
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00012 //
00013 #include "GaudiKernel/AlgFactory.h"
00014 #include "GaudiKernel/SvcFactory.h"
00015 #include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
00016 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
00017 #include "GaudiKernel/Incident.h"
00018 #include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentSvc.h"
00019 #include "GaudiKernel/IDataProviderSvc.h"
00020 #include "GaudiKernel/DataObject.h"
00021 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h"
00022 #include "GaudiKernel/Bootstrap.h"
00024 #include "Trigger/BesGlobalTrigSvc.h"
00025 #include "Trigger/BesMdcTrig.h"
00026 #include "Trigger/BesTofTrig.h"
00027 #include "Trigger/BesEmcTrig.h"
00028 #include "Trigger/BesMucTrig.h"
00029 #include "Trigger/BesTMTrig.h"
00030 #include "CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h"
00031 #include <iostream>
00032 #include <fstream>
00033 #include <string>
00034 using namespace CLHEP;
00035 using namespace std;
00037 const std::string BesGlobalTrigSvc::COND_NAME[] = {
00038    "NClus1",
00039    "NClus2",
00040    "BClusBB",
00041    "EClusBB",
00042    "Clus_Z",   
00043    "BClus_PHI", 
00044    "EClus_PHI", 
00045    "BEtot_H",   
00046    "EEtot_H",   
00047    "Etot_L",    
00048    "Etot_M",    
00049    "BL_Z",      
00050    "NBClus1",    
00051    "NEClus1",    
00052    "BL_BBLK",    
00053    "BL_EBLK",   
00054    "ETofBB",    
00055    "BTofBB",    
00056    "NETof2",    
00057    "NETof1",    
00058    "NBTof2",    
00059    "NBTof1",
00060    "NTof1",
00061    "CTrk_BB",
00062    "NCTrk2",
00063    "NCTrk1",
00064    "BTrk_BB",
00065    "NBTrk2",
00066    "NBTrk1",
00067    "ATrk_BB",
00068    "NATrk2",
00069    "NATrk1",
00070    "MUONBB3478",
00071    "MUONBB37",  
00072    "NotDefined",
00073    "NotDefined",
00074    "NotDefined",
00075    "NotDefined",
00076    "STrk_BB",   
00077    "NStrkN",    
00078    "NStrk2",    
00079    "NStrk1",    
00080    "LTrk_BB",   
00081    "NLtrkN",    
00082    "NLtrk2",    
00083    "NLtrk1",
00084    "NItrk2",
00085    "NItrk1"
00086 };
00088 // Instantiation of a static factory class used by clients to create
00089 // instances of this service
00090 //static SvcFactory<BesGlobalTrigSvc> s_factory;
00091 //const ISvcFactory& BesGlobalTrigSvcFactory = s_factory;
00093 BesGlobalTrigSvc::BesGlobalTrigSvc( const std::string& name,
00094             ISvcLocator* svc ) : Service( name, svc ),m_MdcTrig(0),m_TofTrig(0),m_EmcTrig(0),m_MucTrig(0),m_TMTrig(0)
00095 {
00096   trigTableFile = std::string(getenv( "TRIGGERROOT" ));
00097   trigTableFile += std::string("/share/TriggerTable.txt");
00098   declareProperty("TrigTableCon", trigTableFile);
00099   declareProperty("TofLayerControl", m_tofLayer = 2);
00100   declareProperty("L1TC_GATE", L1TC_GATE = 70);
00101   declareProperty("L1TC_THRESH", L1TC_THRESH = 130);
00102   declareProperty("L1ETOT_L", L1ETOT_L = 0x56);
00103   declareProperty("L1ETOT_M", L1ETOT_M = 0xba); //0xba(run10584),0x190,0x10a(run9571)
00104   declareProperty("L1ETOT_BR", L1ETOT_BR = 0x19a);//0x216,0x19a
00105   declareProperty("L1ETOT_EC", L1ETOT_EC = 0x19a);//0x1bd,0x19a
