
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------//
00009 //
00010 #include "BesMdcHit.hh"
00011 #include "BesMdcDigi.hh"
00012 #include "BesTofHit.hh"
00013 #include "BesTofDigi.hh"
00014 #include "BesEmcHit.hh"
00015 #include "BesEmcDigi.hh"
00016 #include "BesMucHit.hh"
00017 #include "BesMucDigi.hh"
00018 #include "BesEventAction.hh"
00019 #include "G4RunManager.hh"
00020 #include "BesTruthTrack.hh"
00021 #include "BesTruthVertex.hh"
00022 #include "BesSensitiveManager.hh"
00023 #include "G4HCofThisEvent.hh"
00024 #include "G4SDManager.hh"
00025 #include "G4PrimaryVertex.hh"
00026 #include "G4PrimaryParticle.hh"
00028 #include "BesAsciiIO.hh"
00029 #include "AsciiDmp/dmplib.hh"
00030 #include "G4DigiManager.hh"
00031 #include <iostream>
00032 using namespace std;
00034 #include "GaudiKernel/IDataProviderSvc.h"
00035 #include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
00036 #include "GaudiKernel/Bootstrap.h"
00037 #include "GaudiKernel/RegistryEntry.h"
00038 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
00039 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h"
00040 #include "McTruth/DecayMode.h"
00042 BesAsciiIO::BesAsciiIO(
00043     G4int mdcTruFlag,G4int mdcDigiFlag,
00044     G4int tofTruFlag, G4int tofDigiFlag,
00045     G4int emcTruFlag, G4int emcDigiFlag,
00046     G4int mucTruFlag, G4int mucDigiFlag,
00047     G4String name)
00048 :m_mdcTruFlag(mdcTruFlag),m_mdcDigiFlag(mdcDigiFlag),
00049  m_tofTruFlag(tofTruFlag),m_tofDigiFlag(tofDigiFlag),
00050  m_emcTruFlag(emcTruFlag),m_emcDigiFlag(emcDigiFlag),
00051  m_mucTruFlag(mucTruFlag),m_mucDigiFlag(mucDigiFlag), 
00052  m_asciiFile(name)
00053 {
00054   m_DigiMan = G4DigiManager::GetDMpointer(); 
00055 }
00057 BesAsciiIO::~BesAsciiIO()
00058 {
00059 }
00061 void BesAsciiIO::SaveAsciiEvents(G4int runId, const G4Event* evt)
00062 {
00063   EVENT asciiEvt;
00065   asciiEvt.set_initialized();
00066   asciiEvt.header.set_initialized();
00067   asciiEvt.header.eventNo=evt->GetEventID();
00068   asciiEvt.header.runNo= runId;
00069   asciiEvt.decayMode.set_initialized();
00070   SaveDecayMode(asciiEvt);
00072   asciiEvt.trackTruth.set_initialized();
00073   asciiEvt.vertexTruth.set_initialized();
00074   SaveTrackTruth(asciiEvt);
00075   SaveVertexTruth(asciiEvt);
00077   if(m_mdcTruFlag)
00078   {
00079     asciiEvt.mdcTruth.set_initialized();
00080     SaveMdcTruth(asciiEvt);
00081   }
00083   if(m_mdcDigiFlag)
00084   {
00085     asciiEvt.mdcDigi.set_initialized();
00086     SaveMdcDigits(asciiEvt);
00087   }  
00089   if(m_tofTruFlag)
00090   {
00091     asciiEvt.tofTruth.set_initialized();
00092     SaveTofTruth(asciiEvt);
00093   }
00095   if(m_tofDigiFlag)
00096   {
00097     asciiEvt.tofDigi.set_initialized();
00098     SaveTofDigits(asciiEvt);
00099   }
00101   if(m_emcTruFlag)
00102   {
00103     asciiEvt.emcTruth.set_initialized();
00104     SaveEmcTruth(asciiEvt);
00105   }
00107   if(m_emcDigiFlag)
00108   {
00109     asciiEvt.emcDigi.set_initialized();
00110     SaveEmcDigits(asciiEvt);
00111   }
00113   if(m_mucTruFlag)
00114   {
00115     asciiEvt.mucTruth.set_initialized();
00116     SaveMucTruth(asciiEvt);
00117   }   
00119   if(m_mucDigiFlag)
00120   {
00121     asciiEvt.mucDigi.set_initialized();
00122     SaveMucDigits(asciiEvt);
00123   }
00125   ofstream os;
00126   if(evt->GetEventID()==0)
00127   {
00128     os.open(m_asciiFile);
00129     FRMTVERSION version;
00130     version.set_initialized();
00131     version.major = 1;
00132     version.minor = 0;
00133     os << version;
00134   }
00135   else
00136     os.open(m_asciiFile,ios::out|ios::app);
00138   try {
00139       os << asciiEvt;
