
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "TrkExtAlg/ExtMucKal.h"
00002 #include "MucCalibAlg/MucIdTransform.h"
00003 //#include "MucRawEvent/MucDigi.h"
00004 static const double     Small( 0.01 );
00005 static const double     Infinite( 1.0e10 );
00006 static const double kRad = 57.2958;
00007 //static const int n_sigm = 6;
00008 static const int fix_ = 1;
00009 static const int chi2lim_ = 100;
00010 ExtMucKal::ExtMucKal():FilterOK(false),Chi2_sub(-1),HitExist(false),m_jcb(6,6,0),m_samestrip(false),n_sigm(6)
00011 {;}
00013 ExtMucKal::~ExtMucKal()
00014 {;}
00016 bool ExtMucKal::ExtMucFilter()
00017 {
00019     if(!HitExist) {FilterOK = false;return FilterOK;}
00020     m_samestrip = m_gapid[0]==m_nearesthit->Part()&& m_gapid[1]==m_nearesthit->Seg()&&m_gapid[2]==m_nearesthit->Gap()&&m_iStrip==m_nearesthit->Strip();
00021 //    cout<<"---Guess Hit---"<<"Part: "<<m_gapid[0]<<" Seg: "<<m_gapid[1]<<" Gap: "<<m_gapid[2]<<" Strip: "<<m_iStrip<<endl;    
00022 //    cout<<"---Near  Hit---"<<"Part: "<<m_nearesthit->Part()<<" Seg: "<<m_nearesthit->Seg()<<" Gap: "<<m_nearesthit->Gap()<<" Strip: "<<m_nearesthit->Strip()<<endl;
00023     Hep3Vector mom_unit = m_CurrentMomentum;
00024     mom_unit.setMag(1.0);
00025     Hep3Vector  IntrPos_loc = m_nearesthit->GetGap()->TransformToGap(m_CurrentInsct);  
00026     Hep3Vector  mom_loc = m_nearesthit->GetGap()->RotateToGap(m_CurrentMomentum);
00027     MucGeoGap* nearestGap = m_nearesthit->GetGap();
00028     //get the orient and sigma of the nearest hit
00029     m_orient = nearestGap->Orient(); 
00030     float sx,sy,sz;
00031     m_nearesthit->GetStrip()->GetCenterSigma(sx, sy, sz);
00032     if(m_orient==1) m_sigma = sx/sqrt(12.);
00033     if(m_orient==0) m_sigma = sy/sqrt(12.);
00035     HepMatrix rotation = GetRoationMatrix(nearestGap);
00036     HepSymMatrix IntrErr_loc(6,0); 
00037     IntrErr_loc.assign(rotation*m_CurrentInsctXPErr*rotation.T());
00038     Hep3Vector modpos_loc;
00039     Hep3Vector modmom_loc;
00040     HepSymMatrix moderr_loc(6,0);
00041     //fitting
00042     double chisq =Fit(IntrPos_loc,mom_loc,IntrErr_loc);
00043     modpos_loc.setX(m_bm[0]);modpos_loc.setY(m_bm[1]);modpos_loc.setZ(m_bm[2]);
00044     modmom_loc.setX(m_bm[3]);modmom_loc.setY(m_bm[4]);modmom_loc.setZ(m_bm[5]);
00045     moderr_loc = m_Ebm;
00046 bool direction = false;
00047 double dirchange = (modmom_loc.theta()-1.5707963)*(mom_loc.theta()-1.5707963);
00048 if(dirchange<0.) {direction = true; //cout<<"------direction has been changed "<<endl;//disdir++;
00049 }
00051 Hep3Vector modpos_glob = m_nearesthit->GetGap()->TransformToGlobal(modpos_loc);
00052 Hep3Vector modmom_glob = m_nearesthit->GetGap()->RotateToGlobal(modmom_loc);
00053 HepSymMatrix moderr_glob(6,0); 
00054 moderr_glob.assign(rotation.T()*moderr_loc*rotation);
00056 if(chisq>0.&&chisq<100.&&!direction)
00057 {
00058         //cout<<"filter is OK "<<endl;
00059         FilterOK=true;
00060         Chi2_sub = chisq;
00061         m_err_mod = moderr_glob;
00062         m_pos_mod = modpos_glob;
00063         m_mom_mod = modmom_glob;
00065 }                  
00066 return FilterOK;
