
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // File: Ext_xp_err.cc
00002 //
00003 // Descrition: Handle extrapolation error matrix( x, y, z, px, py, pz ).
00004 //             The used coordinate system is the cartesian BESIII coordinate system.
00005 //
00006 //             This takes a base class, Ext_errmx.
00007 //
00008 //             The initialization has to be done by Ext_xp_err::set_err.
00009 //             
00010 //             
00011 //             Modified from BELLE by Wang Liangliang
00012 // 
00013 // Data: 2005.3.30
00014 // 
00016 #include        <math.h>
00017 #include        <stdlib.h>
00018 #include        "TrkExtAlg/Ext_xp_err.h"
00022 // Constants.
00024 static const double     Cinv( 3335.640952 );// 1/c in cm*GeV/KGauss unit.
00025 //static const double   C( 0.0002997924582 );// Light speed in KGauss/(cm*GeV) unit.
00026 static const double   C( 0.002997924582 );// Light speed in tesla/(cm*Gev) unit. (by Wangll)
00027 static const double     Small( 0.01 );// small number.
00028 static const double     Eps(1.0e-12);// Infinitesimal number.
00029 static const double     Infinite( 1.0e10 );// Infinite number.
00031 static const int        Ndim_herr( 5 );// Dimension of helix error matrix.
00033 // Default constructor
00034 Ext_xp_err::Ext_xp_err() :
00035         m_xv(3), m_pv(3), m_xp_jcb(Ndim_err,Ndim_err,0), 
00036         m_h2xp_jcb(Ndim_err,Ndim_herr,0), m_q(0), m_mass2(0){}
00038 // Copy constructor
00039 Ext_xp_err::Ext_xp_err( const Ext_xp_err &err ) :
00040         Ext_errmx( (Ext_errmx)err ), m_xv(err.m_xv), m_pv(err.m_pv), 
00041         m_xp_jcb(err.m_xp_jcb), m_h2xp_jcb(err.m_h2xp_jcb), m_q( err.m_q ), 
00042         m_mass2( err.m_mass2 ){}
00044 /*
00045   Set error matrix( symmetry matrix ). This initializes the error matrix.
00046 */
00047 void Ext_xp_err::set_err( const HepSymMatrix &err, const Hep3Vector &xv,
00048                         const Hep3Vector &pv, 
00049                         const double &q, const double &mass )
00050 // (Inputs)
00051 // err -- Track error (symmetry) matrix for (x,y,z,px,py,pz) form.
00052 // xv  -- coordinate(x,y,z) at the initialization.
00053 // pv  -- momentum(px,py,pz) at the initialization.
00054 // q   -- charge of the particle, either 1 or -1.
00055 // mass - Mass of the particle in GeV/c**2 unit.
00056 //
00057 {
00058   Ext_errmx *errmx_ptr = (Ext_errmx *)this;
00059   errmx_ptr->put_err( err );
00061   m_xv = xv;
00062   m_pv = pv;
00063   m_q = q;
00064   m_mass2 = mass * mass;
00066 // We do NOT check the validity of the error matrix here.
00068 }
00072 /*
00073   Transform the error matrix for the transformation: x -> x'
00074 */
00075 bool Ext_xp_err::move( const Hep3Vector &xv1, const Hep3Vector &pv1,
00076                      const Hep3Vector &B, const int ms_on, 
00077                      const double chi_cc)
00078 {
00079 // (Inputs)
00080 // xv1 -- Coordinate(x',y',z') after transformation.
00081 // pv1 -- Momentum(px',py',pz') after transformation.
00082 // B   -- B-field(Bx,By,Bz) at the transformation.
00083 // ms_on -- Flag to switch on/off the multiple scattering effect.
00084 //              ms_on = 0 for switch off. ms_on = 1 for switch on.
00085 // chi_cc -- Constant of Moliere theory.
00086 //
00087 // (Outputs)
00088 // return - = 1 for success, = 0 for failed.
