
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
00002 #include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
00003 #include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
00004 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h"
00005 #include "GaudiKernel/Bootstrap.h"
00007 #include "EmcCalibConstSvc/EmcCalibConstSvc.h"
00008 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
00009 #include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
00010 #include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
00011 #include "GaudiKernel/Bootstrap.h"
00012 #include "RealizationSvc/ConnectionProvider.h"
00013 #include "facilities/Util.h"
00014 #include <iostream>
00015 #include <cstdio>
00016 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
00017 #include <cstdlib>
00019 using namespace std;
00021 namespace RealDBUtil {
00023   #define _T(str) ("\'"+str+"\'")
00024   typedef basic_string<char>::size_type S_T;
00025   static const  S_T npos = -1;
00027   std::vector<std::string> ConnectionProvider::split(const std::string& src, std::string delimit, std::string null_subst)
00028   {
00029     if( src.empty() || delimit.empty() ) throw "split:  empty string\0";
00030     vector<string> v;
00031     S_T deli_len = delimit.size();
00032     long index = npos, last_search_position = 0;
00033     while( (index=src.find(delimit, last_search_position))!=npos )
00034     {
00035       if(index==last_search_position)
00036         v.push_back(null_subst);
00037       else
00038         v.push_back( src.substr(last_search_position, index-
00039               last_search_position) );
00040       last_search_position = index + deli_len;
00041     }
00042     string last_one = src.substr(last_search_position);
00043     v.push_back( last_one.empty()? null_subst:last_one );
00044     return v;
00045   }
00047   bool ConnectionProvider::getcal(int runNo, std::string ids){
00049     //Read Luminosity information
00050     char stmt1[1024];
00051     int run_No =std::abs(runNo);
00052     sprintf(stmt1,"select EQM_fileid,EMCGain from RunParams where run_number = %d",run_No);
00054     DatabaseRecordVector results;
00055     results.clear(); 
00056     int rowNumber = m_dbsvc->query("run",stmt1,results);
00057     if(rowNumber <= 0){
00058       std::cout << "ERROR Read EQM_fileid from the Database, exit." << endreq;
00059       exit(1);
00060     } 
00062     int fileid = std::atoi((*results[0])["EQM_fileid"]);
00064     string gainnum((*results[0])["EMCGain"]);
00066     sprintf(stmt1, "select OID,Position,Channel1,Channel2,Channel3,Channel4,Channel5,Channel6,Channel7,Channel8,Channel9,Channel10,Channel11,Channel12,Channel13,Channel14,Channel15,Channel16,Channel17,Channel18,Channel19,Channel20,Channel21,Channel22,Channel23,Channel24,Channel25,Channel26,Channel27,Channel28,Channel29,Channel30,Channel31,Channel32 from EQM where FileId=%d", fileid);
00068     results.clear();
00069     rowNumber = m_dbsvc->query("run",stmt1,results);
00070     if(rowNumber <= 0){
00071       std::cout << "ERROR Read EQM from the Database, exit." << endreq;
00072       exit(1);
00073     }
00075     std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > map_EQM;
00076     map_EQM.clear();
00077     for(int i=0;i<rowNumber;i++)
00078     {  for(int j=2;j<34;j++)
00079       {
00080         std::vector<std::string> vec_tmp;
00081         vec_tmp.clear();
00082         vec_tmp.push_back(toString<int>(j-1));
00083         vec_tmp.push_back((*results[i])["OID"]);
00084         vec_tmp.push_back((*results[i])["Position"]);
00085         typedef pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > vpair;
00086         map_EQM.insert(vpair((*results[i])["Channel"+toString<int>(j-1)], vec_tmp));
00088       }
00089     }
00091     vector<string> id = split(ids, ",", "<null>");
00092     id_num=id.size();
00094     for(unsigned int m=0;m<id.size();m++){
00095       if(id[m] == "0") {  std::cout << " error: No." << m+1 << " id=0,please delete it! " << std::endl; break; }
00096       if(id[m] == "NULL") {  std::cout << " end of loop! " << std::endl; break; }
00097       string channelnum,oid,modu;
00098       bool if_found = false;
00099       for(std::map<std::string,std::vector<std::string> >::iterator iter = map_EQM.begin(); iter != map_EQM.end(); iter++)
00100       {