00067 }
00071 void ExtMucKal::XPmod(Hep3Vector &pos,Hep3Vector &mom,HepSymMatrix &err)
00072 {
00073         pos = m_pos_mod;
00074         mom = m_mom_mod;
00075         err = m_err_mod;
00076 }
00078 vector<MucRecHit*> ExtMucKal::TrackHit()
00079 {       
00080         vector<MucRecHit*> hitvec;
00081         vector<MucRecHit*> HitInGap = GapHit();
00082         int hitsize = HitInGap.size();
00083         double dist_nearest = 9999.;
00084         for ( int h = 0;h<hitsize;h++ )
00085         {       
00087                 MucRecHit* myhit = HitInGap[h];
00088                 //cout<<"Gap Hit: "<<"part: "<<myhit->Part()<<"  seg: "<<myhit->Seg()<<"  layer: "<<myhit->Gap()<<"  strip: "<<myhit->Strip()<<endl;
00089                 MucGeoGap* mygap = myhit->GetGap();
00090                 HepMatrix rotation = GetRoationMatrix(mygap);   
00091                 HepSymMatrix IntrErr_loc(6,0);
00092                 IntrErr_loc.assign(rotation*m_CurrentInsctXPErr*rotation.T()); 
00093                 float sx,sy,sz;
00094                 myhit->GetStrip()->GetCenterSigma(sx,sy,sz);
00095                 double distance = GetDistance(myhit); 
00096                 double window = -9999.;
00097                 int myorient = myhit->GetGap()->Orient();
00098                 if(myorient==1)   //strip parallel y axis 
00099                         window = n_sigm*sqrt(IntrErr_loc(1,1)+sx*sx/12.);
00100                         //window = 4.*sx;
00101                         //{window = n_sigm*sqrt(IntrErr_loc(1,1)+sx*sx/12.);cout<<"sx: "<<sx<<endl;cout<<"window: "<<window<<endl;cout<<"window/strip:  "<<floor(window/sx)<<endl;}
00102                 if(myorient==0)
00103                         window = n_sigm*sqrt(IntrErr_loc(2,2)+sy*sy/12.);
00104                         //window = 4.*sy;
00105                         //{window = n_sigm*sqrt(IntrErr_loc(2,2)+sy*sy/12.);cout<<"sy: "<<sy<<endl;cout<<"window: "<<window<<endl;cout<<"window/strip:  "<<floor(window/sy)<<endl;}
00107                 //cout<<"window/strip:  "<<floor(window/sx)<<endl;
00108                 //cout<<"distance: "<<distance<<endl;
00109                 if(fabs(distance)<window)
00110                 {
00111                         hitvec.push_back(myhit);
00112                         if(dist_nearest>fabs(distance)) 
00113                         {
00114                                 //cout<<"Hit exist"<<endl;
00115                                 HitExist =true;
00116                                 dist_nearest=fabs(distance);
00117                                 m_nearesthit = HitInGap[h]; 
00118                         }
00119                 }
00120         }
00122         return hitvec;
00123 }
00125 double ExtMucKal::GetDistance(const MucRecHit* hit)
00126 {
00127         if (!hit) {
00128                 cout << "RecMucTrack:GetHitDistance-E1  null hit pointer!" << endl;
00129                 return kInfinity;
00130         }
00132         int part = hit->Part();
00133         int gap  = hit->Gap();
00134         if ( (gap < 0) || (gap >= (int)MucID::getGapNum(part)) ) {
