
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
00003 #include "BesEmcEndGeometry.hh"
00004 #include "BesEmcParameter.hh"
00005 #include "G4ios.hh"
00007 #include <iomanip>
00008 #include <fstream>
00009 #include <sstream>
00010 #include <iostream>
00011 #include <assert.h>
00014 using namespace std;
00016 BesEmcEndGeometry::BesEmcEndGeometry()
00017 {;}
00019 BesEmcEndGeometry::~BesEmcEndGeometry()
00020 {;}
00022 void BesEmcEndGeometry::ReadParameters()
00023 {
00024   BesEmcParameter& emcPara=BesEmcParameter::GetInstance();
00026   WorldRmin1 = emcPara.GetWorldRmin1();
00027   WorldRmax1 = emcPara.GetWorldRmax1();
00028   WorldRmin2 = emcPara.GetWorldRmin2();//+5.*mm; //add 5mm to avoid warning
00029   WorldRmax2 = emcPara.GetWorldRmax2();
00030   WorldDz = emcPara.GetWorldDz();
00031   WorldZPosition = emcPara.GetWorldZPosition();
00032   CrystalLength = emcPara.GetCrystalLength();
00034   SectorRmin1 = 489.27*mm;
00035   SectorRmax1 = 880.*mm;
00036   SectorRmin2 = 621.57*mm;
00037   SectorRmax2 = 1113.53*mm;
00038   SectorDz = WorldDz-44.*mm;
00039   SectorZPosition = -18.*mm;
00041   for(G4int i=0;i<6;i++)
00042     cryNumInOneLayer[i] = emcPara.GetCryInOneLayer(i);
00043   for(G4int i=0;i<5;i++)
00044     pentaInOneSector[i] = emcPara.GetPentaInOneSector(i);
00046   fTyvekThickness   = emcPara.GetTyvekThickness();
00047   fAlThickness      = emcPara.GetAlThickness();
00048   fMylarThickness   = emcPara.GetMylarThickness();
00049   totalThickness=fTyvekThickness+fAlThickness+fMylarThickness;
00051   G4String ParaPath = getenv("EMCSIMROOT");
00052   if(!ParaPath){
00053     G4Exception("BOOST environment not set!");
00054   }
00055   ParaPath += "/dat/EmcEndGeometry.dat";
00057   ifstream fin;
00058   fin.open(ParaPath);
00059   assert(fin);
00060   for(G4int i=0;i<30;i++)
00061     for (G4int j=0;j<24;j++)
00062       fin>>param[i][j];
00063   for(G4int i=0;i<5;i++)
00064     for (G4int j=0;j<6;j++)
00065       fin>>penta[i][j];
00066   fin.close();
00067 }
00070 void BesEmcEndGeometry::ComputeParameters()
00071 {
00074   // emc endcap crystal                                                   //
00076   //                              1                                       //
00077   //                  0     __  --                                        //
00078   //                    --         \                                      //
00079   //                  | \           \                                     //  
00080   //                  |   \      __ - 2                                   //
00081   //                  |     \ --     |                                    //
00082   //                  |     | 3      |                                    //
00083   //                  |     |        |                                    //
00084   //                  |     |        |                                    //
00085   //                  |     |        |                                    //
00086   //                  |     |    5   |                                    //
00087   //                4  \    |        |                                    //
00088   //                     \  |    __ - 6                                   //
00089   //                       \| --                                          //