00140   }
00141   catch (AsciiWrongTag& ex) {
00142     std::cerr << "wrong tag, got " << ex.got()
00143               << " expected: " << ex.expected()
00144               << std::endl;
00145   } catch (AsciiDumpException& ) {
00146       std::cerr << "AsciiDumpException was caught!" << std::endl;
00147   }
00148   os.close();
00149 }
00151 void BesAsciiIO::SaveDecayMode(EVENT& asciiEvt)
00152 {
00153   asciiEvt.decayMode.size=10;
00154   //interface to event data service
00155   ISvcLocator* svcLocator = Gaudi::svcLocator();
00156   IDataProviderSvc* evtSvc;
00157   StatusCode sc=svcLocator->service("EventDataSvc", evtSvc);
00158   if (sc.isFailure())
00159     G4cout<<"Could not accesss EventDataSvc!"<<G4endl;
00161   SmartDataPtr<DecayMode> decayMode(evtSvc,"/Event/MC/DecayMode");
00162   if(!decayMode)
00163   {
00164     for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
00165       asciiEvt.decayMode.data[i]=0;
00166   }
00167   else
00168   {
00169     int dm[10]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
00170     decayMode->getData(dm,10);
00171     for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
00172       asciiEvt.decayMode.data[i]=dm[i];
00173   }
00174 } 
00176 void BesAsciiIO::SaveTrackTruth(EVENT& asciiEvt)
00177 {
00179   BesSensitiveManager* sensitiveManager = BesSensitiveManager::GetSensitiveManager();
00181   vector<BesTruthTrack*>* trackList =  sensitiveManager->GetTrackList();
00183   //arrange TruthTrack in trackList in order of trackIndex
00184   G4int nTrack = trackList->size();
00185   BesTruthTrack* track;
00186   for(int i=0;i<nTrack-1;i++)
00187     for(int j=i+1;j<nTrack;j++)
00188       if((*trackList)[i]->GetIndex()>(*trackList)[j]->GetIndex())
00189       {
00190         track=(*trackList)[i];
00191         (*trackList)[i]=(*trackList)[j];
00192         (*trackList)[j]=track;
00193       }
00195   for(int i=0;i<nTrack;i++)
00196   {
00197     TrackTruthType trackTruth;
00198     track = (*(sensitiveManager->GetTrackList())) [i];
00199     trackTruth.trackIndex = track->GetIndex();
00200     if(track->GetIndex()<0)
00201       G4cout<<"trackIndex<0!"<<G4endl; 
00202     trackTruth.PDGCode = track->GetPDGCode();
00203     trackTruth.PDGCharge = track->GetPDGCharge();
00204     trackTruth.v0Index = track->GetVertex()->GetIndex();
00205     if( track->GetTerminalVertex() )
00206       trackTruth.v1Index = track->GetTerminalVertex()->GetIndex();
00207     else
00208       trackTruth.v1Index = -99;
00209     trackTruth.px = track->GetP4().x()/1000.;
00210     trackTruth.py = track->GetP4().y()/1000.;
00211     trackTruth.pz = track->GetP4().z()/1000.;
00212     trackTruth.E = track->GetP4().t()/1000.;
00214     G4int size = track->GetDaughterIndexes().size();
00215     if(size>0)
00216     { 
00217       trackTruth.minDaughterIndex = (track->GetDaughterIndexes())[0];
00218       trackTruth.maxDaughterIndex = (track->GetDaughterIndexes())[size-1];
00219     }
00220     else 
00221     {
00222       trackTruth.minDaughterIndex = -99;
00223       trackTruth.maxDaughterIndex = -99;
00224     }
00227     asciiEvt.trackTruth.truthCol.push_back(trackTruth);
00228   }
00230   asciiEvt.trackTruth.nTruth=asciiEvt.trackTruth.truthCol.size();
00231 }
00233 void BesAsciiIO::SaveVertexTruth(EVENT& asciiEvt)
00234 {
00235   BesSensitiveManager* sensitiveManager = BesSensitiveManager::GetSensitiveManager();
00237   vector<BesTruthVertex*>* vertexList =  sensitiveManager->GetVertexList();
00239   G4int nVertex = vertexList->size();
00240   BesTruthVertex* vertex;
00241   for(int i=0;i<nVertex;i++)
00242   {
00243     VertexTruthType vertexTruth;
00244     vertex = (*vertexList) [i];
