
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 //  File:       CDCandidate.cc
00003 //  Author:     Simon Patton
00004 //  Package:    Taxi - a prototype set of objects for Physics analysis
00005 //  Contents:   Definitions of the members of `CDCandidate' class.
00006 //
00007 //  Class Description: See CDCandidate.h.
00008 //
00009 // $Id: CDCandidate.cxx,v 1.4 2011/10/27 06:15:12 zoujh Exp $
00010 //
00012 #include <stdlib.h>  // For 'exit'
00013 #include <iostream>
00015 #include "EvtRecEvent/EvtRecTrack.h"
00016 #include "EvtRecEvent/EvtRecPi0.h"
00017 #include "EvtRecEvent/EvtRecEtaToGG.h"
00018 #include "EvtRecEvent/EvtRecVeeVertex.h"
00019 #include "DecayChain/Element/ReferenceHolder.h"
00021 #include "BesDChain/util/KinematicData.h"
00022 #include "BesDChain/CDCandidate.h"
00023 #include "BesDChain/CDDecay.h"
00025 using namespace dchain;
00027 using DecayChain::KinematicData;
00029 #ifdef EXTEND
00030       //for recover 4p after kinematic fit
00031       void CDCandidate::recover() const { kinematicData()->recover(); }
00032 #endif
00033 //------ Constructor -----
00034 // copy constructor
00035 //
00036 CDCandidate::CDCandidate( const CDCandidate& aOtherCDCandidate ) :
00037    ReferenceCount(),
00038    m_kinematicDataPtr(0),
00039    m_footPrint( aOtherCDCandidate.footPrint() )
00040 {
00041    if ( 0 != aOtherCDCandidate.m_kinematicDataPtr ) {
00042       setKinematicData( * (aOtherCDCandidate.kinematicData()) ) ;
00043    }
00044 }
00047 //------ Constructor -----
00048 // constructor with just a footprint
00049 //
00050 CDCandidate::CDCandidate( const CDFootPrint& aCDFootPrint ) :
00051    m_kinematicDataPtr( 0 ) ,
00052    m_footPrint( aCDFootPrint )
00053 {
00054 }
00056 //------ Destructor -----
00057 //
00058 CDCandidate::~CDCandidate()
00059 {
00060    delete m_kinematicDataPtr ;
00061 }
00064 //------ assignment -----
00065 // fill an *empty* candidate with aother CDCandidate's information
00066 //
00067 const CDCandidate& CDCandidate::operator=( const CDCandidate& aOtherCDCandidate )
00068 {
00069    if ( 0 == aOtherCDCandidate.m_kinematicDataPtr ) {
00070       delete m_kinematicDataPtr ;
00071       m_kinematicDataPtr = 0 ;
00072    }
00073    else {
00074       setKinematicData( * (aOtherCDCandidate.kinematicData()) ) ;
00075    }
00076    m_footPrint = aOtherCDCandidate.footPrint() ;
00077    return ( *this ) ;
00078 }
00081 void CDCandidate::setUserTag(int tag)
00082 {
00083     this->modifiableKinematicData()->setUserTag( tag );
00084 }
00086 //------ setMomentum -----
00087 //
00088 CDCandidate& CDCandidate::setP4( const HepLorentzVector& aMomentum )
00089 {
00090    this->modifiableKinematicData()->setP4( aMomentum ) ;
00091    return( *this ) ;
00092 }
00095 //------ setKinematicData -----
00096 // set the KTKinematicData to a new values
00097 // Does not fill initial value with defaultKinematicData.
