
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------  
00002 //   
00003 // Environment:  
00004 //      This software is part of models developed at BES collaboration  
00005 //      based on the EvtGen framework.  If you use all or part  
00006 //      of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgement.  
00007 //        
00008 // Copyright Information: See EvtGen/BesCopyright  
00009 //      Copyright (A) 2006      Ping Rong-Gang @IHEP  
00010 //        
00011 // Module: EvtPhokhara.cc
00012 //         the necessary file: phokharar.F
00013 //                             fist.inc,gen.inc  mix.inc  stdhep.inc
00014 // Description: Modified Lund model at tau-charm energy level, see
00015 //               PHYSICAL REVIEW D, VOLUME 62, 034003
00016 // Modification history:
00017 //   
00018 //   Ping R.-G.    Jan.25, 2010       Module created    
00019 //   The random engine RLU0 is unified with RLU for BesEvtGen
00020 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00021 // 
00022 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPatches.hh"
00023 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPatches.hh"
00024 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtParticle.hh"
00025 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtStringParticle.hh"
00026 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtDecayTable.hh"
00027 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPDL.hh"
00028 #include "EvtGenModels/EvtPhokhara.hh"
00029 #include "EvtGenModels/EvtPhokharaDef.hh"
00030 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtReport.hh"
00031 #include <string>
00032 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtId.hh"
00033 #include <iostream>
00034 #include <iomanip>
00035 #include <fstream>
00036 #include <string.h>
00037 #include <stdlib.h>
00038 #include <unistd.h>
00039 #include <stdio.h>
00041 #include "GeneratorObject/McGenEvent.h"
00042 #include "BesKernel/IBesRndmGenSvc.h"
00043 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandomEngine.h"
00044 #include "cfortran/cfortran.h"
00046 using namespace std;
00047 using namespace CLHEP;
00049 using std::endl;
00050 using std::fstream;
00051 using std::ios;
00052 using std::ofstream;
00053 using std::resetiosflags;
00054 using std::setiosflags;
00055 using std::setw;
00057 int EvtPhokhara::nphokharadecays=0;
00058 EvtDecayBasePtr* EvtPhokhara::phokharadecays=0; 
00059 int EvtPhokhara::ntable=0;
00061 int EvtPhokhara::ncommand=0;
00062 int EvtPhokhara::lcommand=0;
00063 std::string* EvtPhokhara::commands=0;
00064 int EvtPhokhara::nevt=0;
00066 EvtPhokhara::EvtPhokhara(){}
00067 EvtPhokhara::~EvtPhokhara(){
00069   //print out message
00070   // =================================================
00071   if(flags_.pion == 9)
00072     maxima_.Mmax[1] = maxima_.Mmax[1] * (1.0 + lambda_par_.alpha_lamb)*(1.0 + lambda_par_.alpha_lamb)
00073       * lambda_par_.ratio_lamb*lambda_par_.ratio_lamb;
00075   // --- value of the cross section ------------------
00076   if (flags_.nlo == 0) {
00077     sigma = maxima_.Mmax[0]/maxima_.count[0]*maxima_.tr[0];
00078     dsigm = maxima_.Mmax[0]*sqrt((maxima_.tr[0]/maxima_.count[0]-(maxima_.tr[0]/maxima_.count[0])*(maxima_.tr[0]/maxima_.count[0]))/maxima_.count[0]);
00079   } else {
00080     sigma1 = maxima_.Mmax[0]/maxima_.count[0]*maxima_.tr[0];
00081     sigma2 = maxima_.Mmax[1]/maxima_.count[1]*maxima_.tr[1];
00082     dsigm1 = maxima_.Mmax[0]*sqrt((maxima_.tr[0]/maxima_.count[0]-(maxima_.tr[0]/maxima_.count[0])*(maxima_.tr[0]/maxima_.count[0]))/maxima_.count[0]);
00083     dsigm2 = maxima_.Mmax[1]*sqrt((maxima_.tr[1]/maxima_.count[1]-(maxima_.tr[1]/maxima_.count[1])*(maxima_.tr[1]/maxima_.count[1]))/maxima_.count[1]);
00085     sigma = sigma1+sigma2;
00086     dsigm = sqrt(dsigm1*dsigm1 + dsigm2*dsigm2);
00087   }
00088   // --- output --------------------------------------
00089   cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00090   cout << "     PHOKHARA 7.0 Final Statistics                            " << endl;
00091   cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------"  << endl;
00092   cout <<  int(maxima_.tr[0]+maxima_.tr[1]) << " total events accepted of " << endl;
00093   cout <<  int(ievent)            <<  " total events generated" << endl;
00094   cout <<  int(maxima_.tr[0])    <<  " one photon events accepted of " << endl;
00095   cout <<  int(maxima_.count[0]) <<  " events generated" << endl;
00096   cout <<  int(maxima_.tr[1])    <<  " two photon events accepted of " << endl;
00097   cout <<  int(maxima_.count[1]) <<  " events generated" << endl;
00098   cout << endl;
00099   if (flags_.nlo != 0) cout <<  "sigma1(nbarn) = " << sigma1 << " +- " << dsigm1 << endl;
00100   if (flags_.nlo != 0) cout <<  "sigma2(nbarn) = " << sigma2 << " +- " << dsigm2 << endl;
00101   cout <<  "sigma (nbarn) = " << sigma << " +- " << dsigm << endl;
00102   cout << endl;
00103   cout <<  "maximum1 = " << maxima_.gross[0] << "  minimum1 = " << maxima_.klein[0] << endl;
00104   cout <<  "Mmax1    = " << maxima_.Mmax[0]  << endl;
00105   cout <<  "maximum2 = " << maxima_.gross[1] << "  minimum2 = " << maxima_.klein[1] << endl;
00106   cout <<  "Mmax2    = " << maxima_.Mmax[1]  << endl;
00107   cout <<  "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00110   int i;
00111   //the deletion of commands is really uggly!
