
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
00002 #include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
00003 #include "GaudiKernel/INTupleSvc.h"
00004 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h"
00006 #include "EventModel/EventHeader.h"
00007 #include "EvTimeEvent/RecEsTime.h"
00008 #include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcHit.h"
00009 #include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcTrack.h"
00010 #include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcKalTrack.h"
00011 #include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcKalHelixSeg.h"
00012 #include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcDedx.h"
00013 #include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcDedxHit.h"
00014 #include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
00015 #include "Identifier/MdcID.h"
00017 #include <TMath.h>
00019 #include "DedxCalibAlg/DedxCalibEvent.h"
00021 typedef std::vector<int> Vint;
00023 using namespace std;
00024 using CLHEP::HepVector;
00027 DedxCalibEvent::DedxCalibEvent(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator): DedxCalib(name, pSvcLocator) {}
00030 void DedxCalibEvent::initializing()
00031 {
00032     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00033     log << MSG::INFO << "DedxCalibEvent::initializing()" << endreq;
00035     StatusCode status;
00036     NTuplePtr  nt1(ntupleSvc(),"FILE100/n103");
00037     if ( nt1 )
00038       m_nt1 = nt1;
00039     else 
00040     {
00041         m_nt1= ntupleSvc()->book("FILE100/n103",CLID_ColumnWiseTuple,"dEdx per track");
00042         if ( m_nt1 )
00043         {
00044             status = m_nt1->addItem("ptrk",m_ptrk);
00045             status = m_nt1->addItem("ptrk_t",m_ptrk_t);
00046             status = m_nt1->addItem("sintheta",m_sintheta);
00047             status = m_nt1->addItem("costheta",m_costheta);
00048             status = m_nt1->addItem("charge",m_charge);
00049             status = m_nt1->addItem("runNO",m_runNO);
00050             status = m_nt1->addItem("runFlag",m_runFlag);
00051             status = m_nt1->addItem("evtNO",m_evtNO);
00052             status = m_nt1->addItem("t0",m_t0);
00053             status = m_nt1->addItem("trackId",m_trackId);
00054             status = m_nt1->addItem("poca_x",m_poca_x);
00055             status = m_nt1->addItem("poca_y",m_poca_y);
00056             status = m_nt1->addItem("poca_z",m_poca_z);
00057             status = m_nt1->addItem("recalg",m_recalg);
00058             status = m_nt1->addItem("nhit",m_nhit);
00059             status = m_nt1->addItem("nhits",m_nhits);
00060             status = m_nt1->addItem("usedhit",m_usedhit);
00062             status = m_nt1->addItem("ndedxhit",m_nphlisthit,0,100);
00063             status = m_nt1->addIndexedItem("dEdx_hit",m_nphlisthit,m_dEdx_hit); 
00064             status = m_nt1->addIndexedItem("pathlength_hit",m_nphlisthit,m_pathlength_hit);
00065             status = m_nt1->addIndexedItem("wid_hit",m_nphlisthit,m_wid_hit);
00066             status = m_nt1->addIndexedItem("layid_hit",m_nphlisthit,m_layid_hit);
00067             status = m_nt1->addIndexedItem("dd_in_hit",m_nphlisthit,m_dd_in_hit);
00068             status = m_nt1->addIndexedItem("eangle_hit",m_nphlisthit,m_eangle_hit);
00069             status = m_nt1->addIndexedItem("zhit_hit",m_nphlisthit,m_zhit_hit);
00071             //status = m_nt1->addItem("dEdx_meas_hit", m_dEdx_meas_hit);