00135                 cout << "RecMucTrack::GetHitDistance()  bad gap number = " << gap << endl;
00136                 return kInfinity;
00137         }
00138         HepPoint3D posHit        = hit->GetCenterPos();
00139         HepPoint3D posHitLocal   = hit->GetGap()->TransformToGap(posHit);
00140         HepPoint3D posInsctLocal = hit->GetGap()->TransformToGap(m_CurrentInsct);
00141         int orient = hit->GetGap()->Orient();
00143         float distance = -9990;
00144         if(orient == 1) distance = (posHitLocal.x()-posInsctLocal.x());
00145         if(orient == 0) distance = (posHitLocal.y()-posInsctLocal.y());
00146         //cout<<"gap hit pos: "<<"x: "<<posHitLocal.x()<<" y: "<<posHitLocal.y()<<" z: "<<posHitLocal.z()<<endl;
00147         return distance;
00148 }
00150 bool ExtMucKal::MucKalIniti()
00152 {
00153         MucGeoGap* box = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap((int)m_gapid[0],(int)m_gapid[1],(int)m_gapid[2]);
00154         Hep3Vector mom_unit= m_CurrentMomentum;
00155         mom_unit.setMag(1.0);
00156         HepVector3D _interc = box->ProjectToGap(m_CurrentPosition,mom_unit);
00157         m_CurrentInsct = _interc;
00158         HepVector3D m_CurrentInsct_loc = box->TransformToGap(m_CurrentInsct);
00159         int iStrip = box->GuessStrip(m_CurrentInsct_loc.x(),m_CurrentInsct_loc.y(),m_CurrentInsct_loc.z());
00160         m_iStrip =iStrip;
00161         //Tuning-------------
00162         /*
00163         cout<<"----------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
00164         cout<<"Insct pos_loc: "<<"x: "<<m_CurrentInsct_loc.x()<<"  y:"<<m_CurrentInsct_loc.y()<<"  z:"<<m_CurrentInsct_loc.z()<<endl;
00165         cout<<"---Guess Hit---"<<"Part: "<<m_gapid[0]<<" Seg: "<<m_gapid[1]<<" Gap: "<<m_gapid[2]<<" Strip: "<<m_iStrip<<endl;
00166         int stripMax = box->GetStripNum()-1;
00167         if(iStrip < stripMax&&iStrip>0 )
00168         {
00169         MucRecHit guess_hit(m_gapid[0],m_gapid[1],m_gapid[2],m_iStrip);
00170         HepPoint3D posHit  = guess_hit.GetCenterPos();  
00171         HepPoint3D posHit_loc  = box->TransformToGap(posHit);
00172         cout<<"Guess Hit Pos--- "<<"x: "<<posHit_loc.x()<<" y: "<<posHit_loc.y()<<" z: "<<posHit_loc.z()<<endl;
00173         }
00174         */
00175         //Tuning--------------
00176         bool iniOK = false;
00177         iniOK = JCB();
00178         m_CurrentInsctXPErr = m_CurrentXPErr.similarity( m_jcb );
00179        return iniOK;
00180 }
00181 /*
00182 int ExtMucKal::GuesStrip()
00183 {
00184  MucGeoGap* box = MucGeoGeneral::Instance()->GetGap((int)m_gapid[0],(int)m_gapid[1],(int)m_gapid[2]);
00185 int iStrip = box->GuessStrip(m_CurrentInsct.x(),m_CurrentInsct.y(),m_CurrentInsct.z());
00187 //int stripMax = box->GetStripNum()-1;
00188 //if(iStrip > stripMax||iStrip<0 )
00190 //MucGeoStrip *guesstrip = box->GetStrip(iStrip);
00192 }
00193 */
00195 vector<MucRecHit*> ExtMucKal::GapHit()
00196 {
00197         vector<MucRecHit*> gaphit;
00198         int kDeltaSeg[3]={-1,0,1};
00199         MucDigiCol::iterator digiIter = m_MucDigiCol->begin();
00200         for ( ; digiIter != m_MucDigiCol->end(); digiIter++ )
