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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 // File and Version Information:
00003 //      $Id: TrkRecoTrk.h,v 1.4 2008/04/01 03:13:19 zhangy Exp $
00004 //
00005 // Description:
00006 //      This is the standard reconstructed charged track class.  Only a few
00007 //   functions, describing the track as a whole, are in this interface.
00008 //   The remainder of the information can be obtained through one of the
00009 //   four interfaces available here (TrkFit, TrkFitStatus, TrkHitList,
00010 //   TrkExtInterface -- see comments below for details).
00011 //   The interface you get will be for a particular mass hypothesis (if
00012 //   leave out the particle-type argument, you will get the interface for
00013 //   the default type for that track).  Some interfaces may not be available
00014 //   for some tracks: some kinds of tracks don't have hit lists, for example,
00015 //   and sometimes fits fail for some hypotheses.  In such cases, you get
00016 //   a null pointer returned to you -- so test it.
00017 //   All hypotheses should have the same kind of internal representation
00018 //   A single fit may represent more than one particle
00019 //   type; whichFit(hypo) tells you which fit is actually being used when
00020 //   you ask about "hypo".
00021 //
00022 // Track creation:
00023 //   Only FitMaker objects are allowed to create tracks, and only they can
00024 //   change the TrkRep inside an existing track.  The RecoTrk ctor permits
00025 //   tracks to be created without Reps, but FitMakers are required (by
00026 //   fiat, not by syntax) to install a Rep in a track before finishing
00027 //   with it.
00028 //
00029 // Environment:
00030 //      Software developed for the BaBar Detector at the SLAC B-Factory.
00031 //
00032 // Author List:
00033 //      Steve Schaffner
00034 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
00035 #ifndef TRKRECOTRK_HH
00036 #define TRKRECOTRK_HH
00038 #include <map>
00039 #include <set>
00040 #include <iosfwd>
00041 #include <functional>
00042 #include "TrkBase/TrkId.h"
00043 //#include "GaudiKernel/ObjectVector.h"
00044 //#include "GaudiKernel/ContainedObject.h"
00045 #include "MdcRecoUtil/PdtPid.h"
00046 #include "TrkBase/TrkDirection.h"
00047 #include "TrkBase/TrkHitList.h"
00048 #include "TrkBase/TrkStoreHypo.h"
00049 #include "TrkBase/TrkFit.h"
00050 #include "TrkBase/TrkFitStatus.h"
00051 //yzhang for store to TDS
00052 #include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcTrack.h"
00053 #include "MdcRecEvent/RecMdcHit.h"
00054 //zhangy 
00056 class TrkRep;
00057 class TrkRepIter;
00058 class TrkContext;
00059 class TrkFundHit;
00060 class TrkExchangePar;
00061 class TrkVolume;
00062 class TrkFit;
00063 class TrkExtInterface;
00064 class TrkFitStatus;
00065 class TrkErrCode;
00066 class BField;
00067 class TrkIdManager;
00068 class TrkRecoTrkImpl;
00070 //class TrkRecoTrk : public ContainedObject {//yzhang
00071 class TrkRecoTrk {
00072 public:
00073   typedef std::unary_function<TrkRecoTrk,bool> predicate_type;
00074   //*********************************
00075   //Global track quantities:
00076   //*********************************
00077   const TrkId&      id()                            const;
00078   PdtPid::PidType   defaultType()                   const {return _defaultType;}
00079   PdtPid::PidType   whichFit(PdtPid::PidType hypo)  const;
00080   int               fitNumber(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const;
00081   double            trackT0()                       const;
00082   const BField&     bField()                        const {return *_bField;}
00084   TrkErrCode        addFit(PdtPid::PidType hypo,bool fit=true);  // also fits if requested
00085   // Note: resetT0() requires refit to make fit current
00086   void              resetT0(double time);         // also updates hits
00088   //**********************************************************
00089   // To get information about the track as fitted to a particular mass
00090   //   hypothesis, use one of the following interfaces.  In each case,
00091   //   you can either specify a hypothesis, or omit the argument and get the
00092   //   default hypothesis for this track.
00093   //**********************************************************
00095   //**********************************************************
00096   // (1) Standard information about the fitted track (momentum, position,
00097   //   charge, chisq etc).
00098   //**********************************************************
00099   const TrkFit* fitResult() const;
00100   const TrkFit* fitResult(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const;
00103   //**********************************************************
00104   // (2) Interface for accessing and manipulating the track's list of hits,
00105   //  and for fitting the track.
00106   //**********************************************************
00107         TrkHitList*   hits()                      {return hits(defaultType());}
00108   const TrkHitList*   hits() const                {return hits(defaultType());}
00109         TrkHitList*   hits(PdtPid::PidType hypo);
00110   const TrkHitList*   hits(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const;
00112   // same for hots.  This is more direct
00113         TrkHotList*   hots()                      {return hots(defaultType());}
00114   const TrkHotList*   hots() const                {return hots(defaultType());}
00115         TrkHotList*   hots(PdtPid::PidType hypo);
00116   const TrkHotList*   hots(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const;
00120   //**********************************************************
00121   // (3) Specialized information about the fit; of interest mostly to experts
00122   //**********************************************************
00123   const TrkFitStatus* status() const;
00124   const TrkFitStatus* status(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const;
00125   TrkFitStatus* status();
00126   TrkFitStatus* status(PdtPid::PidType hypo);
00129   //********************************************************
00130   // Attach an extended interface for a specific track representation; returns
00131   //    false if this track doesn't have the right kind of TrkRep in it.