00072             status = m_nt1->addItem("dEdx_meas", m_dEdx_meas);
00073             //status = m_nt1->addItem("dEdx_meas_esat", m_dEdx_meas_esat);
00074             //status = m_nt1->addItem("dEdx_meas_norun", m_dEdx_meas_norun);
00076             status = m_nt1->addItem("type",m_parttype);
00077             status = m_nt1->addItem("chidedx_e",m_chidedxe);
00078             status = m_nt1->addItem("chidedx_mu",m_chidedxmu);
00079             status = m_nt1->addItem("chidedx_pi",m_chidedxpi);
00080             status = m_nt1->addItem("chidedx_k",m_chidedxk);
00081             status = m_nt1->addItem("chidedx_p",m_chidedxp);
00082             status = m_nt1->addItem("partid",5,m_probpid);
00083             status = m_nt1->addItem("expectid",5,m_expectid);
00084             status = m_nt1->addItem("sigmaid",5,m_sigmaid);
00085         }
00086     }
00088     NTuplePtr  nt2(ntupleSvc(),"FILE100/n102");
00089     if ( nt2 )  m_nt2 = nt2;
00090     else
00091     {
00092         m_nt2= ntupleSvc()->book("FILE100/n102",CLID_RowWiseTuple,"dE/dx per hit");
00093         if ( m_nt2 )
00094         {
00095             status = m_nt2->addItem("charge",m_charge1);
00096             status = m_nt2->addItem("adc_raw",m_phraw);
00097             status = m_nt2->addItem("exraw",m_exraw);
00098             status = m_nt2->addItem("runNO",m_runNO1);
00099             status = m_nt2->addItem("runFlag",m_runFlag1);
00100             status = m_nt2->addItem("wire",m_wire);
00101             status = m_nt2->addItem("doca_in",m_doca_in);
00102             status = m_nt2->addItem("doca_ex",m_doca_ex);
00103             status = m_nt2->addItem("driftdist",m_driftdist);
00104             status = m_nt2->addItem("eangle",m_eangle);
00105             status = m_nt2->addItem("zhit",m_zhit);
00106             status = m_nt2->addItem("costheta1",m_costheta1);
00107             status = m_nt2->addItem("path_rphi",m_pathL);
00108             status = m_nt2->addItem("layer",m_layer);
00109             status = m_nt2->addItem("ptrk1",m_ptrk1);
00110             status = m_nt2->addItem("ptrk_hit",m_ptrk_hit);
00111             status = m_nt2->addItem("t01",m_t01);
00112             status = m_nt2->addItem("tdc_raw",m_tdc_raw);
00113             status = m_nt2->addItem("driftT",m_driftT);
00114             status = m_nt2->addItem("localwid",m_localwid);
00115             status = m_nt2->addItem("trackId1",m_trackId1);
00116         }
00117     }
00118 }
00120 void DedxCalibEvent::genNtuple()
00121 {
00122     MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00123     log << MSG::INFO << "DedxCalibEvent::genNtuple()" << endreq;
00125     SmartDataPtr<Event::EventHeader> eventHeader(eventSvc(),"/Event/EventHeader");
00126     if (!eventHeader)
00127     {
00128         log << MSG::INFO << "Could not find Event Header" << endreq;
00129         return;
00130     }
00131     int eventNO = eventHeader->eventNumber();
00132     int runNO = eventHeader->runNumber();
00133     log << MSG::INFO << "now begin the event:  runNO= "<<runNO<<" eventNO= "<< eventNO<< endreq;
00135     int runFlag=0;  //data type flag
00136     if(runNO<RUN0) runFlag =0;
00137     if(runNO>=RUN1 && runNO<RUN2) runFlag =1;
00138     if(runNO>=RUN2 && runNO<RUN3) runFlag =2;
00139     if(runNO>=RUN3 && runNO<RUN4) runFlag =3;   
00140     if(runNO>=RUN4 && runNO<RUN5) runFlag =4;   //jpsi
00141     if(runNO>=RUN5 && runNO<RUN6) runFlag =5;   //psipp
00142     if(runNO>=RUN6 && runNO<RUN7) runFlag =6;   //psi4040, psip, jpsi...