00245     vertexTruth.vertexIndex = vertex->GetIndex();
00246     if(vertex->GetParentTrack())
00247       vertexTruth.parentTrackIndex = vertex->GetParentTrack()->GetIndex();
00248     else
00249       vertexTruth.parentTrackIndex = -99;
00251     vertexTruth.posX = vertex->GetPosition().x()/10.;
00252     vertexTruth.posY = vertex->GetPosition().y()/10.;
00253     vertexTruth.posZ = vertex->GetPosition().z()/10.;
00254     vertexTruth.time = vertex->GetTime();
00255     asciiEvt.vertexTruth.truthCol.push_back(vertexTruth);
00256   }
00257   asciiEvt.vertexTruth.nTruth = asciiEvt.vertexTruth.truthCol.size();
00258 }
00260 void BesAsciiIO::SaveMdcTruth(EVENT& asciiEvt)
00261 {
00262   G4int HCID = -1;
00263   HCID = m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollectionID("BesMdcTruthCollection");
00264   if(HCID>0)
00265   {
00266     BesMdcHitsCollection* HC = 0;
00267     HC = (BesMdcHitsCollection*) (m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollection(HCID));
00268     G4int n_hit = HC->entries();
00269     if(n_hit>0)
00270     {
00271       //arrange hits in hits collection in order of trackIndex
00272       BesMdcHit* hit;
00273       vector<BesMdcHit*>* vecHC = HC->GetVector();
00274       for(int i=0;i<n_hit-1;i++)
00275        for(int j=i+1;j<n_hit;j++)
00276          if((*vecHC)[i]->GetTrackID()>(*vecHC)[j]->GetTrackID())
00277          {
00278            hit = (*vecHC)[i];
00279            (*vecHC)[i] = (*vecHC)[j];
00280            (*vecHC)[j] = hit;
00281          }
00283       for(G4int i=0;i<n_hit;i++)
00284       {
00285         hit = (*HC)[i];
00286         MdcTruthType  mdcTruth;
00287         mdcTruth.trackIndex = hit->GetTrackID();
00288         mdcTruth.layerNo    = hit->GetLayerNo();
00289         mdcTruth.cellNo     = hit->GetCellNo();
00290         mdcTruth.edep       = hit->GetEdep();
00291         mdcTruth.driftD     = hit->GetDriftD();
00292         mdcTruth.posX       = hit->GetPos().x();
00293         mdcTruth.posY       = hit->GetPos().y();
00294         mdcTruth.posZ       = hit->GetPos().z();
00295         mdcTruth.posFlag    = hit->GetPosFlag();
00297         asciiEvt.mdcTruth.truthCol.push_back(mdcTruth);
00298       }
00299     }
00300   }
00301   asciiEvt.mdcTruth.nTruth = asciiEvt.mdcTruth.truthCol.size();
00302 }
00304 void BesAsciiIO::SaveTofTruth(EVENT& asciiEvt)
00305 {
00306   G4int HCID = -1;
00307   HCID = m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollectionID("BesTofHitsList");
00308   if(HCID>0)
00309   {
00310     BesTofHitsCollection* HC = 0;
00311     HC = (BesTofHitsCollection*) (m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollection(HCID));
00312     G4int n_hit = HC->entries();
00313     if(n_hit>0)
00314     {
00315       //arrange hits in hits collection in order of trackIndex
00316       BesTofHit* hit;
00317       vector<BesTofHit*>* vecHC = HC->GetVector();
00318       for(int i=0;i<n_hit-1;i++)
00319        for(int j=i+1;j<n_hit;j++)
00320          if((*vecHC)[i]->GetTrackIndex()>(*vecHC)[j]->GetTrackIndex())
00321          {
00322            hit = (*vecHC)[i];
00323            (*vecHC)[i] = (*vecHC)[j];
00324            (*vecHC)[j] = hit;
00325          }
00327       for(G4int i=0;i<n_hit;i++)
00328       {
00329         hit = (*HC)[i];
00330         TofTruthType  tofTruth;
00331         tofTruth.trackIndex = hit->GetTrackIndex();
00332         tofTruth.partId = hit->GetPartId();
00333         tofTruth.scinNb = hit->GetScinNb();
00334         tofTruth.posX = hit->GetPos().x();
00335         tofTruth.posY = hit->GetPos().y();
00336         tofTruth.posZ = hit->GetPos().z();
