
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef DST_EMCSHOWER_H
00002 #define DST_EMCSHOWER_H
00003 #include "GaudiKernel/ObjectVector.h"
00004 #include "GaudiKernel/ContainedObject.h"
00005 #include "EventModel/EventModel.h"
00006 #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h"
00007 #include "CLHEP/Matrix/SymMatrix.h"
00009 #include <vector>
00012 //  backwards compatibility will be enabled ONLY in CLHEP 1.9
00013 typedef HepGeom::Point3D<double> HepPoint3D;
00014 #endif
00015 using namespace CLHEP;
00017 using namespace std;
00018 using namespace EventModel;
00019 extern  const CLID  &CLID_DstEmcShower;
00021 class DstEmcShower : virtual public  ContainedObject {
00022    public:
00023      DstEmcShower() {}
00024      virtual ~DstEmcShower() {}
00026      virtual const CLID& clID()  const { return  DstEmcShower::classID();}
00027      static  const CLID& classID() { return CLID_DstEmcShower; }
00029      int trackId() const {return m_trackId ;}
00030      int numHits() const { return m_numHits;   }  
00031      int status() const { return m_status; }
00032      int cellId() const { return m_cellId; }
00033      int module() const { return m_module; }
00034      HepPoint3D position() const { return m_position; }
00035      double x() const { return m_position.x(); }
00036      double y() const { return m_position.y(); }
00037      double z() const { return m_position.z(); }
00038      double theta() const { return  m_position.theta(); }
00039      double phi() const { return m_position.phi(); }
00040      double dx() const; 
00041      double dy() const; 
00042      double dz() const; 
00043      double dtheta() const {  return  m_dTheta; }
00044      double dphi()   const {  return  m_dPhi;   }
00045      double energy()      const {  return  m_energy;      }
00046      double dE()     const { return  m_dE;     }
00047      double eSeed()  const { return m_eSeed; }
00048      double e3x3()  const { return m_e3x3; }
00049      double e5x5()  const { return m_e5x5; }
00050      double time()  const { return m_time; }
00051      double secondMoment() const {return m_secondMoment;}
00052      double latMoment() const {return m_latMoment;}
00053      double a20Moment() const {return m_a20Moment;}
00054      double a42Moment() const {return m_a42Moment;}
00055      HepSymMatrix errorMatrix() const { return m_errorMatrix; }
00057      void setTrackId(int trackId) {m_trackId = trackId;}
00058      void setNumHits( int hit )  { m_numHits   = hit;     }
00059      void setStatus(int st )  { m_status = st;      }
00060      void setCellId(int id )  { m_cellId = id;      }
00061      void setModule(int mod)  { m_module = mod;     }
00062      void setPosition(const HepPoint3D& pos) { m_position=pos; }
00063      void setEnergy(double e    )  { m_energy  = e ;     }
00064      void setDE(double de  )  { m_dE = de;          }
00065      void setDtheta(double dt    )  { m_dTheta = dt;    } 
00066      void setDphi(double dpi     )  { m_dPhi    = dpi ;  }
00067      void setESeed(double eSeed     )  { m_eSeed   = eSeed ;  }
00068      void setE3x3(double e3x3     )  { m_e3x3   = e3x3 ;  }
00069      void setE5x5(double e5x5     )  { m_e5x5   = e5x5 ;  }
00070      void setTime(double time     )  { m_time   = time ;  }
00071      void setSecondMoment(double secondMoment) { m_secondMoment = secondMoment; }
00072      void setLatMoment(double latMoment) { m_latMoment = latMoment; }
00073      void setA20Moment(double a20Moment) { m_a20Moment = a20Moment; }
00074      void setA42Moment(double a42Moment) { m_a42Moment = a42Moment; }
00075      void setErrorMatrix(const HepSymMatrix& error) { m_errorMatrix = error; }
00077    private:
00078     int m_trackId;    // Track ID wensp Add 2005-10-19   
00079     int m_numHits;    // Total number of hits
00080     int m_status;     // Status: 1:single seed cluster; 2:splitted from multi-seeds cluster
00081     int m_cellId;     // Cell ID
00082     int m_module;     // Module: 0:east endcap; 1:barrel; 2:west endcap
00083     HepPoint3D m_position;  // Shower position
00084     double m_dTheta;
00085     double m_dPhi;
00086     double m_energy;  // Shower energy after correction
00087     double m_dE;      
00088     double m_eSeed; 
00089     double m_e3x3; //Energy of 3x3 crystals, totally 9 ones
00090     double m_e5x5; //Energy of 5x5 crystals, totally 25 ones
00091     double m_time;  //Time measurement
00092     //The following four moments describe the shower shape
00093     double m_secondMoment; //add 2006-07-03
00094     double m_latMoment; //Lateral moment
00095     double m_a20Moment; //Zernike moment
00096     double m_a42Moment;
00097     HepSymMatrix m_errorMatrix;
00098 };
00100 ostream& operator<<(ostream & os, const DstEmcShower& aShower);
00102 typedef ObjectVector<DstEmcShower> DstEmcShowerCol;
00103 #endif //DST_EMCSHOWER_H

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