
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 //File: ExtSteppingAction.cc
00003 //Date: 2005.3.17
00004 //Author: L.L.Wang
00005 //History: 2005.3.17 created by Wang Liangliang
00006 //         2005.8.12 find a mistake in caculation of error direction of tof and corrected by Wang Liangliang
00008 //#include "CLHEP/config/CLHEP.h"
00010 #include "TrkExtAlg/ExtSteppingAction.h"
00012 #include "G4Track.hh"
00013 #include "G4TrackStatus.hh"
00014 #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
00015 #include "G4TransportationManager.hh"
00016 #include "G4FieldManager.hh"
00017 #include "G4Field.hh"
00018 #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
00019 #include "globals.hh"
00021 //#include "TofSim/BesTofDigitizerEcV4.hh"
00022 //#include "TofSim/BesTofDigitizerEcV4_dbs.hh"
00023 #include "MucRecEvent/MucRecHit.h"
00024 #include "TrkExtAlg/ExtMucKal.h"
00025 #include "TrkExtAlg/Ext_xp_err.h"
00026 #include <iostream>
00027 #include <string>
00028 #include "strstream"
00030 using namespace std;
00033 ExtSteppingAction::ExtSteppingAction():chicc(0.0),initialPath(0.),myPathIntoCrystal(0.),myPathOutCrystal(0.),myPathInCrystal(0.),myBetaInMDC(0.),extXpErr(0),myExtTrack(0),msgFlag(true),myUseMucKalFlag(true),m_trackstop(false),myMucnfit_(0),myMucchisq_(0.),myMucdepth_(-99.),myMucbrLastLay_(-1),myMucecLastLay_(-1),myMucnhits_(-1),myMucWindow(6)
00034 {
00035     myTof1R = 814.001;
00036     myTof1Z = 1330.0;
00037     myTof2R = 871.036;
00038     myEmcR1 = 945.0; 
00039     myEmcR2 = 983.9;
00040     myEmcZ  = 1416.8;
00041     myMucR  = 1700.0-0.01;
00042     myMucZ  = 2050.0-0.01;
00043     m_which_tof_version=2;
00044 }
00046 ExtSteppingAction::~ExtSteppingAction(){}
00048 void ExtSteppingAction::Reset()
00049 {
00050     chicc        = 0.;
00051     myExtTrack   = 0;
00052     myPathIntoCrystal = 0.;
00053     myPathOutCrystal  = 0.;
00054     myPathInCrystal   = 0.;
00056     myPathIntoTof1 = 0.0;
00057     myPathOutTof1  = 0.0;
00058     //myPathInTof1   = 0.0;
00059     myPathInTof1.clear();
00061     myPathIntoTof2 = 0.0;
00062     myPathOutTof2  = 0.0;
00063     //myPathInTof2   = 0.0;
00064     myPathInTof2.clear();
00066     myTofFlag    = false;
00067     myTof1Flag   = false;
00068     myTof2Flag   = false;
00069     myInTof1     = false;
00070     myInTof2     = false;
00071     myOutTof1    = false;
00072     myOutTof2    = false;
00073     myPhyEmcFlag = false;
00074     myEmcFlag    = false;
00075     myEmcPathFlag= false;
00076     myMucFlag    = false;
00078     m_trackstop =false;
00079     myMucchisq_ =0.;
00080     myMucnfit_ =0;
00081     myMucdepth_=-99.;
00082     myMucbrLastLay_=-1;
00083     myMucecLastLay_=-1;
00084     RememberID[0]=-1;
00085     RememberID[1]=-1;
00086     RememberID[2]=-1;
00088 }
00090 void ExtSteppingAction::MucReset()
00091 {
00092     RemStep =0;
00093     RemDist = 99999.;
00094     RemDepth = 0.;
00095     RemID[0]=-1;
00096     RemID[1]=-1;
00097     RemID[2]=-1;
00098     RemVol = "";
00099 }
00103 void ExtSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step* currentStep)
00104 {
00106     //Get track and its status
00107     G4Track* currentTrack = currentStep->GetTrack();
00108     if(!currentTrack) 
00109     {
00110         cout<<"Can't get currentTrack"<<endl;
00111         return;
00112     }
00113     G4TrackStatus currentTrackStatus = currentTrack->GetTrackStatus();
00115     int stepNumber = currentTrack->GetCurrentStepNumber();
00116     if(msgFlag)  cout<<"STEP "<<stepNumber<<":"<<endl;
00118     //Get current position and momentum
00119     Hep3Vector currentPosition = currentTrack->GetPosition();
00120     Hep3Vector currentMomentum = currentTrack->GetMomentum();
00123     //Get current Volume
00124     G4VPhysicalVolume* oldVolume;
00125     G4VPhysicalVolume* newVolume;
00126     if(!currentTrack->GetTouchableHandle()) cout<<"Can't get currentTrack->GetTouchableHandle()"<<endl;
00127     else  oldVolume= currentTrack->GetTouchableHandle()->GetVolume();
00128     if(!currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()) cout<<"Can't get currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()"<<endl;
00129     else  newVolume= currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetVolume();
00130     if(!oldVolume) cout<<"Can't get oldVolume!"<<endl;
00132     //****added by LI Chunhua
00133     if(stepNumber>50000) {
00134         cout<<"infinite steps in the track "<<endl;
00135         currentTrack->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill); m_trackstop =true;
00136     }
00138     G4String ParticleName = currentTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName();
00139     double x_ = currentPosition.x();
00140     double y_ = currentPosition.y();
00141     double z_ = currentPosition.z();
00142     bool inner = (oldVolume!=newVolume)&&(!( (fabs(x_)>=myMucR) || (fabs(y_)>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x_-y_)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x_+y_)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || (fabs(z_)>=myMucZ)) );
00143     bool mucdec = (fabs(x_)>=myMucR) || (fabs(y_)>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x_-y_)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x_+y_)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || (fabs(z_)>=myMucZ);
00145     //if current particle is alive.