00113   if (nphokharadecays==0) {
00114     delete [] commands;
00115     commands=0;
00116     return;
00117   }
00119   for(i=0;i<nphokharadecays;i++){
00120     if (phokharadecays[i]==this){
00121       phokharadecays[i]=phokharadecays[nphokharadecays-1];
00122       nphokharadecays--;
00123       if (nphokharadecays==0) {
00124         delete [] commands;
00125         commands=0;
00126       }
00127       return;
00128     }
00129   }
00131   report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "Error in destroying Phokhara model!"<<endl;
00133 }
00136 void EvtPhokhara::getName(std::string& model_name){
00138   model_name="PHOKHARA";     
00140 }
00142 EvtDecayBase* EvtPhokhara::clone(){
00144   return new EvtPhokhara;
00146 }
00149 void EvtPhokhara::initProbMax(){
00151   noProbMax();
00153 }
00156 void EvtPhokhara::init_mode(EvtParticle* p){
00157  m_pion=getArg(0); 
00158  // mu+mu-(0),pi+pi-(1),2pi0pi+pi-(2),
00159  // 2pi+2pi-(3),ppbar(4),nnbar(5),
00160  // K+K-(6),K0K0bar(7),pi+pi-pi0(8), 
00161  // Lamb Lambbar->pi-pi+ppbar(9) 
00162   if(m_pion<0 || m_pion>9){std::cout<<"mode index for phokhar 0~9, but you give "<<m_pion<<std::endl;abort();}
00163   EvtId myvpho=EvtPDL::getId("vpho");
00164   m_E = p->mass();//EvtPDL::getMeanMass(myvpho);
00166   m_tagged = 0;
00167   m_nm = 50000 ; // # of events to determine the maximum
00168   m_nlo = 1;     // Born(0), NLO(1)
00169   m_w = 0.0001;  // soft photon cutoff
00170   m_fsr = 1;     // ISR only(0), ISR+FSR(1), ISR+INT+FSR(2)
00171   m_fsrnlo = 1 ; // yes(1), no(0)
00172   m_NarrowRes = 1 ;// none(0) jpsi(1) psip(2)
00173   m_FF_Kaon = 1 ;  // constrained (0), unconstrained (1), Kuhn-Khodjamirian-Bruch (2)
00174   m_ivac = 0;      // yes(1), no(0)
00175   m_FF_Pion = 0 ;  // KS Pionformfactor(0), GS Pionformfactor old(1) and new(2)
00176   m_f0_model = 0 ; // f0+f0(600): KK model(0), no structure(1),  no f0+f0(600)(2), f0 KLOE(3)
00177   m_q2min = 0.0;   // minimal  hadrons(muons)-gamma-inv mass squared (GeV^2)
00178   m_q2_min_c = 0.0447 ; // minimal inv. mass squared of the hadrons(muons)(GeV^2)
00179   m_q2_max_c = m_E*m_E;    // maximal inv. mass squared of the hadrons(muons)(GeV^2)
00180   m_gmin = 0.001;       // minimal photon energy/missing energy   (GeV)
00181   m_phot1cut = 0.0;     // maximal photon angle/missing momentum angle (grad)
00182   m_phot2cut = 180.0;   // maximal photon angle/missing momentum angle (grad)
00183   m_pi1cut = 0.0 ;      // minimal hadrons(muons) angle (grad)
00184   m_pi2cut = 180.0;     // maximal hadrons(muons) angle (grad)
00186   if(!(m_pion==0 || m_pion==1 || m_pion==6)){m_fsr = 0;  m_fsrnlo = 0 ;}
00187   if( m_pion==9 ){m_nlo = 0 ;}
00188   // --- input parameter initialization -----------
00189   m_initSeed = 123456789;
00190   RLXDINIT(1, m_initSeed);
00191   maxima_.iprint = 0;
00192   flags_.nlo = m_nlo;
00193   flags_.pion = m_pion;
00194   flags_.fsr = m_fsr;
00195   flags_.fsrnlo = m_fsrnlo;
00196   flags_.ivac = m_ivac;
00197   flags_.FF_pion  = m_FF_Pion;
00198   flags_.f0_model = m_f0_model;
00199   flags_.FF_kaon  = m_FF_Kaon;
00200   flags_.narr_res = m_NarrowRes;
00202   ctes_.Sp = m_E*m_E;        ;
00204   cuts_.w = m_w;
00205   cuts_.q2min = m_q2min;
00206   cuts_.q2_min_c = m_q2_min_c;
00207   cuts_.q2_max_c = m_q2_max_c;
00208   cuts_.gmin = m_gmin;
00209   cuts_.phot1cut = m_phot1cut;
00210   cuts_.phot2cut = m_phot2cut;
00211   cuts_.pi1cut = m_pi1cut;
00212   cuts_.pi2cut = m_pi2cut;
00214   INPUT();
00216   // --- print run data ------------------------------
00217   cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00218   if (flags_.pion == 0)
00219     cout << "     PHOKHARA 7.0 : e^+ e^- -> mu^+ mu^- gamma" << endl;
00220   else if (flags_.pion == 1)
00221     cout << "     PHOKHARA 7.0: e^+ e^- -> pi^+ pi^- gamma" << endl;
00222   else if (flags_.pion == 2)
00223     cout << "   PHOKHARA 7.0: e^+ e^- -> pi^+ pi^- 2pi^0 gamma" << endl;
00224   else if (flags_.pion == 3)
00225     cout << "   PHOKHARA 7.0: e^+ e^- -> 2pi^+ 2pi^- gamma" << endl;
00226   else if (flags_.pion == 4)
00227     cout << "   PHOKHARA 7.0: e^+ e^- -> p pbar gamma" << endl;
00228   else if (flags_.pion == 5)
00229     cout << "   PHOKHARA 7.0: e^+ e^- -> n nbar gamma" << endl;
00230   else if (flags_.pion == 6)
00231     cout << "   PHOKHARA 7.0: e^+ e^- -> K^+ K^- gamma" << endl;
00232   else if (flags_.pion == 7)
00233    cout << "   PHOKHARA 7.0: e^+ e^- -> K_0 K_0bar gamma" << endl;
00234   else if (flags_.pion == 8)
00235     cout << "   PHOKHARA 7.0: e^+ e^- -> pi^+ pi^- pi^0 gamma" << endl;
00236   else if (flags_.pion == 9) {
00237     cout <<  "PHOKHARA 7.0 : e^+ e^- ->" << endl;
00238     cout << "  Lambda (-> pi^- p) Lambda bar (-> pi^+ pbar) gamma" << endl;
00239   } else
00240     cout <<  "     PHOKHARA 7.0: not yet implemented" << endl;
00242   // --------------------------------
00243   cout <<  "--------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00244   printf(" %s %f %s\n","cms total energy                       = ",sqrt(ctes_.Sp)," GeV  ");
00246   //if((cuts_.gmin/2.0/ctes_.ebeam) < 0.000098){
00247   if(cuts_.gmin<0.001){
00248     cerr << " minimal missing energy set too small" << endl;
00249     abort();
00250   }