00143     if(runNO>=RUN7) runFlag =7;  //psip
00145     double tes = -999.0;
00146     int esTimeflag = -1; 
00147     SmartDataPtr<RecEsTimeCol> aevtimeCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecEsTimeCol");
00148     if( (!aevtimeCol) || (aevtimeCol->size()==0) ){
00149         tes = -9999.0;
00150         esTimeflag = -1;
00151     }else{
00152         RecEsTimeCol::iterator iter_evt = aevtimeCol->begin();
00153         for(; iter_evt!=aevtimeCol->end(); iter_evt++){
00154             tes = (*iter_evt)->getTest();
00155             esTimeflag = (*iter_evt)->getStat();
00156         }
00157     }
00158     if(runFlag ==2) {if( tes>1000 ) return;}
00159     else if(runFlag ==3 ){if (tes>700 ) return;}
00160     else {if (tes>1400 ) return;}
00162     SmartDataPtr<RecMdcDedxCol> newexCol(eventSvc(),"/Event/Recon/RecMdcDedxCol");
00163     if (!newexCol)
00164     {
00165         log << MSG::FATAL << "Could not find RecMdcDedxCol" << endreq;
00166         return;
00167     }
00169     Vint iGood;
00170     iGood.clear();
00171     int nCharge = 0;
00172     double db=0,dz=0,pt0=0,charge0=0;
00173     for(RecMdcDedxCol::iterator it = newexCol->begin(); it != newexCol->end(); it++)
00174     {
00175         HepVector a;
00176         if((*it)->getMdcKalTrack())
00177         {
00178             RecMdcKalTrack* trk = (*it)->getMdcKalTrack();
00179             if(ParticleFlag>-1&&ParticleFlag<5)
00180             {
00181                 DstMdcKalTrack* dstTrk = trk;
00182                 a = dstTrk->getZHelix(ParticleFlag);
00183             }
00184             else
00185               a = trk->getZHelix();
00186         }
00187         else if((*it)->getMdcTrack())
00188         {
00189             RecMdcTrack* trk = (*it)->getMdcTrack();
00190             a = trk->helix();
00191         }
00192         else continue;
00193         db = a[0];
00194         dz = a[3];
00195         pt0 = fabs(1.0/a[2]);
00196         charge0 = ( a[2] > 0 )? 1 : -1;
00198         //cout<<"db: "<<db<<" dz: "<<dz<<" pt0: "<<pt0<<" charge0: "<<charge0<<endl;
00199         if(fabs(dz) >= VZ0CUT) continue;
00200         if(db >= VR0CUT) continue;
00201         if(pt0 >= PT0HighCut) continue;
00202         if(pt0 <= PT0LowCut) continue;
00203         iGood.push_back((*it)->trackId());
00204         nCharge += charge0;
00205     }
00206     //cout<<"iGood.size()= "<<iGood.size()<<" nCharge= "<<nCharge<<endl;
00207     if((m_eventType == "isBhabha")||(m_eventType == "isRadBhabha"))
00208     {
00209         if(iGood.size()!=2 || nCharge!=0 )  return;
00210     }
00213     //cout<<"begin to read RecMdcDedxCol!!!!"<<endl;
00214     double poca_x=0,poca_y=0,poca_z=0;
00215     float sintheta=0,costheta=0,ptrk=0,ptrk_t=0,charge=0,trackId=0;
00216     int Nhit=0,usedhit=0,Nhits=0,Nphlisthit=0;
00217     double dEdx_meas_hit=0, dEdx_meas=0,dEdx_meas_esat=0,dEdx_meas_norun=0;
00218     double dEdx_hit[100]={0},pathlength_hit[100]={0},wid_hit[100]={0},layid_hit[100]={0},dd_in_hit[100]={0},eangle_hit[100]={0},zhit_hit[100]={0};
00219     int trk_recalg = -1;
00220     Identifier mdcid;
00222     for(RecMdcDedxCol::iterator it = newexCol->begin(); it != newexCol->end(); it++)
00223     {
00224         //cout<<"in track iteration!!!!!!!!"<<endl;
00225         bool flag = false;
00226         for(int i = 0; i < iGood.size(); i++)
00227         {
