
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef BesGlobalTrigSvc_h
00002 #define BesGlobalTrigSvc_h 1
00004 #include "Trigger/IBesGlobalTrigSvc.h"
00005 #include "GaudiKernel/Service.h"
00006 #include <vector>
00007 #include <map>
00008 #include <complex>
00009 #include <fstream>
00011 #include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentListener.h"
00012 #include "RealizationSvc/RealizationSvc.h"
00013 #include "RealizationSvc/IRealizationSvc.h"
00014 #include "Trigger/TrigPara.h"
00016 using namespace std;
00018 class IDataProviderSvc;
00019 class BesMdcTrig;
00020 class BesEmcTrig;
00021 class BesTofTrig;
00022 class BesMucTrig;
00023 class BesTMTrig;
00025 class BesGlobalTrigSvc: public Service,
00026                          virtual public IIncidentListener,
00027                          virtual public IBesGlobalTrigSvc {
00028 public:
00029         BesGlobalTrigSvc(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc);
00030         virtual ~BesGlobalTrigSvc();
00031 public:
00032         virtual StatusCode queryInterface( const InterfaceID& riid, 
00033                                      void** ppvInterface);  
00035         virtual StatusCode initialize();
00037         virtual StatusCode finalize();
00038         // Incident handler
00039         void handle(const Incident&);
00041         void startMdcTrig();
00042         void startTofTrig();
00043         void startEmcTrig();
00044         void startTMTrig();
00046         StatusCode GlobalTrig();
00048         inline void setEvtTime(double i) { m_evttime = i; };
00049         inline double getEvtTime() { return m_evttime; }
00051         inline void setGoodEvent(bool i) { m_goodEvent = i; };
00052         inline bool getGoodEvent() { return m_goodEvent; };
00053         //set trigger conditions
00054         StatusCode setTrigCondition();
00056         //values controled in jobOptions
00057         inline double getL1TC_GATE() { return L1TC_GATE; }
00058         inline double getL1TC_THRESH() { return L1TC_THRESH; }
00059         inline int getL1ETOT_L_Peak() { return L1ETOT_L_Peak; }
00060         inline int getL1ETOT_L_Sigma() { return L1ETOT_L_Sigma; }
00061         inline int getL1ETOT_M_Peak() { return L1ETOT_M_Peak; }
00062         inline int getL1ETOT_M_Sigma() { return L1ETOT_M_Sigma; }
00063         inline int getL1ETOT_BR_Peak() { return L1ETOT_BR_Peak; }
00064         inline int getL1ETOT_BR_Sigma() { return L1ETOT_BR_Sigma; }
00065         inline int getL1ETOT_EC_Peak() { return L1ETOT_EC_Peak; }
00066         inline int getL1ETOT_EC_Sigma() { return L1ETOT_EC_Sigma; }
00067         inline int getL1EBL_Z_Peak() { return L1EBL_Z_Peak; }
00068         inline int getL1EBL_Z_Sigma() { return L1EBL_Z_Sigma; }
00069         int getL1ETOT_L();
00070         int getL1ETOT_M();
00071         int getL1ETOT_BR(); 
00072         int getL1ETOT_EC();
00073         int getL1EBL_BR(); 
00074         int getL1EBL_EC(); 
00075         int getL1EDIFF_BR(); 
00076         int getL1EDIFF_EC(); 
00077         int getL1BLK_GATE(); 
00078         int getL1EBL_Z(); 
00080         inline int    getMAXMDCTRACK() { return MAXMDCTRACK; }
00081         inline double getEnergy_Ratio() { return Energy_Ratio; }
00083         inline double getBarrelGate() { return emcBarrelGate; }
00084         inline double getEndGate() { return emcEndGate; }
00085         inline int getTofLayerControl() { return m_tofLayer; }
00087         //interface of the trigger channels in each event