00201         {
00202                 Identifier mucId   = (*digiIter)->identify();
00203                 int part    = MucID::barrel_ec(mucId);
00204                 int segment = MucID::segment(mucId);
00205                 int layer   = MucID::layer(mucId);
00206                 int strip   = MucID::strip(mucId);
00207                 int m_part =(int)m_gapid[0];
00208                 int m_seg = (int)m_gapid[1];
00209                 int m_gap = (int)m_gapid[2];
00211                 //if(part==0 && segment ==2 && layer ==6 && strip ==60)continue;
00212                 if(m_part==part&&m_gap == layer)
00213                         for(int s=0;s<3;s++)
00214                         {
00215                                 int iSeg = m_seg+kDeltaSeg[s];
00216                                 if(iSeg<0) iSeg += MucID::getSegNum(m_part);
00217                                 if(iSeg>((int)MucID::getSegNum(m_part) - 1))iSeg -= MucID::getSegNum(m_part);
00218                                 if(iSeg==segment)
00219                                 {
00220                                         MucRecHit* hit = new MucRecHit(part,segment,layer,strip);
00221                                         gaphit.push_back(hit);
00222                                 }
00223                         }
00224         }
00225         return gaphit;
00226 }
00228 Hep3Vector ExtMucKal::GetHitGap()
00229 {
00230 m_hitgap.setX(m_nearesthit->Part());
00231 m_hitgap.setY(m_nearesthit->Seg());
00232 m_hitgap.setZ(m_nearesthit->Gap());
00233 return m_hitgap;
00234 }
00237 bool ExtMucKal::JCB()
00238 {
00239         HepMatrix m_xp_jcb(6,6,0);
00240         double dx( ( m_CurrentInsct - m_CurrentPosition ).mag() );
00241         double dp(0.);//dp( ( pv1 - m_pv ).mag() );
00242         double p2( m_CurrentMomentum.mag2() );
00243         double p_abs( sqrt( p2 ) );
00245         double p_inv;
00246         if( p_abs > Small && m_CurrentMomentum.mag() > Small ){
00247                 p_inv = 1.0 / p_abs;
00248         } else {
00249                 p_inv = Infinite;
00250                 return 0;
00251         }
00252         double p2inv( p_inv * p_inv );
00253         double p3inv( p2inv * p_inv );
00254         double fdx( dx * p3inv );
00256         double fdp( dp * p_inv );
00257         double px(  m_CurrentMomentum.x() );
00258         double py(  m_CurrentMomentum.y() );
00259         double pz(  m_CurrentMomentum.z() );
00260         double px2( px * px );
00261         double py2( py * py );
00262         double pz2( pz * pz );
00263         double pxy( px * py );
00264         double pyz( py * pz );
00265         double pzx( pz * px );
00266         m_xp_jcb( 1, 1 ) = 1.0;                 // dx'/dx
00267         m_xp_jcb( 1, 4 ) = fdx * ( py2 + pz2 ); // dx'/dpx
00268         m_xp_jcb( 1, 5 ) = - fdx * pxy;         // dx'/dpy
00269         m_xp_jcb( 1, 6 ) = - fdx * pzx;         // dx'/dpz
00270         m_xp_jcb( 2, 2 ) = 1.0;                 // dy'/dy
00271         m_xp_jcb( 2, 4 ) = - fdx * pxy;         // dy'/dpx
00272         m_xp_jcb( 2, 5 ) = fdx * ( pz2 + px2 ); // dy'/dpy