00146     if(currentTrackStatus == fAlive)
00147     {
00148         //if(oldVolume!=newVolume)//if so, update Error Matrix and chicc.
00149         if(inner||mucdec)//update Error Matrix for newvolume in MDC,TOF,EMC; update Error Matrix step by step in MUC;
00150         {
00151             //Get current B field
00152             double currentPoint[3]={currentPosition.x(),currentPosition.y(),currentPosition.z()};
00153             double currentBfield[3]={0.0,0.0,0.0};
00154             Hep3Vector currentB(0.0,0.0,1.0);
00155             if(G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager())
00156             {
00157                 G4FieldManager* fieldManager=G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetFieldManager();
00158                 if(fieldManager)       
00159                 {         
00160                     if(fieldManager->GetDetectorField())        
00161                     {
00162                         fieldManager->GetDetectorField()->GetFieldValue(currentPoint,currentBfield);      
00163                         currentB.set(currentBfield[0]/tesla,currentBfield[1]/tesla,currentBfield[2]/tesla);
00164                         if(msgFlag) cout<<"B:"<<currentB.x()<<","<<currentB.y()<<","<<currentB.z()<<endl;
00165                     }
00166                 }
00167             }
00169             //Get chicc
00170             G4Material* oldMaterial = oldVolume->GetLogicalVolume()->GetMaterial();
00171             if(!oldMaterial) std::cout<<"Can't get oldMaterial"<<std::endl;
00172             else CalculateChicc(oldMaterial);
00174             //Update Error Matrix
00175             if(!(extXpErr->move(currentPosition,currentMomentum,currentB,1,chicc)))
00176               if(msgFlag) cout<<"can not update Error Matrix!!"<<endl;
00178             //Verbose
00179             if(msgFlag)
00180             {
00181                 cout<<"Volume name:"<<newVolume->GetName()<<endl;
00182                 cout<<"Volume number:"<<newVolume->GetCopyNo()<<endl;
00183                 cout<<"x:"<<currentPoint[0]<<"//y:"<<currentPoint[1]<<"//z:"<<currentPoint[2]
00184                     <<"||px:"<<currentMomentum.x()<<"//py:"<<currentMomentum.y()<<"//pz:"
00185                     <<currentMomentum.z()<<endl;
00186                 cout<<"Error matrix is:"<<extXpErr->get_err()<<endl;
00187                 cout<<"phi:"<<atan(currentPoint[1]/currentPoint[0])<<endl;
00188                 Hep3Vector nz(0.,0.,1.);
00189                 cout<<"Projected z error:"<<extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),nz)
00190                     <<endl;
00191                 double x,y,R;
00192                 x = currentPoint[0];
00193                 y = currentPoint[1];
00194                 R = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
00195                 Hep3Vector nt(-y/R,x/R,0.);
00196                 cout<<"Projected phi error:"<<(extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),nt))/R
00197                     <<endl<<endl;
00198             }
00200             //some often used things
00201             Hep3Vector xVector(1.0,0,0);
00202             Hep3Vector yVector(0,1.0,0);
00203             Hep3Vector zVector(0,0,1.0);
00204             Hep3Vector tzVector;
00205             tzVector.setRThetaPhi(1.0,M_PI/2.0,currentPosition.phi());
00206             double r = currentPosition.perp();
00207             double x = currentPosition.x();
00208             double y = currentPosition.y();
00209             double z = currentPosition.z();
00210             G4String newVolumeName = newVolume->GetName();
00211             G4String oldVolumeName = oldVolume->GetName();
00212             G4StepPoint* postStepPoint = currentStep->GetPostStepPoint();
00213             G4TouchableHistory* theTouchable = (G4TouchableHistory*)(postStepPoint->GetTouchable());
00214             int newVolumeNumber=newVolume->GetCopyNo();
00215             //          int newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(2);
00217             G4String name1;
00218             if(newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer")
00219             {
00220                 name1=theTouchable->GetVolume(3)->GetName();
00221                 newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(3);
00222             }
00229             //Get PhyTof data
00231             //std::cout << "ExtSteppingAction        NewVolumeName:  "  <<  newVolumeName << std::endl;
00232             //std::cout << "ExtSteppingAction        OldVolumeName:  "  <<  oldVolumeName << std::endl;
00233             //std::cout << "ExtSteppingAction     name1:  " <<name1<<std::endl;
00234             //Comment this part to remove the airtight Tof. Most hits would be replaced by the following specific sensitive 
00235             //detector. The remianing few hits are abondoned in Tof reconstruction.
