
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: BesPointErr.cxx,v 1.2 2009/12/23 02:59:56 zhangy Exp $
00004 //
00005 // Description:
00006 //      Class BbrPointErr
00007 //
00008 // Environment:
00009 //      Software developed for the BaBar Detector at the SLAC B-Factory.
00010 //
00011 // Author List:
00012 //      Forest Rouse            February 1996
00013 //      Victoria Novotny        August   1996
00014 //
00015 // Copyright Information:
00016 //      Copyright (C) 1996      U.C. Davis
00017 // 
00018 // History:
00019 //      Migration for BESIII MDC
00020 //
00021 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00022 // File BbrPointErr.cc
00023 // Source file for class BbrPointErr
00024 //
00025 // For advice, input, or any questions then please contact either
00026 // Bob Jacobsen <Bob_Jacobsen@lbl.gov> or
00027 // Forest Rouse <rouse@ucdhep.ucdavis.edu>
00028 //
00029 // =====================================================================
00030 // Name           Change description
00031 // Date
00032 // Version
00033 // =====================================================================
00034 //#include "BaBar/BaBar.h"
00036 #include <stdio.h>
00037 #include <float.h>
00038 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifNumber.h"
00039 #include "MdcRecoUtil/DifArray.h"
00040 #include "MdcRecoUtil/BesPointErr.h"
00041 using std::istream;
00042 using std::ostream;
00044 BesPointErr operator + (const BesPointErr& v, const BesVectorErr& w){
00045     BesPointErr pe(HepPoint3D(v.x()+w.x(),v.y()+w.y(),v.z()+w.z()),
00046            (v.covMatrix()+w.covMatrix()));
00047     return pe;
00048   }
00050 BesPointErr operator + (const BesVectorErr& w, const BesPointErr& v){
00051     BesPointErr pe(HepPoint3D(v.x()+w.x(),v.y()+w.y(),v.z()+w.z()), 
00052                    (v.covMatrix()+w.covMatrix()));
00053     return pe;
00054 }
00056 BesPointErr operator - (const BesPointErr& v, const BesVectorErr& w){
00057     BesPointErr pe(HepPoint3D(v.x()-w.x(),v.y()-w.y(),v.z()-w.z()), 
00058                    (v.covMatrix()+w.covMatrix()));
00059     return pe;
00060 }
00062 BesVectorErr operator - (const BesPointErr& v, const BesPointErr& w){
00063     BesVectorErr ve(Hep3Vector(v.x()-w.x(),v.y()-w.y(),v.z()-w.z()),
00064                     (v.covMatrix()+w.covMatrix()));
00065     return ve;
00066 }
00068 ostream & operator<<(ostream & stream, const BesPointErr & verr) {
00069   stream << (const HepPoint3D&)verr
00070          << ", " << verr.covMatrix();
00072   return stream;
00073 }
00075 istream & operator>>(istream & stream, BesPointErr & verr) {
00076   BesError mat(verr.SIZE);
00077   stream >> (HepPoint3D&)verr >> mat;
00078   verr.setCovMatrix(mat);
00080   return stream;
00081 }
00083 BesError BesPointErr::covRTPMatrix() const{
00084   // protect against 0's
00085   double xv = x()==0 ?  FLT_MIN : x();
00086   double yv = y()==0 ?  FLT_MIN : y();
00087   double zv = z()==0 ?  FLT_MIN : z();
00088   DifNumber xDF(xv,X+1,3), yDF(yv,Y+1,3), zDF(zv,Z+1,3);
00089   DifArray pars(3,NUM_PCOORDINATES);
00090   pars[Rho]   =  sqrt(xDF*xDF + yDF*yDF + zDF*zDF);
00091   pars[Phi]   = atan2(yDF,xDF);
00092   pars[Theta] = acos(zDF/pars[Rho]);
00093   return covMatrix().similarity(pars.jacobian());
00094 }
00096 BesError BesPointErr::covRZPMatrix() const{
00097   // protect against 0's
00098   double xv = x()==0 ?  FLT_MIN : x();
00099   double yv = y()==0 ?  FLT_MIN : y();
00100   double zv = z()==0 ?  FLT_MIN : z();
00101   DifNumber xDF(xv,X+1,3), yDF(yv,Y+1,3), zDF(zv,Z+1,3);
00102   DifArray pars(3,NUM_CCOORDINATES);
00103   pars[C_Rho]   =  sqrt(xDF*xDF + yDF*yDF );
00104   pars[C_Phi]   = atan2(yDF,xDF);
00105   pars[C_Zeta] =  zDF;
00106   return covMatrix().similarity(pars.jacobian());
00107 }

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