00101         if(iter->first == id[m]) {
00102           if_found = true;
00103           channelnum = iter->second[0];
00104           oid = iter->second[1];
00105           modu = iter->second[2];
00106         }
00107       }
00109       if(!if_found) { std::cout << "can not find id " << id[m] << " in EQM, exit." << std::endl;  exit(1); }
00111       string b="AAAA";
00112       string trgcratenum;
00113       for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
00114         b[i] =oid[i+4];
00115       }
00117       //change oid to cratenum
00118       string a[16][2]={{"E3_1","96"},{"E2_0","97"},{"E2_1","98"},{"E1_0","99"},{"E1_1","100"},{"E3_0","101"},{"E2_2","102"},{"E3_2","103"},{"W3_1","112"},{"W2_0","113"},{"W2_1","114"},{"W1_0","115"},{"W1_1","116"},{"W3_0","117"},{"W2_2","118"},{"W3_2","119"}};
00119       string trgCrate[16]={"0x60","0x61","0x62","0x63","0x64","0x65","0x66","0x67","0x70","0x71","0x72","0x73","0x74","0x75","0x76","0x77"};
00121       for(int i=0;i<16;i++){
00122         if(b.compare(a[i][0])) continue;
00123         else {
00124           trgcratenum = trgCrate[i];
00125         }
00126       }
00128       std::string query_name = "select gain from EMC_Gain where run_id="+gainnum+" and ppc_id=\""+trgcratenum+"\" and Qmodule_no="+modu+" and Qchannel_no="+channelnum; 
00129       results.clear();
00130       rowNumber = m_dbsvc->query("run",query_name.c_str(),results);
00131       if(rowNumber <= 0){
00132         std::cout << "ERROR Read gain from EMC_Gain Database, exit." << endreq;
00133         exit(1);
00134       }
00136       //std::cout << "run_id: " << gainnum << " ppc_id: " << trgcratenum << " Qmodule_no: " << modu << " Qchannel_no: " << channelnum << " m: " << m << std::endl;
00138       trgGain[m] = new std::string((*results[0])["gain"]);
00139       //std::cout << "gain: " << *trgGain[m] << std::endl;
00140     }
00141     return true;
00142   }
00144   ConnectionProvider::ConnectionProvider() {
00145     StatusCode sc = Gaudi::svcLocator()->service("DatabaseSvc", m_dbsvc, true);
00146     if (sc .isFailure() ) {
00147       std::cout << "ERROR: In ConnectionProvider()--> Unable to find DatabaseSvc " << std::endl;
00148     }
00149     m_trgTpye = -1;
00150     m_tfee_fileid = -1;
00151   }
00153   ConnectionProvider::~ConnectionProvider() {
00154   }
00156 ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getReadLumInfo(std::string& Lum, int runNo, std::string SftVer, std::string ParVer, std::string BossRelease) {
00157     //Read Luminosity information
00158    char stmt1[200];
00159    int run_No =std::abs(runNo);
00162    if(SftVer == "default") {
00163      if(BossRelease == "default") {
00164        std::cout << "ERROR BossRelease must be set! Current value is " << BossRelease << "." << endreq;
00165        exit(1);
00166      }
00167      else {
00168        sprintf(stmt1, "select SftVer, ParVer from CalVtxLumVer where BossRelease = '%s' and RunFrom <= %d and RunTo >= %d and DataType = 'LumVtx'", BossRelease.c_str(), run_No, run_No);
00170        DatabaseRecordVector records;
00171        int rowNo = m_dbsvc->query("offlinedb",stmt1,records);
00172        if(rowNo == 0) {
00173          std::cout << "ERROR: can not find records for run = " << run_No << " and BossRelease = " << BossRelease << endreq;
00174          exit(1);
00175        }
00176        DatabaseRecord* recordst = records[0];
00177        SftVer = recordst->GetString("SftVer");
00178        ParVer = recordst->GetString("ParVer");
00179        std::cout << "Using the new SftVer and ParVer (" << SftVer << ", " << ParVer << ") for run " << run_No << ". " << endreq;
00180      }
00181    }
00184    sprintf(stmt1,"select OfflineTwoGam,SftVer,ParVer from OfflineLum where RunNo = %d",run_No);
00185 /*
00186   if(std::atoi(ParVer.c_str()) == 0) {
00187     sprintf(stmt1,"select OfflineTwoGam,ParVer from OfflineLum where RunNo = %d && SftVer = \"%s\"",run_No,SftVer.c_str());
00188   }
00189   else {
00190     sprintf(stmt1,"select OfflineTwoGam from OfflineLum where RunNo = %d && SftVer = \"%s\" && ParVer = \"%s\"",run_No,SftVer.c_str(),ParVer.c_str());
00191   }
00192 */  
00193   DatabaseRecordVector results;
00194   results.clear();
00195   int status = m_dbsvc->query("offlinedb",stmt1,results);
00196   if(status<0){
