
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //
00003 // Environment:
00004 //      This software is part of the EvtGen package developed jointly
00005 //      for the BaBar and CLEO collaborations.  If you use all or part
00006 //      of it, please give an appropriate acknowledgement.
00007 //
00008 // Copyright Information: See EvtGen/COPYRIGHT
00009 //      Copyright (C) 1998      Caltech, UCSB
00010 //
00011 // Module: EvtCalHelAmp.cc
00012 //
00013 // Description: Routine to decay a particle according th phase space
00014 //
00015 // Modification history:
00016 //
00017 //    RYD       January 8, 1997       Module created
00018 //
00019 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00020 //
00021 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPatches.hh"
00022 #include <stdlib.h>
00023 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtParticle.hh"
00024 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtGenKine.hh"
00025 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtPDL.hh"
00026 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtReport.hh"
00027 #include "EvtGenModels/EvtCalHelAmp.hh"
00028 #include "EvtGenModels/EvtGlobalSet.hh"
00029 #include <string>
00031 double EvtCalHelAmp::_H2err=0;
00032 double EvtCalHelAmp::_H1err=0;
00033 double EvtCalHelAmp::_H0err=0;
00034 double EvtCalHelAmp::_H2=0;
00035 double EvtCalHelAmp::_H1=0;
00036 double EvtCalHelAmp::_H0=0;
00037 int EvtCalHelAmp::nevt=0;
00038 EvtCalHelAmp::~EvtCalHelAmp() {}
00040 void EvtCalHelAmp::getName(std::string& model_name){
00042   model_name="CALHELAMP";     
00044 }
00046 EvtDecayBase* EvtCalHelAmp::clone(){
00048   return new EvtCalHelAmp;
00050 }
00053 void EvtCalHelAmp::init(){
00054   _H2=0;_H1=0;_H0=0;_H2err=0;_H1err=0;_H0err=0;nevt=0;
00055   // check that there are 1 arguments (the number of parameters)
00056   checkNArg(4);
00057   nd=getNArg();
00058   VC.resize(nd); 
00059   for(int i=0;i<nd;i++) VC[i].resize(nd);
00060   ifstream coverrf("myerr.dat");
00061   if(coverrf==0) {std::cout<<"File of covariant error (myerr.dat)" <<" is not found"<<endl;abort();}
00062   for(int i=0;i<nd;i++){
00063     for(int j=0;j<nd;j++){
00064       double xr;
00065       coverrf>>xr;
00066       VC[i][j]=xr;
00067     }
00068   }
00070 }
00072 void EvtCalHelAmp::initProbMax(){
00074   noProbMax();
00076 }
00078 void EvtCalHelAmp::decay( EvtParticle *p ){
00079   if(getNArg()!=4) {cout<<"The model have 6 parameters: |g00| phi00 |g22| phi22 |g42| phi42"<<endl; abort();}
00081   double weight = p->initializePhaseSpace(getNDaug(),getDaugs());
00082   //  std::cout<<"weight= "<<weight<<std::endl;
00083   //std::cout<<p->getP4().mass()<<" "<<p->getDaug(0)->getP4().mass()<<" "<<p->getDaug(1)->getP4().mass()<<std::endl;
00084   std::string p0str=EvtPDL::name(p->getId());
00085   std::string p1str=EvtPDL::name(p->getDaug(0)->getId());
00086   std::string p2str=EvtPDL::name(p->getDaug(1)->getId());
00087   if(p1str=="K_2*+" || p2str=="K_2*+" ||p1str=="K_2*0" || p2str=="K_2*0" ) {flag=2;} else
00088   if(p1str=="K_3*+" || p2str=="K_3*+" ||p1str=="K_3*0" || p2str=="K_3*0" ) {flag=3;} else
00089   if(p1str=="Zc+"   || p2str=="pi-"   ||p1str=="Zc-"   || p2str=="pi^+"  ) {flag=4;} else
00090   if(p0str=="Zc+"   && (p1str=="J/psi" || p2str=="J/psi")  ) {flag=5;} 
00091   //Helicity amplitude for 2+ -> VP
00092   EvtVector4R p1= p->getDaug(0)->getP4();