00090   //                         7                                            //
00093   ReadParameters();
00095   G4int pentaNb=0;
00096   for(G4int i=0;i<30;i++)
00097   {
00098     for (G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00099     {
00100       //use 24 parameters to construct 8 point of one crystal 
00101       G4ThreeVector* pPnt = new G4ThreeVector(param[i][j],param[i][j+8],param[i][j+16]-WorldZPosition-SectorZPosition);
00102       fPnt[i][j] = *pPnt;
00103     }
00105     if(i==5||i==6||i==14||i==15||i==16)
00106     //if(0)   //no pentagonal crystal now
00107     {
00108       for(G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00109         fPnt[30+pentaNb][j] = fPnt[i][j];
00111       //compute the 5th point of the pentagonal crystal
00112       G4double y0,y1,y4,y5;
00113       G4ThreeVector v0,v1,v4,v5;
00114       y0 = penta[pentaNb][0];
00115       y1 = penta[pentaNb][1];
00116       y4 = penta[pentaNb][2];
00117       y5 = penta[pentaNb][3];
00118       v0 = (y0-fPnt[i][3].getY())*(fPnt[i][0]-fPnt[i][3])/(fPnt[i][0].getY()-fPnt[i][3].getY())
00119         +fPnt[i][3];
00120       v1 = (y1-fPnt[i][2].getY())*(fPnt[i][1]-fPnt[i][2])/(fPnt[i][1].getY()-fPnt[i][2].getY())
00121         +fPnt[i][2];
00122       v4 = (y4-fPnt[i][7].getY())*(fPnt[i][4]-fPnt[i][7])/(fPnt[i][4].getY()-fPnt[i][7].getY())
00123         +fPnt[i][7];
00124       v5 = (y5-fPnt[i][6].getY())*(fPnt[i][5]-fPnt[i][6])/(fPnt[i][5].getY()-fPnt[i][6].getY())
00125         +fPnt[i][6];
00127       G4double x1,x5;
00128       x1 = penta[pentaNb][4];
00129       x5 = penta[pentaNb][5];
00130       v1 = (x1-v0.getX())*(v1-v0)/(v1.getX()-v0.getX())+v0;   //v1', the fifth point
00131       v5 = (x5-v4.getX())*(v5-v4)/(v5.getX()-v4.getX())+v4;   //v5'
00133       fPnt[i][0] = v0;
00134       fPnt[i][1] = v1;
00135       fPnt[i][4] = v4;
00136       fPnt[i][5] = v5;
00138       fPnt[30+pentaNb][2] = v1;
00139       fPnt[30+pentaNb][3] = v0;
00140       fPnt[30+pentaNb][6] = v5;
00141       fPnt[30+pentaNb][7] = v4;
00143       pentaNb++;
00144     }
00145   }
00147   //reflect point in one sector according to new design
00148   G4ThreeVector temp[35][8];
00149   for(G4int i=0;i<35;i++)
00150   {
00151     for (G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00152     {
00153       temp[i][j]=fPnt[i][j];
00154       fPnt[i][j].rotateZ(157.5*deg);
00155       fPnt[i][j].setX(-fPnt[i][j].getX());
00156     }
00158     // point 0<-->3, 1<-->2, 4<-->7, 5<-->6
00159     for (G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00160     {
00161       if(j<2)
00162       {
00163         G4ThreeVector v=fPnt[i][j];
00164         fPnt[i][j]=fPnt[i][3-j];
00165         fPnt[i][3-j]=v;
00166       }
00167       else if(j>=4&&j<6)
00168       {
00169         G4ThreeVector v=fPnt[i][j];
00170         fPnt[i][j]=fPnt[i][11-j];
00171         fPnt[i][11-j]=v;
00172       }
00173     }
00174   }
00176   //exchange sequence in the same layer
00177   //Exchange(0,3);  Exchange(1,2);  Exchange(4,7);  Exchange(5,6);  
00178   //Exchange(8,12);  Exchange(9,11);  Exchange(13,17);  Exchange(14,16);
00179   //Exchange(18,23);  Exchange(19,22);  Exchange(20,21);  Exchange(24,29);  Exchange(25,28); Exchange(26,27);
00181   Exchange(0,3);  Exchange(1,2);  Exchange(4,7);  Exchange(5,31);  Exchange(6,30);