00251   printf(" %s %f %s\n","minimal tagged photon energy           = ",cuts_.gmin," GeV  ");
00252   printf(" %s %f,%f\n","angular cuts on tagged photon          = ",cuts_.phot1cut,cuts_.phot2cut);
00254   // --------------------------------
00255   if (flags_.pion == 0)
00256     printf(" %s %f,%f\n","angular cuts on muons                  = ",cuts_.pi1cut,cuts_.pi2cut);
00257   else if (flags_.pion == 4)
00258     printf(" %s %f,%f\n","angular cuts on protons                = ",cuts_.pi1cut,cuts_.pi2cut);
00259   else if (flags_.pion == 5)
00260     printf(" %s %f,%f\n","angular cuts on neutrons               = ", cuts_.pi1cut,cuts_.pi2cut);
00261   else if ((flags_.pion == 6)||(flags_.pion == 7))
00262     printf(" %s %f,%f\n","angular cuts on kaons                  = ", cuts_.pi1cut,cuts_.pi2cut);
00263   else if (flags_.pion == 9)
00264     printf(" %s %f,%f\n","angular cuts on pions and protons      = ", cuts_.pi1cut,cuts_.pi2cut);
00265   else
00266     printf(" %s %f,%f\n","angular cuts on pions                  = ", cuts_.pi1cut,cuts_.pi2cut);
00267     if (flags_.pion == 0)
00268       printf(" %s %f %s\n","min. muons-tagged photon inv.mass^2    = ", cuts_.q2min," GeV^2");
00269     else if (flags_.pion == 4)
00270       printf(" %s %f %s\n","min. protons-tagged photon inv.mass^2  = ", cuts_.q2min," GeV^2" );
00271     else if (flags_.pion == 5)
00272       printf(" %s %f %s\n","min. neutrons-tagged photon inv.mass^2 = ", cuts_.q2min," GeV^2" );
00273     else if ((flags_.pion == 6)||(flags_.pion == 7))
00274       printf(" %s %f %s\n","min. kaons-tagged photon inv.mass^2    = ", cuts_.q2min," GeV^2" );
00275     else if (flags_.pion == 9)
00276       printf(" %s %f %s\n"," min. lambdas-tagged photon inv.mass^2 = ", cuts_.q2min," GeV^2" );
00277     else
00278       printf(" %s %f %s\n","min. pions-tagged photon inv.mass^2    = ", cuts_.q2min," GeV^2" );
00279     cos1min = cos(cuts_.phot2cut*ctes_.pi/180.0);     // photon1 angle cuts in the 
00280     cos1max = cos(cuts_.phot1cut*ctes_.pi/180.0);     // LAB rest frame   
00281       cos2min = -1.0;                        // photon2 angle limits      
00282       cos2max =  1.0;                        //                           
00283       cos3min = -1.0;                        // hadrons/muons angle limits    
00284       cos3max =  1.0;                        // in their rest frame            
00285       if (flags_.pion == 0)                   // virtual photon energy cut 
00286         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mmu*ctes_.mmu;
00287       else if (flags_.pion == 1)
00288         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mpi*ctes_.mpi;
00289       else if (flags_.pion == 2)
00290         qqmin = 4.0*(ctes_.mpi+ctes_.mpi0)*(ctes_.mpi+ctes_.mpi0);
00291       else if (flags_.pion == 3)
00292         qqmin = 16.0*ctes_.mpi*ctes_.mpi;
00293       else if (flags_.pion == 4)
00294         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mp*ctes_.mp;
00295       else if (flags_.pion == 5)
00296         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mnt*ctes_.mnt;
00297       else if (flags_.pion == 6)
00298         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mKp*ctes_.mKp;
00299       else if (flags_.pion == 7)
00300         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mKn*ctes_.mKn;
00301       else if (flags_.pion == 8)
00302         qqmin = (2.0*ctes_.mpi+ctes_.mpi0)*(2.0*ctes_.mpi+ctes_.mpi0);
00303       else if (flags_.pion == 9)
00304         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mlamb*ctes_.mlamb;
00305       qqmax = ctes_.Sp-2.0*sqrt(ctes_.Sp)*cuts_.gmin;         // if only one photon 
00306       if (cuts_.q2_max_c < qqmax)
00307         qqmax=cuts_.q2_max_c;      // external cuts      
00309       // -------------------
00310       if ( (cuts_.q2_min_c > qqmin) && (cuts_.q2_min_c < (ctes_.Sp*(1.0-2.0*(cuts_.gmin/sqrt(ctes_.Sp)+cuts_.w))) ) )
00311         qqmin = cuts_.q2_min_c;
00312       else {
00313         cerr << "------------------------------" << endl;
00314         cerr << " Q^2_min TOO SMALL" << endl;
00315         cerr << " Q^2_min CHANGED BY PHOKHARA = " << qqmin << " GeV^2" << endl;
00316         cerr << "------------------------------" << endl;
00317       }
00318       // -------------------
00319       if(qqmax <= qqmin){
00320         cerr << " Q^2_max to small " << endl;
00321         cerr << " Q^2_max = " << qqmax << endl;
00322         cerr << " Q^2_min = " << qqmin << endl;
00323         abort();
00324       }
00326       // -------------------
00327       if (flags_.pion == 0) {
00328         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "minimal muon-pair invariant mass^2     = ", qqmin," GeV^2");
00329         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "maximal muon-pair invariant mass^2     = ", qqmax," GeV^2");
00330       } else if (flags_.pion == 1) {
00331         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "minimal pion-pair invariant mass^2     = ", qqmin," GeV^2");
00332         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "maximal pion-pair invariant mass^2     = ", qqmax," GeV^2");
00333       } else if (flags_.pion == 4) {
00334         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "minimal proton-pair invariant mass^2   = ", qqmin," GeV^2");