00337         tofTruth.px = hit->GetMomentum().x();
00338         tofTruth.py = hit->GetMomentum().y();
00339         tofTruth.pz = hit->GetMomentum().z();
00340         tofTruth.trackL = hit->GetTrackL();
00341         tofTruth.time = hit->GetTime();
00343         asciiEvt.tofTruth.truthCol.push_back(tofTruth);
00344       }
00345     }
00346   }
00347   asciiEvt.tofTruth.nTruth=asciiEvt.tofTruth.truthCol.size();  
00348 }
00350 void BesAsciiIO::SaveEmcTruth(EVENT& asciiEvt)
00351 {
00352   G4int HCID = -1;
00353   HCID = m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollectionID("BesEmcHitsList");
00354   if(HCID>0)
00355   {
00356     BesEmcHitsCollection* HC = 0;
00357     HC = (BesEmcHitsCollection*) (m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollection(HCID));
00358     G4int n_hit = HC->entries();
00359     if(n_hit>0)
00360     {
00361       //arrange hits in hits collection in order of trackIndex
00362       BesEmcHit* hit;
00363       vector<BesEmcHit*>* vecHC = HC->GetVector();
00364       for(int i=0;i<n_hit-1;i++)
00365         for(int j=i+1;j<n_hit;j++)
00366           if((*vecHC)[i]->GetTrackIndex()>(*vecHC)[j]->GetTrackIndex())
00367           {
00368             hit = (*vecHC)[i];
00369             (*vecHC)[i] = (*vecHC)[j];
00370             (*vecHC)[j] = hit;
00371           }
00373       for(G4int i=0;i<n_hit;i++)
00374       {
00375         hit = (*HC)[i];
00376         EmcTruthType emcTruth;
00377         emcTruth.trackIndex = hit->GetTrackIndex();
00378         emcTruth.partId = hit->GetPartId();
00379         emcTruth.numTheta = hit->GetNumThetaCrystal();
00380         emcTruth.numPhi = hit->GetNumPhiCrystal();
00381         emcTruth.posX = hit->GetPosCrystal().x();
00382         emcTruth.posY = hit->GetPosCrystal().y();
00383         emcTruth.posZ = hit->GetPosCrystal().z();
00384         emcTruth.px = hit->GetMomentum().x();
00385         emcTruth.py = hit->GetMomentum().y();
00386         emcTruth.pz = hit->GetMomentum().z();
00387         emcTruth.totalEdep = hit->GetEdepCrystal();
00389         asciiEvt.emcTruth.truthCol.push_back(emcTruth);
00390       }
00391     }
00392   }
00393   asciiEvt.emcTruth.nTruth=asciiEvt.emcTruth.truthCol.size();
00394 }
00396 void BesAsciiIO::SaveMucTruth(EVENT& asciiEvt)
00397 {
00398   G4int HCID = -1;
00399   HCID = m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollectionID("BesMucHitsList");
00400   if(HCID>0)
00401   {
00402     BesMucHitsCollection* HC = 0;
00403     HC = (BesMucHitsCollection*) (m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollection(HCID));
00404     G4int n_hit = HC->entries();
00405     if(n_hit>0)
00406     {
00407       //arrange hits in hits collection in order of trackIndex
00408       BesMucHit* hit;
00409       vector<BesMucHit*>* vecHC = HC->GetVector();
00410       for(int i=0;i<n_hit-1;i++)
00411         for(int j=i+1;j<n_hit;j++)
00412           if((*vecHC)[i]->GetTrackIndex()>(*vecHC)[j]->GetTrackIndex())
00413           {
00414             hit = (*vecHC)[i];
00415             (*vecHC)[i] = (*vecHC)[j];
00416             (*vecHC)[j] = hit;
00417           }
00419       for(G4int i=0;i<n_hit;i++)
00420       {
00421         hit = (*HC)[i];
00422         MucTruthType mucTruth;
00423         mucTruth.trackIndex = hit->GetTrackIndex();
00424         mucTruth.partId = hit->GetPart();
00425         mucTruth.segId = hit->GetSeg();
00426         mucTruth.gapId = hit->GetGap();
00427         mucTruth.stripId = hit->GetStrip();
00428         mucTruth.posX = hit->GetPos().x();
00429         mucTruth.posY = hit->GetPos().y();
00430         mucTruth.posZ = hit->GetPos().z();
00431         mucTruth.px = hit->GetMomentum().x();
