cell member: integral estimator
00052      $ m_CeDriv(m_nBufMax),           ! Cell member: Drive integral estimate, from build-up
00053      $ m_CePrim(m_nBufMax),           ! Cell member: Primary integral estimate, MC generation
00054      $ m_CePrCu(0:m_nBufMax),         ! Cell member: Cumulative Primary 
00055      $ m_CeVolu(m_nBufMax),           ! Cell member: Cartesian volume
00056      $ m_CeXave(m_nBufMax),           ! Cell member: Average best X
00057      $ m_CeBest(m_nBufMax),           ! Cell member: Best pair of vertices, pointer
00058      $ m_CeSum( m_nBufMax,m_sMax),    ! Cell member: weight summaries
00059      $ m_VerX(  m_vMax, m_NdiMax), ! List of all VERTEX positions
00060      $ m_ActC(m_cMax),             ! List of all pointers to ACTIVE cells
00061      $ m_VolTot,                   ! Estimate of Volume total, without error
00062      $ m_Drive,             ! M.C. generation Drive value of integral
00063      $ m_SumWt,             ! M.C. generation sum of Wt
00064      $ m_SumWt2,            ! M.C. generation sum of Wt**2
00065      $ m_NevGen,            ! M.C. generation sum of 1d0
00066      $ m_WtMax,             ! M.C. generation maximum wt
00067      $ m_WtMin,             ! M.C. generation minimum wt
00068      $ m_MCresult,          ! M.C. generation Final value of INTEGRAL
00069      $ m_MCerror,           ! M.C. generation Final walue of ERROR
00070      $ m_MCwt,              ! M.C. generation current event weight
00071      $ m_MCvector(m_DimMax),! M.C. generated vector, dimension=m_NdiMax+ m_KdiMax
00072      $ m_Ndim,              ! dimension of the siplices
00073      $ m_Kdim,              ! dimension of the hypercubics
00074      $ m_Dimen,             ! total dimension of the problem =m_Ndim+m_Kdim
00075      $ m_nBuf,              ! Actual dynamic lenth of the buffer m_nBuf<m_nBufMax
00076      $ m_nBin,              ! No of bins in histogram for cell exploration/division
00077      $ m_LastVe,            ! Last vertex
00078      $ m_LastAc,            ! Last active cell
00079      $ m_LastCe,            ! Last cell in buffer 
00080      $ m_nSampl,            ! No. of sampling when dividing cell
00081      $ m_Ncalls,            ! No. of function calls, total
00082      $ m_OptPeek,           ! Flag for  random ceel choice: Peek =0,1 for maximum,
00083      $ m_OptDrive,          ! Flag for type of Drive =0,1,2 for TrueVol,Sigma,WtMax
00084      $ m_OptEdge,           ! Flag which decides whether vertices are included in the sampling
00085      $ m_OptOrd,            ! Flag =0 default, entire domain is hyp-cubic, =1 it is simplex
00086      $ m_EvPerBin,          ! Maximum effective eevents per bin, saves CPU, =0 inactive
00087      $ m_OptRanIni,         ! Flag =0 default, =1 r.n. generator not initialized in PianA
00088      $ m_OptRanLux,         ! Flag =-1,0,1,2,3,4 r.n. generator level
00089      $ m_Chat,              ! Flag for chat level in output, Chat=1 normal level
00090      $ m_Ltx,               ! Latex Output unit, for debug
00091      $ m_Out,               ! Output unit
00092      $ m_MagicInit          ! Magic cookie of initialization (global variable)
00093 *
00094       SAVE /c_FoamA/
00095 *
00096 *//                                                                                  //
00097 *

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:12:40 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7