00197     std::cout << "ERROR Read the luminosity from the Database" << endreq;
00198     exit(1);
00199   }
00201   int RowNumber = results.size();
00202   if(RowNumber == 0){
00203     std::cout<<"WARNING: No Luminosity Data in this run, return 0."<<std::endl;
00204     Lum = "0";
00205     return RETOk;
00206   }
00208    int ParVerID = 0;
00209    int RecordNo = 0;
00210    if(std::atoi(ParVer.c_str()) == 0) {
00211      for(int i = 0; i < RowNumber; i++) {
00212        if((std::atoi((*results[i])["ParVer"]) > ParVerID)&&((*results[i])["SftVer"]==SftVer)) { Lum = (*results[i])["OfflineTwoGam"]; ParVerID = std::atoi((*results[i])["ParVer"]); RecordNo++;}
00213      }
00214    }
00215    else {
00216      RecordNo = 0;
00217      for(int i = 0; i < RowNumber; i++) {
00218        if((std::atoi((*results[i])["ParVer"]) == std::atoi(ParVer.c_str()))&&((*results[i])["SftVer"]==SftVer)) { Lum = (*results[i])["OfflineTwoGam"]; ParVerID = std::atoi((*results[i])["ParVer"]); RecordNo++;}
00219      }
00220    }
00222    if(RecordNo == 0) {
00223      //std::cout<<"ERROR: No Luminosity infor. found by your selection criteria, please check it (SftVer, ParVer)"<<std::endl;
00224      //std::abort();
00225      std::cout<<"WARNING: No Luminosity infor. found by your selection criteria, please check it (SftVer, ParVer)"<<std::endl;
00226      Lum = "0";
00227      return RETOk;
00229    }
00231    if(RecordNo >= 2 && std::atoi(ParVer.c_str()) != 0) {
00232      std::cout<<"ERROR: More than two Lum. records found by your selection criteria, please check it (SftVer, ParVer)"<<std::endl;
00233      exit(1);
00234    }
00236    return RETOk;
00237 }
00239   ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getLumCurvePar(std::string& runTotalTime, std::string& tau_value, int runNo, std::string SftVer, std::string ParVer, std::string BossRelease) {
00240     //Read Luminosity curve parameters 
00241     char stmt1[200];
00242     int run_No =std::abs(runNo);
00244     if(SftVer == "default") {
00245      if(BossRelease == "default") {
00246        std::cout << "ERROR BossRelease must be set! Current value is " << BossRelease << "." << endreq;
00247        exit(1);
00248      }
00249      else {
00250        sprintf(stmt1, "select SftVer, ParVer from CalVtxLumVer where BossRelease = '%s' and RunFrom <= %d and RunTo >= %d and DataType = 'LumVtx'", BossRelease.c_str(), run_No, run_No);
00252        DatabaseRecordVector records;
00253        int rowNo = m_dbsvc->query("offlinedb",stmt1,records);
00254        if(rowNo == 0) {
00255          std::cout << "ERROR: can not find records for run = " << run_No << " and BossRelease = " << BossRelease << endreq;
00256          exit(1);
00257        }
00258        DatabaseRecord* recordst = records[0];
00259        SftVer = recordst->GetString("SftVer");
00260        ParVer = recordst->GetString("ParVer");
00261        std::cout << "Using the new SftVer and ParVer (" << SftVer << ", " << ParVer << ") for run " << run_No << ". " << endreq;
00262      }
00263    }
00265     sprintf(stmt1,"select runTime,Tau_Value,SftVer,ParVer from OfflineLum where RunNo = %d",run_No);
00267     DatabaseRecordVector results;
00268     results.clear();
00269     int status = m_dbsvc->query("offlinedb",stmt1,results);
00270     if(status<0){
00271       std::cout << "ERROR Read the luminosity curve parameters from the Database" << endreq;
00272       exit(1);
00273     }
00275     int RowNumber = results.size();
00276     if(RowNumber == 0){
00277       std::cout<<"ERROR: No Luminosity curve parameters in this run, aborted."<<std::endl;
00278       exit(1); 
00279     }
00281     int ParVerID = 0;
00282     int RecordNo = 0;
00283     if(std::atoi(ParVer.c_str()) == 0) {
00284       for(int i = 0; i < RowNumber; i++) {
00285         if((std::atoi((*results[i])["ParVer"]) > ParVerID)&&((*results[i])["SftVer"]==SftVer)) {
00286           runTotalTime = (*results[i])["runTime"]; 
00287           tau_value = (*results[i])["Tau_Value"]; 
00288           ParVerID = std::atoi((*results[i])["ParVer"]);
00289           RecordNo++;
00290         }
00291       }
00292     }
00293     else {
00294       RecordNo = 0;
00295       for(int i = 0; i < RowNumber; i++) {
00296         if((std::atoi((*results[i])["ParVer"]) == std::atoi(ParVer.c_str()))&&((*results[i])["SftVer"]==SftVer)) { 