00432         mucTruth.py = hit->GetMomentum().y();
00433         mucTruth.pz = hit->GetMomentum().z();
00434         asciiEvt.mucTruth.truthCol.push_back(mucTruth);
00435       }
00436     }
00437   } 
00438   asciiEvt.mucTruth.nTruth=asciiEvt.mucTruth.truthCol.size();
00439 }
00441 void BesAsciiIO::SaveMdcDigits(EVENT& asciiEvt)
00442 {
00443   G4int mdcDigiCollID = -1;
00444   mdcDigiCollID = m_DigiMan->GetDigiCollectionID("BesMdcDigisCollection");
00445   if(mdcDigiCollID>=0){
00446     BesMdcDigisCollection* mdcDC = (BesMdcDigisCollection*)m_DigiMan->GetDigiCollection(mdcDigiCollID);
00447     G4int nDigi = mdcDC->entries();
00448     if(nDigi>0)
00449     {
00450       BesMdcDigi* mdcDigi;
00451       for(int i=0;i<nDigi;i++)
00452       {
00453         MdcDigiType mdcData;
00454         mdcDigi=(*mdcDC)[i];
00455         mdcData.trackIndex    = mdcDigi->GetTrackID();
00456         mdcData.layerNo       = mdcDigi->GetLayerNo();
00457         mdcData.cellNo        = mdcDigi->GetCellNo();
00458         mdcData.energyDeposit = mdcDigi->GetEdep();
00459         mdcData.driftTime     = mdcDigi->GetDriftT();
00460         asciiEvt.mdcDigi.digiCol.push_back(mdcData);
00461       }
00462     }
00463   }
00464   asciiEvt.mdcDigi.nDigi=asciiEvt.mdcDigi.digiCol.size();
00465 }
00468 void BesAsciiIO::SaveTofDigits(EVENT& asciiEvt)
00469 {
00471   G4int tofDigiCollID = -1;
00472   tofDigiCollID = m_DigiMan->GetDigiCollectionID("BesTofDigitsCollection");
00474   if(tofDigiCollID>=0)
00475   {
00476     BesTofDigitsCollection* tofDC = (BesTofDigitsCollection*)m_DigiMan->GetDigiCollection(tofDigiCollID);
00477     G4int nDigi = tofDC->entries();
00478     if(nDigi>0)
00479     {
00480       //arrange digis in digitsCollection in order of trackIndex
00481       BesTofDigi* digi;
00482       vector<BesTofDigi*>* vecDC = tofDC->GetVector();
00483       for(int i=0;i<nDigi-1;i++)
00484        for(int j=i+1;j<nDigi;j++)
00485          if((*vecDC)[i]->GetTrackIndex()>(*vecDC)[j]->GetTrackIndex())
00486          {
00487            digi = (*vecDC)[i];
00488            (*vecDC)[i] = (*vecDC)[j];
00489            (*vecDC)[j] = digi;
00490          }
00492       for(int i=0;i<nDigi;i++)
00493       {
00494         TofDigiType tofData;
00495         digi = (*tofDC)[i];
00496         tofData.trackIndex = digi->GetTrackIndex();
00497         tofData.partId = digi->GetPartId();
00498         tofData.scinNb = digi->GetScinNb();
00499         tofData.forwADC = digi->GetForwADC();
00500         tofData.forwTDC = digi->GetForwTDC();
00501         tofData.backADC = digi->GetBackADC();
00502         tofData.backTDC = digi->GetBackTDC();
00504         asciiEvt.tofDigi.digiCol.push_back(tofData);
00505       }
00506     }
00507   }
00508   asciiEvt.tofDigi.nDigi=asciiEvt.tofDigi.digiCol.size();
00509 }  
00511 void BesAsciiIO::SaveEmcDigits(EVENT& asciiEvt)
00512 {
00513   G4int emcDigiCollID = -1;
00514   emcDigiCollID = m_DigiMan->GetDigiCollectionID("BesEmcDigitsCollection");
00515   if(emcDigiCollID>=0)
00516   {
00517     BesEmcDigitsCollection* emcDC = (BesEmcDigitsCollection*)m_DigiMan->GetDigiCollection(emcDigiCollID);
00518     G4int nDigi = emcDC->entries();
00519     if(nDigi>0)
00520     {
00521       //arrange digis in digitsCollection in order of trackIndex
00522       BesEmcDigi* digi;
00523       vector<BesEmcDigi*>* vecDC = emcDC->GetVector();
00524       for(int i=0;i<nDigi-1;i++)
00525        for(int j=i+1;j<nDigi;j++)
00526          if((*vecDC)[i]->GetTrackIndex()>(*vecDC)[j]->GetTrackIndex())
00527          {
00528            digi = (*vecDC)[i];
00529            (*vecDC)[i] = (*vecDC)[j];