00335         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "maximal proton-pair invariant mass^2   = ", qqmax," GeV^2");
00336       } else if (flags_.pion == 5) {
00337         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "minimal neutron-pair invariant mass^2  = ", qqmin," GeV^2");
00338         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "maximal neutron-pair invariant mass^2  = ", qqmax," GeV^2");
00339       } else if ((flags_.pion == 6) || (flags_.pion == 7)) {
00340         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "minimal kaon-pair invariant mass^2     = ", qqmin," GeV^2");
00341         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "maximal kaon-pair invariant mass^2     = ", qqmax," GeV^2");
00342       } else if(flags_.pion == 8){
00343         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "minimal three-pion invariant mass^2    = ", qqmin," GeV^2");
00344         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "maximal three-pion invariant mass^2    = ", qqmax," GeV^2");
00345       } else if(flags_.pion == 9){
00346         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "minimal lambda-pair invariant mass^2  = ", qqmin," GeV^2");
00347         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "maximal lambda-pair invariant mass^2  = ", qqmax," GeV^2");
00348       } else {
00349         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "minimal four-pion invariant mass^2     = ", qqmin," GeV^2" );
00350         printf(" %s %f %s\n", "maximal four-pion invariant mass^2     = ", qqmax," GeV^2");
00351       }
00352       // -------------------
00353       if (flags_.nlo == 0) {
00354         cout <<  "Born" << endl;
00355          if(flags_.fsrnlo != 0){
00356            cerr << "WRONG FSRNLO flag - only fsrnlo=0 allowed for Born" << endl;
00357            abort();
00358          }
00359       }
00360       // -------------------
00361       if((flags_.pion == 9) && (flags_.nlo != 0)) {
00362         cerr << "WRONG NLO flag - only Born allowed for Lambdas"<< endl;
00363         cerr << "If you feel that you need NLO"<< endl;
00364         cerr << "please contact the authors"<< endl;
00365         abort();
00366       }
00367       // -------------------
00368       if (flags_.nlo == 1) printf(" %s %f\n", "NLO:    soft photon cutoff w           = ",cuts_.w);
00369       if ((flags_.pion <= 1) || (flags_.pion == 6))
00370         {
00372           if( ! ((flags_.fsr == 1) || (flags_.fsr == 2) || (flags_.fsrnlo == 0)
00373               || (flags_.fsr == 1) || (flags_.fsrnlo == 1)
00374                  || (flags_.fsr == 0) || (flags_.fsrnlo == 0))) {
00375             cerr << "WRONG combination of FSR, FSRNLO flags" <<endl;
00376             abort();
00377           }
00378          // ------------------
00379           if (flags_.fsr == 0)
00380             cout << "ISR only" << endl;
00381           else if (flags_.fsr == 1)
00382             cout << "ISR+FSR" << endl;
00383           else if (flags_.fsr == 2) {
00384             if (flags_.nlo == 0)
00385               cout << "ISR+INT+FSR" << endl;
00386             else {
00387               cerr << "WRONG FSR flag: interference is included only for nlo=0" << endl;
00388               abort();
00389             }
00390           }
00391           else {
00392             cerr << "WRONG FSR flag" << flags_.fsr << endl;
00393             abort();
00394           }
00395           if(flags_.fsrnlo == 1)
00396             cout << "IFSNLO included" << endl;
00397         }
00398       else
00399         {
00400           if((flags_.fsr == 0) && (flags_.fsrnlo == 0))
00401             cout << "ISR only" << endl;
00402           else {
00403             cerr << "FSR is implemented only for pi+pi-, mu+mu- and K+K- modes" << endl;
00404             abort();
00405           }
00406         }
00407      // ------------------
00408       if(flags_.ivac == 0){
00409         cout << "Vacuum polarization is NOT included" << endl;}
00410         else if(flags_.ivac == 1){
00411         cout << "Vacuum polarization  by Fred Jegerlehner (http://www-com.physik.hu-berlin.de/fjeger/alphaQEDn.uu)"  << endl;}
00412         else if(flags_.ivac == 2){
00413         cout << "Vacuum polarization (VP_HLMNT_v1_3nonr) by Daisuke Nomura and Thomas Teubner" << endl;}
00414         else {
00415         cout << "WRONG vacuum polarization switch" << endl;
00416         abort();
00417         }
00419 // -----------------
00420       if(flags_.pion == 1){
00421         if(flags_.FF_pion == 0)
00422           cout << "Kuhn-Santamaria PionFormFactor" << endl;
00423         else if(flags_.FF_pion == 1)
00424           cout << "Gounaris-Sakurai PionFormFactor old" << endl;
00425         else if(flags_.FF_pion == 2)
00426           cout << "Gounaris-Sakurai PionFormFactor new" << endl;
00427         else {
00428           cout << "WRONG PionFormFactor switch" << endl;
00429           abort();
00430         }
00431          if(flags_.fsr != 0){
00432          if(flags_.f0_model == 0)
00433            cout << "f0+f0(600): K+K- model" << endl;
00434          else if(flags_.f0_model == 1)
00435            cout << "f0+f0(600): \"no structure\" model" << endl;