00228             if((*it)->trackId()==iGood[i]) flag=true;
00229         }
00230         if(flag==false) continue;
00232         HepVector a;
00233         HepSymMatrix tkErrM;
00234         if((*it)->getMdcKalTrack())
00235         {
00236             //cout<<"can get MdcKalTrack!!!!!!!!!"<<endl;
00237             poca_x = (*it)->getMdcKalTrack()->x();  //get poca, default pid is pion; change pid using setPidType();
00238             poca_y = (*it)->getMdcKalTrack()->y();
00239             poca_z = (*it)->getMdcKalTrack()->z();
00241             RecMdcKalTrack* trk = (*it)->getMdcKalTrack();
00242             //cout<<"ParticleFlag= "<<ParticleFlag<<endl;
00243             if(ParticleFlag>-1&&ParticleFlag<5)
00244             {
00245                 DstMdcKalTrack* dstTrk = trk;
00246                 a = dstTrk->getFHelix(ParticleFlag);
00247                 tkErrM = dstTrk->getFError(ParticleFlag);
00248             }
00249             else
00250             {
00251                 a = trk->getFHelix();
00252                 tkErrM = trk->getFError();
00253             }
00254         }
00255         else if((*it)->getMdcTrack())
00256         {
00257             poca_x = (*it)->getMdcTrack()->x();
00258             poca_y = (*it)->getMdcTrack()->y();
00259             poca_z = (*it)->getMdcTrack()->z();
00261             RecMdcTrack* trk = (*it)->getMdcTrack();
00262             a = trk->helix();
00263             tkErrM = trk->err();
00264         }
00265         else continue;
00267         sintheta = sin(M_PI_2 - atan(a[4]));
00268         costheta = cos(M_PI_2 - atan(a[4]));
00269         ptrk_t = 1.0/fabs( a[2] );
00270         ptrk = ptrk_t*sqrt(1 + a[4]*a[4]);
00271         charge = ( a[2] > 0 )? 1 : -1;
00273         Nhit = (*it)->numTotalHits(); //total hits on track used as sample; 
00274         Nhits = ((*it)->getVecDedxHits()).size(); //dedx hits on this track, they are put in phlist if layid>3 
00275         usedhit = (*it)->numGoodHits(); //hits after truncting phlist and used in cal dE/dx value;
00276         trk_recalg = (*it)->status();
00277         trackId = (*it)->trackId();
00279         if(m_eventType == "isBhabha")
00280         {
00281             if(runFlag ==3 &&(ptrk>1.88 || ptrk<1.80)) continue;
00282             if(runFlag ==4 &&(ptrk>1.72 || ptrk<1.45)) continue;
00283             if(runFlag ==5 &&(ptrk>2.00 || ptrk<1.70))  continue;
00284             if(runFlag ==6 &&(ptrk>1.90 || ptrk<1.00)) continue;
00285             if(runFlag ==7 &&(ptrk>1.90 || ptrk<1.40)) continue;
00286             if(abs(costheta)>0.9) continue;
00288             if(Nhit<20) continue;
00289             if(usedhit<6) continue;
00290         }
00293         int layid=0,localwid=0,w0id=0,wid=0,lr=0;
00294         double p_hit=0,adc_raw=0,tdc_raw=0,zhit=0,driftd=0,driftD=0,driftT=0,dd_in=0,dd_ex=0,eangle=0;
00295         double ph=0,pathlength=0,rphi_path=0;
00296         long k=0;
00298         DedxHitRefVec gothits = (*it)->getVecDedxHits();
00299         DedxHitRefVec::iterator it_gothit = gothits.begin();
00300         for(;it_gothit!=gothits.end(); it_gothit++)
00301         {
00302             //cout<<"in hit iteration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"<<endl;
00303             if((*it_gothit)->isMdcHitValid())
00304             { 
00305                 RecMdcHit* itor = (*it_gothit)->getMdcHit(); 