00530            (*vecDC)[j] = digi;
00531          }
00532       for(int i=0;i<nDigi;i++)
00533       {
00534         EmcDigiType emcData;
00535         digi = (*emcDC)[i];
00536         emcData.trackIndex = digi->GetTrackIndex();
00537         emcData.partId = digi->GetPartId();
00538         emcData.numTheta = digi->GetThetaNb();
00539         emcData.numPhi = digi->GetPhiNb();
00540         emcData.energyDeposit = digi->GetEnergy();
00541         emcData.hitTime = (G4double)digi->GetTime();
00542         asciiEvt.emcDigi.digiCol.push_back(emcData);
00543       }
00544     }
00545   }
00546   asciiEvt.emcDigi.nDigi=asciiEvt.emcDigi.digiCol.size();
00547 }
00549 void BesAsciiIO::SaveMucDigits(EVENT& asciiEvt)
00550 {
00551   G4int mucDigiCollID =-1;
00552   mucDigiCollID = m_DigiMan->GetDigiCollectionID("BesMucDigisCollection");
00553   if(mucDigiCollID>=0)
00554   {
00555     BesMucDigisCollection* mucDC = (BesMucDigisCollection*)m_DigiMan->GetDigiCollection(mucDigiCollID);
00556     G4int nDigi = mucDC->entries();
00557     if(nDigi > 0) {
00558       BesMucDigi* mucDigi;
00559       for(int i = 0; i < nDigi; i++)
00560       {
00561         MucDigiType mucData;
00562         mucDigi = (*mucDC)[i];
00563         mucData.trackIndex = mucDigi->GetTrackIndex();
00564         mucData.partNo  = mucDigi->GetPartId();
00565         mucData.segNo   = mucDigi->GetSegId();
00566         mucData.gapNo   = mucDigi->GetGapId();
00567         mucData.stripNo = mucDigi->GetStripId();
00569         asciiEvt.mucDigi.digiCol.push_back(mucData);
00570       }
00571     }
00572   }
00573   asciiEvt.mucDigi.nDigi=asciiEvt.mucDigi.digiCol.size();
00574 }  
00576 //Below used when output hits not digis
00577 void BesAsciiIO::SaveHitAsciiEvents(G4int runId, const G4Event* evt){
00578   HitEVENT asciiEvt;
00580   asciiEvt.set_initialized();
00581   asciiEvt.header.set_initialized();
00582   asciiEvt.header.eventNo=evt->GetEventID();
00583   asciiEvt.header.runNo= runId;
00584   asciiEvt.decayMode.set_initialized();
00585   SaveDecayMode(asciiEvt);
00587   asciiEvt.trackTruth.set_initialized();
00588   asciiEvt.vertexTruth.set_initialized();
00589   SaveTrackTruth(asciiEvt);
00590   SaveVertexTruth(asciiEvt);
00592   if(m_mdcTruFlag)
00593   {
00594     asciiEvt.mdcTruth.set_initialized();
00595     SaveMdcTruth(asciiEvt);
00596   }
00598   if(m_mdcDigiFlag)
00599   {
00600     asciiEvt.mdcHit.set_initialized();
00601     SaveMdcHits(asciiEvt);
00602   }  
00603   /*
00604   if(m_tofTruFlag)
00605   {
00606     asciiEvt.tofTruth.set_initialized();
00607     SaveTofTruth(asciiEvt);
00608   }
00610   if(m_tofDigiFlag)
00611   {
00612     asciiEvt.tofHit.set_initialized();
00613     SaveTofHits(asciiEvt);
00614   }
00616   if(m_emcTruFlag)
00617   {
00618     asciiEvt.emcTruth.set_initialized();
00619     SaveEmcTruth(asciiEvt);
00620   }
00622   if(m_emcDigiFlag)
00623   {
00624     asciiEvt.emcHit.set_initialized();
00625     SaveEmcHits(asciiEvt);
00626   }
00628   if(m_mucTruFlag)
00629   {
00630     asciiEvt.mucTruth.set_initialized();
00631     SaveMucTruth(asciiEvt);
00632   }   
00634   if(m_mucDigiFlag)
00635   {
00636     asciiEvt.mucHit.set_initialized();
00637     SaveMucHits(asciiEvt);
00638   }
00639   */
00640   ofstream os;
00641   if(evt->GetEventID()==0){
00642     os.open(m_asciiFile);
00643     FRMTVERSION  version;
00644     version.set_initialized();
00645     version.major = 1;
00646     version.minor = 0;
00647     os << version;
00648   }
00649   else
00650     os.open(m_asciiFile,ios::out|ios::app);
00652   try {
00653       os << asciiEvt;
00654   }catch (AsciiWrongTag& ex) {
00655     std::cerr << "wrong tag, got " << ex.got()