00093   double r= 2*p1.d3mag();
00094   double R=3.0;
00095   double pi=3.1415926;
00096   EvtBlattWeisskopf B0(0,R,r/2);  double b0=B0.get(r/2);
00097   EvtBlattWeisskopf B1(1,R,r/2);  double b1=B1.get(r/2);
00098   EvtBlattWeisskopf B2(2,R,r/2);  double b2=B2.get(r/2);
00099   EvtBlattWeisskopf B3(3,R,r/2);  double b3=B3.get(r/2);
00100   EvtBlattWeisskopf B4(4,R,r/2);  double b4=B4.get(r/2);
00101   double g02 =   getArg(0);
00102   double phi02 = getArg(1)*2*pi;
00103   double g22 =   getArg(2);
00104   double phi22 = getArg(3)*2*pi;
00105   //double g42 =   getArg(4);
00106   //double phi42 = getArg(5)*2*pi;
00107   EvtComplex G02(g02*cos(phi02),g02*sin(phi02));
00108   EvtComplex G22(g22*cos(phi22),g22*sin(phi22));
00109   //EvtComplex G42(g42*cos(phi42),g42*sin(phi42));
00110   std::vector<EvtComplex> VG; VG.clear();
00111   VG.push_back(G02); VG.push_back(G22);// VG.push_back(G42);
00112   std::vector<double> VH2,VH1,VH0;
00113   VH2.resize(nd/2);VH1.resize(nd/2);VH0.resize(nd/2);
00114   if(flag==2){
00115     VH2[0]=sqrt(2./5.)*b1*r;  VH2[1]= 1/sqrt(10.)*r*r*r*b3; 
00116     VH1[0]=-1/sqrt(10.)*b1*r; VH1[1]= r*r*r*b3*sqrt(2./5.);
00117   }else if(flag==3){
00118     VH2[0]=sqrt(5./14.)*b2*r*r;  VH2[1]= 1/sqrt(7.)*r*r*r*r*b4; 
00119     VH1[0]=sqrt(1./7.)*b2*r*r;   VH1[1]= -sqrt(5./14.)*r*r*r*r*b4;
00120   }else if(flag==4 || flag==5){
00121     VH2[0]=sqrt(1./3.)*b0;  VH2[1]= 1/sqrt(6.)*r*r*b2; 
00122     VH1[0]=sqrt(1./3.)*b0;  VH1[1]=-2/sqrt(6.)*r*r*b2;
00123   }else{std::cout<<"Not allowed mode!"<<std::endl; abort();}
00124   EvtComplex H2 = G02*VH2[0] + G22*VH2[1];
00125   EvtComplex H1 = G02*VH1[0] + G22*VH1[1];
00127   _H2 += abs2(H2); _H1 += abs2(H1); 
00128   std::vector<double> DH1,DH2;
00129   DH2=firstder(VH2);
00130   DH1=firstder(VH1);
00132   // std::cout<<DH2[0]<<" "<<DH2[1]<<" "<<DH2[2]<<" "<<DH2[3]<<std::endl;
00133   //std::cout<<DH1[0]<<" "<<DH1[1]<<" "<<DH1[2]<<" "<<DH1[3]<<std::endl;
00135   for(int i=0;i<nd;i++){
00136     for(int j=0;j<nd;j++){
00137       _H2err += DH2[i]*DH2[j]*VC[i][j]; 
00138       _H1err += DH1[i]*DH1[j]*VC[i][j];
00139     }
00140   }
00142   nevt++;
00144   return ;
00145 }
00148 std::vector<double> EvtCalHelAmp::firstder(std::vector<double> vh){
00149   // vh: vector of helicity part
00150   double pi=3.1415926;
00151   std::vector<double> fd;
00152   double g02 =   getArg(0);
00153   double phi02 = getArg(1)*2*pi;
00154   double g22 =   getArg(2);
00155   double phi22 = getArg(3)*2*pi;
00156   std::vector<double> vpar;
00157   vpar.push_back(g02);vpar.push_back(phi02);vpar.push_back(g22);vpar.push_back(phi22);
00158   EvtComplex G02(vpar[0]*cos(vpar[1]),vpar[0]*sin(vpar[1]));
00159   EvtComplex G22(vpar[2]*cos(vpar[3]),vpar[2]*sin(vpar[3]));
00160   EvtComplex H20 = G02*vh[0] + G22*vh[1];
00161   double hamps0 = abs2(H20);
00162   for(int i=0;i<vpar.size();i++){
00163     vpar.clear();
00164     vpar.push_back(g02);vpar.push_back(phi02);vpar.push_back(g22);vpar.push_back(phi22);
00165     double dev=0.01;
00166     vpar[i] += dev;
00167     EvtComplex G02(vpar[0]*cos(vpar[1]),vpar[0]*sin(vpar[1]));
00168     EvtComplex G22(vpar[2]*cos(vpar[3]),vpar[2]*sin(vpar[3]));
00169     EvtComplex H20 = G02*vh[0] + G22*vh[1];
00170     double hamps2=abs2(H20);
00171     double xder=(hamps2-hamps0)/dev; 
00172     fd.push_back(xder);
00173   }
00174   return fd;
00175 }

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