00106   declareProperty("L1EBL_BR", L1EBL_BR = 0x30);
00107   declareProperty("L1EBL_EC", L1EBL_EC = 0x1ec);
00108   declareProperty("L1EDIFF_BR", L1EDIFF_BR = 0xf6);
00109   declareProperty("L1EDIFF_EC", L1EDIFF_EC = 0xe1);
00110   declareProperty("L1BLK_GATE", L1BLK_GATE = 0x30);
00111   declareProperty("L1EBL_Z", L1EBL_Z = 0xa4);
00112   declareProperty("MAXMDCTRACK", MAXMDCTRACK = 4);
00113   declareProperty("TM_ENDCAP_MODE", tm_endcap = 0);
00114   declareProperty("Energy_Ratio", Energy_Ratio = 1.);
00115 }
00116 BesGlobalTrigSvc::~BesGlobalTrigSvc()
00117 {
00118 }
00119 //=============================================================================
00120 // Initialize
00121 //=============================================================================
00122 StatusCode BesGlobalTrigSvc::initialize()
00123 {
00124   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00126   StatusCode sc = Service::initialize();
00127   if( sc.isFailure() ) return sc;
00129   StatusCode status;
00130   // Get the references to the services that are needed by the ApplicationMgr itself
00131   IIncidentSvc* incsvc;
00132   status = service("IncidentSvc", incsvc);
00133   int priority = 100;
00134   if( status.isSuccess() ){
00135     incsvc -> addListener(this, "NewRun", priority);
00136   }
00138   IRealizationSvc *tmpReal;
00139   status = service("RealizationSvc",tmpReal);
00140   if (!status.isSuccess())
00141   {
00142      log << MSG::FATAL << " Could not initialize Realization Service" << endreq;
00143   } else {
00144     m_RealizationSvc=dynamic_cast<RealizationSvc*>(tmpReal);
00145   }
00147   m_MdcTrig = new BesMdcTrig();
00148   m_TofTrig = new BesTofTrig();
00149   m_EmcTrig = new BesEmcTrig();
00150   m_MucTrig = new BesMucTrig();  
00151   m_TMTrig  = new BesTMTrig();
00153   if(!m_MdcTrig) log<<MSG::FATAL<<"can not get BesMdcTrig pointer "<<endreq;
00154   if(!m_TofTrig) log<<MSG::FATAL<<"can not get BesTofTrig pointer "<<endreq;
00155   if(!m_EmcTrig) log<<MSG::FATAL<<"can not get BesEmcTrig pointer "<<endreq;
00156   if(!m_MucTrig) log<<MSG::FATAL<<"can not get BesMucTrig pointer "<<endreq;
00157   if(!m_TMTrig) log<<MSG::FATAL<<"can not get BesTMTrig pointer "<<endreq;
00159   trigChannel.clear();
00160   trigCondName.clear();
00161   trigTable.clear();
00162   channelNo.clear();
00164   if(m_RealizationSvc->UseDBFlag() == false) {
00165     ifstream infile;
00166     infile.open(trigTableFile.c_str(),ios_base::in);
00167     if(!infile) log<<MSG::FATAL<<"can not open Trigger Table file: "<<trigTableFile<<endreq;
00168     char line[ 255 ];
00169     // Skip the header
00170     do{
00171         infile.getline( line, 255 );
00172     } while( line[0] != 'C' );
00173     //the name of each trigger channel
00174     std::string chan;
00175     int num;
00176     char* token = strtok( line, " " );
00177     do{
00178       if ( token ) { 
00179               chan = token;
00180               token = strtok( NULL, " " );
00181               if(chan!="CHANNEL") trigChannel.push_back(chan);
00182       }       
00183       else continue;
00184     }while ( token != NULL );
00185     //use this trigger channel, yes or no ?