00656               << " expected: " << ex.expected()
00657               << std::endl;
00658   } catch (AsciiDumpException& ) {
00659       std::cerr << "AsciiDumpException was caught!" << std::endl;
00660   }
00662   os.close();
00663 }
00665 void BesAsciiIO::SaveDecayMode(HitEVENT& asciiEvt)
00666 {
00667   asciiEvt.decayMode.size=10;
00668   //interface to event data service
00669   ISvcLocator* svcLocator = Gaudi::svcLocator();
00670   IDataProviderSvc* evtSvc;
00671   StatusCode sc=svcLocator->service("EventDataSvc", evtSvc);
00672   if (sc.isFailure())
00673     G4cout<<"Could not accesss EventDataSvc!"<<G4endl;
00675   SmartDataPtr<DecayMode> decayMode(evtSvc,"/Event/MC/DecayMode");
00676   if(!decayMode)
00677   {
00678     for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
00679       asciiEvt.decayMode.data[i]=0;
00680   }
00681   else
00682   {
00683     int dm[10]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
00684     decayMode->getData(dm,10);
00685     for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
00686       asciiEvt.decayMode.data[i]=dm[i];
00687   }
00688 } 
00690 void BesAsciiIO::SaveTrackTruth(HitEVENT& asciiEvt)
00691 {
00693   BesSensitiveManager* sensitiveManager = BesSensitiveManager::GetSensitiveManager();
00695   vector<BesTruthTrack*>* trackList =  sensitiveManager->GetTrackList();
00697   //arrange TruthTrack in trackList in order of trackIndex
00698   G4int nTrack = trackList->size();
00699   BesTruthTrack* track;
00700   for(int i=0;i<nTrack-1;i++)
00701     for(int j=i+1;j<nTrack;j++)
00702       if((*trackList)[i]->GetIndex()>(*trackList)[j]->GetIndex())
00703       {
00704         track=(*trackList)[i];
00705         (*trackList)[i]=(*trackList)[j];
00706         (*trackList)[j]=track;
00707       }
00709   for(int i=0;i<nTrack;i++)
00710   {
00711     TrackTruthType trackTruth;
00712     track = (*(sensitiveManager->GetTrackList())) [i];
00713     trackTruth.trackIndex = track->GetIndex();
00714     trackTruth.PDGCode = track->GetPDGCode();
00715     trackTruth.PDGCharge = track->GetPDGCharge();
00716     trackTruth.v0Index = track->GetVertex()->GetIndex();
00717     if( track->GetTerminalVertex() )
00718       trackTruth.v1Index = track->GetTerminalVertex()->GetIndex();
00719     else
00720       trackTruth.v1Index = -99;
00721     trackTruth.px = track->GetP4().x();
00722     trackTruth.py = track->GetP4().y();
00723     trackTruth.pz = track->GetP4().z();
00724     trackTruth.E = track->GetP4().t();
00726     G4int size = track->GetDaughterIndexes().size();
00727     if(size>0)
00728     { 
00729       trackTruth.minDaughterIndex = (track->GetDaughterIndexes())[0];
00730       trackTruth.maxDaughterIndex = (track->GetDaughterIndexes())[size-1];
00731     }
00732     else 
00733     {
00734       trackTruth.minDaughterIndex = -99;
00735       trackTruth.maxDaughterIndex = -99;
00736     }
00739     asciiEvt.trackTruth.truthCol.push_back(trackTruth);
00740   }
00742   asciiEvt.trackTruth.nTruth=asciiEvt.trackTruth.truthCol.size();
00743 }
00745 void BesAsciiIO::SaveVertexTruth(HitEVENT& asciiEvt)
00746 {
00747   BesSensitiveManager* sensitiveManager = BesSensitiveManager::GetSensitiveManager();
00749   vector<BesTruthVertex*>* vertexList =  sensitiveManager->GetVertexList();
00751   G4int nVertex = vertexList->size();
00752   BesTruthVertex* vertex;
00753   for(int i=0;i<nVertex;i++)
00754   {
00755     VertexTruthType vertexTruth;
00756     vertex = (*vertexList) [i];
00757     vertexTruth.vertexIndex = vertex->GetIndex();
00758     if(vertex->GetParentTrack())
00759       vertexTruth.parentTrackIndex = vertex->GetParentTrack()->GetIndex();