00088         const int getTrigChan(int i) { return m_trigChannel[i]; }
00089         const int* getTrigChan() const { return m_trigChannel;  }
00091         inline void setTrigChan(int i, int j) { m_trigChannel[i] = j; }
00093         //interface to get trigger conditions in each events
00094         const int getTrigCond(int i)     { return m_trigCondition[i]; }
00095         const int* getTrigCond() const   { return m_trigCondition;    }
00097         inline void setTrigCond(int i, bool j) { 
00098           trigCond[i] = j; 
00099           if(j) m_trigCondition[i] = 1;
00100           else m_trigCondition[i] = 0;
00101         }
00103         //set L1 signal
00104         inline void setIfpass(bool i) { ifpass = i; }
00105         //get L1 signal
00106         inline bool getIfpass() { return ifpass; }
00108         //set run mode
00109         inline void setRunMode(int mode) { m_runMode = mode; }
00110         //get run mode
00111         inline int getRunMode() { return m_runMode; }
00113         //set MDC information
00114         //set MDC trigger conditions
00115         inline void setSTrk_BB(bool i) { mdc_STrk_BB = i; }
00116         inline void setNStrkN(bool i)  { mdc_NStrkN = i; }
00117         inline void setNStrk2(bool i)  { mdc_NStrk2 = i; }
00118         inline void setNStrk1(bool i)  { mdc_NStrk1 = i; }
00119         inline void setLTrk_BB(bool i) { mdc_LTrk_BB = i; }
00120         inline void setNLtrkN(bool i)  { mdc_NLtrkN = i; }
00121         inline void setNLtrk2(bool i)  { mdc_NLtrk2 = i; }
00122         inline void setNLtrk1(bool i)  { mdc_NLtrk1 = i; }
00123         inline void setNItrk1(bool i)  { mdc_NItrk1 = i; }
00124         inline void setNItrk2(bool i)  { mdc_NItrk2 = i; }
00126         //set other information of MDC
00127         inline void setMdcStrkId(std::vector<int> i) { mdcStrkId = i; }
00128         inline void setMdcLtrkId(std::vector<int> i) { mdcLtrkId = i; }
00130         //get MDC information
00131         //get MDC trigger conditions
00132         inline bool getSTrk_BB() { return mdc_STrk_BB; }
00133         inline bool getNStrkN() { return mdc_NStrkN; }
00134         inline bool getNStrk2() { return mdc_NStrk2; }
00135         inline bool getNStrk1() { return mdc_NStrk1; }
00136         inline bool getLTrk_BB() { return mdc_LTrk_BB; }
00137         inline bool getNLtrkN()  { return mdc_NLtrkN; }
00138         inline bool getNLtrk2() { return mdc_NLtrk2; }
00139         inline bool getNLtrk1() { return mdc_NLtrk1; }
00140         inline bool getNItrk1() { return mdc_NItrk1; }
00141         inline bool getNItrk2() { return mdc_NItrk2; }
00142         //get other information in MDC
00143         inline std::vector<int> getMdcStrkId() { return mdcStrkId; }
00144         inline std::vector<int> getMdcLtrkId() { return mdcLtrkId; }
00146         //set TOF information
00147         //set TOF trigger conditions
00148         inline void setETofBB(bool i) { tof_ETofBB = i; }
00149         inline void setBTofBB(bool i) { tof_BTofBB = i; }
00150         inline void setNETof2(bool i) { tof_NETof2 = i; }
00151         inline void setNETof1(bool i) { tof_NETof1 = i; }
00152         inline void setNBTof2(bool i) { tof_NBTof2 = i; }
00153         inline void setNBTof1(bool i) { tof_NBTof1 = i; }
00154         inline void setNTof1(bool i) { tof_NTof1 = i; }
00156         //set other information of TOF
00157         inline void setTofHitPos(map<int,vector<int>,greater<int> >  i) { tofHitPos = i; }