00182   Exchange(8,12);  Exchange(9,11);  Exchange(13,17);  Exchange(14,34);  Exchange(15,33);  Exchange(16,32); 
00183   Exchange(18,23);  Exchange(19,22);  Exchange(20,21);  Exchange(24,29);  Exchange(25,28); Exchange(26,27);
00185   /*for(G4int i=0;i<35;i++)
00186   {
00187     G4cout<<"crystal number: "<<i<<G4endl;
00188     for(G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00189       G4cout<<fPnt[i][j]<<G4endl;
00190   }*/
00193   //compute the 6 crystal beside the 20mm gap
00194   for(G4int i=0;i<35;i++)
00195   {
00196     for (G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00197     {
00198       G4ThreeVector pPnt1 = temp[i][j];
00199       fPnt1[i][j] = pPnt1.rotateZ(67.5*deg);
00200     }
00201     if((i==3)||(i==7)||(i==12)||(i==17)||(i==23)||(i==29))
00202     {
00203       fPnt1[i][0].setX(10);
00204       fPnt1[i][1].setX(10);
00205       fPnt1[i][4].setX(10);
00206       fPnt1[i][5].setX(10);
00208       G4double y0 = fPnt1[i][0].getY()+10*(fPnt1[i][3].getY()-fPnt1[i][0].getY())/fPnt1[i][3].getX();
00209       G4double y1 = fPnt1[i][1].getY()+10*(fPnt1[i][2].getY()-fPnt1[i][1].getY())/fPnt1[i][2].getX();
00210       G4double y4 = fPnt1[i][4].getY()+10*(fPnt1[i][7].getY()-fPnt1[i][4].getY())/fPnt1[i][7].getX();
00211       G4double y5 = fPnt1[i][5].getY()+10*(fPnt1[i][6].getY()-fPnt1[i][5].getY())/fPnt1[i][6].getX();
00213       G4double z0 = fPnt1[i][0].getZ()+10*(fPnt1[i][3].getZ()-fPnt1[i][0].getZ())/fPnt1[i][3].getX();
00214       G4double z1 = fPnt1[i][1].getZ()+10*(fPnt1[i][2].getZ()-fPnt1[i][1].getZ())/fPnt1[i][2].getX();
00215       G4double z4 = fPnt1[i][4].getZ()+10*(fPnt1[i][7].getZ()-fPnt1[i][4].getZ())/fPnt1[i][7].getX();
00216       G4double z5 = fPnt1[i][5].getZ()+10*(fPnt1[i][6].getZ()-fPnt1[i][5].getZ())/fPnt1[i][6].getX();
00218       fPnt1[i][0].setY(y0);
00219       fPnt1[i][1].setY(y1);
00220       fPnt1[i][4].setY(y4);
00221       fPnt1[i][5].setY(y5);
00223       fPnt1[i][0].setZ(z0);
00224       fPnt1[i][1].setZ(z1);
00225       fPnt1[i][4].setZ(z4);
00226       fPnt1[i][5].setZ(z5);
00227     }
00228   }
00229 }
00231 void BesEmcEndGeometry::Exchange(G4int cry1, G4int cry2)
00232 {
00233   G4ThreeVector v;
00234   for(G4int i=0;i<8;i++)
00235   {
00236     v = fPnt[cry1][i];
00237     fPnt[cry1][i] = fPnt[cry2][i];
00238     fPnt[cry2][i] = v;
00239   }
00240 }
00242 void BesEmcEndGeometry::ExchangeSector7(G4int cry1, G4int cry2)
00243 {
00244   G4ThreeVector v;
00245   for(G4int i=0;i<8;i++)
00246   {
00247     v = fPnt1[cry1][i];
00248     fPnt1[cry1][i] = fPnt1[cry2][i];
00249     fPnt1[cry2][i] = v;
00250   }
00251 }
00253 //reflect x axis to construct sectors on the left
00254 void BesEmcEndGeometry::ReflectX()
00255 {
00256   for(G4int i=0;i<35;i++)
00257   {
00258     for(G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00259     {
00260       fPnt1[i][j].setX(-fPnt1[i][j].getX());
00261     }
00263     // point 0<-->3, 1<-->2, 4<-->7, 5<-->6
00264     for (G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00265     {
00266       if(j<2)
00267       {
00268         G4ThreeVector v=fPnt1[i][j];
00269         fPnt1[i][j]=fPnt1[i][3-j];
00270         fPnt1[i][3-j]=v;
00271       }
00272       else if(j>=4&&j<6)
00273       {
00274         G4ThreeVector v=fPnt1[i][j];
00275         fPnt1[i][j]=fPnt1[i][11-j];
00276         fPnt1[i][11-j]=v;