00273         m_xp_jcb( 2, 6 ) = - fdx * pyz;         // dy'/dpz
00275         m_xp_jcb( 3, 3 ) = 1.0;                 // dz'/dz
00276         m_xp_jcb( 3, 4 ) = - fdx * pzx;         // dz'/dpx
00277         m_xp_jcb( 3, 5 ) = - fdx * pyz;         // dz'/dpy
00278         m_xp_jcb( 3, 6 ) = fdx * ( px2 + py2 ); // dz'/dpz
00280         m_xp_jcb( 4, 4 ) = 1.0 - fdp;                   // dx'/dx energy loss
00281         m_xp_jcb( 5, 5 ) = 1.0 - fdp;                   // dy'/dy energy loss
00282         m_xp_jcb( 6, 6 ) = 1.0 - fdp;                   // dz'/dz energy loss
00283        m_jcb = m_xp_jcb;
00284        return 1;
00285         // m_CurrentInsctXPErr = m_CurrentInsct.similarity( m_xp_jcb );
00286 }
00288 HepMatrix  ExtMucKal::GetRoationMatrix(MucGeoGap *box)//from global to local
00289 {
00291         //cout<<"now in ExtMucKalTransfor::GetRoationMatrix() "<<endl;
00292         MucGeoGap* box_ = box;
00293         float thetaX,phiX,thetaY,phiY,thetaZ,phiZ;
00294         box->GetRotationMatrix(thetaX,phiX,thetaY,phiY,thetaZ,phiZ);
00295         //cout<<"after get m_box->GetRotationMatrix "<<endl;
00296         thetaX=thetaX/kRad;
00297         thetaY=thetaY/kRad;
00298         thetaZ=thetaZ/kRad;
00299         phiX=phiX/kRad;
00300         phiY=phiY/kRad;
00301         phiZ=phiZ/kRad;
00302         Hep3Vector colX, colY,colZ;
00303         colX.setRThetaPhi(1.,thetaX,phiX);
00304         colY.setRThetaPhi(1.,thetaY,phiY);
00305         colZ.setRThetaPhi(1.,thetaZ,phiZ);
00306         //cout<<"will give value to rotation "<<endl;
00307         HepMatrix rotation(6,6,0);
00308         rotation(1,1) = colX.x();
00309         rotation(1,2) = colX.y();
00310         rotation(1,3) = colX.z();
00311         rotation(2,1) = colY.x();
00312         rotation(2,2) = colY.y();
00313         rotation(2,3) = colY.z();
00314         rotation(3,1) = colZ.x();
00315         rotation(3,2) = colZ.y();
00316         rotation(3,3) = colZ.z();
00318         rotation(4,4) = colX.x();
00319         rotation(4,5) = colX.y();
00320         rotation(4,6) = colX.z();
00321         rotation(5,4) = colY.x();
00322         rotation(5,5) = colY.y();
00323         rotation(5,6) = colY.z();
00324         rotation(6,4) = colZ.x();
00325         rotation(6,5) = colZ.y();
00326         rotation(6,6) = colZ.z();
00327         return rotation;
00328 }
00331 double  ExtMucKal::Fit( Hep3Vector & pos,   Hep3Vector & mom, HepSymMatrix & Epm)
00332 {
00333         static HepVector a(6,0);
00334         a[0] = pos.x();
00335         a[1] = pos.y();
00336         a[2] = pos.z();
00337         a[3] = mom.x();//protect from NaN
00338         a[4] = mom.y();
00339         a[5] = mom.z();
00340         m_bm = a;
00341         m_Ebm = Epm;
00343         HepMatrix V_meas(1,1,0);
00344         V_meas(1,1)= m_sigma*m_sigma;
00345         double mag2(m_bm[5]*m_bm[5]+m_bm[4]*m_bm[4]+m_bm[3]*m_bm[3]);
00346         //static HepSymMatrix ebm(6,0);
00347         HepSymMatrix ebm(6,0);
00348         ebm.assign(m_Ebm);
00349         //static HepVector v_bm(6,0);
00350         HepVector v_bm(6,0);
00351         //v_bm[2] = bm()[2];//because bm0 is never modified!
