
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: ComPackExpFloat.cxx,v 1.2 2009/12/23 02:59:56 zhangy Exp $
00004 //
00005 // Description:
00006 //      class ComPackExpFloat
00007 //
00008 // Environment:
00009 //      Software developed for the BaBar Detector at the SLAC B-Factory.
00010 //
00011 // Author List:
00012 //      Dave Brown               10/12/00
00013 //
00014 // Copyright Information:
00015 //      Copyright (C) 2000 LBNL
00016 // 
00017 // History:
00018 //      Migration for BESIII MDC
00019 //
00020 //
00021 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00023 //#include "BaBar/BaBar.hh"
00024 #include "MdcRecoUtil/ComPackExpFloat.h"
00025 //#include "ErrLogger/ErrLog.hh"
00026 #include <math.h>
00027 #include <iostream>
00028 using std::endl;
00029 using std::ostream;
00031 ComPackExpFloat::ComPackExpFloat(unsigned nbits,
00032                                  unsigned maxexponent,
00033                                  double start,
00034                                  double stop,
00035                                  bool center ) :
00036   ComPackBase<double>(start,stop,nbits),
00037   _maxexp(maxexponent) {
00038   if(_maxexp > 62 ) {
00039     std::cout<<"ErrMsg(fatal) "<< "Can't pack exponents larger than 62" << endl;
00040     abort();
00041   }
00042   static double invln2(1.0/log(2.0));
00043   long long one(1);
00044 // compute how many bits used by exponent
00045   _mansft = _maxexp>0?(unsigned)(log(double(_maxexp))*invln2+1.01):0;
00046   _expmsk = (1<<_mansft)-1;
00047   _maxman = (1<<(_bitRange-_mansft));
00048   _manmsk = _maxman-1;
00049   double invmaxman = 1.0/_maxman;
00050   long long maxnorm = (one<<(maxexponent+1))-1;
00051 // correct the range if we're centering the bins
00052   if(center) {
00053     long long norm = one<<maxexponent;
00054     double alpha = 1.0/((double)maxnorm*_maxman*2.0 - (norm + 1.0));
00055     _minVal -= _valRange*alpha;
00056     _maxVal += _valRange*norm*alpha;
00057     _valRange = _maxVal - _minVal;
00058 //    cout << "alpha = " << alpha << " norm = " << norm << endl;
00059   }
00060 // finish the calculations
00061   _invrange = maxnorm/_valRange;
00062   double invmaxnorm = _valRange/maxnorm;
00063   double manoff = (0.5 * invmaxman+1.0) * invmaxnorm;
00064   double valoff = _minVal -  invmaxnorm;
00065   double manfac = invmaxnorm * invmaxman;
00066 // pre-compute some factors and store them in an array
00067   _expfac = new double[_maxexp+1];
00068   _expoff = new double[_maxexp+1];
00069   for(unsigned iexp=0;iexp<=_maxexp;iexp++){
00070     double expf = (one<<iexp);
00071     _expoff[iexp] = valoff + manoff*expf;
00072     _expfac[iexp] = manfac*expf;
00073   }
00074 }
00076 ComPackExpFloat::~ComPackExpFloat()
00077 {
00078   delete [] _expfac;
00079   delete [] _expoff;
00080 }
00082 ComPackBase<double>::StatusCode
00083 ComPackExpFloat::pack (const double value, d_ULong & packdata) const {
00084   static double invln2(1.0/log(2.0));
00085   static long long one(1);
00086   ComPackBase<double>::StatusCode retval(TAG_OK);
00087 // first, figure out the exponent
00088   double renorm = 1.0+(value-_minVal)*_invrange;
00089   if(renorm<1.0){
00090     renorm=1.0;
00091     retval = TAG_VAL_ROUND_UP;
00092   }
00093   unsigned iexp = unsigned(log(renorm)*invln2);
00094   unsigned iman(0);
00095   if(iexp<=_maxexp){
00096     long long expon = one<<iexp;
00097     iman = (unsigned)( _maxman*(renorm/expon - 1.0) );
00098 // deal with floating-point rounding, which could give a 'non-physical' result
00099     if(iman==_maxman){
00100       if(iexp==_maxexp)
00101         iman=_maxman-1;
00102       else {
00103         iman=0;
00104         iexp++;
00105       }
00106     }
00107   } else {
00108     iexp=_maxexp;
00109     iman = _maxman-1;
00110     retval = TAG_VAL_ROUND_DOWN;
00111   }
00112   packdata = (iexp&_expmsk) | (iman&_manmsk)<<_mansft;
00113   return retval;
00114 }
00116 ComPackBase<double>::StatusCode 
00117 ComPackExpFloat::unpack (const d_ULong packdata, double & value) const {
00118   size_t iman = (packdata>>_mansft)&_manmsk;
00119   size_t iexp = packdata&_expmsk;
00120   value = _expoff[iexp] + iman * _expfac[iexp];
00121   return TAG_OK;
00122 }
00124 void
00125 ComPackExpFloat::print(ostream& os) const {
00126   os << "Exponential packer for range " << _minVal << " to " << _maxVal << endl;
00127   os << "Maximum exponent = " << _maxexp << endl;
00128   os << "Maximum mantissa = " << _maxman << endl;
00129   os << "Mantissa storage shift, mask = " << _mansft << " , " << _manmsk << endl;
00130 }

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