00089 //
00090   double dx( ( xv1 - m_xv ).mag() );
00091   double dp( ( pv1 - m_pv ).mag() );
00092   double p2( m_pv.mag2() );
00093   double p_abs( sqrt( p2 ) );
00095   double p_inv;
00096   if( p_abs > Small && pv1.mag() > Small ){
00097     p_inv = 1.0 / p_abs;
00098   } else {
00099     p_inv = Infinite;
00100     return 0;
00101   }
00103   double ms_coeff( 2.557 * chi_cc );
00104   bool with_B( ( B.mag() > Small ) ? 1 : 0 );
00105   double p2inv( p_inv * p_inv );
00106   double p3inv( p2inv * p_inv );
00107   double fdx( dx * p3inv );
00108   double cx( 100.*m_q * C * fdx );//*100 due to units problem by L.L.Wang
00109   double fdp( dp * p_inv );
00111   double px(  m_pv.x() );
00112   double py(  m_pv.y() );
00113   double pz(  m_pv.z() );
00114   double px2( px * px );
00115   double py2( py * py );
00116   double pz2( pz * pz );
00117   double pxy( px * py );
00118   double pyz( py * pz );
00119   double pzx( pz * px );
00120   double Bx(  B.x() );
00121   double By(  B.y() );
00122   double Bz(  B.z() );
00124   m_xp_jcb( 1, 1 ) = 1.0;                       // dx'/dx
00125   m_xp_jcb( 1, 4 ) = fdx * ( py2 + pz2 );       // dx'/dpx
00126   m_xp_jcb( 1, 5 ) = - fdx * pxy;               // dx'/dpy
00127   m_xp_jcb( 1, 6 ) = - fdx * pzx;               // dx'/dpz
00129   m_xp_jcb( 2, 2 ) = 1.0;                       // dy'/dy
00130   m_xp_jcb( 2, 4 ) = - fdx * pxy;               // dy'/dpx
00131   m_xp_jcb( 2, 5 ) = fdx * ( pz2 + px2 );       // dy'/dpy
00132   m_xp_jcb( 2, 6 ) = - fdx * pyz;               // dy'/dpz
00134   m_xp_jcb( 3, 3 ) = 1.0;                       // dz'/dz
00135   m_xp_jcb( 3, 4 ) = - fdx * pzx;               // dz'/dpx
00136   m_xp_jcb( 3, 5 ) = - fdx * pyz;               // dz'/dpy
00137   m_xp_jcb( 3, 6 ) = fdx * ( px2 + py2 );       // dz'/dpz
00139   m_xp_jcb( 4, 4 ) = 1.0 - fdp;                 // dx'/dx energy loss
00140   m_xp_jcb( 5, 5 ) = 1.0 - fdp;                 // dy'/dy energy loss
00141   m_xp_jcb( 6, 6 ) = 1.0 - fdp;                 // dz'/dz energy loss
00143   if( with_B && m_q!=0. ){              // B != 0  and q !=0 case
00144     m_xp_jcb( 4, 4 ) += - cx * ( pxy * Bz - pzx * By );  // dpx'/dpx
00145     m_xp_jcb( 4, 5 ) = cx * ( ( pz2 + px2 ) * Bz + pyz * By );   // dpx'/dpy
00146     m_xp_jcb( 4, 6 ) = - cx * ( ( px2 + py2 ) * By + pyz * Bz ); // dpx'/dpz
00148     m_xp_jcb( 5, 4 ) = - cx * ( ( py2 + pz2 ) * Bz + pzx * Bx ); // dpy'/dpx
00149     m_xp_jcb( 5, 5 ) +=  - cx * ( pyz * Bx - pxy * Bz );         // dpy'/dpy
00150     m_xp_jcb( 5, 6 ) = cx * ( ( px2 + py2 ) * Bx + pzx * Bz );   // dpy'/dpz
00152     m_xp_jcb( 6, 4 ) = cx * ( ( py2 + pz2 ) * By + pxy * Bx );   // dpz'/dpx
00153     m_xp_jcb( 6, 5 ) = - cx * ( ( pz2 + px2 ) * Bx + pxy * By ); // dpz'/dpy
00154     m_xp_jcb( 6, 6 ) += - cx * ( pzx * By - pyz * Bx );          // dpz'/dpz
00155   }
00157 // error transformation.
00159   m_err = m_err.similarity( m_xp_jcb );
00161 // Multiple scattering.