00098 //
00099 void CDCandidate::setKinematicData( const KinematicData& aKinematicData )
00100 {
00101    if ( 0 == m_kinematicDataPtr ) {
00102       m_kinematicDataPtr = new KinematicData( aKinematicData ) ;
00103       if ( 0 == m_kinematicDataPtr ) {
00104          std::cerr << "No memory to allocate another kinematicData" << std::endl ;
00105          exit( 1 ) ;
00106       }
00107       return ;
00108    }
00109    (*(this->modifiableKinematicData())) = aKinematicData ;
00110    return ;
00111 }
00114 //------ setCDFootPrint -----
00115 // set the CDFootPrint to a new value
00116 //
00117 void CDCandidate::setCDFootPrint( const CDFootPrint& aCDFootPrint )
00118 {
00119    m_footPrint = aCDFootPrint ;
00120 }
00122 //------ modifiableKinematicData -----
00123 // get the non-const KTKinematicData for this candidate
00124 //
00125 KinematicData* CDCandidate::modifiableKinematicData()
00126 {
00127    if ( 0 == m_kinematicDataPtr ) {
00128       m_kinematicDataPtr = defaultKinematicData() ;
00129       if ( 0 == m_kinematicDataPtr ) {
00130          std::cerr << "No memory to allocate another kinematicData" << std::endl ;
00131          exit( 1 ) ;
00132       }
00133    }
00134    return m_kinematicDataPtr ;
00135 }
00137 int CDCandidate::userTag() const
00138 {
00139     return kinematicData()->userTag();
00140 }
00142 //------ mass -----
00143 // get the mass for this CDCandidate
00144 //
00145 double CDCandidate::mass() const
00146 {
00147    return kinematicData()->mass();
00148 }
00151 //------ charge -----
00152 // get the charge for this CDCandidate
00153 //
00154 int CDCandidate::charge() const
00155 {
00156    return kinematicData()->charge();
00157 }
00160 //------ energy -----
00161 // get the energy for this CDCandidate
00162 //
00163 double CDCandidate::energy() const
00164 {
00165    return kinematicData()->energy();
00166 }
00169 //------ momentum -----
00170 // get the momentum for this CDCandidate
00171 //
00172 const Hep3Vector& CDCandidate::momentum() const
00173 {
00174    return kinematicData()->p4();
00175 }
00177 const HepLorentzVector& CDCandidate::p4() const
00178 {
00179    return kinematicData()->p4();
00180 }
00182 //------ kinematicData -----
00183 // get the kinematicData for this CDCandidate
00184 //
00185 const KinematicData* CDCandidate::kinematicData() const
00186 {
00187    // Cast away `const' to pick up the function.
00188    // This is safe as the result is being returned as a `const'
00189    return ( (*(CDCandidate*)this).modifiableKinematicData() );
00190 }
00192 CDCandidate::TracksAndShowers
00193 CDCandidate::finalChildren() const
00194 {
00195    TracksAndShowers blocks;
00196    recurseNode(blocks, *this);
00197    return blocks;
00198 }
00200 void
00201 CDCandidate::recurseNode(CDCandidate::TracksAndShowers& final,
00202                          const CDCandidate& cand) const
00203 {
00204    if(cand.builtFromTrack())
00205    {
00206       final.first.push_back( cand.track() );
00207       return;
00208    }
00209    if(cand.builtFromCDPhoton())
00210    {
00211       final.second.push_back( cand.photon() );
00212       return;
00213    }
00214    const DecayEvidence& decay = cand.decay();
00215    const vector< ReferenceHolder<CDCandidate> >& children = decay.children();
00216    vector< ReferenceHolder<CDCandidate> >::const_iterator lastChild = children.end();
00217    for(vector<ReferenceHolder<CDCandidate> >::const_iterator child = children.begin();
00218        child != lastChild; ++child)
00219    {
00220       recurseNode(final, **child);
00221    }
00222 }
00224 //------ buildFromCDCharged -----
00225 // false is there in no CDChargedEvidence associated with this CDCandidate
00226 //
00227 bool CDCandidate::builtFromTrack() const
00228 {
00229    return ( false ) ;
00230 }
00233 //------ chargedEvidence -----
00234 // return the CDChargedEvidence that is associated with this CDCandidate
00235 //
00236 const EvtRecTrack* CDCandidate::track() const
00237 {
00238    std::cerr << "No navtrack for this CDCandidate" << std::endl ;
00239    exit( 1 ) ;
00240    return ( (EvtRecTrack*)0 ) ;
00241 }
00244 //------ builtFromCDPhoton -----
00245 // false is there in no CDNeutralEvidence associated with this CDCandidate
00246 //
00247 bool CDCandidate::builtFromCDPhoton() const
00248 {
00249    return ( false ) ;
00250 }
00253 //------ photon -----