00277       }
00278     }
00280     //change the sequence of eight points according to the requirment of IrregBox
00281     // point 0<-->1, 2<-->3, 4<-->5, 6<-->7
00282     /*for(G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00283     {
00284       if((j%2)==0)
00285       {
00286         G4ThreeVector v2=fPnt1[i][j];
00287         fPnt1[i][j]=fPnt1[i][j+1];
00288         fPnt1[i][j+1]=v2;
00289       }
00290     }*/
00291   }
00292   ExchangeSector7(0,3);  ExchangeSector7(1,2);  ExchangeSector7(4,7);  
00293   ExchangeSector7(5,31); ExchangeSector7(6,30); ExchangeSector7(8,12);  
00294   ExchangeSector7(9,11);  ExchangeSector7(13,17); ExchangeSector7(14,34);  
00295   ExchangeSector7(15,33);  ExchangeSector7(16,32); ExchangeSector7(18,23);  
00296   ExchangeSector7(19,22);  ExchangeSector7(20,21);  ExchangeSector7(24,29);  
00297   ExchangeSector7(25,28); ExchangeSector7(26,27);
00298 }  
00300 void BesEmcEndGeometry::Zoom(const G4ThreeVector pos[8], const G4double factor)
00301 {
00302   G4ThreeVector center1(0,0,0);
00303   G4ThreeVector center2(0,0,0);
00304   for(G4int i=0;i<8;i++)
00305     zoomPoint[i]=0;
00307   for(G4int i=0;i<8;i++)
00308   {
00309     if(i<4) center1+=pos[i];
00310     else center2+=pos[i];
00311   }
00312   center1/=4;
00313   center2/=4;
00315   for(G4int i=0;i<8;i++)
00316   {
00317     if(i<4) zoomPoint[i]=factor*pos[i]+(1-factor)*center1;
00318     else zoomPoint[i]=factor*pos[i]+(1-factor)*center2;
00319   }
00320 }
00322 //subtract the casing      
00323 void BesEmcEndGeometry::ModifyForCasing(G4ThreeVector pos[8], G4int CryNb)
00324 {
00325   G4ThreeVector center1=0;        //the center of large surface
00326   G4ThreeVector center2=0;        //the center of small surface
00328   const G4double dt=1e-5; //avoid overlap between crystal and casing
00330   if(CryNb==5||CryNb==6||CryNb==14||CryNb==15||CryNb==16)
00331   {
00332     center1 = (pos[0]+pos[1])*(1-dt)/2+(pos[2]+pos[3])*dt/2;
00333     center2 = (pos[4]+pos[5])*(1-dt)/2+(pos[6]+pos[7])*dt/2;
00334   }
00335   else if(CryNb>=30&&CryNb<35)
00336   {
00337     center1 = (pos[0]+pos[1])*dt/2+(pos[2]+pos[3])*(1-dt)/2;
00338     center2 = (pos[4]+pos[5])*dt/2+(pos[6]+pos[7])*(1-dt)/2;
00339   }
00340   else
00341   {
00342     center1 = (pos[0]+pos[1]+pos[2]+pos[3])/4;
00343     center2 = (pos[4]+pos[5]+pos[6]+pos[7])/4;
00344   }
00346   G4double r1=(pos[1]-center1).r();
00347   G4double r2=(pos[2]-center1).r();
00348   G4double r12=(pos[1]-pos[2]).r();
00349   G4double theta=acos((r2*r2+r12*r12-r1*r1)/(2*r2*r12));
00350   G4double h=r2*sin(theta);       //distance from the center to the vertical side
00351   G4double t1=totalThickness/h;
00353   r1=(pos[5]-center2).r();
00354   r2=(pos[6]-center2).r();
00355   r12=(pos[5]-pos[6]).r();
00356   theta=acos((r2*r2+r12*r12-r1*r1)/(2*r2*r12));
00357   h=r2*sin(theta);
00358   G4double t2=totalThickness/h;
00360   for(G4int i=0;i<8;i++)
00361   {
00362     if(i<4)
00363     {
00364       cryPoint[i] = (1-t1)*pos[i]+t1*center1;
00365     }
00366     else
00367     {
00368       G4ThreeVector temp = (1-t2)*pos[i]+t2*center2;
00369       cryPoint[i] = (1-totalThickness/CrystalLength)*temp+(totalThickness/CrystalLength)*pos[i-4];
00370     }
00371   //G4cout<<"casing="<<pos[i]<<"\t"<<"crystal="<<cryPoint[i]<<G4endl;
00372   }
