
Go to the documentation of this file.
00003 #include "GaudiKernel/DataObject.h"
00004 #include "CalibData/CalibModel.h"
00005 #include <vector>
00007 namespace CalibData {
00008 class BarrelElec{
00009  public:
00010   BarrelElec()  {}
00011   ~BarrelElec() {}
00012  public:
00013   unsigned int getNumEast( int idx )     const { return  m_num[0][idx];    }
00014   unsigned int getNumWest( int idx )     const { return  m_num[1][idx];    }
00015   double getP1( int idx )                const { return  m_pEast[idx];     }
00016   double getP2( int idx )                const { return  m_pWest[idx];     }
00017   double getSimP1( int idx )             const { return  m_simPEast[idx];  }
00018   double getSimP2( int idx )             const { return  m_simPWest[idx];  }
00020   void  setNumEast( unsigned int idx, unsigned int num )   { m_num[0][idx] = num;   }
00021   void  setNumEast( unsigned int num[4] ) {
00022     for( unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++ )  { m_num[0][i] = num[i]; }
00023   }
00024   void  setNumWest( unsigned int idx, unsigned int num )   { m_num[1][idx] = num;   }
00025   void  setNumWest( unsigned int num[4] ) {
00026     for( unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++ )  { m_num[1][i] = num[i]; }
00027   }
00028   void  setP1( unsigned int idx, double p )         { m_pEast[idx] = p;    }
00029   void  setP1( double p[11] ) {
00030     for( unsigned int i=0; i<11; i++ ) { m_pEast[i] = p[i]; }
00031   }
00032   void  setP2( unsigned int idx, double p )         { m_pWest[idx] = p;    }
00033   void  setP2( double p[11] ) {
00034     for( unsigned int i=0; i<11; i++ ) { m_pWest[i] = p[i]; }
00035   }
00036   void  setSimP1( unsigned int idx, double p )      { m_simPEast[idx] = p; }
00037   void  setSimP1( double p[11] ) {
00038     for( unsigned int i=0; i<11; i++ ) { m_simPEast[i] = p[i]; }
00039   }
00040   void  setSimP2( unsigned int idx, double p )      { m_simPWest[idx] = p; }
00041   void  setSimP2( double p[11] ) {
00042     for( unsigned int i=0; i<11; i++ ) { m_simPWest[i] = p[i]; }
00043   }
00045  private:
00046   unsigned int m_num[2][4];
00047   double m_pEast[11];
00048   double m_pWest[11];
00049   double m_simPEast[11];
00050   double m_simPWest[11];
00051 };
00052 }
00053 #endif

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