00158         inline void setBTofHitMap(vector<int>  i) { btofHitMap = i; }
00159         inline void setETofHitMap(vector<int>  i) { etofHitMap = i; }
00161         //get TOF information
00162         //get TOF trigger conditions
00163         inline bool getNBTof1() { return tof_NBTof1; }
00164         inline bool getNBTof2() { return tof_NBTof2; }
00165         inline bool getNETof1() { return tof_NETof1; }
00166         inline bool getNETof2() { return tof_NETof2; }
00167         inline bool getNTof1() { return tof_NTof1; }
00168         inline bool getBTofBB() { return tof_BTofBB; }
00169         inline bool getETofBB() { return tof_ETofBB; }
00171         //get other information in TOF
00172         inline map<int,vector<int>,greater<int> > getTofHitPos() { return tofHitPos; } 
00173         inline vector<int> getBTofHitMap() { return btofHitMap; } 
00174         inline vector<int> getETofHitMap() { return etofHitMap; } 
00176         //set EMC information
00177         //set trigger conditions
00178         inline void setNClus1(bool i) { emc_NClus1 = i; }
00179         inline void setNClus2(bool i) { emc_NClus2 = i; }
00180         inline void setNBClus1(bool i) { emc_NBClus1 = i; }
00181         inline void setNEClus1(bool i) { emc_NEClus1 = i; }
00182         inline void setBClusBB(bool i) { emc_BClusBB = i; }
00183         inline void setEClusBB(bool i) { emc_EClusBB = i; }
00184         inline void setClus_Z(bool i)  { emc_Clus_Z = i; }
00185         inline void setBClus_PHI(bool i) { emc_BClus_PHI = i; }
00186         inline void setEClus_PHI(bool i) { emc_EClus_PHI = i; }
00187         inline void setBEtot_H(bool i) { emc_BEtot_H = i; }
00188         inline void setEEtot_H(bool i) { emc_EEtot_H = i; }
00189         inline void setEtot_L(bool i) { emc_Etot_L = i; }
00190         inline void setEtot_M(bool i) { emc_Etot_M = i; }
00191         inline void setBL_Z(bool i) { emc_BL_Z = i; }
00192         inline void setDiff_B(bool i) { emc_Diff_B = i; }
00193         inline void setDiff_E(bool i) { emc_Diff_E = i; }
00194         inline void setBL_BBLK(bool i) { emc_BL_BBLK = i; }
00195         inline void setBL_EBLK(bool i) { emc_BL_EBLK = i; }
00197         //set other information of EMC
00198         inline void setEmcNbCluster(int i) { emcNbCluster = i; }
00199         inline void setEmcNweCluster(int i) { emcNweCluster = i; }
00200         inline void setEmcNeeCluster(int i) { emcNeeCluster = i; }
00201         inline void setEmcTotE(double i) { emcTotE = i; }
00202         inline void setEmcLTotE(double i) { emcLTotE = i; }
00203         inline void setEmcRTotE(double i) { emcRTotE = i; }
00204         inline void setEmcBTotE(double i) { emcBTotE = i; }
00205         inline void setEmcETotE(double i) { emcETotE = i; }  
00206         inline void setEmcLBTotE(double i) { emcLBTotE = i; }
00207         inline void setEmcRBTotE(double i) { emcRBTotE = i; }
00208         inline void setEmcWETotE(double i) { emcWETotE = i; }
00209         inline void setEmcEETotE(double i) { emcEETotE = i; }
00210         inline void setBTCEnergy(int theta, int phi, double energy) {  emcBTCEnergy[theta][phi] = energy; }
00211         inline void setWETCEnergy(int theta, int phi, double energy) {  emcWETCEnergy[theta][phi] = energy; }
00212         inline void setEETCEnergy(int theta, int phi, double energy) {  emcEETCEnergy[theta][phi] = energy; }
00213         inline void setEmcBlockE(std::vector<double> i) { emcBlockE = i; }       
00214         inline void setEmcClusId(map<int,vector<complex<int> >, greater<int> > i) { emcClusId = i; }