00306                 mdcid = itor->getMdcId();
00307                 layid =  MdcID::layer(mdcid);
00308                 localwid = MdcID::wire(mdcid);
00309                 w0id = geosvc->Layer(layid)->Wirst();
00310                 wid = w0id + localwid;
00311                 adc_raw = itor->getAdc();
00312                 tdc_raw = itor->getTdc();
00313                 zhit = itor->getZhit();
00315                 lr = itor->getFlagLR();
00316                 if(lr == 2) cout<<"lr = "<<lr<<endl;
00317                 if(lr == 0 || lr == 2) driftD = itor->getDriftDistLeft();
00318                 else  driftD = itor->getDriftDistRight();
00319                 driftd = abs(driftD);
00320                 dd_in = itor->getDoca();
00321                 dd_ex = itor->getDoca();
00322                 if(lr == 0 || lr == 2 ) {dd_in = -abs(dd_in);dd_ex = -abs(dd_ex);}
00323                 if(lr == 1 ) {dd_in = abs(dd_in);dd_ex = abs(dd_ex);}
00324                 driftT = itor->getDriftT();
00325                 eangle = itor->getEntra();
00326                 eangle = eangle/M_PI;
00327             }
00328             else if((*it_gothit)->isMdcKalHelixSegValid()) 
00329             {
00330                 RecMdcKalHelixSeg* itor = (*it_gothit)->getMdcKalHelixSeg();
00331                 HepVector a_hit_in = itor->getHelixIncl();
00332                 p_hit = 1.0/fabs(a_hit_in(3))*sqrt(1+a_hit_in(5)*a_hit_in(5)); 
00334                 mdcid = itor->getMdcId();
00335                 layid =  MdcID::layer(mdcid);
00336                 localwid = MdcID::wire(mdcid);
00337                 w0id = geosvc->Layer(layid)->Wirst();
00338                 wid = w0id + localwid;
00339                 adc_raw = itor->getAdc();
00340                 tdc_raw = itor->getTdc();
00341                 zhit = itor->getZhit();
00343                 lr = itor->getFlagLR();
00344                 if(lr == 2) cout<<"lr = "<<lr<<endl;
00345                 driftD = itor->getDD();
00346                 driftd = abs(driftD);
00347                 driftT = itor->getDT();
00348                 dd_in = itor->getDocaIncl(); //getDocaIncl() include fit unused hit
00349                 dd_ex = itor->getDocaExcl(); //getDocaExcl() exclude fit unused hit
00350                 if(lr==-1 || lr == 2) {dd_in = dd_in; dd_ex = dd_ex;}
00351                 else if(lr ==1) {dd_in = -dd_in; dd_ex = -dd_ex;}
00352                 eangle = itor->getEntra();
00353                 eangle = eangle/M_PI;
00354             }
00355             else continue;
00357             pathlength=(*it_gothit)->getPathLength();
00358             rphi_path=pathlength*sintheta;
00359             ph = (*it_gothit)->getDedx();
00360             if(layid>3)
00361             {
00362                 dEdx_hit[k]=adc_raw;
00363                 pathlength_hit[k]=pathlength;
00364                 wid_hit[k]=wid;
00365                 layid_hit[k]=layid;
00366                 dd_in_hit[k]=dd_in;
00367                 eangle_hit[k]=eangle;
00368                 zhit_hit[k]=zhit;
00370                 k++;
00371             }
00373             //cout<<"begin to Fill Ntuple n102!!!!!!!!!"<<endl;
00374             m_charge1 = charge;
00375             m_t01 = tes;
00376             m_driftT = driftT;
00377             m_tdc_raw = tdc_raw;
00378             m_phraw = adc_raw;
00379             m_exraw = ph;