00436          else if(flags_.f0_model == 2)
00437            cout << "NO f0+f0(600)" << endl;
00438          else if(flags_.f0_model == 3)
00439            cout << "only f0, KLOE: Cesare Bini-private communication" << endl;
00440          else {
00441            cout << "WRONG f0+f0(600) switch" << endl;
00442            abort();
00443          }
00444         }
00445       }
00446 //-------
00447       if((flags_.pion == 6) || (flags_.pion==7)){
00448         if(flags_.FF_kaon == 0)
00449           cout << "constrained KaonFormFactor" << endl;
00450         else if(flags_.FF_kaon == 1) {
00451           cout << "unconstrained KaonFormFactor" << endl;}
00452         else if(flags_.FF_kaon == 2) {
00453           cout << "Kuhn-Khodjamirian-Bruch KaonFormFactor" << endl;}
00454         else{
00455           cout << "WRONG KaonFormFactor switch" << endl;
00456           abort();
00457         }
00458       }
00459 // --------------------
00460      if((flags_.pion == 0) || (flags_.pion==1) || (flags_.pion == 6) || (flags_.pion == 7)){
00461         if(flags_.narr_res == 1){
00462           cout << "THE NARROW RESONANCE J/PSI INCLUDED" << endl;}
00463         else if(flags_.narr_res == 2){
00464           cout << "THE NARROW RESONANCE PSI(2S) INCLUDED" << endl;}
00465         else if(flags_.narr_res != 0){
00466           cout << "wrong flag narr_res: only 0, 1 or 2 allowed" << endl;
00467           abort();
00468         }
00469        }
00470 // ------
00471   cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
00472 //
00473  // =================================================
00474 // --- finding the maximum -------------------------
00475       for(int i = 0; i<2; i++)
00476         {
00477           maxima_.Mmax[i] = 1.0;
00478           maxima_.gross[i] = 0.0;
00479           maxima_.klein[i] = 0.0;
00480         }
00482       if (flags_.nlo == 0)
00483         maxima_.Mmax[1]=0.0;   // only 1 photon events generated
00485       maxima_.tr[0] = 0.0;
00486       maxima_.tr[1] = 0.0;
00487       maxima_.count[0] = 0.0;
00488       maxima_.count[1] = 0.0;
00490       // =================================================
00491       // --- beginning the MC loop event generation ------
00492       for(int j = 1; j <= m_nm; j++)
00493         {
00494           RANLXDF(Ar_r,1);
00495           Ar[1] = Ar_r[0];
00496           if (Ar[1] <= (maxima_.Mmax[0]/(maxima_.Mmax[0]+maxima_.Mmax[1]))) {
00497             maxima_.count[0] = maxima_.count[0]+1.0;
00498             GEN_1PH(1,qqmin,qqmax,cos1min,cos1max,cos3min,cos3max);
00499           }
00500           else {
00501             maxima_.count[1] = maxima_.count[1]+1.0;
00502             GEN_2PH(1,qqmin,cos1min,cos1max,cos2min,cos2max,cos3min,cos3max);
00503           }
00504         }
00505       // --- end of the MC loop --------------------------
00506       // =================================================
00507       // --- for the second run ---
00508       maxima_.Mmax[0] = maxima_.gross[0]+.05*sqrt(maxima_.gross[0]*maxima_.gross[0]);
00509       maxima_.Mmax[1] = maxima_.gross[1]+(.03+.02*ctes_.Sp)*sqrt(maxima_.gross[1]*maxima_.gross[1]);
00510       theMmax[m_pion][0]=maxima_.Mmax[0];
00511       theMmax[m_pion][1]=maxima_.Mmax[1];
00513       if((flags_.pion == 1) && (flags_.fsrnlo == 1))
00514         maxima_.Mmax[1]=maxima_.Mmax[1]*1.5;
00515       if((flags_.pion == 0) && (flags_.fsrnlo == 1))
00516         maxima_.Mmax[1]=maxima_.Mmax[1]*1.5;
00518       if((flags_.pion == 0) && (flags_.fsr == 1) && (flags_.fsrnlo == 0))
00519         maxima_.Mmax[1]=maxima_.Mmax[1]*1.2;
00521       if((flags_.pion == 2) || (flags_.pion == 3)){
00522         maxima_.Mmax[0]=maxima_.Mmax[0]*1.1;
00523         maxima_.Mmax[1]=maxima_.Mmax[1]*1.1;
00524       }
00526       if(flags_.pion == 8){
00527         maxima_.Mmax[0]=maxima_.Mmax[0]*1.08;
00528         maxima_.Mmax[1]=maxima_.Mmax[1]*1.1;
00529       }
00530 // --- end of the second run -----------------------
00532       maxima_.tr[0] = 0.0;
00533       maxima_.tr[1] = 0.0;
00534       maxima_.count[0] = 0.0;
00535       maxima_.count[1] = 0.0;
00536 }
00540 void EvtPhokhara::init(){
00541   checkNDaug(0);
00542   checkNArg(1);
00543   nevtgen.resize(10);
00544   theMmax.resize(10);
00545   for(int i=0;i<=10;i++){ theMmax[i].resize(2); nevtgen[i]=0;}
00547   Vfs.push_back(" mu+mu-");
00548   Vfs.push_back(" pi+pi-");
00549   Vfs.push_back(" 2pi0pi+pi-");
00550   Vfs.push_back(" 2pi+2pi-");
00551   Vfs.push_back(" ppbar");
00552   Vfs.push_back(" nnbar");
00553   Vfs.push_back(" K+K-");
00554   Vfs.push_back(" K0K0bar");
00555   Vfs.push_back(" pi+pi-pi0");
00556   Vfs.push_back(" Lambda Lambdabar");
00558   std::string locvp=getenv("BESEVTGENROOT");
00559   system("cat $BESEVTGENROOT/share/phokhara.param>phokhara.param");
00562   if (getParentId().isAlias()){
00564     report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "EvtPhokhara finds that you are decaying the"<<endl
00565                            << " aliased particle "
00566                            << EvtPDL::name(getParentId()).c_str()
00567                            << " with the Phokhara model"<<endl
00568                            << " this does not work, please modify decay table."