00236             /*
00237                if( (!myTofFlag) && (!myTof1Flag) && (newVolumeName.contains("Tof") ))
00238                {
00239                newVolumeNumber = -2;
00240                double currentTrackLength = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
00241                double totalTrackLength = currentTrackLength + initialPath;
00242             //double initialTof = initialPath/(myBetaInMDC*299.792458);
00243             //cout<<"initialTof = "<<initialTof<<endl;
00244             //double totalTOF = totalTrackLength/(myBetaInMDC*299.792458);
00245             double localTime = currentTrack->GetLocalTime();
00246             //cout<<"localTime = "<<localTime<<endl;
00247             double totalTOF = localTime + initialTof;
00248             //cout<<"totalTOF= "<<totalTOF<<endl;
00250             //std::cout << "ExtSteppingAction        Volumename contains one of the marker words" << std::endl;
00252             if(myExtTrack)
00253             {
00254             double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
00255             double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
00256             double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
00257             double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
00258             myExtTrack->SetTof1Data(currentPosition/10.0,currentMomentum/1000.0,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
00259             myTofFlag = true;
00260             }
00261             return;
00262             }//close if (!myTofFlag)
00263             */
00267             //Get Tof layer1 Ext data
00268             if((!myTof1Flag) && (newVolumeName=="logicalScinBr1" || newVolumeName.contains("ScinEc") || 
00269                             (newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m0" || name1=="logical_container_m1"))))
00270             {
00271                 double currentTrackLength = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
00272                 double totalTrackLength = currentTrackLength+initialPath;
00273                 double localTime = currentTrack->GetLocalTime();
00274                 double totalTOF = localTime + initialTof;
00275                 myInTof1 = true;
00276                 myPathIntoTof1 = currentTrackLength;
00277                 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathIntoTof1 = " << myPathIntoTof1 << endl;
00279                 newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(2);
00281                 if(newVolumeName.contains("ScinEc")) {
00282                     newVolumeNumber=(95-newVolumeNumber)/2;
00283                     newVolumeNumber=newVolumeNumber+176;
00285                     if(newVolumeName.contains("East")) newVolumeNumber=newVolumeNumber+48;
00286                     if(myExtTrack) {
00287                         double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
00288                         double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
00289                         double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
00290                         double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
00291                         myExtTrack->SetTof1Data(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
00292                         myTof1Flag = true;
00293                     }
00294                 }
00296                 else if(newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer")
00297                 {
00298                     G4ThreeVector currentPostPosition = currentStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
00299                     G4ThreeVector localPosition = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(currentPostPosition);
00300                     //cout<<"localPosition: "<<localPosition.x()<<"  "<<localPosition.y()<<"  "<<localPosition.z()<<endl;
00302                     //Here we assume the spread of one strip is 24+3=27mm. 
00303                     //Distance between strips and lower large glass margin: 6, top: 8, z_strip=z_small_glass-0.5
00304                     double z_mm = localPosition.z()-0.5+(24+3)*6;
00305                     int strip;
00306                     if(z_mm<=0)
00307                     {
00308                         strip=0;
00309                     }
00310                     else if(z_mm>0 && z_mm<12*27)
00311                     {
00312                         strip=floor(z_mm/27);
00313                     }
00314                     else
00315                     {
00316                         strip=11;
00317                     }
00318                     if(strip<0) strip=0;
00319                     if(strip>11) strip=11;
00321                     newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(3);
00322                     newVolumeNumber = 35-newVolumeNumber;
00323                     if( currentPosition.z() < 0.0  ) { newVolumeNumber = newVolumeNumber + 36; }
00324                     newVolumeNumber = 12*newVolumeNumber+strip;
00325                     newVolumeNumber = newVolumeNumber + 176 + 96;
00326                     if(myExtTrack) {
00327                         double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
00328                         double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
00329                         double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
00330                         double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
00331                         Hep3Vector locP = Hep3Vector( localPosition.x(), localPosition.y(), localPosition.z() );
00332                         //cout<<"locP: "<<locP.x()<<"  "<<locP.y()<<"  "<<locP.z()
00333                         //<<"  currentMomentum: "<<currentMomentum.x()<<"  "<<currentMomentum.y()<<"  "<<currentMomentum.z()
00334                         //<<"  newVolumeName: "<<newVolumeName<<"  newVolumeNumber: "<<newVolumeNumber
00335                         //<<"  totalTOF: "<<totalTOF<<"  totalTrackLength: "<<totalTrackLength<<endl;
00336                         myExtTrack->SetTof1Data(locP/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
00337                         myTof1Flag = true;
00338                     }
00339                 }
00340                 else
00341                 { 
00342                     newVolumeNumber=(527-newVolumeNumber)/3;
00343                     if(myExtTrack) {
00344                         double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
00345                         double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
00346                         double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
00347                         double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
00348                         myExtTrack->SetTof1Data(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
00349                         myTof1Flag = true;
00350                     }
00351                 }
00353                 return;
00355             }//close if (!myTof1Flag)
00357             if( myInTof1 && ( oldVolumeName=="logicalScinBr1" || oldVolumeName.contains("ScinEc") ||
00358                             (oldVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m0" || name1=="logical_container_m1"))) ) {
00359                 myInTof1 = false;
00360                 myOutTof1 = true;
00361                 myPathOutTof1 = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
00362                 myPathInTof1.push_back(myPathOutTof1 - myPathIntoTof1);
00363                 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathOutTof1 = " << myPathOutTof1 << endl;
00364             }
00366             if( myOutTof1 && ( newVolumeName=="logicalScinBr1" || newVolumeName.contains("ScinEc") || 
00367                             (newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m0" || name1=="logical_container_m1"))) ) {
00368                 myInTof1 = true;
00369                 myOutTof1 = false;
00370                 myPathIntoTof1 = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
00371                 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathIntoTof1 = " << myPathIntoTof1 << endl;
00372             }
00375             //Get Tof layer2 Ext data
00376             if( (!myTof2Flag) && (newVolumeName=="logicalScinBr2" || 
00377                             (newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m2" || name1=="logical_container_m3")))) 
00378             {
00379                 double currentTrackLength = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
00380                 double totalTrackLength = currentTrackLength+initialPath;
00381                 //double totalTOF = totalTrackLength/(myBetaInMDC*299.792458);
00382                 double localTime = currentTrack->GetLocalTime();
00383                 double totalTOF = localTime + initialTof;
00384                 myInTof2 = true;
00385                 myPathIntoTof2 = currentTrackLength;
00386                 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathIntoTof2 = " << myPathIntoTof2 << endl;
00387                 newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(2);
00389                 if(newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer")
00390                 {
00391                     G4ThreeVector currentPostPosition = currentStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
00392                     G4ThreeVector localPosition = theTouchable->GetHistory()->GetTopTransform().TransformPoint(currentPostPosition);
00393                     //cout<<"localPosition: "<<localPosition.x()<<"  "<<localPosition.y()<<"  "<<localPosition.z()<<endl;
00395                     //Here we assume the spread of one strip is 24+3=27mm. 