00380             m_localwid = localwid;
00381             m_wire = wid;
00382             m_runNO1 = runNO;
00383             m_runFlag1 = runFlag;
00384             m_doca_in = dd_in;
00385             m_doca_ex = dd_ex;
00386             m_driftdist = driftD;
00387             m_eangle = eangle;
00388             m_zhit = zhit;
00389             m_costheta1 = costheta;
00390             m_pathL = pathlength;
00391             m_layer = layid;
00392             m_ptrk1 = ptrk;
00393             m_ptrk_hit = p_hit;
00394             m_trackId1 = trackId;
00396             StatusCode status = m_nt2->write();
00397             if ( status.isFailure() )
00398               log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot fill Ntuple n102" << endreq;
00399         }
00401         Nphlisthit = k;  //dedx hits on this track, exclude the first 3 layers
00402         dEdx_meas = (*it)->probPH();
00403         //cout<<"dEdx_meas in reconstruction: "<<dEdx_meas<<endl;
00404         dEdx_meas_esat = (*it)->getDedxEsat();
00405         dEdx_meas_norun = (*it)->getDedxNoRun();
00406         dEdx_meas_hit = (*it)->getDedxHit(); 
00407         //cout<<"dEdx_meas in calibration: "<<dEdx_meas<<endl;
00409         //cout<<"begin to Fill Ntuple n103!!!!!!!"<<endl;
00410         m_poca_x = poca_x;
00411         m_poca_y = poca_y;
00412         m_poca_z = poca_z;
00413         m_ptrk_t=ptrk_t;
00414         m_ptrk=ptrk;
00415         m_sintheta=sintheta;
00416         m_costheta=costheta;
00417         m_charge=charge;
00418         m_runNO = runNO;
00419         m_runFlag = runFlag;
00420         m_evtNO = eventNO;
00421         m_t0 = tes;
00422         m_trackId = trackId;
00423         m_recalg = trk_recalg;
00425         m_nhit=Nhit;
00426         m_nhits=Nhits;
00427         m_nphlisthit=Nphlisthit;
00428         m_usedhit=usedhit;
00429         for(int j=0; j<Nphlisthit; j++)
00430         {
00431             m_dEdx_hit[j]=dEdx_hit[j];
00432             m_pathlength_hit[j]=pathlength_hit[j];
00433             m_wid_hit[j]=wid_hit[j];
00434             m_layid_hit[j]=layid_hit[j];
00435             m_dd_in_hit[j]=dd_in_hit[j];
00436             m_eangle_hit[j]=eangle_hit[j];
00437             m_zhit_hit[j]=zhit_hit[j];
00438         }
00440         //m_dEdx_meas_hit = dEdx_meas_hit;
00441         m_dEdx_meas = dEdx_meas;
00442         //m_dEdx_meas_esat = dEdx_meas_esat;
00443         //m_dEdx_meas_norun = dEdx_meas_norun;
00445         m_parttype = (*it)->particleId();
00446         m_chidedxe=(*it)->chiE();
00447         m_chidedxmu=(*it)->chiMu();
00448         m_chidedxpi=(*it)->chiPi();
00449         m_chidedxk=(*it)->chiK();
00450         m_chidedxp=(*it)->chiP();
00451         for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
00452         {
00453             m_probpid[i]= (*it)->getPidProb(i);
00454             m_expectid[i]= (*it)->getDedxExpect(i);
00455             m_sigmaid[i]= (*it)->getSigmaDedx(i);
00456         }
00457         StatusCode status = m_nt1->write();
00458         if ( status.isFailure() )
00459         {
00460             log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot fill Ntuple n103" << endreq;
00461         } 
00462     }
00463     //cout<<"track iteration ended!!!!!!!!!!"<<endl;
00464 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:12:45 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7