00373 }
00375 G4ThreeVector BesEmcEndGeometry::ComputeDimAndPos
00376 (const G4int partId, const G4int numTheta, const G4int numPhi)
00377 {
00378   //ComputeParameters();
00379   G4int sector=-1, cryNb=-1;
00380   G4int leftFlag=0;
00381   G4int downFlag=0;
00382   G4int pentaFlag=0;
00383   G4int flag=0;
00384   G4double A1=0,a1=0,B1=0,b1=0,C1=0,c1=0,D1=0,d1=0,E1=0,e1=0; //dimension of pentagonal crystal
00385   G4int m_numPhi=0;
00386   G4ThreeVector position=0;
00387   G4int cryInOneSector = cryNumInOneLayer[numTheta]/16; //number of crystal in one layer in one sector
00388   G4ThreeVector pos[8];
00390   if(partId==2) //west end
00391   {
00392     if(numPhi>=0&&numPhi<8*cryInOneSector)
00393       m_numPhi=8*cryInOneSector-1-numPhi;
00394     else if(numPhi>=8*cryInOneSector&&numPhi<16*cryInOneSector)
00395       m_numPhi=16*cryInOneSector-1-numPhi;
00396   }
00397   else          //east end
00398     m_numPhi=numPhi;
00400   if(numPhi>=4*cryInOneSector&&numPhi<5*cryInOneSector) //crystal in 4th sector
00401   {
00402     leftFlag = 1;
00403     m_numPhi=8*cryInOneSector-1-numPhi;
00404   }
00405   else if(numPhi>=11*cryInOneSector&&numPhi<12*cryInOneSector) //crystal in 11th sector
00406   {
00407     leftFlag = 1;
00408     downFlag = 1;
00409     m_numPhi=numPhi-8*cryInOneSector;
00410   }
00411   if(numPhi>=12*cryInOneSector&&numPhi<13*cryInOneSector) //crystal in 12th sector
00412   {
00413     downFlag = 1;
00414     m_numPhi=16*cryInOneSector-1-numPhi;
00415   }
00417   //translate numTheta and numPhi to sector and cryNb
00418   G4int cryNbOffset = 0;
00419   for(G4int i=0;i<numTheta;i++)
00420     cryNbOffset += cryNumInOneLayer[i]/16;
00421   if(cryInOneSector)
00422     sector = m_numPhi/cryInOneSector;
00423   cryNb = m_numPhi-cryInOneSector*sector+cryNbOffset;
00424   sector += 3;
00425   if(sector>15&&sector<=18)
00426     sector -= 16;
00428   //sector beside the gap
00429   if(sector==6)
00430     for(G4int i=0;i<8;i++)
00431       pos[i]=fPnt1[cryNb][i];
00432   else
00433     for(G4int i=0;i<8;i++)
00434     {
00435       pos[i]=fPnt[cryNb][i];
00436       pos[i].rotateZ(-67.5*deg+sector*22.5*deg);
00437     }
00439   //crystal dimension
00440   Zoom(pos,0.999);
00441   ModifyForCasing(zoomPoint,cryNb);
00442   G4double A = (cryPoint[0]-cryPoint[3]).r();
00443   G4double a = (cryPoint[4]-cryPoint[7]).r();
00444   G4double B = (cryPoint[1]-cryPoint[2]).r();
00445   G4double b = (cryPoint[5]-cryPoint[6]).r();
00446   G4double C = (cryPoint[0]-cryPoint[1]).r();
00447   G4double c = (cryPoint[4]-cryPoint[5]).r();
00448   G4double D = (cryPoint[2]-cryPoint[3]).r();
00449   G4double d = (cryPoint[6]-cryPoint[7]).r();
00451   //reflect the axis according to the flag
00452   for(G4int i=0;i<8;i++)
00453   {
00454     pos[i].setZ(pos[i].getZ()+WorldZPosition+SectorZPosition);  //give the absolute z coordinate
00455     if(leftFlag==1)
00456        pos[i].setX(-pos[i].getX());
00457     if(downFlag==1)
00458       pos[i].setY(-pos[i].getY());
00459     if(partId==2)
00460     {
00461       pos[i].setX(-pos[i].getX());
00462       pos[i].setZ(-pos[i].getZ());
00463     }
00464   }
00466   //compute the position
00467   for(G4int j=4;j<8;j++)
00468     position += pos[j];
00469   position /= 4;
00471   //compute pentagonal crystal
00472   for(G4int i=0;i<5;i++)