00569                            << endl;
00570     report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "Will terminate execution!"<<endl;
00571     ::abort();
00573   }
00575   //store(this);
00577 }
00580 std::string EvtPhokhara::commandName(){
00582   return std::string("PhokharaPar");
00584 }
00586 void EvtPhokhara::command(std::string cmd){
00588   if (ncommand==lcommand){
00590     lcommand=10+2*lcommand;
00592     std::string* newcommands=new std::string[lcommand];
00594     int i;
00596     for(i=0;i<ncommand;i++){
00597       newcommands[i]=commands[i];
00598     }
00600     delete [] commands;
00602     commands=newcommands;
00604   }
00606   commands[ncommand]=cmd;
00608   ncommand++;
00610 }
00614 void EvtPhokhara::decay( EvtParticle *p){
00615   EvtId myvpho=EvtPDL::getId("vpho");
00616   if(p->getId()!=myvpho) {std::cout<<"Parent particle is required to be vpho for Phokhara model"<<std::endl;abort();}
00617   m_pion=getArg(0);
00618   if(nevtgen[m_pion]==0) {init_mode(p);}
00619   else{init_evt(p);}
00620   std::cout<<"PHOKHARA : "<<Vfs[m_pion]<<" mode "<<std::endl;
00622   int istdheppar=EvtPDL::getStdHep(p->getId());
00623   int ntrials = 0;
00624   int tr_old[2];
00625   tr_old[0] = (int)maxima_.tr[0];
00626   tr_old[1] = (int)maxima_.tr[1];
00628   while( ntrials < 10000)
00629     {
00630       ievent++;
00631       RANLXDF(Ar_r,1);
00632       Ar[1] = Ar_r[0];
00634       if (Ar[1] <= (maxima_.Mmax[0]/(maxima_.Mmax[0]+maxima_.Mmax[1]))) {
00635         maxima_.count[0] = maxima_.count[0]+1.0;
00636         GEN_1PH(2,qqmin,qqmax,cos1min,cos1max,cos3min,cos3max);
00637       }
00638       else {
00639         maxima_.count[1] = maxima_.count[1]+1.0;
00640         GEN_2PH(2,qqmin,cos1min,cos1max,cos2min,cos2max,cos3min,cos3max);
00641       }
00643       if( ((int)maxima_.tr[0]+(int)maxima_.tr[1]) > (tr_old[0]+tr_old[1]) ) // event accepted after cuts
00644         {
00645           goto storedEvents;
00646         }
00647       ntrials ++;
00648     }
00650   std::cout <<"FATAL: Could not satisfy cuts after " << ntrials << "trials. Terminate." <<std::endl;
00651   //----
00652  storedEvents:
00653   int more=0;
00654   int numstable=0;
00655   int numparton=0;
00656   EvtId evtnumstable[100];//
00657   EvtVector4R p4[20];
00659   // except ISR photos, products depending on channel
00660   if (flags_.pion == 0) { // mu+ mu-
00661     // mu+
00662     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(-13);
00663     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][5],ctes_.momenta[1][5], ctes_.momenta[2][5], ctes_.momenta[3][5]);     
00664     numstable++;
00665     // mu -
00666     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(13);
00667     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][6],ctes_.momenta[1][6], ctes_.momenta[2][6], ctes_.momenta[3][6]);     
00668     numstable++;
00669   }
00670   if (flags_.pion == 1) { // pi+ pi-
00671     // pi+
00672     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(211);
00673     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][5],ctes_.momenta[1][5], ctes_.momenta[2][5], ctes_.momenta[3][5]);     
00674     numstable++;
00675     // pi -
00676     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(-211);
00677     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][6],ctes_.momenta[1][6], ctes_.momenta[2][6], ctes_.momenta[3][6]);     
00678     numstable++;
00679   }
00680   if (flags_.pion == 2) { // pi+ pi-2pi0
00681     // pi0
00682     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(111);
00683     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][5],ctes_.momenta[1][5], ctes_.momenta[2][5], ctes_.momenta[3][5]);     
00684     numstable++;
00685     // pi0
00686     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(111);
00687     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][6],ctes_.momenta[1][6], ctes_.momenta[2][6], ctes_.momenta[3][6]);     
00688     numstable++;
00689     // pi-
00690     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(-211);
00691     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][7],ctes_.momenta[1][7], ctes_.momenta[2][7], ctes_.momenta[3][7]);     
00692     numstable++;
00693     // pi +
00694     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(211);
00695     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][8],ctes_.momenta[1][8], ctes_.momenta[2][8], ctes_.momenta[3][8]);     
00696     numstable++;
00697   }   
00698   if (flags_.pion == 3) { // 2(pi+ pi-)
00699     // pi+
00700     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(211);
00701     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][5],ctes_.momenta[1][5], ctes_.momenta[2][5], ctes_.momenta[3][5]);     
00702     numstable++;
00703     // pi-
00704     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(-211);
00705     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][6],ctes_.momenta[1][6], ctes_.momenta[2][6], ctes_.momenta[3][6]);     
00706     numstable++;
00707     // pi+
00708     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(-211);
00709     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][7],ctes_.momenta[1][7], ctes_.momenta[2][7], ctes_.momenta[3][7]);     
00710     numstable++;
00711     // pi -
00712     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(211);
00713     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][8],ctes_.momenta[1][8], ctes_.momenta[2][8], ctes_.momenta[3][8]);     
00714     numstable++;
00715   }   
00716   if (flags_.pion == 4) { // ppbar
00717     // pbar
00718     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(-2212);
00719     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][5],ctes_.momenta[1][5], ctes_.momenta[2][5], ctes_.momenta[3][5]);     
00720     numstable++;
00721     // p
00722     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(2212);
00723     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][6],ctes_.momenta[1][6], ctes_.momenta[2][6], ctes_.momenta[3][6]);     