00396                     //Distance between strips and lower large glass margin: 6, top: 8, z_strip=z_small_glass-0.5
00397                     double z_mm = localPosition.z()-0.5+(24+3)*6;
00398                     int strip;
00399                     if(z_mm<=0)
00400                     {
00401                         strip=0;
00402                     }
00403                     else if(z_mm>0 && z_mm<12*27)
00404                     {
00405                         strip=floor(z_mm/27);
00406                     }
00407                     else
00408                     {
00409                         strip=11;
00410                     }
00411                     if(strip<0) strip=0;
00412                     if(strip>11) strip=11;
00414                     newVolumeNumber=theTouchable->GetReplicaNumber(3);
00415                     newVolumeNumber = 35-newVolumeNumber;
00416                     if( currentPosition.z() < 0.0  ) { newVolumeNumber = newVolumeNumber + 36; }
00417                     newVolumeNumber = 12*newVolumeNumber+strip;
00418                     newVolumeNumber = newVolumeNumber + 176 + 96;
00420                     if(myExtTrack) 
00421                     {
00422                         double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
00423                         double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
00424                         double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
00425                         double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
00426                         Hep3Vector locP = Hep3Vector( localPosition.x(), localPosition.y(), localPosition.z() );
00427                         //cout<<"locP: "<<locP.x()<<"  "<<locP.y()<<"  "<<locP.z()
00428                         //<<"  currentMomentum: "<<currentMomentum.x()<<"  "<<currentMomentum.y()<<"  "<<currentMomentum.z()
00429                         //<<"  newVolumeName: "<<newVolumeName<<"  newVolumeNumber: "<<newVolumeNumber
00430                         //<<"  totalTOF: "<<totalTOF<<"  totalTrackLength: "<<totalTrackLength<<endl;
00431                         myExtTrack->SetTof2Data(locP/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
00432                         myTof2Flag = true;
00433                     }
00434                 }
00435                 else
00436                 {
00437                     newVolumeNumber=(527-newVolumeNumber)/3;
00438                     if(myExtTrack)
00439                     {
00440                         double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
00441                         double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
00442                         double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
00443                         double tzError= extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector);
00444                         myExtTrack->SetTof2Data(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,totalTOF,totalTrackLength/10,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
00445                         myTof2Flag = true;
00446                     }
00447                 }
00448                 return;
00449             }//close if( (!myTof2Flag) && newVolumeName=="logicalScinBr2" )
00451             if( myInTof2 && (oldVolumeName=="logicalScinBr2" || 
00452                             (oldVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m2" || name1=="logical_container_m3"))) ) {
00453                 myInTof2 = false;
00454                 myOutTof2 = true;
00455                 myPathOutTof2 = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
00456                 myPathInTof2.push_back(myPathOutTof2 - myPathIntoTof2);
00457                 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathOutTof2 = " << myPathOutTof2 << endl;
00458             }
00460             if( myOutTof2 && (newVolumeName=="logicalScinBr2" || 
00461                             (newVolumeName=="logical_gasLayer" && (name1=="logical_container_m2" || name1=="logical_container_m3"))) ) {
00462                 myInTof2 = true;
00463                 myOutTof2 = false;
00464                 myPathIntoTof2 = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
00465                 if(msgFlag) cout << "myPathIntoTof2 = " << myPathIntoTof2 << endl;
00466             }
00469             //Get PhyEmc data.
00470             if( (!myPhyEmcFlag) && (!myEmcFlag) && (newVolumeName=="EMC" || newVolumeName.contains("BSC") || newVolumeName=="EndPhi"))
00471             {
00472                 newVolumeNumber = -2;
00473                 if(myExtTrack)
00474                 {
00475                     //                          myPathIntoCrystal = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
00476                     Hep3Vector nPhi(-y/r,x/r,0.);
00477                     double errorPhi = (extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),nPhi))/r;
00479                     Hep3Vector aPosition = currentPosition;
00480                     double R = aPosition.r();
00481                     double aTheta = aPosition.theta();
00482                     aPosition.setTheta(aTheta + M_PI_2);
00483                     double errorTheta;
00484                     errorTheta =(extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),aPosition.unit()))/R;
00485                     if(msgFlag) cout<<"Theta direction: "<<aPosition<<endl;
00486                     myExtTrack->SetEmcData(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,errorTheta,errorPhi,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()));
00487                 }
00488                 myPhyEmcFlag = true;
00489                 return;
00490             }
00493             if(!myEmcPathFlag &&  newVolumeName.contains("Crystal")  )
00494             {
00495                 myPathIntoCrystal = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
00496                 //                      cout<<"Enter Crystal, path: "<<myPathIntoCrystal<<endl;
00497                 myEmcPathFlag = true;
00498             }
00500             //Get Emc Ext data.