00760     else
00761       vertexTruth.parentTrackIndex = -99;
00763     vertexTruth.posX = vertex->GetPosition().x();
00764     vertexTruth.posY = vertex->GetPosition().y();
00765     vertexTruth.posZ = vertex->GetPosition().z();
00766     vertexTruth.time = vertex->GetTime();
00767     asciiEvt.vertexTruth.truthCol.push_back(vertexTruth);
00768   }
00769   asciiEvt.vertexTruth.nTruth = asciiEvt.vertexTruth.truthCol.size();
00770 }
00772 void BesAsciiIO::SaveMdcTruth(HitEVENT& asciiEvt)
00773 {
00774   G4int HCID = -1;
00775   HCID = m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollectionID("BesMdcTruthCollection");
00776   if(HCID>0)
00777   {
00778     BesMdcHitsCollection* HC = 0;
00779     HC = (BesMdcHitsCollection*) (m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollection(HCID));
00780     G4int n_hit = HC->entries();
00781     if(n_hit>0)
00782     {
00783       //arrange hits in hits collection in order of trackIndex
00784       BesMdcHit* hit;
00785       vector<BesMdcHit*>* vecHC = HC->GetVector();
00786       for(int i=0;i<n_hit-1;i++)
00787        for(int j=i+1;j<n_hit;j++)
00788          if((*vecHC)[i]->GetTrackID()>(*vecHC)[j]->GetTrackID())
00789          {
00790            hit = (*vecHC)[i];
00791            (*vecHC)[i] = (*vecHC)[j];
00792            (*vecHC)[j] = hit;
00793          }
00795       for(G4int i=0;i<n_hit;i++)
00796       {
00797         hit = (*HC)[i];
00798         MdcTruthType  mdcTruth;
00799         mdcTruth.trackIndex = hit->GetTrackID();
00800         mdcTruth.layerNo    = hit->GetLayerNo();
00801         mdcTruth.cellNo     = hit->GetCellNo();
00802         mdcTruth.edep       = hit->GetEdep();
00803         mdcTruth.driftD     = hit->GetDriftD();
00804         mdcTruth.posX       = hit->GetPos().x();
00805         mdcTruth.posY       = hit->GetPos().y();
00806         mdcTruth.posZ       = hit->GetPos().z();
00807         mdcTruth.posFlag    = hit->GetPosFlag();
00809         asciiEvt.mdcTruth.truthCol.push_back(mdcTruth);
00810       }
00811     }
00812   }
00813   asciiEvt.mdcTruth.nTruth = asciiEvt.mdcTruth.truthCol.size();
00814 }
00816 void BesAsciiIO::SaveMdcHits(HitEVENT& asciiEvt)
00817 {
00818   G4int mdcHitCollID = -1;
00819   mdcHitCollID = m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollectionID("BesMdcHitsCollection");
00820   if(mdcHitCollID>=0)
00821   {
00822     BesMdcHitsCollection* mdcDC = (BesMdcHitsCollection*)m_DigiMan->GetHitsCollection(mdcHitCollID);
00823     G4int nHit = mdcDC->entries();
00824     if(nHit>0)
00825     {
00826       BesMdcHit* mdcHit;
00827       for(int i=0;i<nHit;i++)
00828       {
00829         MdcHitType mdcData;
00830         mdcHit=(*mdcDC)[i];
00831         mdcData.trackIndex    = mdcHit->GetTrackID();
00832         mdcData.layerNo       = mdcHit->GetLayerNo();
00833         mdcData.cellNo        = mdcHit->GetCellNo();
00834         mdcData.posX          = mdcHit->GetPos().x();
00835         mdcData.posY          = mdcHit->GetPos().y();
00836         mdcData.posZ          = mdcHit->GetPos().z();
00837         mdcData.energyDeposit = mdcHit->GetEdep();
00838         mdcData.driftDistance = mdcHit->GetDriftD();
00839         mdcData.globalT       = mdcHit->GetGlobalT();
00840         mdcData.theta         = mdcHit->GetTheta();
00841         mdcData.enterAngle    = mdcHit->GetEnterAngle();
00842         mdcData.posFlag       = mdcHit->GetPosFlag();
00844         asciiEvt.mdcHit.hitCol.push_back(mdcData);
00845       }
00846     }
00847   }
00848   asciiEvt.mdcHit.nHit=asciiEvt.mdcHit.hitCol.size();
00849 }

Generated on Tue Nov 29 23:14:23 2016 for BOSS_7.0.2 by  doxygen 1.4.7