00132   //********************************************************
00133   bool attach(TrkExtInterface&, PdtPid::PidType hypo);
00134   bool attach(TrkExtInterface&, PdtPid::PidType hypo) const;
00137   //**************************************************
00138   // Constructors and such (normal ctor is protected)
00139   //**************************************************
00140   // Copy constructor (leaves original unchanged):
00141   TrkRecoTrk(const TrkRecoTrk& right);
00142   // Destructor
00143   virtual ~TrkRecoTrk();
00144   const TrkRecoTrk& operator=(const TrkRecoTrk& right);
00145   bool operator==(const TrkRecoTrk &other) const;
00146   bool operator<(const TrkRecoTrk &other) const;
00148   //**********************************************************
00149   // Printing
00150   //**********************************************************
00151   virtual void        print(std::ostream& ) const;
00152   virtual void        printAll(std::ostream& ) const;
00153   //**********************************************************
00154   // Persistence
00155   //**********************************************************
00156   // Mark a particular hypo at a particular flight length for storage.
00157   // This only works for the mini.  Several 'lists' of storage requests
00158   // may be associated with each track
00159   void markForStore(PdtPid::PidType hypo,double fltlen,const char* listname="Default");
00160   const std::set<TrkStoreHypo>& storageRequests(const char* listname="Default") const;
00161   // clear out all marked stores
00162   void clearStorageRequests(const char* listname="Default");
00163   // return the set of fit storage lists known to this track
00164   void storageLists(std::set<std::string>& storage) const;
00165   //protected: //yzhang debug
00166   //  TrkRep* getRep(PdtPid::PidType hypo);
00167   //    const TrkRep* getRep(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const;
00169 private:
00170   //*** Data members ***
00171   TrkRecoTrkImpl* _impl; // the reps live here; owned by trk; 
00172                          // the reason they're stashed away in this class
00173                          // is because (for #($*)( reasons) ooddlx must
00174                          // parse code which needs to know that TrkRecoTrk
00175                          // inherits from AbsEvtObj -- but ooddlx cannot
00176                          // deal with somewhat complex ANSI C++ constructions
00177                          // (e.g. namespaces). Stashing the reps into 
00178                          // TrkRecoTrkImpl, which can be fwd declared as we
00179                          // only use a pointer to it insures that ooddlx 
00180                          // doesn't get 'confused' by real ANSI C++...
00181   TrkId _id;                                // unique id # in event
00182   std::vector<int> _fitNumber;   //number of times fit has been altered
00183   // keep track of the storage requests, by list.  This is sorted first by hypo, then
00184   // by flightlength.
00185   std::map<std::string,std::set<TrkStoreHypo> > _storage;
00186   PdtPid::PidType _defaultType;
00187   double _trackT0;
00188   const BField* _bField;
00189 protected: 
00190   TrkRep* getRep(PdtPid::PidType hypo);
00191   const TrkRep* getRep(PdtPid::PidType hypo) const;
00192   // protected functio
00193   void copyReps(const TrkRecoTrk& rhs);
00194   // The following takes ownership of the argument; it replaces the default Rep
00195   //    and zeroes others.
00196   void setRep(TrkRep*);
00197   // Make hypothesis <hypo> use fit currently used for hypo <fit>:
00198   void repointHypo(PdtPid::PidType hypo, PdtPid::PidType fit);
00199   void changeDefault(PdtPid::PidType newHypo);
00201   // return the list of unique distinct Reps attached to this track
00202   std::pair<TrkRepIter,TrkRepIter> uniqueReps() const;
00203   // return the list of the 5 reps this track is pointing at
00204   std::pair<TrkRepIter,TrkRepIter> allReps() const;
00205   void setFitNumber(PdtPid::PidType hypo, int newNumber);
00206   void updateReps();
00207   // addHypoTo takes ownership of newRep!
00208   void addHypoTo(TrkRep* newRep, PdtPid::PidType hypo);
00209   // a couple of lame functions to limp past inconsistencies between the persistent
00210   // design and the tracking design.  Ugh
00211   void setIdManager(TrkIdManager* idMan);
00212   void setBField(const BField* field);
00213   // Constructors are protected (construct through FitMaker)
00214   TrkRecoTrk(PdtPid::PidType defaultPart, const TrkContext&, double t0);
00215   // persistence constructor.  BField and IdManager must be set later
00216   TrkRecoTrk(PdtPid::PidType defaultPart,long idnum,double t0);
00217 public:
00218   // Access to TrkRep, for testing only; use it at your peril
00219   const TrkRep* testRep( PdtPid::PidType hypo ) const { return getRep(hypo);}
00220   friend class TrkFitMaker;
00221   friend class TrkHitOnTrk;
00222   friend class TrkHitList;
00223   friend class KalMiniTrkK;
00224   friend class TrkKalMiniCompositeK;
00225 };
00227 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TrkRecoTrk& tk);
00229 //typedef ObjectVector<TrkRecoTrk> TrkRecoTrkCol;
00231 #endif

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