00501             if( (!myEmcFlag) && newVolumeName.contains("Crystal")  )
00502             {
00503                 if(myExtTrack)
00504                 {
00505                     //------------------- record crystal number
00506                     int npart,ntheta,nphi;
00507                     if(currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetVolume(1)->GetName().contains("BSC")) { //barrel
00508                         npart=1;
00509                         std::istringstream thetaBuf((currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetVolume(1)->GetName()).substr(16,2));
00510                         thetaBuf >> ntheta ;
00511                         nphi = 308-currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetCopyNumber(2);
00512                     } else {  //endcap
00513                         npart=2-2*currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetCopyNumber(3);
00514                         int endSector=currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetCopyNumber(2);
00515                         int endNb,endNbGDML;
00516                         std::istringstream thetaBuf((currentTrack->GetNextTouchableHandle()->GetVolume(0)->GetName()).substr(20,2));
00517                         thetaBuf  >> endNb ;
00518                         endNbGDML=CalculateEmcEndCopyNb(endNb);
00519                         int endSectorGDML=CalculateEmcEndPhiNb(endSector);
00520                         CalculateEmcEndThetaPhi(npart,endSectorGDML,endNbGDML,ntheta,nphi);
00521                     }
00522                     ostringstream strEmc;
00523                     if(ntheta<10) {
00524                         strEmc<<"EmcPart"<<npart<<"Theta0"<<ntheta<<"Phi"<<nphi;
00525                     } else {
00526                         strEmc<<"EmcPart"<<npart<<"Theta"<<ntheta<<"Phi"<<nphi;
00527                     } //------------------------------------------
00529                     //                          myPathIntoCrystal = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
00530                     Hep3Vector nPhi(-y/r,x/r,0.);
00531                     double errorPhi = (extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),nPhi))/r;
00533                     Hep3Vector aPosition = currentPosition;
00534                     double R = aPosition.r();
00535                     double aTheta = aPosition.theta();
00536                     aPosition.setTheta(aTheta + M_PI_2);
00537                     double errorTheta;
00538                     errorTheta =(extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),aPosition.unit()))/R;
00539                     if(msgFlag) cout<<"Theta direction: "<<aPosition<<endl;
00540                     myExtTrack->SetEmcData(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,strEmc.str(),
00541                                 //myExtTrack->SetEmcData(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,
00542                         newVolumeNumber,errorTheta,errorPhi,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()));
00543                                 }
00544                                 myEmcFlag = true;
00545                                 return;
00546                                 }
00548                                 //Get path in Emc
00549                                 if(myEmcPathFlag &&  oldVolumeName.contains("Crystal") )
00550                                 {
00551                                 myPathOutCrystal = currentTrack->GetTrackLength();
00552                                 myPathInCrystal = myPathInCrystal+myPathOutCrystal-myPathIntoCrystal;
00553                                 //                      cout<<"Go out of crystal, path: "<<myPathOutCrystal<<endl;
00554                                 myEmcPathFlag=false;
00555                                 }
00558                                 //Get Muc Ext Data.
00559                                 if( (!myMucFlag) && ( (fabs(x)>=myMucR) || (fabs(y)>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x-y)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || ((fabs(x+y)/sqrt(2.))>=myMucR) || (fabs(z)>=myMucZ) ) )
00560                                 {
00561                                     int newVolumeNumber = newVolume->GetCopyNo();
00562                                     if(myExtTrack)
00563                                     {
00564                                         Hep3Vector xVector(1.0,0,0); 
00565                                         Hep3Vector yVector(0,1.0,0);
00566                                         Hep3Vector zVector(0,0,1.0);
00567                                         double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
00568                                         double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
00569                                         double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
00570                                         double tzError;
00571                                         double phi = currentPosition.phi();
00572                                         if(phi<0.) phi+=M_PI;
00573                                         int i = int(8.0*phi/M_PI);
00574                                         if( i==0 || i==7 || i==8 )
00575                                         {
00576                                             tzError = yError;
00577                                         }
00578                                         if( i==1 || i==2 )
00579                                         {
00580                                             Hep3Vector tzVector(-1.0,1.0,0.);
00581                                             tzError =extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector.unit());
00582                                         }
00583                                         if( i==3 || i==4 )
00584                                         {
00585                                             tzError = xError;
00586                                         } 
00587                                         if( i==5 || i==6 )
00588                                         {
00589                                             Hep3Vector tzVector(1.0,1.0,0.);
00590                                             tzError =extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector.unit());
00591                                         }
00592                                         myExtTrack->SetMucData(currentPosition/10,currentMomentum/1000,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,myOutputSymMatrix(extXpErr->get_err()),zError/10,tzError/10,xError/10,yError/10);
00593                                     }
00594                                     myMucFlag = true;
00595                                     if(!(ParticleName.contains("mu")&&myUseMucKalFlag))
00596                                     {
00597                                         //currentTrack->SetKineticEnergy(0.0);
00598                                         currentStep->GetTrack()->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
00599                                         m_trackstop=true;
00600                                         return;
00601                                     }
00602                                 }
00604                     //**************************************************
00605                     //************inset KalFilter Algorithm in MUC******
00606                     //**************************************************
00607                     HepSymMatrix XpErr = extXpErr->get_err();
00608                     int namesize = oldVolumeName.size();
00609                     bool Flag1(false),Flag2(false),Flag3(false),Flag4(false),Flag5(false);
00610                     Flag1 = m_mucdigicol->size()>0;
00611                     Flag2 = myUseMucKalFlag;
00612                     Flag3 = ParticleName.contains("mu")&&oldVolumeName.contains("lMuc")&&oldVolumeName.contains("P")&&oldVolumeName.contains("S")&&(oldVolumeName.contains("G")||oldVolumeName.contains("Ab"));
00613                     Flag4 = oldVolumeName.contains("lMuc")&&oldVolumeName.contains("P")&&oldVolumeName.contains("S")&&((namesize==10&&oldVolumeName.contains("G"))||(namesize==11&&oldVolumeName.contains("Ab")));
00614                     Flag5 = !((RemID[0]==1&&RemID[2]==9)||((RemID[0]==0||RemID[0]==2)&&RemID[2]==8));
00615                     // if(!Flag5) {currentStep->GetTrack()->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);m_trackstop=true;}
00616                     if(Flag1&&Flag2&&Flag3&&Flag5)
00617                     {
00618                         //get depth in Ab
00619                         double depth = currentStep-> GetStepLength();