00297           runTotalTime = (*results[i])["runTime"]; 
00298           tau_value = (*results[i])["Tau_Value"]; 
00299           ParVerID = std::atoi((*results[i])["ParVer"]); 
00300           RecordNo++;
00301         }
00302       }
00303     }
00304     if(RecordNo == 0) {
00305        std::cout<<"ERROR: No Luminosity curve parameters found by your selection criteria, please check it (SftVer, ParVer)"<<std::endl;
00306        exit(1);
00307      }
00309      if(RecordNo >= 2 && std::atoi(ParVer.c_str()) != 0) {
00310        std::cout<<"ERROR: More than two Lum. curve parameters records found by your selection criteria, please check it (SftVer, ParVer)"<<std::endl;
00311        exit(1);
00312      } 
00314      return RETOk;
00315   }
00317   ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getReadBunchInfo(std::vector<std::string>& bunch, int runNo, std::string SftVer, std::string ParVer, std::string BossRelease) {
00318     //Read bunch size information
00319    char stmt1[200]; 
00320    int run_No =std::abs(runNo);
00322    if(SftVer == "default") {
00323      if(BossRelease == "default") {
00324        std::cout << "ERROR BossRelease must be set! Current value is " << BossRelease << "." << endreq;
00325        exit(1);
00326      }
00327      else {
00328        sprintf(stmt1, "select SftVer, ParVer from CalVtxLumVer where BossRelease = '%s' and RunFrom <= %d and RunTo >= %d and DataType = 'LumVtx'", BossRelease.c_str(), run_No, run_No);
00330        DatabaseRecordVector records;
00331        int rowNo = m_dbsvc->query("offlinedb",stmt1,records);
00332        if(rowNo == 0) {
00333          std::cout << "ERROR: can not find records for run = " << run_No << " and BossRelease = " << BossRelease << endreq;
00334          exit(1);
00335        }
00336        DatabaseRecord* recordst = records[0];
00337        SftVer = recordst->GetString("SftVer");
00338        ParVer = recordst->GetString("ParVer");
00339        std::cout << "Using the new SftVer and ParVer (" << SftVer << ", " << ParVer << ") for run " << run_No << ". " << endreq;
00340      }
00341    }
00343    sprintf(stmt1,"select Vx,Vy,Vz,AcSigmaVx,AcSigmaVy,SigmaVz,SftVer,ParVer from BeamPar where runNo = %d",run_No);
00344 /*
00345   if(std::atoi(ParVer.c_str()) == 0) {
00346     sprintf(stmt1,"select Vx,Vy,Vz,AcSigmaVx,AcSigmaVy,SigmaVz,ParVer from BeamPar where runNo = %d && SftVer = \"%s\"",run_No,SftVer.c_str());
00347   }
00348   else {
00349     sprintf(stmt1,"select Vx,Vy,Vz,AcSigmaVx,AcSigmaVy,SigmaVz from BeamPar where runNo = %d && SftVer = \"%s\" && ParVer = \"%s\"",run_No,SftVer.c_str(),ParVer.c_str());
00350   }
00351 */    
00353   DatabaseRecordVector results;
00354   results.clear();
00355   int status = m_dbsvc->query("offlinedb",stmt1,results);
00356   if(status<0){
00357     std::cout << "ERROR Read the bunch from the Database" << endreq;
00358     exit(1);
00359   }
00361      int RowNumber = results.size();
00362      if(RowNumber == 0){
00363          std::cout<<"WARNING: No bunch Data in this run! Please check your selection criteria (runNo, SftVer, ParVer)"<<std::endl;
00364         return RETNoSchemaMatch;
00365      }
00367      int ParVerID = 0; 
00368      int RecordNo = 0;
00369      if(std::atoi(ParVer.c_str()) == 0) {
00370        for(int i = 0; i < RowNumber; i++) {
00371          if((std::atoi((*results[i])["ParVer"]) > ParVerID)&&((*results[i])["SftVer"]==SftVer)) { 
00372            bunch.clear();
00373            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["Vx"]);
00374            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["Vy"]);
00375            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["Vz"]);
00376            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["AcSigmaVx"]);
00377            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["AcSigmaVy"]);
00378            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["SigmaVz"]);
00379            ParVerID = std::atoi((*results[i])["ParVer"]);
00380            RecordNo++;
00381          }
00382        }
00383      }
00384      else {
00385        RecordNo = 0;
00386        for(int i = 0; i < RowNumber; i++) {
00387          if((std::atoi((*results[i])["ParVer"]) == std::atoi(ParVer.c_str()))&&((*results[i])["SftVer"]==SftVer)) { 
00388            bunch.clear();