00186     infile.getline( line, 255 );
00187     token = strtok( line, " " );
00188     do{
00189       if( token ) {
00190               chan = token;
00191               token = strtok(NULL, " ");
00192               num = atoi(chan.c_str());
00193               channelNo.push_back(num);
00194       }
00195       else continue;
00196     }while ( token!=NULL);
00198     while(infile) {
00199             infile.getline( line, 255 );
00200             if(line[0]==' ') continue;
00201             if(line[0]=='#') break;
00202             token = strtok( line, " " );
00203             do{
00204               if(token) {
00205                      chan = token;
00206                      token = strtok(NULL," ");
00207                      if(chan=="1"||chan=="0"||chan=="-") { trigTable.push_back(chan); }
00208                      else {
00209                            trigCondName.push_back(chan);
00210                    }
00211               }
00212               else continue;
00213             }while (token!=NULL);
00214     }
00216     for(unsigned int i=0;i<trigChannel.size();i++){ cout<<" "<<trigChannel[i]<<" ";}
00217     cout<<endl;
00218     for(unsigned int i=0;i<channelNo.size();i++){ cout<<" "<<channelNo[i]<<" ";}
00219     cout<<endl;
00220     for(unsigned int j=0;j<trigCondName.size();j++)
00221     {
00222       cout<<trigCondName[j]<<" ";
00223       for(unsigned int i=0+j*trigChannel.size();i<trigChannel.size()+j*trigChannel.size();i++)
00224       { cout<<trigTable[i]<<" ";}
00225       cout<<endl;
00226     }
00227     infile.close();
00228   }
00230   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00231 }
00233 StatusCode BesGlobalTrigSvc::finalize()
00234 {
00235   MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
00236   log << MSG::INFO << "Service finalized successfully" << endreq;
00237   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00238 }
00240 //=============================================================================
00241 // QueryInterface
00242 //=============================================================================
00243 StatusCode BesGlobalTrigSvc::queryInterface( const InterfaceID& riid, 
00244                                              void** ppvInterface      )
00245 {   
00246   if ( IBesGlobalTrigSvc::interfaceID().versionMatch(riid) )    {
00247      *ppvInterface = (IBesGlobalTrigSvc*)this;
00248   }else{
00249     return Service::queryInterface(riid, ppvInterface);
00250   }
00251   addRef();
00252   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
00253 }
00255 void BesGlobalTrigSvc::handle(const Incident& inc) {
00256   MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
00257   log << MSG::DEBUG << "handle: " << inc.type() << endreq;
00258   if ( inc.type() != "NewRun" ){
00259     return;
00260   } 
00261   log << MSG::DEBUG << "Begin New Run" << endreq;
00262   if(m_RealizationSvc->UseDBFlag() == true && m_RealizationSvc->ifReadTrg() == true) {
00264     std::vector<uint32_t> trgTable_DB = m_RealizationSvc->getTrgTable();
00266     trigChannel.clear();     
00267     trigCondName.clear();
00268     trigTable.clear();
00269     channelNo.clear();
00271     for(unsigned int i = 0, mask = 1; i <16; i++,mask<<=1) {
00272       if(trgTable_DB[0] & mask) {
00273         if(i == 9) channelNo.push_back(0);
00274         else channelNo.push_back(1);
00275       }
00276       else channelNo.push_back(0);
00277       std::ostringstream osname;
00278       osname << "Channel_"<<i;
00279       std::string name = osname.str();
00280       trigChannel.push_back(name);
00281     }
00283     string table_tmp[16][64];
00284     for(unsigned int i = 1; i <65; i++) {
00285       for(unsigned int j = 0; j <16; j++) {
00286         int bit2 = (trgTable_DB[i]>>2*j) & 0x3;
00287         int row = (int) (i-1)/4;
00288         int column = ((i-1)%4)*16 + j;
00289         if(bit2 == 0) table_tmp[row][column] = "1";
00290         else if(bit2 == 1) table_tmp[row][column] = "0";
