%%% BibTeX

 author        = "Emmanuel Rollinde and David Maurin and Elisabeth Vangioni and Keith A. Olive and Susumu Inoue",
 title         = "Cosmic Ray production of Beryllium and Boron at high redshift",
 year          = "2007",
 eprint        = "0707.2086",
 archivePrefix = "arXiv",
 primaryClass  = "astro-ph",

@Article{0707.2086, crossref = "Rollinde:2007hs"}

@Article{astro-ph/0707.2086, crossref = "Rollinde:2007hs"}

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%%% bibitem

Emmanuel Rollinde, David Maurin, Elisabeth Vangioni, Keith A. Olive, Susumu Inoue,
%``Cosmic Ray production of Beryllium and Boron at high redshift'',
arXiv:0707.2086 [astro-ph].