00389            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["Vx"]);
00390            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["Vy"]);
00391            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["Vz"]);
00392            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["AcSigmaVx"]);
00393            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["AcSigmaVy"]);
00394            bunch.push_back((*results[i])["SigmaVz"]);
00395            RecordNo++;
00396          }
00397        }
00398      }
00400      if(RecordNo == 0) {
00401        std::cout<<"WARNING: No bunch infor. found in this run, it will use other run's"<<std::endl;
00402        return RETNoSchemaMatch;
00403      }
00405      if(RecordNo >= 2 && std::atoi(ParVer.c_str()) != 0) {
00406        std::cout<<"ERROR: More than two bunch records found by your selection criteria, please check it (SftVer, ParVer)"<<std::endl;
00407        exit(1);
00408      }
00410      return RETOk;
00411   }
00413   ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getReadTrgTableInfo( std::vector<std::string>& trgTable, int runNo) {
00414     //Read trigger table used in trigger simulation
00415    char stmt1[200];
00416    int run_No =std::abs(runNo);
00418   sprintf(stmt1,"select trgtable_id from RunParams where run_number = %d ",run_No);
00420   DatabaseRecordVector results;
00421   results.clear();
00422   int status = m_dbsvc->query("run",stmt1,results);
00423   if(status<0){
00424     std::cout << "ERROR Read the trigger table from the Database" << endreq;
00425     exit(1);
00426   }
00428      int RowNumber = results.size();
00429      if(RowNumber!=1){
00430          std::cout<<"ERROR:error searching Trigger Type Data in the database, check your selection criteria"<<std::endl;
00431         return RETMySQLError;
00432      }
00433      int i_trgTpye = std::atoi((*results[0])["trgtable_id"]);
00434      std::cout<<"Obj_id is "<<i_trgTpye<<std::endl;
00435      results.clear();
00437     if(i_trgTpye == m_trgTpye) {
00438       std::cout<<"Don't need to update trigger table, it is same with the last run!"<<std::endl;
00439     }
00440     else {
00441       m_trgTpye = i_trgTpye;
00442       m_trgTable.clear();
00443       //retrieve EventChannelEnableRegister from database
00444       sprintf(stmt1,"select EventChannelEnableRegister from TrgTable where Obj_id = %d ", i_trgTpye);
00445       int status1 = m_dbsvc->query("run",stmt1,results);
00446       if(status1<0){
00447         std::cout << "ERROR Read the trigger table from the Database 1" << endreq;
00448         exit(1);
00449       }
00450        RowNumber = results.size();
00451        if(RowNumber!=1){
00452            std::cout<<"ERROR:error searching Trigger Type Data in the database, check your selection criterions"<<std::endl;
00453           return RETMySQLError;
00454        }  
00455        m_trgTable.push_back((*results[0])["EventChannelEnableRegister"]);
00456        results.clear(); 
00458       //retrieve TrgTable_Channel from database
00459       for(int i = 1; i < 17; i++)
00460         for(int j = 1; j < 5; j++) {
00461           if(i < 10) sprintf(stmt1,"select TrgTable_CH0%d_%d from TrgTable where Obj_id = %d ", i, j, i_trgTpye);
00462           else  sprintf(stmt1,"select TrgTable_CH%d_%d from TrgTable where Obj_id = %d ", i, j, i_trgTpye);
00463           int status2 = m_dbsvc->query("run",stmt1,results);
00464          if(status2<0){
00465             std::cout << "ERROR Read the trigger table from the Database 2" << endreq;
00466             exit(1);
00467           }
00468            RowNumber = results.size();
00469            if(RowNumber!=1){
00470                std::cout<<"ERROR:error searching TrgTable Data in the database, check your selection criterions"<<std::endl;
00471               return RETMySQLError;
00472            }
00473           if(i<10) sprintf(stmt1,"TrgTable_CH0%d_%d", i, j);
00474           else sprintf(stmt1,"TrgTable_CH%d_%d", i, j);
00475           m_trgTable.push_back((*results[0])[stmt1]);
00476           results.clear();
00477       }
00478     }
00479     trgTable = m_trgTable;
00481     return RETOk;
00482   }
00484   ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getEmcGain( std::vector<double>& emcGain, int runNo) {
00485     // Get EmcCalibConstSvc.