00291         else table_tmp[row][column] = "-";
00292       }
00293     }
00295     for(int j = 0; j < 48; j++) {
00296       trigCondName.push_back(COND_NAME[j]);
00297       for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
00298         trigTable.push_back(table_tmp[i][j]);
00299       }
00300     }
00301     //print
00302     for(unsigned int i=0;i<trigChannel.size();i++){ cout<<" "<<trigChannel[i]<<" ";}
00303     cout<<endl;
00304     for(unsigned int i=0;i<channelNo.size();i++){ cout<<" "<<channelNo[i]<<" ";}
00305     cout<<endl;
00306     for(unsigned int j=0;j<trigCondName.size();j++)
00307     {
00308       cout<<setw(15)<<trigCondName[j]<<" ";
00309       for(unsigned int i=0+j*trigChannel.size();i<trigChannel.size()+j*trigChannel.size();i++)
00310       { cout<<trigTable[i]<<" ";}
00311       cout<<endl;
00312     }
00313   }
00315 }
00317 int BesGlobalTrigSvc::getL1ETOT_L() { 
00318   L1ETOT_L = m_RealizationSvc->getVthEtotL();
00319   return L1ETOT_L; 
00320 }
00322 int BesGlobalTrigSvc::getL1ETOT_M() { 
00323   L1ETOT_M = m_RealizationSvc->getVthEtotM();
00324   return L1ETOT_M; 
00325 }
00327 int BesGlobalTrigSvc::getL1ETOT_BR() { 
00328   L1ETOT_BR = m_RealizationSvc->getVthBEtotH();
00329   return L1ETOT_BR; 
00330 }
00332 int BesGlobalTrigSvc::getL1ETOT_EC() { 
00333   L1ETOT_EC = m_RealizationSvc->getVthEEtotH();
00334   return L1ETOT_EC; 
00335 }
00337 int BesGlobalTrigSvc::getL1EBL_BR() { 
00338   L1EBL_BR = m_RealizationSvc->getVthBalBLK();
00339   return L1EBL_BR; 
00340 }
00342 int BesGlobalTrigSvc::getL1EBL_EC() { 
00343   L1EBL_EC = m_RealizationSvc->getVthBalEEMC();
00344   return L1EBL_EC; 
00345 }
00347 int BesGlobalTrigSvc::getL1EDIFF_BR() { 
00348   L1EDIFF_BR = m_RealizationSvc->getVthDiffB();
00349   return L1EDIFF_BR; 
00350 }
00352 int BesGlobalTrigSvc::getL1EDIFF_EC() { 
00353   L1EDIFF_EC = m_RealizationSvc->getVthDiffE();
00354   return L1EDIFF_EC; 
00355 }
00357 int BesGlobalTrigSvc::getL1BLK_GATE() { 
00358   L1BLK_GATE = m_RealizationSvc->getVthBalBLK();
00359   return L1BLK_GATE; 
00360 }
00362 int BesGlobalTrigSvc::getL1EBL_Z() { 
00363   L1EBL_Z = m_RealizationSvc->getVthBLZ();
00364   return L1EBL_Z; 
00365 }
00367 void BesGlobalTrigSvc::startMdcTrig() {
00368   if(m_MdcTrig) m_MdcTrig->startMdcTrig();
00369 }
00371 void BesGlobalTrigSvc::startTofTrig() {
00372   if(m_TofTrig) m_TofTrig->startTofTrig();
00373 }
00375 void BesGlobalTrigSvc::startEmcTrig() {
00376   if(m_EmcTrig) m_EmcTrig->startEmcTrig();
00377 }
00379 void BesGlobalTrigSvc::startTMTrig() {
00380   if(m_TMTrig) m_TMTrig->startTMTrig();
00381 }
00383 StatusCode BesGlobalTrigSvc::GlobalTrig()
00384 {
00385   //initialize
00386   ifpass = false;
00387   trigOut.clear();
00389   for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
00390     if(i < 16) m_trigChannel[i] = 0;
00391   }
00393   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00395   //get Muc trigger information
00396   muc_vlayerSeg = m_MucTrig->getNlayerSeg();
00398   muc_nlayerEE = m_MucTrig->getNlayerPart(0);
00399   muc_nlayerBR = m_MucTrig->getNlayerPart(1);
00400   muc_nlayerWE = m_MucTrig->getNlayerPart(2);
00401   muc_vhitLayer = m_MucTrig->getNhitLayer();
00402   muc_vhitSeg = m_MucTrig->getNhitSeg();
00403   muc_nhitEE = m_MucTrig->getNhitPart(0);
00404   muc_nhitBR = m_MucTrig->getNhitPart(1);
00405   muc_nhitWE = m_MucTrig->getNhitPart(2);
00406   muc_nhitTotal = m_MucTrig->getNhitTotal();
00408   //set trigger condition id
00409   StatusCode status;
00410   //StatusCode status = setTrigCondition();
00412   //make out trigger conditon table;
00413   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
00414     for(unsigned int j = 0; j < trigChannel.size(); j++) {
00415       if(trigCond[i]) trigOut.push_back(1);
00416       else trigOut.push_back(0);
00417     }
00418   }
00420   //compare trigger table and trigger output
00422   for(unsigned int i=0; i<channelNo.size(); i++)
00423   {
00424     if(channelNo.size() > 16) {
