
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // File: Ext_errmx.cc
00002 //
00003 // Description: Handle error matrix( x, y, z, px, py, pz ).
00004 //              The used coordinate system is the cartesian 
00005 //              BESIII coordinate system.The error matrix is 
00006 //              now calculated in the Track Coordinate System( TCS ) 
00007 //              instead of the BESIII Coordinate System( BCS )
00008 //              in the previous version.
00009 //              
00010 //              Modified from BELLE:
00011 //                                   Creation: 08-Jan-1998
00012 //                                   Version: 05-Mar-1999
00013 //              by Wang Liangliang
00014 // 
00015 // Date: 2005.3.30                          
00016 //
00018 #include <iostream>
00020 #include "TrkExtAlg/Ext_errmx.h"
00022 extern bool Ext_err_valid( bool msg, const HepSymMatrix &error, 
00023                           const int dimension );
00024 static const double Eps(1.0e-12);       // Infinitesimal number.
00025 static const double Infinite(1.0e+12);  // Infinite number.
00027 // Default constructor
00029 Ext_errmx::Ext_errmx() : m_err(Ndim_err,0), m_err3(3,0), m_R(3,3,0), 
00030         m_err2(2), m_valid(0) {}
00032 // Copy constructor
00034 Ext_errmx::Ext_errmx( const Ext_errmx &err ) : m_err(err.m_err),
00035         m_err3(err.m_err3), m_R(err.m_R), m_err2(err.m_err2), 
00036         m_valid(err.m_valid) {}
00038 Ext_errmx::Ext_errmx( const HepSymMatrix &err ) : m_err(err), 
00039         m_err3(3,0), m_R(3,3,0), m_err2(2), m_valid(1) {}
00041 /*
00042   Put the error matrix.
00043 */
00045 void Ext_errmx::put_err( const double error[] )
00046 {
00047   int ne = 0;
00049   for( int i = 1; i <= m_err.num_col(); i++ ){
00050     for( int j = 1; j <= i; j++ ){
00051       m_err.fast( i, j ) = error[ ne++ ];
00052     }
00053   }
00054   m_valid = 1;
00055 }
00057 /*
00058   Setup m_err3 and m_R for get_plane_err(s).
00059 */
00060 void Ext_errmx::set_plane_errs( const Hep3Vector &nx, const Hep3Vector &ny, 
00061                                const Hep3Vector &nz ) const
00062 {
00063 // Setup the rotation matrix.
00065   m_R( 1, 1 ) = nx.x();
00066   m_R( 1, 2 ) = nx.y();
00067   m_R( 1, 3 ) = nx.z();
00068   m_R( 2, 1 ) = ny.x();
00069   m_R( 2, 2 ) = ny.y();
00070   m_R( 2, 3 ) = ny.z();
00071   m_R( 3, 1 ) = nz.x();
00072   m_R( 3, 2 ) = nz.y();
00073   m_R( 3, 3 ) = nz.z();
00075 // Get the 3x3 sub matrix and Rotate the error matrix.
00077   m_err3 = (m_err.sub( 1, 3 )).similarity( m_R );
00079 }
00081 /*
00082   Get the projection of error on the plane along the readout direction. 
00083 */
00085 double Ext_errmx::get_plane_err( const Hep3Vector &np, const Hep3Vector &nr ) 
00086         const
00087 // ( Inputs )
00088 // np -- Unit vector to the direction of the track.
00089 // nr -- Readout direction unit vector on the plane.
00090 //
00091 // ( Outputs )
00092 // HepVector[0] = Error( sigma ) along the readout direction.
00093 // HepVector[1] = Error( sigma ) along the direction perp. to 
00094 //                      the readout direction.
00095 {
00097 // Check the validity of the error matrix.
00099   if( !(*this).valid( 0 ) ){
00100     //std::cout << "%WARNING at Ext_get_plane_err: You are trying to calculate"
00101 //      << " error \n           using an invalid error matrix." << std::endl;
00102   }
00104 // Construct 3 TCS axes.
00106 // x: nx --- unit vector which is perp to np and on the plane of nr and np.
00107 // y: nz x nx
00108 // z: nz( = np ) --- direction of the track.
00110   double nr_np( nr*np );
00111   double denom( 1.0 - nr_np*nr_np );
00112   double error( 0.0 );
00114   if( denom > Eps ){    // Track is not parallel to the readout direction.