00215         inline void setEmcClusE(std::vector<double> i) { emcClusE = i; }
00217         //get EMC information
00218         //get EMC trigger conditions
00219         inline bool getNClus1() { return emc_NClus1; }
00220         inline bool getNClus2() { return emc_NClus2; } 
00221         inline bool getNBClus1() { return emc_NBClus1; } 
00222         inline bool getNEClus1() { return emc_NEClus1; } 
00223         inline bool getBClusBB() { return emc_BClusBB; }
00224         inline bool getEClusBB() { return emc_EClusBB; }
00225         inline bool getClus_Z()  { return emc_Clus_Z; }
00226         inline bool getBClus_PHI() { return emc_BClus_PHI; }
00227         inline bool getEClus_PHI() { return emc_EClus_PHI; }
00228         inline bool getBEtot_H() { return emc_BEtot_H; }
00229         inline bool getEEtot_H() { return emc_EEtot_H; }
00230         inline bool getEtot_L() { return emc_Etot_L; }
00231         inline bool getEtot_M() { return emc_Etot_M; }
00232         inline bool getBL_Z() { return emc_BL_Z; }
00233         inline bool getDiff_B() { return emc_Diff_B; }
00234         inline bool getDiff_E() { return emc_Diff_E; }
00235         inline bool getBL_BBLK() { return emc_BL_BBLK; }
00236         inline bool getBL_EBLK() { return emc_BL_EBLK; }
00238         //get other information of EMC
00239         inline std::vector<double>& getEmcBlockE() { return emcBlockE; };
00240         inline int getEmcNbCluster() { return emcNbCluster; }
00241         inline int getEmcNweCluster() { return emcNweCluster; }
00242         inline int getEmcNeeCluster() { return emcNeeCluster; }
00243         inline double getEmcTotE() { return emcTotE; }
00244         inline double getEmcLTotE() { return emcLTotE; }
00245         inline double getEmcRTotE() { return emcRTotE; }
00246         inline double getEmcBTotE() { return emcBTotE; }
00247         inline double getEmcETotE() { return emcETotE; }
00248         inline double getEmcLBTotE() { return emcLBTotE; }
00249         inline double getEmcRBTotE() { return emcRBTotE; }
00250         inline double getEmcWETotE() { return emcWETotE; }
00251         inline double getEmcEETotE() { return emcEETotE; }
00252         inline double getBTCEnergy(int theta, int phi) { return emcBTCEnergy[theta][phi]; }
00253         inline double getWETCEnergy(int theta, int phi) { return emcWETCEnergy[theta][phi]; }
00254         inline double getEETCEnergy(int theta, int phi) { return emcEETCEnergy[theta][phi]; }
00255         inline map<int,vector<complex<int> >,greater<int> > getEmcClusId() { return emcClusId; }
00256         inline std::vector<double> getEmcClusE() { return emcClusE; }
00258         //set Muc information 
00259         //set Muc trigger conditions
00260         inline void setMucBB3478(bool i)     { muc_BB3478 = i; }
00261         inline void setMucBB37(bool i)       { muc_BB37   = i; }
00263         //set other Muc infor.
00264         inline void setMucIndex(std::vector<int> i) { muc_index = i; }
00265         inline void setMucNtrackBR(int i) { muc_ntrackBR = i; }
00266         inline void setMucNtrackEC(int i) { muc_ntrackEC = i; }
00267         inline void setMucN3ltrackTotal(int i) { muc_n3ltracktotal = i; }
00269         //get Muc information
00270         //get Muc trigger conditions
00271         inline bool getMucBB3478()    { return muc_BB3478; }
00272         inline bool getMucBB37()      { return muc_BB37;   }
00274         //get other Muc infor.