00425       log << MSG::FATAL <<"Trigger Channel is greater than 16!!!!!" << endreq;
00426       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00427     }
00428     int condition = 0;
00429     int conditionNo = 0;
00430     if(channelNo[i]==0) 
00431     {
00432       m_trigChannel[i] = 0; //data structure member in TDS
00433       continue;
00434     }
00435     else
00436     {
00437       log<<MSG::INFO<<trigChannel[i]<<": ";
00438       for(unsigned int j=0; j<trigCondName.size(); j++)
00439       {
00440         if(trigTable[i+j*channelNo.size()]=="1"&&trigOut[i+j*channelNo.size()]==1) condition++;
00441         if(trigTable[i+j*channelNo.size()]=="0"&&trigOut[i+j*channelNo.size()]==0) condition++;
00442         if(trigTable[i+j*channelNo.size()]=="1") log<<MSG::INFO<<trigCondName[j]<<" ";
00443         if(trigTable[i+j*channelNo.size()]=="0") log<<MSG::INFO<<"anti_"<<trigCondName[j]<<" ";
00444       } 
00445       for(unsigned int k=0; k<trigCondName.size(); k++)
00446       {
00447         if(trigTable[i+k*channelNo.size()]=="1"||trigTable[i+k*channelNo.size()]=="0") { 
00448           log<<MSG::INFO<<trigOut[i+k*channelNo.size()]<<" "; 
00449           conditionNo++; }
00450       }
00451       log<<MSG::INFO<<endreq;
00452       if((condition == conditionNo) && conditionNo!=0) { 
00453         ifpass = true; 
00454         m_trigChannel[i] = 1; //data structure member in TDS
00455       }
00456       else {
00457         m_trigChannel[i] = 0; //data structure member in TDS
00458       }
00459     }
00460   }
00462   return status;
00463 }
00465 StatusCode BesGlobalTrigSvc::setTrigCondition()
00466 {
00467   for(int i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
00468     trigCond[i] = false;
00469     m_trigCondition[i] = 0;
00470   }
00472   trigCond[0] = emc_NClus1;
00473   trigCond[1] = emc_NClus2;
00474   trigCond[2] = emc_BClusBB;
00475   trigCond[3] = emc_EClusBB;
00476   trigCond[4] = emc_Clus_Z;
00477   trigCond[5] = emc_BClus_PHI;
00478   trigCond[6] = emc_EClus_PHI;
00479   trigCond[7] = emc_BEtot_H;
00480   trigCond[8] = emc_EEtot_H;
00481   trigCond[9] = emc_Etot_L;
00482   trigCond[10] = emc_Etot_M;
00483   trigCond[11] = emc_BL_Z;
00484   trigCond[12] = emc_NBClus1;
00485   trigCond[13] = emc_NEClus1;
00486   trigCond[14] = emc_BL_BBLK;
00487   trigCond[15] = emc_BL_EBLK;
00488   trigCond[16] = tof_ETofBB;
00489   trigCond[17] = tof_BTofBB;
00490   trigCond[18] = tof_NETof2;
00491   trigCond[19] = tof_NETof1;
00492   trigCond[20] = tof_NBTof2;
00493   trigCond[21] = tof_NBTof1;
00494   trigCond[22] = tof_NTof1;
00495   trigCond[23] = tm_CTrk_BB;
00496   trigCond[24] = tm_NCTrk2;
00497   trigCond[25] = tm_NCTrk1;
00498   trigCond[26] = tm_BTrk_BB;
00499   trigCond[27] = tm_NBTrk2;
00500   trigCond[28] = tm_NBTrk1;
00501   trigCond[29] = tm_ATrk_BB;
00502   trigCond[30] = tm_NATrk2;
00503   trigCond[31] = tm_NATrk1;
00504   trigCond[32] = muc_BB3478;
00505   trigCond[33] = muc_BB37;
00506   trigCond[34] = false;
00507   trigCond[35] = false;
00508   trigCond[36] = false;
00509   trigCond[37] = false;
00510   trigCond[38] = mdc_STrk_BB;
00511   trigCond[39] = mdc_NStrkN;
00512   trigCond[40] = mdc_NStrk2;
00513   trigCond[41] = mdc_NStrk1;
00514   trigCond[42] = mdc_LTrk_BB;
00515   trigCond[43] = mdc_NLtrkN;
00516   trigCond[44] = mdc_NLtrk2;
00517   trigCond[45] = mdc_NLtrk1;
00518   trigCond[46] = mdc_NItrk2;
00519   trigCond[47] = mdc_NItrk1;
00521   MsgStream log(msgSvc(), name());
00522   if(trigCondName.size() != 48) {
00523     log << MSG::FATAL << "The trigger condition CAN NOT be successfully read!!!" << endreq;
00524     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
00525   }
00527   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
00528     if(trigCond[i]) m_trigCondition[i] = 1; //data structure member in TDS
00529   }
00531   return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 
00532 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:14:40 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7