00116     double fac( 1.0 / sqrt( denom ) );
00117     Hep3Vector nx( ( nr - nr_np * np ) * fac );
00118     Hep3Vector ny( np.cross( nx ) );
00120     (*this).set_plane_errs( nx, ny, np );
00122     double sigma2( m_err3( 1, 1 ) );    // Error along nx.
00123     if( sigma2 > 0 ){
00124       error = sqrt( sigma2 ) * fac;     // Error projection.
00125     }
00127   } else {      // Track is parallel to the readout direction.
00129     error = Infinite;
00131   }
00132   return( error );
00133 }
00135 /*
00136   Get a projection of error on the plane along the readout direction
00137   and its perpendicular direction on the readout plane. 
00138 */
00140 const HepVector &Ext_errmx::get_plane_errs( const Hep3Vector &np, 
00141                 const Hep3Vector &nr, const Hep3Vector &nt ) const
00142 // ( Inputs )
00143 // np -- Unit vector to the direction of the track.
00144 // nr -- Readout direction unit vector on the plane.
00145 // nt -- Unit vector that is perp. to nr on the readout plane.
00146 //
00147 // ( Outputs )
00148 // HepVector[0] = Error( sigma ) along the readout direction.
00149 // HepVector[1] = Error( sigma ) along the direction perp. to 
00150 //                      the readout direction.
00151 {
00153 // Check the validity of the error matrix.
00155   if( !(*this).valid( 1 ) ){
00156 //    std::cout << "%WARNING at Ext_get_plane_errs: You are trying to calculate"
00157 //      << " error \n           using an invalid error matrix." << std::endl;
00158   }
00160   double nr_np( nr*np );
00161   double denom_r( 1.0 - nr_np*nr_np );
00163   if( denom_r > Eps ){  // nr is not parallel to the track direction: np.
00165     double nt_np( nt*np );
00166     double denom_t( 1.0 - nt_np*nt_np );
00167     double fac_r( 1.0 / sqrt( denom_r ) );
00168     Hep3Vector nx( ( nr - nr_np * np ) * fac_r );
00169     Hep3Vector ny( np.cross( nx ) );
00171     (*this).set_plane_errs( nx, ny, np );
00173     double sigma2( m_err3( 1, 1 ) );    // Error along nx.
00174     if( sigma2 > 0 ){
00175       m_err2( 1 ) = sqrt( sigma2 ) * fac_r;     // Error projection.
00176     } else {
00177       m_err2( 1 ) = 0.0;
00178     }
00180     if( denom_t > Eps ){   // nt is not parallel to the track direction: np.
00181       double fac_t( 1.0 / sqrt( denom_t ) );
00182       sigma2 = m_err3( 2, 2 );
00183       if( sigma2 > 0 ){
00184         m_err2( 2 ) = sqrt( sigma2 ) * fac_t;   // Error projection.
00185       } else {
00186         m_err2( 2 ) = 0.0;
00187       }
00188     } else {    // nt is parallel to the track direction: np.
00189       m_err2( 2 ) = (*this).get_plane_err( np, nt );
00190     }
00191   } else {      // nr is parallel to the track direction: np.
00192     m_err2( 1 ) = (*this).get_plane_err( np, nr );
00193     m_err2( 2 ) = (*this).get_plane_err( np, nt );
00194   }
00195   return( m_err2 );
00196 }
00198 /*
00199   Get the 2D projected track error perpendicular to a given vector at the 
00200   current point. pv: momentum vector, for example.
00201   view=1. Hep3Vector(1)= error(sigma) along the direction 
00202                 which is perpendicular to pv on the xy plane.
00203           Hep3Vector(2)= error(sigma) along the direction 
00204                 which is (pv) x (Hep3Vector(1) direction).
00205   view=2. Hep3Vector(1)= error(sigma) along the direction 
00206                 which is perpendicular to pv on the zy plane.
00207           Hep3Vector(2)= error(sigma) along the direction 
00208                 which is (pv) x (Hep3Vector(1) direction).
00209   view=3. Hep3Vector(1)= error(sigma) along the direction 
00210                 which is perpendicular to pv on the zx plane.
00211           Hep3Vector(2)= error(sigma) along the direction 
00212                 which is (pv) x (Hep3Vector(1) direction).