00352         v_bm = m_bm;
00353         v_bm[2] = 0;
00354         //static HepMatrix H(1,6,0);
00355         HepMatrix H(1,6,0);
00356         if(m_orient == 1) H(1,1) = 1;//;if(part==1&&gap==0)ebm(1,1)=ebm(1,1)*1.6;}// H[1][1] = 1;
00357         if(m_orient == 0) H(1,2) = 1;//;if(part==1&&gap==1)ebm(2,2)=ebm(2,2)*2.4;}//H[1][2] = 1;
00358         HepMatrix ebm_HT(6,1,0);
00359         ebm_HT = ebm * H.T();
00361         HepMatrix R(1,1,0);
00363         HepMatrix R2(1,1,0);
00364         HepMatrix Aii(1,1,0);
00365         Aii(1,1)=(H * ebm_HT)(1,1);
00366         R = H * ebm_HT + V_meas;
00367         //double r = (H * ebm_HT)(1,1);
00368         R2 = Aii + V_meas;
00369         double aii = Aii(1,1);
00370         //static HepMatrix K(6,1,0);
00371         HepMatrix K(6,1,0);
00372         int ierr;
00373         K = ebm_HT * R.inverse(ierr);//Kalman gain matrix
00374         double dist = GetDistance(m_nearesthit);
00375         double r = R2(1,1);
00376         double pull;
00377         if(r==0.)pull = 9999;
00378         else
00379         pull = dist/sqrt(r);
00380         m_pull = pull;
00381 //      cout<<"in filter distance between hit and track is "<<dist<<endl;
00382         //static HepVector diff_v_bm(6, 0);
00383         HepVector diff_v_bm(6, 0);
00384         diff_v_bm = K * dist;
00387         //   So, if diff is more than 2 time of window,discard it.
00388         if ((fabs(diff_v_bm[0]) > 2 * n_sigm * sqrt(V_meas(1,1)+fabs(m_Ebm(1,1)))&&m_orient==1) ||
00389                         (fabs(diff_v_bm[1]) > 2 * n_sigm * sqrt(V_meas(1,1)+fabs(m_Ebm(2,2)))&&m_orient==0) ){
00390 //#ifdef DEBUG
00391                 cout<<"KLMK:WARNING! Huge diff_v_bm found!Discard this fit!:  "<<endl;
00392                 return 99999;
00393         }
00395         HepVector v_bm_mod = v_bm + diff_v_bm;
00397         static const HepSymMatrix Id(6,1);
00398         HepMatrix ebm_mod(6,6,0);
00399         ebm_mod = (Id - K*H) * ebm;
00400         double r_bm;
00401         r_bm = (1 - (H*K)(1,1))*dist;
00402         //static HepMatrix Rk(2,2);
00403         double Rk;
00404         Rk = (V_meas - H * ebm_mod * H.T())(1,1);
00405         double chi2;
00406         if(Rk==0.)
00407         chi2 = 99999;
00408         else
00409         chi2 = pull*pull;
00410         m_pull = pull;
00411         if (chi2>0 && chi2 < chi2lim_) {
00412                 HepSymMatrix ebm_replace;
00413                 ebm_replace.assign(ebm_mod);
00414                 HepVector v_bm_replace;
00415                 v_bm_replace = v_bm_mod;
00416                 v_bm_replace[2] = 0;
00417                 m_bm = v_bm_replace;
00418                 m_Ebm= ebm_replace;
00419                 if(fix_)
00420                 {
00421                 double mag2mod(m_bm[5]*m_bm[5]+m_bm[4]*m_bm[4]+m_bm[3]*m_bm[3]);
00422                 v_bm_replace[3] = v_bm_replace[3]*sqrt(mag2)/sqrt(mag2mod);
00423                 v_bm_replace[4] = v_bm_replace[4]*sqrt(mag2)/sqrt(mag2mod);
00424                 v_bm_replace[5] = v_bm_replace[5]*sqrt(mag2)/sqrt(mag2mod);
00425                 m_bm=v_bm_replace;
00426                 }
00428                 // Keep magnitude of momentum
00429                 //double bm52(mag2/(1+(bm()[3]*bm()[3]+bm()[4]*bm()[4]))
00430                 //              *(1+bm()[3]*bm()[3]));
00431                 //v_bm_replace[5] = sqrt(bm52);
00432                 //if (fix_) bm(v_bm_replace);  //I can't confirm if it is needed or not.
00433         }
00435  //       cout<<" in filter chisq is "<<chiSq<<endl;    
00436         return chi2;
00437 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:14:12 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7