00163   if( ms_on ){
00164     double beta_p_inv( ( m_mass2 + p2 ) / ( p2 * p2 ) ); // 1/(p*beta)**2
00165     double th2( 100000.0 * ms_coeff * ms_coeff * beta_p_inv * dx );//mutiply 100000.0 by L.L.Wang 
00166                                                                    //due to units problem 
00167     double m11( th2 * dx * dx /3.0);
00168     double m12( 0.5 * th2 * dx * p_abs );
00169     double m22( th2 * p2 );
00171     if( p_abs > Eps ){
00172       double c1( px*p_inv );
00173       double c2( py*p_inv );
00174       double c3( pz*p_inv );
00175       double c12( - c1*c2 );
00176       double c13( - c1*c3 );
00177       double c23( - c2*c3 );
00178       double s1s( 1 - c1*c1 );
00179       double s2s( 1 - c2*c2 );
00180       double s3s( 1 - c3*c3 );
00182       m_err.fast( 1, 1 ) += m11*s1s;            // error(x,x)
00184       m_err.fast( 2, 1 ) += m11*c12;            // error(y,x)
00185       m_err.fast( 2, 2 ) += m11*s2s;            // error(y,y)
00187       m_err.fast( 3, 1 ) += m11*c13;            // error(z,x)
00188       m_err.fast( 3, 2 ) += m11*c23;            // error(z,y)
00189       m_err.fast( 3, 3 ) += m11*s3s;            // error(z,z)
00191       m_err.fast( 4, 1 ) += m12*s1s;            // error(px,x)
00192       m_err.fast( 4, 2 ) += m12*c12;            // error(px,y)
00193       m_err.fast( 4, 3 ) += m12*c13;            // error(px,z)
00194       m_err.fast( 4, 4 ) += m22*s1s;            // error(px,px)
00196       m_err.fast( 5, 1 ) += m12*c12;            // error(py,x)
00197       m_err.fast( 5, 2 ) += m12*s2s;            // error(py,y)
00198       m_err.fast( 5, 3 ) += m12*c23;            // error(py,z)
00199       m_err.fast( 5, 4 ) += m22*c12;            // error(py,px)
00200       m_err.fast( 5, 5 ) += m22*s2s;            // error(py,py)
00202       m_err.fast( 6, 1 ) += m12*c13;            // error(pz,x)
00203       m_err.fast( 6, 2 ) += m12*c23;            // error(pz,y)
00204       m_err.fast( 6, 3 ) += m12*s3s;            // error(pz,z)
00205       m_err.fast( 6, 4 ) += m22*c13;            // error(pz,px)
00206       m_err.fast( 6, 5 ) += m22*c23;            // error(pz,py)
00207       m_err.fast( 6, 6 ) += m22*s3s;            // error(pz,pz)
00208     }
00210  }
00212 // Now store the new xv and pv.
00213   m_xv = xv1;
00214   m_pv = pv1;
00215   return 1;
00216 }
00218 //Assign "=" operator
00219 Ext_xp_err &Ext_xp_err::operator=( const Ext_xp_err &err )
00220 {
00221   if( this != &err ){
00222     *((Ext_errmx *)this) = err;
00223     m_xv        = err.m_xv;
00224     m_pv        = err.m_pv;
00225     m_xp_jcb    = err.m_xp_jcb;
00226     m_h2xp_jcb  = err.m_h2xp_jcb;
00227     m_q         = err.m_q;
00228     m_mass2     = err.m_mass2;
00229   }
00230   return *this;
00231 }
00233 /*
00234  ostream "<<" operator
00235 */
00236 std::ostream &operator<<( std::ostream &s, const Ext_xp_err &err )
00237 {
00238   s << "m_err: " << (Ext_errmx)err
00239     << std::endl
00240     << "m_xv: " << err.m_xv << std::endl << " abs(xv)= " << err.m_xv.mag()
00241     << std::endl
00242     << "m_pv: " << err.m_pv << std::endl << " abs(pv)= " << err.m_pv.mag()
00243     << std::endl
00244     << "m_xp_jcb: " << err.m_xp_jcb
00245     << std::endl
00246     << "m_h2xp_jcb: " << err.m_h2xp_jcb
00247     << std::endl
00248     << "m_q: " << err.m_q
00249     << std::endl
00250     << "m_mass: " << sqrt(err.m_mass2)
00251     << std::endl;
00252   return s;
00253 }

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