00486     IEmcCalibConstSvc *emcCalibConstSvc;
00487     ISvcLocator* svcLocator = Gaudi::svcLocator();
00488     StatusCode sc = svcLocator->service("EmcCalibConstSvc",emcCalibConstSvc);
00489     if(sc!=StatusCode::SUCCESS) {
00490       cout << "ConnectionProvider Error: Can't get EmcCalibConstSvc." << endl;
00491     }
00493     string ids="128005";
00495     ostringstream str;
00496     int idBegin=0;
00497     int idEnd=6240;
00499     for(int i=idBegin;i<idEnd;i++) {
00500       unsigned int npart = emcCalibConstSvc->getPartID(i);
00501       unsigned int ntheta = emcCalibConstSvc->getThetaIndex(i);
00502       unsigned int nphi = emcCalibConstSvc->getPhiIndex(i);
00504       int triPart,triTheta,triPhi;
00505       if(npart==0) {
00506         triPart=0; 
00507         triTheta=23+ntheta;
00508       } else if(npart==1&&ntheta<22) {
00509         triPart=0;
00510         triTheta=22-ntheta;
00511       } else if(npart==1&&ntheta>=22) {
00512         triPart=1;
00513         triTheta=ntheta-21;
00514       } else {  //npart==2
00515         triPart=1;
00516         triTheta=23+ntheta;
00517       } 
00518       triPhi=nphi+1;
00520       ostringstream ssTheta;
00521       if(triPart==1&&triTheta<10) {
00522         ssTheta<<"0"<<triTheta;
00523       } else {
00524         ssTheta<<triTheta;
00525       } 
00527       ostringstream ssPhi;
00528       if(triPhi<10) {
00529         ssPhi<<"00"<<triPhi;
00530       } else if(triPhi<100) {
00531         ssPhi<<"0"<<triPhi; 
00532       } else {
00533         ssPhi<<triPhi;
00534       }
00536       if(triPart==0) {
00537         str<<ssTheta.str()<<ssPhi.str();
00538       } else {
00539         str<<triPart<<ssTheta.str()<<ssPhi.str();
00540       }
00541       if(i!=idEnd-1) {
00542         str<<",";
00543       }
00545       //cout<<npart<<"\t"<<ntheta<<"\t"<<nphi<<endl;
00547     }
00549     ids=str.str();
00550     //cout<<ids<<endl;
00552     getcal( runNo, ids);
00554     emcGain.clear();
00555     for(int i=0;i<id_num;i++) {
00556       istringstream isin(*trgGain[i]);
00557       double value;
00558       isin>>value;
00559       value = ((50./255.)*(value)/60.)*5*0.5;
00560       emcGain.push_back(value);
00561       delete trgGain[i];
00562     }
00564     return RETOk;
00565   }
00568   ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getTrgConfigInfo(int runNo) {
00569     //Read trigger configure information
00570     char stmt1[1024];
00571     int run_No =std::abs(runNo);
00573     sprintf(stmt1,"select Trg_fileid from RunParams where run_number = %d ",run_No);
00575     DatabaseRecordVector results;
00576     results.clear();
00577     int rowNumber = m_dbsvc->query("run",stmt1,results);
00578     if( rowNumber <= 0){
00579       std::cout << "ERROR: Read the Trg_fileid from RunParams, exit." << endl;
00580       exit(1);
00581     }
00583     if(rowNumber > 1){
00584       std::cout<<"WARNNING: there are more than one record for Trg_fileid in run " << runNo << ", the first one will be selected."<<std::endl;
00585     }
00586     int trg_fileid = std::atoi((*results[0])["Trg_fileid"]);
00588     sprintf(stmt1,"select EtotDataSteps,VthBEtotH,VthEEtotH,VthEtotL,VthEtotM,VthBLZ,VthDiffB,VthDiffE,VthBalBLK,VthBalEEMC,VthDiffMin from Trg_EACC where FileId = %d ", trg_fileid);
00590     results.clear();
00591     rowNumber = m_dbsvc->query("run",stmt1,results);
00592     if( rowNumber <= 0){
00593       std::cout << "ERROR: Read the EACC config infor. from Trg_EACC, exit." << endl;
00594       exit(1);
00595     }
00597     if(rowNumber > 1){
00598       std::cout<<"WARNNING: there are more than one record for EACC in run " << runNo << ", the first one will be selected."<<std::endl;
00599     }
00601     m_EtotDataSteps = std::atoi((*results[0])["EtotDataSteps"]);
00602     m_VthBEtotH = std::atoi((*results[0])["VthBEtotH"]);