00254 // return the NavShower that is associated with this CDCandidate
00255 //
00256 const EvtRecTrack* CDCandidate::photon() const
00257 {
00258    std::cerr << "No NavShower for this CDCandidate" << std::endl ;
00259    exit( 1 ) ;
00260    return ( (EvtRecTrack*)0 ) ;
00261 }
00264 //------ builtFromCDPi0 -----
00265 // false is there in no CDNeutralEvidence associated with this CDCandidate
00266 //
00267 bool CDCandidate::builtFromCDPi0() const
00268 {
00269    return ( false ) ;
00270 }
00273 //------ pi0 -----
00274 // return the NavCDPi0 that is associated with this CDCandidate
00275 //
00276 const EvtRecPi0* CDCandidate::navPi0() const
00277 {
00278    std::cerr << "No NavCDPi0 for this CDCandidate" << std::endl ;
00279    exit( 1 ) ;
00280    return ( (EvtRecPi0*)0 ) ;
00281 }
00284 //------ builtFromCDEta -----
00285 // false is there in no CDNeutralEvidence associated with this CDCandidate
00286 //
00287 bool CDCandidate::builtFromCDEta() const
00288 {
00289    return ( false ) ;
00290 }
00293 //------ eta -----
00294 // return the NavCDEta that is associated with this CDCandidate
00295 //
00296 const EvtRecEtaToGG* CDCandidate::navEta() const
00297 {
00298    std::cerr << "No NavCDEta for this CDCandidate" << std::endl ;
00299    exit( 1 ) ;
00300    return ( (EvtRecEtaToGG*)0 ) ;
00301 }
00304 //------ builtFromCDKs -----
00305 // false is there in no CDNeutralEvidence associated with this CDCandidate
00306 //
00307 bool CDCandidate::builtFromCDKs() const
00308 {
00309    return ( false ) ;
00310 }
00313 //------ CDKs -----
00314 // return the NavKs that is associated with this CDCandidate
00315 //
00316 const EvtRecVeeVertex* CDCandidate::navKshort() const
00317 {
00318    std::cerr << "No NavKs for this CDCandidate" << std::endl ;
00319    exit( 1 ) ;
00320    return ( (EvtRecVeeVertex*)0 ) ;
00321 }
00324 //------ builtFromCDLambda -----
00325 // false is there in no CDNeutralEvidence associated with this CDCandidate
00326 //
00327 bool CDCandidate::builtFromCDLambda() const
00328 {
00329    return ( false ) ;
00330 }
00333 //------ CDLambda -----
00334 // return the NavLambda that is associated with this CDCandidate
00335 //
00336 const EvtRecVeeVertex* CDCandidate::navLambda() const
00337 {
00338    std::cerr << "No NavLambda for this CDCandidate" << std::endl ;
00339    exit( 1 ) ;
00340    return ( (EvtRecVeeVertex*)0 ) ;
00341 }
00344 //------ builtFromCDDecay -----
00345 // false is there in no CDDecay associated with this CDCandidate
00346 //
00347 bool CDCandidate::builtFromCDDecay() const
00348 {
00349    return ( false ) ;
00350 }
00353 //------ decay -----
00354 // return the decay that is associated with this CDCandidate
00355 //
00356 const CDDecay& CDCandidate::decay() const
00357 {
00358    std::cerr << "No CDDecay for this CDCandidate" << std::endl ;
00359    exit( 1 ) ;
00360    return ( *(CDDecay*)0 ) ;
00361 }
00363 //------ overlap -----
00364 // returns false if this Candodate and OtherCDCandidate have no elements
00365 //   in common
00366 //
00367 bool CDCandidate::overlap( const CDCandidate& aOtherCDCandidate ) const
00368 {
00369    return ( m_footPrint.overlap( aOtherCDCandidate.footPrint() ) ) ;
00370 }
00372 //------ footPrint -----
00373 // get the CDFootPrint for this CDCandidate
00374 //
00375 const CDFootPrint& CDCandidate::footPrint() const
00376 {
00377    return ( m_footPrint ) ;
00378 }
00381 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
00382 //
00383 // $Log: CDCandidate.cxx,v $
00384 // Revision 1.4  2011/10/27 06:15:12  zoujh
00385 // add user tag to particle data
00386 //
00387 // Revision 1.3  2009/09/22 08:24:41  hujf
00388 // see ChangeLog
00389 //
00390 // Revision 1.2  2009/06/22 14:55:48  zoujh
00391 // See ChangeLog
00392 //
00393 // Revision  2009/03/03 06:05:56  maqm
00394 // first import of BesDChain
00395 //
00396 // Revision 1.7  2006/06/05 16:14:58  gregor
00397 // Reordered constructor initializers to match .h file
00398 //
00399 // Revision 1.6  2006/01/11 20:37:25  cdj
00400 // work with renaming done in DChain package
00401 //
00402 // Revision 1.5  2004/03/05 22:01:43  chengp
00403 // implemented Monte Carlo matching
00404 //
00405 // Revision 1.4  2003/05/15 19:58:08  cdj
00406 // revamped memory handling so always use a ReferenceHolder to deal with the reference counting
00407 //