00620                         if(oldVolumeName.contains("Ab"))
00621                           RemDepth = RemDepth+ depth;
00622                         if(RemStep==0&&Flag4)
00623                         {
00624                             Hep3Vector ID_1 = GetGapID(oldVolumeName);
00625                             RemID = ID_1;
00627                             bool LastLay = (ID_1[0]==1&&ID_1[2]<9)||((ID_1[0]==0||ID_1[0]==2)&&ID_1[2]<8);
00628                             if(RememberID[2]!=ID_1[2]&&LastLay)
00629                             {
00630                                 Hep3Vector pos_loc = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(ID_1[0],ID_1[1],ID_1[2])->TransformToGap(currentPosition);
00631                                 double dist = fabs(pos_loc.z());
00632                                 RemPositon = currentPosition;
00633                                 RemMomentum = currentMomentum;
00634                                 RemXpErr = XpErr;
00635                                 RemDist = dist;
00636                                 RemStep++;
00637                             }
00638                         }
00639                         if(RemStep>0)
00640                         {
00641                             bool WillFilter = false;
00642                             bool LastLay_ = false;
00643                             double dist_b = 99999.;
00644                             Hep3Vector ID_2;
00645                             if(Flag4)
00646                             {
00647                                 ID_2 = GetGapID(oldVolumeName);
00648                                 LastLay_ =(ID_2[0]==1&&ID_2[2]<9)||((ID_2[0]==0||ID_2[0]==2)&&ID_2[2]<8);
00649                                 if(LastLay_)dist_b=fabs(MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(ID_2[0],ID_2[1],ID_2[2])->TransformToGap(currentPosition).z());
00650                                 if(RemID!=ID_2)
00651                                   WillFilter=true;
00653                             }
00655                             Hep3Vector pos_loc = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap(RemID[0],RemID[1],RemID[2])->TransformToGap(currentPosition);
00656                             double dist = fabs(pos_loc.z());
00657                             //get the nearest point from the center of gap
00658                             if(!WillFilter&&RemDist>dist)
00659                             {
00660                                 RemPositon = currentPosition;
00661                                 RemMomentum = currentMomentum;
00662                                 RemXpErr = XpErr;
00663                                 RemDist = dist;
00664                                 RemVol = oldVolumeName;
00665                             }
00667                             //if find the nearest point in the gap, Open Fillter 
00668                             if(WillFilter)
00669                             {          
00670                                 ExtMucKal* muckal = new ExtMucKal();
00671                                 muckal->SetGapID(RemID);
00672                                 muckal->SetPosMomErr(RemPositon,RemMomentum,RemXpErr);
00673                                 muckal->SetMucDigiCol(m_mucdigicol);
00674                                 muckal->SetMucWindow(myMucWindow);
00675                                 bool iniOK = muckal->MucKalIniti();
00676                                 vector<MucRecHit*> tmp = muckal->TrackHit();
00677                                 bool filter = muckal->ExtMucFilter();
00678                                 //      bool filter = muckal->GetFilterStatus();
00679                                 double chi2 = muckal->GetChi2();
00680                                 bool samestrip = muckal->GetSameStrip();
00681                                 if(filter&&iniOK)
00682                                 {        
00684                                     myMucnfit_++;
00685                                     //cout<<"myMucnfit_: "<<myMucnfit_<<endl;
00686                                     myMucchisq_ = myMucchisq_+chi2;
00687                                     muckal->XPmod(m_pos_mod,m_mom_mod,m_err_mod);
00688                                     RememberID = muckal->GetHitGap();
00689                                     if(RememberID[0]==1)myMucbrLastLay_=RememberID[2];
00690                                     if(RememberID[0]==0||RememberID[0]==2)myMucecLastLay_=RememberID[2];
00691                                     if(oldVolumeName.contains("Ab"))
00692                                       RemDepth = RemDepth-depth;
00693                                     if(myMucnfit_==1)
00694                                       myMucdepth_ = RemDepth;
00695                                     else
00696                                       myMucdepth_=myMucdepth_+RemDepth;
00698                                     if(!samestrip)
00699                                     {
00701                                         extXpErr->put_err(m_err_mod);
00702                                         extXpErr->set_pos(m_pos_mod);
00703                                         extXpErr->set_mom(m_mom_mod);
00704                                         currentStep->GetTrack()->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
00706                                     }
00707                                     else
00708                                     {
00709                                         //cout<<"-------hit exist, but no modify-------"<<endl;
00710                                         RemPositon = currentPosition;
00711                                         RemMomentum = currentMomentum;
00712                                         RemXpErr = XpErr;
00713                                         RemDist = dist_b;
00714                                         RemID =ID_2;
00715                                         if(oldVolumeName.contains("Ab"))
00716                                           RemDepth = depth;
00717                                         else
00718                                           RemDepth = 0.;
00719                                     }
00720                                     if(msgFlag)cout<<"---------Filter is OK---------- "<<endl;
00721                                 }
00722                                 else
00723                                 {
00724                                     // if(LastLay_)
00725                                     //{
00726                                     RemPositon = currentPosition;
00727                                     RemMomentum = currentMomentum;
00728                                     RemXpErr = XpErr;
00729                                     RemDist = dist_b;
00730                                     RemID =ID_2;
00731                                     // }
00732                                 }
00733                                 delete muckal;
00734                             }
00735                         }
00736                         if(myExtTrack)myExtTrack->SetMucKalData(myMucchisq_,myMucnfit_,myMucdepth_,myMucbrLastLay_,myMucecLastLay_,myMucnhits_);
00737                     }
00739                     /*
00740                        if(Flag1&&Flag2&&Flag3)
00741                        {
00742                        ExtMucKal* muckal = new ExtMucKal();
00743                        muckal->SetVolume(oldVolume,newVolume);
00744                        muckal->SetMomPosErr(currentPosition,currentMomentum,XpErr);
00745                        muckal->SetMucDigiCol(mucdigicol);
00746                        muckal->ExtMucFilter();
00747                        muckal->XPmod(m_pos_mod,m_mom_mod,m_err_mod);
00748                        bool filter = muckal->GetFilterStatus();
00749                        double chi2 = muckal->GetChi2();
00750                        if(filter)
00751                        {
00752                        myMucnfit_++;
00753                        myMucchisq_ = myMucchisq_+chi2;
00754                        currentStep->GetTrack()->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
00755                        RememberVol.assign(oldVolumeName,10);
00756                        extXpErr->put_err(m_err_mod);
00757                        extXpErr->set_pos(m_pos_mod);
00758                        extXpErr->set_mom(m_mom_mod);
00759                        }
00760                        delete muckal;
00761                        }
00762                        */
00763                     //   if(myExtTrack)myExtTrack->SetMucKalData(myMucchisq_,myMucnfit_,myMucdepth_,myMucbrLastLay_,myMucecLastLay_,myMucnhits_);
00764                     /*          //Get Muc Ext Hits Data.