00603     m_VthEEtotH = std::atoi((*results[0])["VthEEtotH"]);
00604     m_VthEtotL = std::atoi((*results[0])["VthEtotL"]);
00605     m_VthEtotM = std::atoi((*results[0])["VthEtotM"]);
00606     m_VthBLZ = std::atoi((*results[0])["VthBLZ"]);
00607     m_VthDiffB = std::atoi((*results[0])["VthDiffB"]);
00608     m_VthDiffE = std::atoi((*results[0])["VthDiffE"]);
00609     m_VthBalBLK = std::atoi((*results[0])["VthBalBLK"]);
00610     m_VthBalEEMC = std::atoi((*results[0])["VthBalEEMC"]);
00611     m_VthDiffMin = std::atoi((*results[0])["VthDiffMin"]);
00613     return RETOk;
00614   }
00617   //ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getReadBackgroundInfo(std::vector<std::string>& fileInfor, std::vector<int>& vRanTrgEvtNum, int runNo) {
00618   ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getReadBackgroundInfo(std::vector<std::string>& fileInfor, int runNo) {
00619     //Read background file
00620    char stmt1[200];
00621    int run_No =std::abs(runNo);
00623   //sprintf(stmt1,"select FilePath,FileName,NumEvent from RanTrgData where RunNo = %d ",run_No);
00624   sprintf(stmt1,"select FilePath,FileName from RanTrgData where RunNo = %d ",run_No);
00626   DatabaseRecordVector results;
00627   results.clear();
00628   int status = m_dbsvc->query("offlinedb",stmt1,results);
00629   if(status<0){
00630     std::cout << "ERROR Read the background file from the Database" << endreq;
00631     exit(1);
00632   }
00634      int RowNumber = results.size();
00635      if(RowNumber == 0){
00636          std::cout<<"WARNING: No Bg infor. in this run!"<<std::endl;
00637         return RETNoSchemaMatch;
00638      }
00639      //vRanTrgEvtNum.clear();
00640      fileInfor.clear();
00641      for(int i = 0; i < RowNumber; i++) {
00642        //int RanTrgEvtNum = 0;
00643        //RanTrgEvtNum = std::atoi((*results[i])["NumEvent"]);
00644        //if(RanTrgEvtNum != 0) vRanTrgEvtNum.push_back(RanTrgEvtNum); 
00645        //if(RanTrgEvtNum != 0) {
00646          fileInfor.push_back((*results[i])["FilePath"]);
00647          fileInfor.push_back((*results[i])["FileName"]);
00648        //}
00649      }
00651     if(fileInfor.size() == 0) {
00652       std::cout<<"WARNING: the total bg event number in run " << runNo << " is zero, it will use other run's bg" << std::endl;
00653       return RETNoSchemaMatch;
00654     }
00656     return RETOk;
00657   }
00659   //ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getReadBackgroundInfo( std::vector<std::string>& fileInfor, std::vector<int>& vRanTrgEvtNum, std::string stmt1) {
00660   ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getReadBackgroundInfo( std::vector<std::string>& fileInfor, std::string stmt1) {
00661     //Read background file
00662    //char stmt1[200];
00663    //int run_No =runNo;
00665   //sprintf(stmt1,"select FilePath,FileName from RanTrgData where RunNo = %d ",run_No);
00667   DatabaseRecordVector results;
00668   results.clear();
00669   int status = m_dbsvc->query("offlinedb",stmt1,results);
00670   if(status<0){
00671     std::cout << "ERROR Read the background file from the Database" << endreq;
00672     exit(1);
00673   }
00674      int RowNumber = results.size();
00675      if(RowNumber == 0){
00676          std::cout<<"ERROR:error searching background Data in the database, check your selection criterions"<<std::endl;
00677         return RETMySQLError;
00678      }
00679      //vRanTrgEvtNum.clear();
00680      fileInfor.clear();
00681      for(int i = 0; i < RowNumber; i++) {
00682        //int RanTrgEvtNum = 0;
00683        //RanTrgEvtNum = std::atoi((*results[i])["NumEvent"]);
00684        //if(RanTrgEvtNum != 0) vRanTrgEvtNum.push_back(RanTrgEvtNum);
00685        //if(RanTrgEvtNum != 0) {
00686          fileInfor.push_back((*results[i])["FilePath"]);
00687          fileInfor.push_back((*results[i])["FileName"]);