00408 // Revision 1.3  2001/09/12 19:10:32  ajm36
00409 // add lambda functions to CDCandidate
00410 //
00411 // Revision 1.2  2001/04/20 14:03:34  ajm36
00412 // add finalChildren function to return tracks and showers
00413 //
00414 // Revision 1.1  2001/04/11 13:19:00  urner
00415 // transition to files with CD prefix. Addition of new files
00416 //
00417 // Revision 1.3  2001/04/03 17:24:57  cdj
00418 // now always initialize m_kinematicDataPtr to 0
00419 //
00420 // Revision 1.2  2001/03/23 23:05:27  urner
00421 // added pi0 eta and CDKs decay lists
00422 //
00423 // Revision  2000/12/18 22:17:24  cdj
00424 // imported CleoDChain
00425 //
00426 // Revision 1.29  1998/05/04 19:10:41  sjp
00427 // Fixed access confusion for kinematicData
00428 //
00429 // Revision 1.28  1998/04/17 18:55:49  sjp
00430 // Modified to use latest types
00431 //
00432 // Revision 1.27  1997/09/03 14:58:30  sjp
00433 // Use new report.h and KTKinematicData
00434 //
00435 // Revision 1.26  1997/08/29 17:00:32  sjp
00436 // Modified to handle new Cairn Templated classes
00437 //
00438 // Revision 1.25  1997/08/25 02:50:34  sjp
00439 // empty returns now use typedef names
00440 //
00441 // Revision 1.24  1997/08/22 16:18:51  sjp
00442 // New name for access functions
00443 //
00444 // Revision 1.23  1997/08/20 12:45:36  sjp
00445 // Removed unnecessary <math.h>
00446 //
00447 // Revision 1.22  1997/08/19 23:02:44  sjp
00448 // Restructured package to be independent of CleoDChain
00449 //
00450 // Revision 1.21  1997/08/19 20:40:14  sjp
00451 // Updated to use <package>/<file>.h include structure.
00452 //   (Note: This version of the code has not been compiled)
00453 //
00454 // Revision 1.20  1997/01/21 20:29:57  sjp
00455 // Changed CPP flags and include because of library reorganization
00456 //
00457 // Revision 1.19  1996/12/20 21:00:32  sjp
00458 // Request of non-existant reference is now and error
00459 //
00460 // Revision 1.18  1996/11/04 16:58:33  sjp
00461 // Separaqted of CDDecay part of CDCandidate into new class
00462 //
00463 // Revision 1.17  1996/07/16 19:05:28  sjp
00464 // Restructed Libraries
00465 // Put relative pathnames into all includes
00466 //
00467 // Revision 1.16  1996/06/21 21:21:19  sjp
00468 // Fixed bug, which was missing a return statment
00469 //
00470 // Revision 1.15  1996/06/19 19:30:13  sjp
00471 // Changed to use vector<> rather than deque<>
00472 //
00473 // Revision 1.14  1996/06/13 18:18:37  sjp
00474 // KTKinematicData is now a cached value
00475 //
00476 // Revision 1.13  1996/06/04 14:54:17  sjp
00477 // Coverted to use DB Classes
00478 //
00479 // Revision 1.12  1996/04/11 14:25:16  sjp
00480 // Set Z of missedDistance to Z0CD (a kludge)
00481 //
00482 // Revision 1.11  1996/04/05 20:05:12  sjp
00483 // Added function to get MCParticle, Track and Shower matches.
00484 // Reorganized the file.
00485 // Added a cobbled version of missedDistance.
00486 //
00487 // Revision 1.10  1996/02/27 15:50:15  sjp
00488 // Added functions to link CDCandidate with Track and Showers.
00489 // Allowed derived classes ability to addChild to children.
00490 //
00491 // Revision 1.9  1996/02/06 20:37:24  sjp
00492 // Added new functionality to map a CDCandidate onto its `truth'.
00493 //
00494 // Revision 1.8  1995/11/28 17:34:46  sjp
00495 // Changed `list' class to `deque' and added SJP_NOSTL switch.
00496 // Added child() and iterateChild() operations, and thus added Children
00497 //   include file for enum.
00498 // Moved `Log' information.
00499 //
00500 // Revision 1.6  1995/11/25 23:26:43  sjp
00501 // Ammended to use KTKinematicData a basis for kinematic data.
00502 //
00503 // Revision 1.5  1995/11/22 02:49:59  sjp
00504 // list constructors no longer accept Size, now use set_max_size.
00505 //
00506 // Revision 1.4  1995/11/14 22:04:56  sjp
00507 // Updated to use `list' rather than SimpleList, and to use STL style
00508 //   iterators.
00509 //
00510 // Revision 1.3  1995/11/14 21:24:01  sjp
00511 // Corrected bug, energy was not begin accumulated in constructor.
00512 //
00513 // Revision 1.2  1995/11/09 16:53:48  sjp
00514 // Move responsibility for mass, charge, momentum and energy into this class.
00515 //
00516 // Revision 1.1  1995/11/07 21:26:57  sjp
00517 // New base class for all CDCandidates.
00518 //
00519 //

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