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xmlBase::IFile_Section Member List

This is the complete list of members for xmlBase::IFile_Section, including all inherited members.

contains(std::string name)xmlBase::IFile_Section [inline, private]
contains(std::string name)xmlBase::IFile_Section [inline, private]
IFile classxmlBase::IFile_Section [friend]
IFile_Section()xmlBase::IFile_Section [inline]
IFile_Section(std::string name)xmlBase::IFile_Section [inline]
IFile_Section()xmlBase::IFile_Section [inline]
IFile_Section(std::string name)xmlBase::IFile_Section [inline]
lookUp(std::string name)xmlBase::IFile_Section [inline, private]
lookUp(std::string name)xmlBase::IFile_Section [inline, private]
sectionnamexmlBase::IFile_Section [private]
title()xmlBase::IFile_Section [inline]
title()xmlBase::IFile_Section [inline]

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