00473   {
00474     if(cryNb==pentaInOneSector[i])
00475     {
00476       pentaFlag = 1;
00477       G4ThreeVector penta[8];
00479       //sector beside the gap
00480       if(sector==6)
00481         for(G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00482           penta[j]=fPnt1[30+i][j];
00483       else
00484         for(G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00485         {
00486           penta[j]=fPnt[30+i][j];
00487           penta[j].rotateZ(-67.5*deg+sector*22.5*deg);
00488         }
00490       //crystal dimension
00491       ModifyForCasing(penta,30+i);
00492       A1 = (cryPoint[1]-cryPoint[2]).r();
00493       a1 = (cryPoint[5]-cryPoint[6]).r();
00494       B1 = (cryPoint[1]-cryPoint[0]).r();
00495       b1 = (cryPoint[5]-cryPoint[4]).r();
00496       C1 = (cryPoint[0]-cryPoint[3]).r()+A;
00497       c1 = (cryPoint[4]-cryPoint[7]).r()+a;
00498       D1 = D;
00499       d1 = d;
00500       E1 = B;
00501       e1 = b;
00503       //reflect the axis according to the flag
00504       for(G4int j=0;j<8;j++)
00505       {
00506         penta[j].setZ(penta[j].getZ()+WorldZPosition+SectorZPosition);  //give the absolute z coordinate
00507         if(leftFlag==1)
00508           penta[j].setX(-penta[j].getX());
00509         if(downFlag==1)
00510           penta[j].setY(-penta[j].getY());
00511         if(partId==2)
00512         {
00513           penta[j].setX(-penta[j].getX());
00514           penta[j].setZ(-penta[j].getZ());
00515         }
00516       }
00518       //compute the position
00519       for(G4int j=4;j<8;j++)
00520       {
00521         if(j!=0&&j!=4)
00522           position += pos[j];
00523         if(j==0||j==1||j==4||j==5)
00524           position += penta[j];
00525       }
00526       position /= 10;
00528       flag = leftFlag+downFlag;
00529       if(flag==1)
00530       {
00531         G4double temp1 = B1; B1 = D1; D1 = temp1;
00532         temp1 = A1; A1 = E1; E1 = temp1;
00533         temp1 = b1; b1 = d1; d1 = temp1;
00534         temp1 = a1; a1 = e1; e1 = temp1;
00535       }
00537       break;
00538     }
00539   }
00541   flag = leftFlag+downFlag+partId/2;
00542   if(flag==1||flag==3)
00543   {
00544     G4double temp = C;    C = D;    D = temp;
00545     temp = c;    c = d;    d = temp;
00546   }
00548   /*G4cout<<"##########################################################################"<<G4endl;
00549   G4cout<<"###sector="<<sector<<",cryNb="<<cryNb<<",left flag="<<leftFlag<<",down flag="<<downFlag<<G4endl;
00550   G4cout<<"partId="<<partId<<"\t"<<"theta number="<<numTheta<<"\t"<<"phi number="<<numPhi<<G4endl;
00551   G4cout<<"crystal point:"<<G4endl;
00552   for(G4int i=0;i<8;i++)
00553     G4cout<<pos[i]<<G4endl;
00554   G4cout<<"crystal position:"<<"\t"<<position<<"\t"<<"phi="<<position.phi()/deg<<G4endl;
00555   G4cout<<"crystal dimension:"<<G4endl;
00556   if(pentaFlag==1)
00557     G4cout<<"A="<<A1<<",a="<<a1<<",B="<<B1<<",b="<<b1<<",C="<<C1<<",c="<<c1<<",D="<<D1<<",d="<<d1<<",E="<<E1<<",e="<<e1<<G4endl;
00558   else
00559     G4cout<<"A="<<A<<",a="<<a<<",B="<<B<<",b="<<b<<",C="<<C<<",c="<<c<<",D="<<D<<",d="<<d<<G4endl;
00560   G4cout<<"##########################################################################"<<G4endl;*/
00562   return position;
00563 }

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