00724     numstable++;
00725   }
00726   if (flags_.pion == 5) { // nnbar
00727     // pbar
00728     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(-2112);
00729     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][5],ctes_.momenta[1][5], ctes_.momenta[2][5], ctes_.momenta[3][5]);     
00730     numstable++;
00731     // p
00732     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(2112);
00733     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][6],ctes_.momenta[1][6], ctes_.momenta[2][6], ctes_.momenta[3][6]);     
00734     numstable++;
00735   }
00736   if (flags_.pion == 6) { // K+ K-
00737     // K+
00738     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(321);
00739     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][5],ctes_.momenta[1][5], ctes_.momenta[2][5], ctes_.momenta[3][5]);     
00740     numstable++;
00741     // K -
00742     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(-321);
00743     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][6],ctes_.momenta[1][6], ctes_.momenta[2][6], ctes_.momenta[3][6]);     
00744     numstable++;
00745   }
00746   if (flags_.pion == 7) { // K0K0bar
00747     // Kbar
00748     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(310);
00749     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][5],ctes_.momenta[1][5], ctes_.momenta[2][5], ctes_.momenta[3][5]);     
00750     numstable++;
00751     // K0
00752     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(130);
00753     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][6],ctes_.momenta[1][6], ctes_.momenta[2][6], ctes_.momenta[3][6]);     
00754     numstable++;
00755   }
00756   if (flags_.pion == 8) { // pi+ pi-pi0
00757     // pi+
00758     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(211);
00759     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][5],ctes_.momenta[1][5], ctes_.momenta[2][5], ctes_.momenta[3][5]);     
00760     numstable++;
00761     // pi-
00762     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(-211);
00763     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][6],ctes_.momenta[1][6], ctes_.momenta[2][6], ctes_.momenta[3][6]);     
00764     numstable++;
00765     // pi0
00766     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(111);
00767     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][7],ctes_.momenta[1][7], ctes_.momenta[2][7], ctes_.momenta[3][7]);     
00768     numstable++;
00769   } 
00770   if (flags_.pion == 9) { //Lambda Lambdabar-> pi+ pi- ppbar
00771     // pi+
00772     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(211);
00773     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][7],ctes_.momenta[1][7], ctes_.momenta[2][7], ctes_.momenta[3][7]);     
00774     numstable++;
00775     // pbar
00776     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(-2212);
00777     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][8],ctes_.momenta[1][8], ctes_.momenta[2][8], ctes_.momenta[3][8]);     
00778     numstable++;
00779     // pi-
00780     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(-211);
00781     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][9],ctes_.momenta[1][9], ctes_.momenta[2][9], ctes_.momenta[3][9]);     
00782     numstable++; 
00783     // p
00784     evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(2212);
00785     p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][10],ctes_.momenta[1][10], ctes_.momenta[2][10], ctes_.momenta[3][10]);     
00786     numstable++;
00787   }   
00789  // ISR gamma      
00790   evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(22);
00791   p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][2],ctes_.momenta[1][2], ctes_.momenta[2][2], ctes_.momenta[3][2]);     
00792   numstable++;
00793   if( ctes_.momenta[0][3] != 0 ) // second photon exists
00794     {
00795       evtnumstable[numstable]=EvtPDL::evtIdFromStdHep(22);
00796       p4[numstable].set(ctes_.momenta[0][3],ctes_.momenta[1][3], ctes_.momenta[2][3], ctes_.momenta[3][3]);     
00797       numstable++;
00798     }
00800   int channel=EvtDecayTable::inChannelList(p->getId(),numstable,evtnumstable);
00801   more=(channel!=-1);
00802   if(more) {std::cout<<"Existence of mode "<<channel<<" in exclusive decay list has the same final state as this one"<<std::endl;abort(); }
00804   p->makeDaughters(numstable,evtnumstable);
00806   int ndaugFound=0;
00807   EvtVector4R SUMP4(0,0,0,0);
00808   for(int i=0;i<numstable;i++){
00809     p->getDaug(i)->init(evtnumstable[i],p4[i]);
00810     ndaugFound++;
00811   }
00812   if ( ndaugFound == 0 ) {
00813     report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << "Phokhara has failed to do a decay ";
00814     report(ERROR,"EvtGen") << EvtPDL::name(p->getId()).c_str() << " " << p->mass()<<endl;
00815     assert(0);
00816   }
00818   nevtgen[m_pion]++;  
00819   return ;
00821 }
00825 void EvtPhokhara::store(EvtDecayBase* jsdecay){
00827   if (nphokharadecays==ntable){
00829     EvtDecayBasePtr* newphokharadecays=new EvtDecayBasePtr[2*ntable+10];
00830     int i;
00831     for(i=0;i<ntable;i++){
00832       newphokharadecays[i]=phokharadecays[i];
00833     }
00834     ntable=2*ntable+10;
00835     delete [] phokharadecays;
00836     phokharadecays=newphokharadecays;
00837   }
00839   phokharadecays[nphokharadecays++]=jsdecay;
00843 }
00846 void EvtPhokhara::PhokharaInit(int dummy){
00847   static int first=1;
00848   if (first){
00850     first=0;
00851     //for(int i=0;i<ncommand;i++)
00852     // lugive0_(commands[i].c_str(),strlen(commands[i].c_str()));
00853   }
00855 }
00859 void EvtPhokhara::init_evt(EvtParticle* p){
00860  m_pion=getArg(0); 
00861  // mu+mu-(0),pi+pi-(1),2pi0pi+pi-(2),
00862  // 2pi+2pi-(3),ppbar(4),nnbar(5),
00863  // K+K-(6),K0K0bar(7),pi+pi-pi0(8), 
00864  // Lamb Lambbar->pi-pi+ppbar(9) 
00865   if(m_pion<0 || m_pion>9){std::cout<<"mode index for phokhar 0~9, but you give "<<m_pion<<std::endl;abort();}
00866   EvtId myvpho=EvtPDL::getId("vpho");