00275         inline std::vector<int> getMuclayerSeg() { return muc_vlayerSeg; }
00276         inline std::vector<int> getMuchitLayer() { return muc_vhitLayer; }
00277         inline std::vector<int> getMuchitSeg() { return  muc_vhitSeg; }
00278         inline std::vector<int> getMucIndex() { return muc_index; }
00279         inline int getMucNhitEE() { return muc_nhitEE; }
00280         inline int getMucNhitBR() { return muc_nhitBR; }
00281         inline int getMucNhitWE() { return muc_nhitWE; }
00282         inline int getMucNhitTotal() { return muc_nhitTotal; }
00283         inline int getMucNlayerBR() { return muc_nlayerBR; }
00284         inline int getMucNlayerWE() { return muc_nlayerWE; }
00285         inline int getMucNlayerEE() { return muc_nlayerEE; }
00286         inline int getMucNtrackBR() { return muc_ntrackBR; }
00287         inline int getMucNtrackEC() { return muc_ntrackEC; }
00288         inline int getMucN3ltrackTotal() { return muc_n3ltracktotal; }
00290         //set track match trigger conditions
00291         inline void setTMNATrk1(bool i) { tm_NATrk1 = i; }
00292         inline void setTMNATrk2(bool i) { tm_NATrk2 = i; }
00293         inline void setTMATrkBB(bool i) { tm_ATrk_BB = i; }
00294         inline void setTMNBTrk1(bool i) { tm_NBTrk1 = i; }
00295         inline void setTMNBTrk2(bool i) { tm_NBTrk2 = i; }
00296         inline void setTMBTrkBB(bool i) { tm_BTrk_BB = i; }
00297         inline void setTMNCTrk1(bool i) { tm_NCTrk1 = i; }
00298         inline void setTMNCTrk2(bool i) { tm_NCTrk2 = i; }
00299         inline void setTMCTrkBB(bool i) { tm_CTrk_BB = i; } 
00301         //get track match trigger conditions
00302         inline bool getTMNATrk1() { return tm_NATrk1; }
00303         inline bool getTMNATrk2() { return tm_NATrk2; }
00304         inline bool getTMATrkBB() { return tm_ATrk_BB; }
00305         inline bool getTMNBTrk1() { return tm_NBTrk1; }
00306         inline bool getTMNBTrk2() { return tm_NBTrk2; }
00307         inline bool getTMBTrkBB() { return tm_BTrk_BB; }
00308         inline bool getTMNCTrk1() { return tm_NCTrk1; }
00309         inline bool getTMNCTrk2() { return tm_NCTrk2; }
00310         inline bool getTMCTrkBB() { return tm_CTrk_BB; }
00312         //get endcap track match mode
00313         inline int getEndCapMode() { return tm_endcap; }
00315 private:
00316         BesMdcTrig* m_MdcTrig;
00317         BesTofTrig* m_TofTrig;
00318         BesEmcTrig* m_EmcTrig;
00319         BesMucTrig* m_MucTrig;
00320         BesTMTrig*  m_TMTrig;
00322         std::vector<int> trigOut;
00324         std::vector<std::string> trigChannel;
00325         std::vector<std::string> trigCondName;
00326         std::vector<std::string> trigTable;
00327         std::vector<int> channelNo;
00329         double m_evttime;
00331         bool m_goodEvent;
00333         //MDC
00334         //MDC trigger conditions
00335         bool mdc_STrk_BB,mdc_NStrkN,mdc_NStrk2,mdc_NStrk1;
00336         bool mdc_LTrk_BB,mdc_NLtrkN,mdc_NLtrk2,mdc_NLtrk1;
00337         bool mdc_NItrk1,mdc_NItrk2;
00339         //Other variables in MDC
00340         std::vector<int> mdcStrkId;
00341         std::vector<int> mdcLtrkId;
00343         //TOF
00344         //TOF trigger conditions
00345         bool tof_NBTof1,tof_NBTof2,tof_NETof1,tof_NETof2,tof_NTof1;
00346         bool tof_BTofBB,tof_ETofBB;
00347         //Other variables in TOF
00348         map<int,vector<int>,greater<int> > tofHitPos;   
00349         std::vector<int> btofHitMap;
00350         std::vector<int> etofHitMap;     