00765                             if(newVolumeName.contains("Strip"))
00766                             {
00767                             int newVolumeNumber = newVolume->GetCopyNo();
00768                             if(myExtTrack)
00769                             {
00770                             ExtMucHit aExtMucHit;
00771                             Hep3Vector xVector(1.0,0,0); 
00772                             Hep3Vector yVector(0,1.0,0);
00773                             Hep3Vector zVector(0,0,1.0);
00774                             double xError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),xVector);
00775                             double yError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),yVector);
00776                             double zError = extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),zVector);
00777                             double tzError;
00778                             double phi = currentPosition.phi();
00779                             if(phi<0.) phi+=M_PI;
00780                             int i = int(8.0*phi/M_PI);
00781                             if( i==0 || i==7 || i==8 )
00782                             {
00783                             tzError = yError;
00784                             }
00785                             if( i==1 || i==2 )
00786                             {
00787                             Hep3Vector tzVector(-1.0,1.0,0.);
00788                             tzError =extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector.unit());
00789                             }
00790                             if( i==3 || i==4 )
00791                             {
00792                             tzError = xError;
00793                             } 
00794                             if( i==5 || i==6 )
00795                             {
00796                             Hep3Vector tzVector(1.0,1.0,0.);
00797                             tzError =extXpErr->get_plane_err(currentMomentum.unit(),tzVector.unit());
00798                             }
00799                             aExtMucHit.SetExtMucHit(currentPosition,currentMomentum,newVolumeName,newVolumeNumber,extXpErr->get_err(),zError,tzError,xError,yError);
00800                             myExtTrack->AddExtMucHit(aExtMucHit);                               
00801                             }
00802                             }
00803                             */
00804         }
00805         else {
00806             if(msgFlag) cout<<"x:"<<currentPosition.x()<<"//y:"<<currentPosition.y()<<"//z:"<<currentPosition.z()<<"||px:"<<currentMomentum.x()<<"//py:"<<currentMomentum.y()<<"//pz:"<<currentMomentum.z()<<endl;
00807             double x = currentPosition.x();
00808             double y = currentPosition.y();
00809             double z = currentPosition.z();
00810             if( (fabs(x)>=2*myMucR) || (fabs(y)>=2*myMucR) || (fabs(z)>=2*myMucZ) )
00811               //currentTrack->SetKineticEnergy(0.0);// protection in case that a very energetic track travels without touching BESIII                                                                                        
00812             {currentStep->GetTrack()->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);m_trackstop=true;}
00813         }
00815     }
00816     else if(currentTrackStatus == fStopAndKill)
00817     {
00818         m_trackstop=true;
00819         if(myEmcFlag) myExtTrack->SetEmcPath(myPathInCrystal/10.);
00820         if(myTof1Flag) myExtTrack->setPathInTof1(myPathInTof1);
00821         if(myTof2Flag) myExtTrack->setPathInTof2(myPathInTof2);
00822         if(msgFlag) {
00823             cout << "myPathInTof1 = " ;
00824             for(int i=0; i!=myPathInTof1.size(); i++)
00825               cout << myPathInTof1[i] << "  ";
00826             cout << endl;
00827             cout << "myPathInTof2 = " ;
00828             for(int i=0; i!=myPathInTof2.size(); i++)
00829               cout << myPathInTof2[i] << "  ";
00830             cout << endl;
00831         }
00833         if(msgFlag)
00834         {
00835             if(newVolume!=0)
00836             {
00837                 std::cout<<"x:"<<currentPosition.x()<<"//y:"<<currentPosition.y()<<"//z:"<<currentPosition.z()<<"||px:"<<currentMomentum.x()<<"//py:"<<currentMomentum.y()<<"//pz:"<<currentMomentum.z()<<"//stoped"<<endl;
00838                 cout<<"Error matrix is:"<<extXpErr->get_err()<<endl;
00839             }
00840             else {
00841                 cout<<"x:"<<currentPosition.x()<<"//y:"<<currentPosition.y()<<"//z:"<<currentPosition.z()<<"||px:"<<currentMomentum.x()<<"//py:"<<currentMomentum.y()<<"//pz:"<<currentMomentum.z()<<"//escaped"<<std::endl;
00842                 std::cout<<"Error matrix is:"<<extXpErr->get_err()<<std::endl;
00843             }
00844         }
00845     }
00846 }
00850 void ExtSteppingAction::CalculateChicc(G4Material* currentMaterial)
00851 {       
00852     int n = currentMaterial->GetNumberOfElements();
00853     const double *p = currentMaterial->GetFractionVector();
00854     double density = (currentMaterial->GetDensity())/(g/cm3);
00855     double temp=0.0;
00856     for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
00857     {
00858         const G4Element* mElement = currentMaterial->GetElement(i);
00859         double z = mElement->GetZ();
00860         double a = mElement->GetN();
00861         //      std::cout<<"Fraction: "<<*p<<" z: "<<z<<" a: "<<a<<std::endl;
00862         temp += *(p++)/a*z*(z+1);
00863     }
00864     chicc = 0.39612e-3*std::sqrt(density*temp);         
00865     //   std::cout<<"chicc:"<<chicc<<std::endl;