00867   m_E = p->mass();//EvtPDL::getMeanMass(myvpho);
00869   m_tagged = 0;
00870   m_nm = 50000 ; // # of events to determine the maximum
00871   m_nlo = 1;     // Born(0), NLO(1)
00872   m_w = 0.0001;  // soft photon cutoff
00873   m_fsr = 1;     // ISR only(0), ISR+FSR(1), ISR+INT+FSR(2)
00874   m_fsrnlo = 1 ; // yes(1), no(0)
00875   m_NarrowRes = 1 ;// none(0) jpsi(1) psip(2)
00876   m_FF_Kaon = 1 ;  // constrained (0), unconstrained (1), Kuhn-Khodjamirian-Bruch (2)
00877   m_ivac = 0;      // yes(1), no(0)
00878   m_FF_Pion = 0 ;  // KS Pionformfactor(0), GS Pionformfactor old(1) and new(2)
00879   m_f0_model = 0 ; // f0+f0(600): KK model(0), no structure(1),  no f0+f0(600)(2), f0 KLOE(3)
00880   m_q2min = 0.0;   // minimal  hadrons(muons)-gamma-inv mass squared (GeV^2)
00881   m_q2_min_c = 0.0447 ; // minimal inv. mass squared of the hadrons(muons)(GeV^2)
00882   m_q2_max_c = m_E*m_E;    // maximal inv. mass squared of the hadrons(muons)(GeV^2)
00883   m_gmin = 0.001;       // minimal photon energy/missing energy   (GeV)
00884   m_phot1cut = 0.0;     // maximal photon angle/missing momentum angle (grad)
00885   m_phot2cut = 180.0;   // maximal photon angle/missing momentum angle (grad)
00886   m_pi1cut = 0.0 ;      // minimal hadrons(muons) angle (grad)
00887   m_pi2cut = 180.0;     // maximal hadrons(muons) angle (grad)
00889   if(!(m_pion==0 || m_pion==1 || m_pion==6)){m_fsr = 0;  m_fsrnlo = 0 ;}
00890   if( m_pion==9 ){m_nlo = 0 ;}
00891   // --- input parameter initialization -----------
00892   maxima_.iprint = 0;
00893   flags_.nlo = m_nlo;
00894   flags_.pion = m_pion;
00895   flags_.fsr = m_fsr;
00896   flags_.fsrnlo = m_fsrnlo;
00897   flags_.ivac = m_ivac;
00898   flags_.FF_pion  = m_FF_Pion;
00899   flags_.f0_model = m_f0_model;
00900   flags_.FF_kaon  = m_FF_Kaon;
00901   flags_.narr_res = m_NarrowRes;
00903   ctes_.Sp = m_E*m_E;        ;
00905   cuts_.w = m_w;
00906   cuts_.q2min = m_q2min;
00907   cuts_.q2_min_c = m_q2_min_c;
00908   cuts_.q2_max_c = m_q2_max_c;
00909   cuts_.gmin = m_gmin;
00910   cuts_.phot1cut = m_phot1cut;
00911   cuts_.phot2cut = m_phot2cut;
00912   cuts_.pi1cut = m_pi1cut;
00913   cuts_.pi2cut = m_pi2cut;
00915   INPUT();
00917     cos1min = cos(cuts_.phot2cut*ctes_.pi/180.0);     // photon1 angle cuts in the 
00918     cos1max = cos(cuts_.phot1cut*ctes_.pi/180.0);     // LAB rest frame   
00919       cos2min = -1.0;                        // photon2 angle limits      
00920       cos2max =  1.0;                        //                           
00921       cos3min = -1.0;                        // hadrons/muons angle limits    
00922       cos3max =  1.0;                        // in their rest frame            
00923       if (flags_.pion == 0)                   // virtual photon energy cut 
00924         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mmu*ctes_.mmu;
00925       else if (flags_.pion == 1)
00926         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mpi*ctes_.mpi;
00927       else if (flags_.pion == 2)
00928         qqmin = 4.0*(ctes_.mpi+ctes_.mpi0)*(ctes_.mpi+ctes_.mpi0);
00929       else if (flags_.pion == 3)
00930         qqmin = 16.0*ctes_.mpi*ctes_.mpi;
00931       else if (flags_.pion == 4)
00932         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mp*ctes_.mp;
00933       else if (flags_.pion == 5)
00934         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mnt*ctes_.mnt;
00935       else if (flags_.pion == 6)
00936         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mKp*ctes_.mKp;
00937       else if (flags_.pion == 7)
00938         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mKn*ctes_.mKn;
00939       else if (flags_.pion == 8)
00940         qqmin = (2.0*ctes_.mpi+ctes_.mpi0)*(2.0*ctes_.mpi+ctes_.mpi0);
00941       else if (flags_.pion == 9)
00942         qqmin = 4.0*ctes_.mlamb*ctes_.mlamb;
00943       qqmax = ctes_.Sp-2.0*sqrt(ctes_.Sp)*cuts_.gmin;         // if only one photon 
00944       if (cuts_.q2_max_c < qqmax)
00945         qqmax=cuts_.q2_max_c;      // external cuts      
00947       // -------------------
00948       if ( (cuts_.q2_min_c > qqmin) && (cuts_.q2_min_c < (ctes_.Sp*(1.0-2.0*(cuts_.gmin/sqrt(ctes_.Sp)+cuts_.w))) ) )
00949         qqmin = cuts_.q2_min_c;
00950       else {
00951       }
00954  // =================================================
00955 // --- finding the maximum -------------------------
00956       for(int i = 0; i<2; i++)
00957         {
00958           maxima_.Mmax[i] = 1.0;
00959           maxima_.gross[i] = 0.0;
00960           maxima_.klein[i] = 0.0;
00961         }
00963       if (flags_.nlo == 0)
00964         maxima_.Mmax[1]=0.0;   // only 1 photon events generated
00966       maxima_.tr[0] = 0.0;
00967       maxima_.tr[1] = 0.0;
00968       maxima_.count[0] = 0.0;
00969       maxima_.count[1] = 0.0;
00971       // =================================================
00972       // --- for the second run ---
00973       maxima_.Mmax[0] = theMmax[m_pion][0];
00974       maxima_.Mmax[1] = theMmax[m_pion][1]; 
00975       if((flags_.pion == 1) && (flags_.fsrnlo == 1))
00976         maxima_.Mmax[1]=maxima_.Mmax[1]*1.5;
00977       if((flags_.pion == 0) && (flags_.fsrnlo == 1))
00978         maxima_.Mmax[1]=maxima_.Mmax[1]*1.5;
00980       if((flags_.pion == 0) && (flags_.fsr == 1) && (flags_.fsrnlo == 0))
00981         maxima_.Mmax[1]=maxima_.Mmax[1]*1.2;
00983       if((flags_.pion == 2) || (flags_.pion == 3)){
00984         maxima_.Mmax[0]=maxima_.Mmax[0]*1.1;
00985         maxima_.Mmax[1]=maxima_.Mmax[1]*1.1;
00986       }
00988       if(flags_.pion == 8){
00989         maxima_.Mmax[0]=maxima_.Mmax[0]*1.08;
00990         maxima_.Mmax[1]=maxima_.Mmax[1]*1.1;
00991       }
00992 // --- end of the second run -----------------------
00994       maxima_.tr[0] = 0.0;
00995       maxima_.tr[1] = 0.0;
00996       maxima_.count[0] = 0.0;
00997       maxima_.count[1] = 0.0;
00998 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:12:20 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7