00688        //}
00689      }
00691     if(fileInfor.size() == 0) {
00692       std::cout<<"WARNING: the total bg event number in your selected bg files is zero, it will abort after error message" << std::endl;
00693       return RETNoSchemaMatch;
00694     }
00696     return RETOk;
00697   }
00699   ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getReadTofThreshInfo( std::vector<std::string>& tofThresh, int runNo) {
00700     //Read tof FEE threshold 
00701    char stmt1[200];
00702    int run_No =std::abs(runNo);
00704   sprintf(stmt1,"select TFEE_fileid from RunParams where run_number = %d ",run_No);
00706   DatabaseRecordVector results;
00707   results.clear();
00708   int status = m_dbsvc->query("run",stmt1,results);
00709   if(status<0){
00710     std::cout << "ERROR Read the Tof threshold from the Database" << endreq;
00711     exit(1);
00712   }
00713      int RowNumber = results.size();
00714      if(RowNumber!=1){
00715          std::cout<<"ERROR:error searching TFEE_fileid Data in the database, check your selection criterions"<<std::endl;
00716         return RETMySQLError;
00717      }
00718      int i_tfee_fileid = std::atoi((*results[0])["TFEE_fileid"]);
00719      std::cout<<"TFEE file id is "<<i_tfee_fileid<<std::endl;
00720      results.clear();
00722      if(i_tfee_fileid == m_tfee_fileid) {
00723       std::cout<<"Don't need to update TOF FEE threshold, it is same with the last run!"<<std::endl;
00724     }
00725     else {
00726       m_tfee_fileid = i_tfee_fileid;
00727       m_tofThresh.clear();
00729       sprintf(stmt1,"select PhysAddress,BarrelEnd,HighThreshold,LowThreshold from TFEE where FileId = %d ",i_tfee_fileid);
00730       int status1 = m_dbsvc->query("run",stmt1,results);
00731       if(status1<0){
00732         std::cout << "ERROR Read the Tof threshold from the Database 1" << endreq;
00733         exit(1);
00734      }
00735      int RowNumber = results.size();
00736      if(RowNumber == 0){
00737          std::cout<<"WARNING: No TFEE infor. in this run!"<<std::endl;
00738         return RETNoSchemaMatch;
00739      }  
00740      for(int i = 0; i < RowNumber; i++) {
00741        m_tofThresh.push_back((*results[i])["PhysAddress"]); 
00742        m_tofThresh.push_back((*results[i])["BarrelEnd"]); 
00743        m_tofThresh.push_back((*results[i])["HighThreshold"]); 
00744        m_tofThresh.push_back((*results[i])["LowThreshold"]); 
00745      }
00746      results.clear();
00747    }
00749    tofThresh = m_tofThresh;
00751     return RETOk;
00752   }
00754   ConnectionProvider::eRet ConnectionProvider::getRunInfo(std::vector<std::string>& runInfo, int runNo) {
00755     //Read run information
00756    char stmt1[500];
00757    int run_No =std::abs(runNo);
00759   sprintf(stmt1,"select R_TM_BPR_PatNum,R_TM_BER_PatNum,S_R3O_BI_DCCT_current,E_R3O_BI_DCCT_current,AV_R3O_BI_DCCT_current,S_R4O_BI_DCCT_current,E_R4O_BI_DCCT_current,AV_R4O_BI_DCCT_current,S_BPR_LIFE,E_BPR_LIFE,AV_BPR_LIFE,S_BER_LIFE,E_BER_LIFE,AV_BER_LIFE from RunParams where run_number = %d ",run_No);
00761   DatabaseRecordVector results;
00762   results.clear();
00763   int status = m_dbsvc->query("run",stmt1,results);
00764   if(status<0){
00765     std::cout << "ERROR Read the run information from the Database" << endreq;
00766     exit(1);
00767   } 
00768      int RowNumber = results.size();
00769      if(RowNumber == 0){
00770          std::cout<<"WARNING: No run information in this run!"<<std::endl;
00771         return RETNoSchemaMatch;
00772      }  
00774      for(int i = 0; i < RowNumber; i++) {
00775        for(std::map<std::string,char*>::iterator iter = (*results[i]).begin(); iter != (*results[i]).end(); iter++) {
00776          runInfo.push_back(iter->second);
00777        }
00778      }
00780      return RETOk; 
00781   }
00783 }

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