00352         //EMC
00353         //EMC trigger conditions
00354         bool emc_NClus1, emc_NClus2, emc_NBClus1, emc_NEClus1, emc_BClusBB,emc_EClusBB,emc_Clus_Z,emc_BClus_PHI;
00355         bool emc_EClus_PHI,emc_BEtot_H,emc_EEtot_H,emc_Etot_L,emc_Etot_M,emc_BL_Z;
00356         bool emc_Diff_B,emc_Diff_E,emc_BL_BBLK,emc_BL_EBLK;
00358         //Other variables in EMC
00359         double emcBarrelGate, emcEndGate;
00360         double emcTotE,emcLTotE,emcRTotE,emcBTotE,emcETotE,emcLBTotE,emcRBTotE,emcWETotE,emcEETotE;
00361         int emcNbCluster,emcNweCluster,emcNeeCluster;
00362         std::vector<double> emcBlockE;
00363         std::vector<double> emcClusE;
00364         map<int,vector<complex<int> >, greater<int> > emcClusId; 
00365         double emcBTCEnergy[TrigConf::TCTHETANO_B][TrigConf::TCPHINO_B];
00366         double emcWETCEnergy[TrigConf::TCTHETANO_E][TrigConf::TCPHINO_E];
00367         double emcEETCEnergy[TrigConf::TCTHETANO_E][TrigConf::TCPHINO_E];
00369         //muc
00370         //MUC trigger conditions
00371         bool muc_BB3478, muc_BB37;
00373         //Other variables in MUC
00374         int muc_nhitEE, muc_nhitBR, muc_nhitWE, muc_nhitTotal;
00375         int muc_nlayerBR, muc_nlayerWE, muc_nlayerEE;
00376         int muc_ntrackBR, muc_ntrackEC;
00377         int  muc_n3ltracktotal;
00378         std::vector<int> muc_vlayerSeg;
00379         std::vector<int> muc_vhitLayer;
00380         std::vector<int>  muc_vhitSeg;
00381         std::vector<int> muc_index;
00383         //Track match
00384         //TM trigger conditions
00385         bool tm_NATrk1, tm_NATrk2, tm_ATrk_BB, tm_NBTrk1, tm_NBTrk2, tm_BTrk_BB, tm_NCTrk1, tm_NCTrk2, tm_CTrk_BB;
00387         //trigger lines which can trigger events
00388         std::vector<std::string> vTrigLine;
00390         //trigger condition status in each events
00391         std::vector<int> vTrigCond;
00393         //trigger condition Id, from 0--47
00394         bool trigCond[48];
00396         //trigger data which need to be registered to TDS
00397         int m_trigCondition[48];
00398         int m_trigChannel[16];
00400         //L1 signal
00401         bool ifpass;
00403         //run mode
00404         int m_runMode;
00405         int m_tofLayer;
00406         std::string trigTableFile;
00408         //property
00409         double  L1TC_GATE; 
00410         double  L1TC_THRESH; 
00411         int  L1ETOT_L; 
00412         int  L1ETOT_L_Peak; 
00413         int  L1ETOT_L_Sigma; 
00414         int  L1ETOT_M; 
00415         int  L1ETOT_M_Peak; 
00416         int  L1ETOT_M_Sigma; 
00417         int  L1ETOT_BR; 
00418         int  L1ETOT_BR_Peak; 
00419         int  L1ETOT_BR_Sigma; 
00420         int  L1ETOT_EC; 
00421         int  L1ETOT_EC_Peak; 
00422         int  L1ETOT_EC_Sigma; 
00423         int  L1EBL_BR; 
00424         int  L1EBL_EC; 
00425         int  L1EDIFF_BR; 
00426         int  L1EDIFF_EC; 
00427         int  L1BLK_GATE; 
00428         int  L1EBL_Z; 
00429         int  L1EBL_Z_Peak; 
00430         int  L1EBL_Z_Sigma; 
00431         int     MAXMDCTRACK; 
00432         double Energy_Ratio;
00433         //endcap track match 0: MDC&TOF; 1: MDC&TOF&EMC
00434         int tm_endcap;
00436         // Reference to RealizationSvc
00437        RealizationSvc* m_RealizationSvc;
00439        static const std::string COND_NAME[48];  //The name of each trigger condition
00440 };
00441 #endif

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:14:40 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7