00866 }
00869 HepSymMatrix & ExtSteppingAction::myOutputSymMatrix(const HepSymMatrix & m1)
00870 {
00871     //  std::cout<<"myOutputSymMatrix:1"<<std::endl;
00872     HepSymMatrix m;
00873     //  std::cout<<"myOutputSymMatrix:2"<<std::endl;
00874     m=m1;
00875     //  std::cout<<"myOutputSymMatrix:3"<<std::endl;
00876     for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
00877     {  for(int j=0;j<=i;j++)
00878         {  if(i<3) {
00879                        m[i][j]=m[i][j]/100;     //mm*mm --> cm*cm
00880                    }
00881         else if(j<3) {
00882             m[i][j]=m[i][j]/10000;   //mm*MeV --> cm*GeV
00883         }
00884         else {
00885             m[i][j]=m[i][j]/1000000; //MeV*MeV --> GeV*GeV
00886         }
00887         }       
00888     }
00889     //  std::cout<<"myOutputSymMatrix:4"<<std::endl;
00890     //  std::cout<<"m1="<<m1<<std::endl;
00891     //  std::cout<<"m="<<m<<std::endl;
00892     myOutputSM=m;
00893     return myOutputSM;
00894 }
00896 void ExtSteppingAction::CalculateEmcEndThetaPhi(int npart, int sector, int nb, int &ntheta, int &nphi)
00897 {
00898     if((sector>=0)&&(sector<3))
00899       sector+=16;
00900     //if((sector!=7)&&(sector!=15))
00901     {
00902         if((nb>=0)&&(nb<4))
00903         {
00904             ntheta = 0;
00905             nphi = (sector-3)*4+nb;
00906         }
00907         else if((nb>=4)&&(nb<8))
00908         {
00909             ntheta = 1;
00910             nphi = (sector-3)*4+nb-4;
00911         }
00912         else if((nb>=8)&&(nb<13))
00913         {
00914             ntheta = 2;
00915             nphi = (sector-3)*5+nb-8;
00916         }
00917         else if((nb>=13)&&(nb<18))
00918         {
00919             ntheta = 3;
00920             nphi = (sector-3)*5+nb-13;
00921         }
00922         else if((nb>=18)&&(nb<24))
00923         {
00924             ntheta = 4;
00925             nphi = (sector-3)*6+nb-18;
00926         }
00927         else if((nb>=24)&&(nb<30))
00928         {
00929             ntheta = 5;
00930             nphi = (sector-3)*6+nb-24;
00931         }
00932     }
00934     if(npart==2)
00935     {
00936         switch(ntheta)
00937         {
00938             case 0:
00939                 if(nphi<32)
00940                   nphi = 31-nphi;
00941                 else
00942                   nphi = 95-nphi;
00943                 break;
00944             case 1:
00945                 if(nphi<32)
00946                   nphi = 31-nphi;
00947                 else
00948                   nphi = 95-nphi;
00949                 break;
00950             case 2:
00951                 if(nphi<40)
00952                   nphi = 39-nphi;
00953                 else
00954                   nphi = 119-nphi;
00955                 break;
00956             case 3:
00957                 if(nphi<40)
00958                   nphi = 39-nphi;
00959                 else
00960                   nphi = 119-nphi;
00961                 break;
00962             case 4:
00963                 if(nphi<48)
00964                   nphi = 47-nphi;
00965                 else
00966                   nphi = 143-nphi;
00967                 break;
00968             case 5:
00969                 if(nphi<48)
00970                   nphi = 47-nphi;
00971                 else
00972                   nphi = 143-nphi;
00973             default:
00974                 ;
00975         }
00976     }
00977 }
00979 int ExtSteppingAction::CalculateEmcEndPhiNb(int num)
00980 {
00981     if(num==0||num==1) {
00982         return 15-num*8;
00983     } else if(num==2||num==3) {
00984         return 30-num*8;
00985     } else if(num<=9) {
00986         return 17-num;
00987     } else {
00988         return 15-num;
00989     }
00990 }
00992 int ExtSteppingAction::CalculateEmcEndCopyNb(int num)
00993 {
00994     int copyNb;
00995     switch(num){
00996         case 30:
00997             copyNb = 5;
00998             break;
00999         case 31:
01000             copyNb = 6;
01001             break;
01002         case 32:
01003             copyNb = 14;
01004             break;
01005         case 33:
01006             copyNb = 15;
01007             break;
01008         case 34:
01009             copyNb = 16;
01010             break;
01011         default:
01012             copyNb = num;
01013             break;
01014     }
01015     return copyNb;
01016 }
01018 void ExtSteppingAction::InfmodMuc(Hep3Vector &pos,Hep3Vector &mom,HepSymMatrix &err)
01019 {
01020     pos = m_pos_mod;
01021     mom = m_mom_mod;
01022     err = m_err_mod;
01023 }
01026 Hep3Vector ExtSteppingAction::GetGapID(G4String vol)
01027 {
01028     int par(-1),se(-1),ga(-1);
01029     G4String strPart       = vol.substr(5,1);
01030     //G4String strSeg        = m_MotherVolumeName.substr(7,1);
01032     G4String strSeg        = vol.substr(7,1);
01033     G4String strGap;
01034     if(vol.contains("G")) strGap= vol.substr(9,1);
01035     if(vol.contains("Ab")) strGap= vol.substr(10,1);
01036     std::istrstream partBuf(strPart.c_str(),             strlen(strPart.c_str()));
01037     std::istrstream segBuf(strSeg.c_str(),               strlen(strSeg.c_str()));
01038     std::istrstream gapBuf(strGap.c_str(),               strlen(strGap.c_str()));
01040     partBuf       >> par ;
01041     segBuf        >> se;
01042     gapBuf        >> ga;
01043     if(vol.contains("Ab")&&par==1) ga = ga+1;
01044     //panelBuf      >> m_panel;
01045     Hep3Vector vec;
01046     vec[0]=par;
01047     vec[1]=se;
01048     vec[2]=ga;
01049     return vec;
01050 }

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