00213 */
00215 const Hep3Vector * Ext_errmx::get_tvs( const int view, 
00216                                      const Hep3Vector &pv ) const
00217 // ( Inputs )
00218 // view  -- 2D projection view. = 1 xy, =2 zy, =3 zx.
00219 // pv    -- A vector for which the perpendicular error will be calculated,
00220 //          for example, momentum of the track.
00221 {
00223   Hep3Vector    np( pv.unit() );
00224   Hep3Vector    nr;
00226   switch( view ){
00228   case 1:       // xy view
00230     if( np.x() != 0 || np.y() != 0 ){
00231       nr.setX(  np.y() );
00232       nr.setY( -np.x() );
00233       nr = nr.unit();
00234     } else {            // Pointing to z-direction.
00235       nr.setX( 1 );
00236     }
00237     break;
00239   case 2:       // zy view
00241     if( np.y() != 0 || np.z() != 0 ){
00242       nr.setY( -np.z() );
00243       nr.setZ(  np.y() );
00244       nr = nr.unit();
00245     } else {            // Pointing to x-direction.
00246       nr.setZ( 1 );
00247     }
00248     break;
00250   case 3:       // zx view
00252     if( np.z() != 0 || np.x() != 0 ){
00253       nr.setX( -np.z() );
00254       nr.setZ(  np.x() );
00255       nr = nr.unit();
00256     } else {            // Pointing to z-direction.
00257       nr.setZ( 1 );
00258     }
00259     break;
00260   }     /* End of switch */
00262   Hep3Vector nt( np.cross( nr ) );
00263   const HepVector & err_v = (*this).get_plane_errs( np, nr, nt );
00264   *m_nv         = err_v[0]*nr;
00265   *(m_nv+1)     = err_v[1]*nt;
00266   return( m_nv );
00267 }
00269 /*
00270   Get the 2D projected track error perpendicular to a given vector at the 
00271   current point. pv: momentum vector, for example.
00272   Hep3Vector(1)= error(sigma) along the direction which is
00273                 perpendicular to pv on the plane formed by pv and z-axis.
00274   Hep3Vector(2)= error(sigma) along the direction which is
00275                 (pv) x (Hep3Vector(1) direction).
00276 */
00278 const Hep3Vector * Ext_errmx::get_tvs( const Hep3Vector &pv ) const
00279 // ( Inputs )
00280 // pv    -- A vector for which the perpendicular error will be calculated,
00281 //          for example, momentum of the track.
00282 {
00284   Hep3Vector    np( pv.unit() );
00285   Hep3Vector    nz( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
00286   Hep3Vector    nt( (nz.cross(np)).unit() );
00287   Hep3Vector    nr( nt.cross(np) );
00289   const HepVector & err_v = (*this).get_plane_errs( np, nr, nt );
00290   *m_nv         = err_v[0]*nr;
00291   *(m_nv+1)     = err_v[1]*nt;
00292   return( m_nv );
00294 }
00296 /*
00297   valid( msg ). Check the validity of the diagonal elements.
00298 */
00300 bool Ext_errmx::valid( bool msg ) const 
00301 {
00302   if( m_valid ){
00303     if( Ext_err_valid( msg, m_err, 6 ) ){
00304       return 1;
00305     } else {
00306       m_valid = 0;
00307       return 0;
00308     }
00309   } else {
00310     return 0;
00311   }
00312 }
00314 // Assign "=" operator
00316 Ext_errmx &Ext_errmx::operator=( const Ext_errmx &err )
00317 {
00318   if( this != &err ){
00319     m_err       = err.m_err;
00320     m_err3      = err.m_err3;
00321     m_err2      = err.m_err2;
00322     m_R         = err.m_R;
00323     m_valid     = err.m_valid;
00324     *m_nv       = *err.m_nv;
00325     *(m_nv+1)   = *(err.m_nv+1);
00326   }
00327   return *this;
00328 }
00330 /*
00331  ostream "<<" operator
00332 */
00333 std::ostream &operator<<( std::ostream &s, const Ext_errmx &err )
00334 {
00335   s << " m_valid: " << err.m_valid << '\n'
00336         << "m_err: " << err.m_err << " m_err3: " << err.m_err3 
00337         << " m_R: " << err.m_R << " m_err2: " << err.m_err2
00338         << " *m_nv: " << *err.m_nv 
00339         << " *(m_nv+1): " << *(err.m_nv+1)
00340         << std::endl;
00341   return s;
00342 }

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